Dormer Academy

*Mac didn't turn around to talk to Faye or Vash but he did speak directly into their minds so not to upset Liza anymore then she was already. You two meet me in Faith's office in one hour, if you wish to discuss this more, at the moment I'm concern about my 5 year old daughter he just spent to much energy trying to revive Riff and is crying in my arms because she couldn't help him. If you wish to register a complaint against me you will have your chance. I would suggest you turn to each other and deal with your lost right now because yelling isn't doing anyone any good. *He never stopped walking never showed any emotion on his face until he reached the hall to his quarters and saw Alex standing there waiting, he walked passed him and inside as Alex looked down at the floor at first when Sheena spoke to him.* Did you recover your missing asset? *Alex's head popped up and nodded yes* Is he in tact? *Alex shrugged his shoulders at first but then nodded at him.* Fine I'll expect to read your debrief by morning. Come along Nickie let those two talk in private, I'll make you and Liza a snack while we wait on Faith.

*Alex stood there after Mac passed then he looked up at Sheena.* I'm back because I was able to complete my objective, I found him, it took me months of monitoring obscure camera feeds, rumors and false leads but I found him. *He looks away from her.* I know you think I abandon you but I had to go Sheena, I had to bring him back, so I'm sorry if me leaving hurt you but I'm not sorry for doing my job and recovering my friend. I''ll understand if you're to mad to forgive me but I'm hoping you would think about what you would do if you were in my place. Anyway things seem tense so I'll let you join your family, maybe later we can talk more.
Faye glared after Macal, not bothering to respond audibly as he was already gone. Did he not realise that she just helped to try and heal Riff too? Did he not understand that she felt like she could faint at any moment because she had been putting in as much as Liza had and that she was crying too?

Then again, she supposed it was because he didn't care. It made sense after all. Liza was his daughter. Faye was just an annoying hybrid who kept getting in the way. It all kept piling up. Before Myra had gone, Faye had known she was different, known she didn't belong in either of her races, but she dealt with it then, she dealt with it by being vicious and temperamental. If someone said something horrible to the old Faye, she would have just lashed out at them with her fire and let them get burnt. But since Myra's death everything just seemed to be getting worse and worse, piling on top of her until she felt like she could barely breathe. She thought that when she saw the familiar faces of the Cords', Mel, Riff, Vash and Chameleon, along with some other Fighting Academy members that maybe things were looking up. But no. She just felt like her and Raina showing up here made things worse; it was obvious the Cords' had gotten over their want for a new daughter. But then again, that was always Raina wasn't it? They wanted to fix Raina, to help her learn how to love again. They never wanted Faye.

Lil was right. Her parents were right. The attackers were right. Kol was right. No-one wants a unstable half-breed who can become jealous of a five year to the point of having a mental break down.

She had to mentally shake herself then, remembering she was not alone right now, she could not start crying again and she certainly couldn't let herself break in front of Vash. She glanced to him, expression unreadable but her tone soft and quiet, "I...I'm sorry about Riff, Vash. I...If, if you need to cry, go ahead. Or if you need to yell and shout then you should do that too. It's good to get these emotions out before they get locked away."
Faith did follow the students back in the direction of Riff's body, at least where she had last seen it, and frowns as she comes upon the spot, seeing that the body is already gone. Into Macal's thoughts, she asks again, "You already took the body? Where is it, Mel's here now and I'm sure she'll want to know."

Seeing that Macal, Liza, Nickkie, and Sheena are gone and that Vash and Faye are nearby looking rather upset, she goes up to them, laying a hand on both their shoulders. "I'm really sorry, guys. Tell me what I can do to help."

As Macal carries her inside their quarters, gesturing for Nickkie to come inside too, Liza is still clinging to his neck, not wanting him to put her down. She slips her fingers in her mouth as she twists her head to look back at Alex and Sheena until she can't see them anymore.

"Sheena is mad and Alex is sad," she announces. "I wanna have better powers, Daddy. I wanna heal people from being sad too. Can I heal Alex? And Faye and Mel and Vash?"

Sheena did not move closer to Alex, nor did she soften her expression. Arms crossed over her chest, she said flatly, "Months? Alex, you were gone about four hours. Maybe. If I'm generous with the time. I don't think you did anything but blow off steam and then come back. So are you saying your buddy Akira, the one you fled a crisis to go after, didn't come back with you? Meaning you made the wrong decision, just like I said? Meaning a guy who didn't care enough about you to come back with you means more to you than any of the rest of us here?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_cyborg_108.jpg.8a05fb1c502be667af2bf499ed7f89aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_cyborg_108.jpg.8a05fb1c502be667af2bf499ed7f89aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Mac is in the kitchen making snacks for Liza and Nickie when Faith comes into his mind, he continues doing what he's doing and takes the food to the girls and smiles at them both. While responding to Faith.* Yes, I didn't think it was proper for his body to be laying on the ground like that, or have more students happen to walk by and see it. so I had it moved to the infirmary, until arrangements can be made for it, either by his family or us.

*Alex eyes narrow at Sheena* Yes I've been looking for him for months and you don't know what the hell you're talking about, he didn't abandon anyone...He he can't remember us, he's lost his memory he was out there alone not knowing who he was...Just living on instinct, so yes I went to find him, it was my job and he's my friend and how dare you judge me about doing that, I seem to remember going to South America with you to kill that bastard that turned your sister..Your sister that turned out to be just as bad as him. Sheena I go above and beyond for you and your family when there is a cause you're ready to fight for I never question it I just do it I trust you that it's something that is important to you...Akira is important to me why can't you understand that? Besides you I don't have any friends except Mitsy and Akira, when Mitsy came back without him I stop my searched for her and focused on finding him.
Nickkie had looked back at Faye when she started yelling at Macal, part of her could understand what she was saying, that Vash should be allowed to get upset and yell and scream and rage if he wanted, but raging was the problem, wasn't it? With anger and emotions already running very high due to whatever was causing people to get angry, it probably wasn't a good idea for anyone to get angry and rage about things, even if it was something that the person needed at that moment. She closed her eyes and sighed, she wished that she could help, but at that moment Sheena took her hand, she looked up at her, slowly tilting her head, though she didn't pull her hand away.

Contact with others was nice, even if it was just someone taking her hand, or a quick hug, maybe this was why having people in your life was such a good thing. She could remember the short time with Kep when she really felt loved, that was a nice feeling, but then when it ended it was just so much worse. She looked up as they made it to the Cords' rooms and noticed the young man, she tilted her head as Sheena dropped her hand, and the reactions of those that saw him, then she was told to go inside, she looked up at Sheena, then followed Macal inside.

She looked around the room, holding Donnie to her chest, seeming a little unsure what to do, these rooms were nicer than the small room she had for herself, she could easily feel a sense of the rooms being a home and not just a set of rooms. She tilted her head as Liza started speaking and slowly looked at her. Healing people of their sadness? It could be done... it just took great understanding and time, but it was hard to do, it would be great if there was an easier and faster way to do it, but Nick didn't know of one. "Maybe... a hug the next time you see them will help." she said, it wouldn't help a lot, but it would most likely get a smile on their faces, even if it was a weak one.
"Hallsands. But contacting it might be a bit difficult," Mel says as Faith asked for information about her hometown. "No one lives there anymore. No one has for over nine years now. It's a bit . . . hard to get into." She leaves out the part of her killing off all its residents when she was child and how the place was now surrounded in a dome of black thorns and barbed wire. Her powers were a bit . . . unstable back then and she didn't feel like sharing her past with anyone. The fact that Lilith even knew about it frightened her. She didn't even tell Riff, Vash or even Cobra about it and she could've sworn she killed all the witnesses. Looking back at Faith briefly, she muttered a brief "Thanks" before acting like it ever happened.

As Chameleon and Raina began bickering, Mel was getting annoyed. The idiots didn't have to make a big deal about it. "All I'm saying is that you two bicker like some old married couple. Just @#$% and get it over with."


Vash smiled, relieved as Faye told him that Mel had won, and even got her on body back. The smile faded as though as Macal told him to calm down. Calm down? Riff was dead. How was he supposed to treat this like some business mishap? No matter how many corpse and murders he witnessed and participated in, which wasn't even that much to begin with, how could he still be calm when faced with death? In his opinion, the war god could only say that because it was some stranger who died. The demon felt better though as Faye defended him.

Then the war god left and Faye turned to him, asking if he needed to cry or anything. That was rather nice of her, but then again, he remembered her as being nice back at the old academy. "Thanks. But . . . I'm oddly relieved. It's weird, right? I . . . just can't cry right now. Plus, the big guy does have a point. It'd be best not to cause a scene with everything that's going on. I should probably find Mel now. Who knows what her condition's like."


As they entered school grounds, Mel spotted Vash with Faye. But where was Riff? "Vash!" she shouted, getting the demon's attention. "I'm sick of being treated like a sack of potatoes." She then pushed away from Leon and jumped toward Vash, who managed to catch her.

Vash smiled to see that Mel was back and relatively okay except for . . . "What happened to your leg?" "I broke it." "How?" "Trying to decapitate a skank."

The demon stared at her with a blank look before saying, "Okay, that does sound pretty cool. Did it work?" Mel smirked arrogantly. "Who the Hell do you think I am? Of course it did. Sent her head flying like ten feet."

As things got quiet again, Vash wanted to ask Mel about Riff but wasn't sure if he'd be stepping on a landmine by bringing the guy up. Still, Riff had been killed by Lil. Mel should know. But before he could say anything, Mel had strapped something around his neck. It was a sealing choker. Did she already fix his old one? When he opened his mouth to thank her, he was surprised to see Mel looking up at him with slightly teary eyes. This was the first time he'd seen such a face on her.

"I-it was Riff's. I found it on the forest floor. He . . . he doesn't need it anymore." Again with the crying girls, Vash didn't know exactly what to do. He tried to give her a hug but she immediately pushed him away, landing on her good leg. "Ew, Vash. Gross. I don't do hugs."

"Would you stop it with the mixed signals?! It's very confusing!" Vash would probably have been angrier but Mel had looked better, back to her typically composed self. "Get ready, Vash. Tomorrow we bury Riff back in England." She then turned to Faith. "So where's the body? I'd like to see him again. After I get my leg fixed up though."

She then faced Faye. "Look, Red. Riff didn't, couldn't, have many friends hanging out with me. So you're kind of the closest thing he had to one. At least that I know of, I have no idea what he's been doing the last few months to be honest. He could be Mr. Popular but I don't feel like tracking those people down. Anyway, what I mean to say is that if you feel like coming to England for a funeral, I'm not going to stop you."
Liza nods thoughtfully, her brow still furrowed as she considers what Nickkie has suggested. "Yes, hugs can help. I like to give hugs. But I don't think it will all the way help, I think it will just a little bit help. You gotta do all over help healing."

Still, she tests her theory by walking over to Nickkie and wrapping her arms around her, laying her head against the other little girl's during her hug. Pulling back finally, she announces, "I only feel a little bit better," before walking to sit down with her snack. "I need better powers still I think."

As Faith receives Macal's information, she relays it back to Mel. "Riff has been taken to the infirmary so his body can be taken care of. If you'd like to go there, I can take you or they can. But you need to be checked out yourself. Faye or Liza can heal you if the nurse isn't available, if you'd let them, but it might take them a little while to recover."

Turning to Faye, she asked her directly, "Faye, are you all right? I mean, I get that you're upset, that's an obvious one. But do you need time to rest or healing yourself, I know you were trying hard to heal him and that takes a lot out of people."

Sheena stares back at Alex without speaking for a few moments, still not trusting his word. Incredulously, she shook her head.

"Alex, it is no more than three or four hours since the last time I saw you. Don't tell me how you searched for months when you're here on the SAME DAY. Unless you time traveled somehow, it's not possible. Not to mention that him having amnesia just like Jirro and Izzy is just a little too convenient. Three people we know? Is HardTime infecting him too then? And you just let him go? Whatever. Just...whatever. I don't even care, okay? Kids died here today, kids are losing their minds, Jirro is gone and Izzy is going and everything is blowing up in our faces and you just leave because you don't have TIME for it or me when really I just hurt your pride or something and now you're making me pay for it. Maybe I don't have time for that, Alex. I'm here to try to help deal with something real."
(Woahh, Mel asking Faye was unexpected but really sweet :3 Only problem is that Raina would have to come too - as she won't let Faye go to another country without her - and I'm pretty sure Mel doesn't like Raina all that much xD And dammmnn, Sheena and Alex are about to hit the roof :P )

Faye does jump slightly as a hand is placed on her, but when she looks up to see it is just Faith she calms slightly and frowns at her words. Why was she saying sorry to Faye for? Riff wasn't her brother, he was Vash's and Mel's. Sure, she had liked Riff, had tried to be his friend, and was sad that he was gone, but he wasn't as close to her as he was Mel and Vash.

As the others showed up, Faye retreated to her thoughts once more, mulling over what Vash had said. She sort of understood; though she had cried at first, a lot. In fact, her first reaction to Kol snapping Myra's neck had been outright rage, lunging at her Father and pummeling him into dust, then once he was dead it had hit her and she had cried, a lot, then once she couldn't cry anymore she had become numb. And stayed numb.

She looked up then as Mel was speaking to her, and watched the girl silently as she spoke. Shock showed in her eyes as Mel finally got out what she was trying to say. Her? Go to Riff's funeral? She understood Mel's words as her own way of trying to ask if she'd come with them - she had been living with Raina's backwards way of asking for things for a while now after all - and the shock wasn't from not wanting to go, it was in fact the opposite. She would love to go, and she would hope that Riff would be happy that she was being allowed to come, but she was just shocked that Mel wanted her there, wouldn't she annoy Mel? She would have to try her best not to then. There was just one problem: Raina. There was no way Raina would let her go to England without her, and from what she had seen so far she knew that Mel didn't like Raina and well, Raina wasn't really fond of anyone except Faye and Liza anyway.

She gave Mel a small smile then, "I, I really want to, but would you let Raina come too?" She asks this with little hope anyway; it was probably hard enough for Mel to ask her, she was quite sure that the older girl wouldn't want Raina tagging along as well. "If she's a b*tch I promise I'll kick her ass myself."

Faye almost jumped once again - damn what was wrong with her? - when Faith's voice rung out again and she looked to the woman with startled eyes. She resisted the urge to wince when she was asked if she was 'all right'. No she wasn't, she was all wrong. But now was not the time for an in-depth discussion about her lack of sanity or poor mental health, and she merely gave Faith a small smile, "I'm fine. I can't rest anyway, my body for some reason doesn't understand what the heck sleep is, a curse and a blessing I guess, so sleeping is outta the question anyway."

Raina decided to speak up then, having being oddly silent since appearing with Faith and the others, "She doesn't need sleep, she needs blood, her legs are wobbling," Faye mentally cursed Raina for knowing her so well, "Do you keep any blood bags in the kitchen area or anything for the vamp students? If not then she just needs to stuff her face with tons of food." Another mental curse. Raina sure had learnt how to look after Faye in the past few months, a tingly warm feeling spread through Faye at that thought and she couldn't help but smile a little bit.


Chameleon had blushed a bright red when Mel very crudely suggested he and Raina um, have sex, together and 'get it over with' He stuttered lightly, lost for words, face still a bit red and it was at this point when Mel toppled out of his arms and ran to Vash. He was glad for the distraction, but apparently it wasn't over as he heard Raina's teasing voice, "What's wrong Leo? Your face is a bit red, you haven't caught a fever have you?" He glanced over to see the vampire smirking at him, a gleam in her eyes, "Uhh, no, no, of course not. It's probably just the temperature change from coming inside." Raina held back her desire to laugh at the ridiculous excuse and nodded, "Mhm," It was obvious she didn't believe him, but there was no way in hell Chameleon was admitting to anyone here that the reason Mel's statement had thrown him off was because he was a... virgin. Nuh-uh, not happening.

Raina stiffened slightly as Mel suggested Faye went to England with them, it wasn't just because she wasn't going to let Faye go to another country without her, but England was her home, it was where she was raised and lived for 10 years of her life; the 10 years she remembered well because she needed those good memories to block out the bad. When Faye asked if Raina could come too, the vampire wisely kept her mouth shut, it seemed Faye wanted to go, and Raina being rude about it wouldn't help her little sister in any way. She did however lower her head and smirk slightly as Faye promised to 'kick her ass' if she misbehaved.
"Faye, if you want to go with Mel and Vash, you're more than welcome to, and excused from here to go," Faith told her as the girl expressed some interest in this. "Raina too. We can arrange for you to leave as soon as possible."

Turning to regard Faye with continued concern, then turning to Raina as she more bluntly states her needs, Faith nods in response to her question. "There's blood in the infirmary she can have. Why don't we all head that way now and get all of this settled. We can arrange for you to leave as soon as the body is ready, and as soon as Faye has gotten enough blood in her to be rested."

(bleh post, sorry)
Mel crossed her arms and pulled a face as Faye mentioned Raina. If all this had happened before the black blood stabbed Vash, Mel would've been perfectly fine with her coming along. But it didn't. That eyesore of a leech attacked Vash like it was no big deal. She didn't want Raina coming to her hometown.

However, it would be nice if more than just two people came to Riff's funeral. And Mel had no idea who else he hung out with, if at all. "I only invited you to come, Red. I don't need too many prying eyes seeing where I come from. But what you decide to do with your plus ones has nothing to do with me." (In case it wasn't clear, Mel said that Raina and anyone Faye wants can come.)

Listening to how Faye needed some blood to fix her right up, Mel was reminded of Vash's condition. She turned to him, took Raina's dagger from his hand made a cut an inch or so below the edge of her glove. She then held it out to him. "Drink. Now."

At first, Vash seemed a bit reluctant, being in a rather public place but after a glare from his master, he brought his lips to the cut and began to drink. The demon had never figured out why, but Mel's blood always seemed sweet, sort of like honey. But he supposed it may be just so that it'd be easier to hold down for anyone a bit too squeamish to actually drink. After a few gulps, he had already felt better. The pain in his head had stopped.

He soon stopped and looked down at his hand. The cut had healed, and after removing the bandages around his stomach, it was apparent that the remains of Raina's attack were gone as well. Mel, probably forgetting that the shirt she wore was not her own, ripped a small ribbon off the bottom and used it to wrap up her arm.

Then Faith suggested that they all head to the infirmary together. "Sure. Why not?" Vash said, earning a look from Mel that looked a bit like nausea. She didn't want to travel with Raina. "Mel, it can't hurt. We need to go see Riff, remember?" Mel let out a heavy sigh and started grumbling. "Fine."
*Mac stood by the kitchen counter and watched Liza and Nickie their interaction brought a small smile to his lips, the truth of the matter is there has been a complete lack of kids Liza's age besides the annoying twins hounds that like to take human form as small children despite being tens of thousands of years old, guess they saw a need from her and decided to fill it on their own. He couldn't help but her Sheena and Alex arguing out in the hallway, one of the curses of being a God is the ability to hear private conversations but he has no intention of getting involve with that mess, especially after telling Sheena he was going to start treating her like an adult, she and Alex will either work their way through it and become a stronger couple or they will drift apart which probably means they weren't meant to be. Either way it's their job to deal with not his.

Not much time has passed since he spoke to Faith but he still wanted to check in with her once more, to see if she and Raina have discovered any information about what happened to Riff.* Faith, do you have any details about what happened yet? Is this another incident like earlier?

(I messed up I meant to have Alex return the next day or the day after what went down with him and Sheena, I screwed up the timing so I'll figure out what to do with him next post.)
{Akira did come back with Alex, despite him not being able to remember him, his instincts told him that Alex was telling the truth about him, plus since his memory only goes back about 6 months he needs help figuring out what or who exactly he is, like how can he move and fight like he did back in that alley and why all his senses are so sharp? Alex says he has ways to make him remember, himself, his master and this woman that is suppose to be his great love. He hopes Alex is wrong about that because if this woman is that important to him how could he forget her?} (Skipping home I guess?}


{When the shuttle landed, Akira wasn't allowed to come straight back with Alex, he was dropped off at base for a medical exam to see if there was something wrong with his body but after all of that was taken care of, he was driven to the academy and escorted in by two agents, they took him to Quarters of Macal and Faith. His eyes widen when he senses Alex was there, was he waiting for him to come so they can talk to the people in charge together? As he and the agents turn the corner to the long hall he can hear Alex having a rather intense talk, as much as he wanted to stop the two agents urged him to keep moving, however he did manage to give Alex a small smile before he passed him.}

{After Izabella told him she was staying with him, Jirro felt even more worst than before, he was silent until they reached the safehouse and settled in.} Izabella, I'm sorry for hiding something so important from you, I was afraid that telling you would be a trigger that monster would hear it and make me attack you. I'm forever linked to him now, I couldn't even enjoy touching or kissing you without the thought of him seeing you or feeling you through the link, I was afraid that he could somehow silence my mind and soul and used my body to be with you or hurt you. I'm still afraid of that. That is the real reason I asked you to kill me if I started to hurt you or somebody else. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression I didn't love you anymore or I didn't care about you. {Moving to a couch he sits down and puts his head between his knees.} These days all I can think about is getting my revenge and draining that monster dry! But I can't. I couldn't beat him at my best so how can I beat him now?
*Alex started to walk away when Akira walked by with his escorts, he wishes he could sit in on whatever meeting he's about to have with Macal but he was still talking to Sheena, however he's making no progress with her at the moment and starts to walk away and then let her cool down but stops himself.* You know what we always do this and I end up walking away hoping you'll cool off but that never seems to work so here is what I'm gonna do. I'll tell you the truth. What you said to me about how I'm expecting you to change or be someone else hurt me, because after all this time any changes in you came from you, not something I wanted for you. You decided to change yourself. I don't want some brainwashed dumb girl that doesn't think for herself if I did want that I wouldn't be with you, a strong, intelligent, bad ass..In fact since we've really been together the only thing I'd like for you to change for me was every now and then to put on a nice dress so I could take you somewhere nice..That's it other than that I have no problems with you. So yes what you said to me before hurt but it wasn't this big deal you think it was and that I just had to get away from you. As for me having to leave Sheena part of my job is me having to leave you and yes the timing will not always be great when I do it, especially if someone I care for is in trouble..You might not care about Akira but I do. And you know if the places were reverse and that was Mitsy you've been looking for and months have gone by and you finally find a clue, you would go looking for her and if I tried to talk you out of it you would leave anyway and resent me for doing it...The difference is I don't resent you for telling me not to go after Akira.
Faith's eyebrows raised as Mel cut herself, because she is at first thinking the girl is self-mutilating out of her grief. Instinctively she reaches out, trying to stop her, but when she sees that she is just offering Vash her blood to heal, she relaxes slightly, though still shaking her head.

"Mel, we have blood for Vash too, you really shouldn't do that when you're already hurt. Come on, let's head to the infirmary and get this all straight."

As she lead the gang back to the academy and to the infirmary, briefly explaining their needs to the workers there, she heard Macal speak to her again and answered back silently in her head.

"I don't think it's the same thing. You know what's been going on between Mel and Lil, basically I gave them blessing to leave school grounds and hash out their issues, because...I was just sick of them being here, being hostile, both wanting to kill and putting everyone in danger, Lil walking around in Mel's face and Mel being stuck as a was just ridiculous, Macal. So I told them to go, and I guess they did...from what I can make of it, Mel killed Lil but Lil killed Riff first. I told Mel she can come back if she wants."

She pauses, then asks more quietly in her head, "I did the right thing, didn't I? Telling them to leave and do that? Because if I hadn't, Riff wouldn't be dead now."

Sheena hears what Alex is saying but can only accept pieces of it; to her, what he is saying is a reworking of facts after an argument rather than the full truth. She only shrugs towards him, saying as she looks back at him, straight in the eyes, "I never once heard you tell me you were looking for Akira, just like Macal never once told Faith or anyone else that he knew what was going on with Jirro. We can't keep secrets, Alex. I know that now. You don't have to start pointing out how I kept the secret about Evangeline because I know that was wrong. This was wrong too. If we can't fully trust each other, then...we have to be able to, or what's the point? We have to be able to have each other's backs all the way or we don't have them at all."

She went inside her quarters then and nodded towards Macal, smoothing a hand over both Liza and Nickkie's head as she asked him, "Have you heard from Izzy and Jirro?"
Nick hugged Liza back as she came over and hugged her, Nick looked up at her as she pulled away, she smiled some, though she sighed a moment later, "To help people takes time, I haven't heard of an ability that will just cheer people up with a touch, but even if there was, it would probably only be a temporary fix. I think that the hugs will help more than you know." she said, she also thought that being able to understand what was going on and what to say helped, but that really wasn't what Liza was looking for.

Nickkie accepted the snack that Macal brought her and thanked him with a smile before starting to eat it slowly. She didn't seem to mind when Sheena came into the room and smoothed a hand over her head, though it was something that she was unused to and she did look up at her.

(sorry it's been a while. x.x I guess I've just kind of been out of sorts lately o-o; )
Mitsumi had snaked off during the commotion, folloing the fading scents of her parents to their quarters. After snapping the lock, she slipped inside, collapsing face first on the couch and fell asleep for several hours. This place, at least to Mitsy, was no different the the warzone she had just fled from. And this was a school, the place where her folks had been this whole time…she didn’t understand it.

The Hybrid tossed and turned until finally falling onto the floor, the impact jolting her awake, startling her for a moment. Her eyes scanned the room, forgetting where she was at first, but as she relaxed, her knife returned to the inside of her boot and she stood up, exploring the small space before finally venturing back into the hallway. Everything seemed quiet, although she could hear muffled voices further off.

Above her, she could hear a shuttle landing, and smiled knowingly. Sheena was a bit upset with Alex for just running off like that, despite what his intentions had been. But she knew her cousin, knew how she felt about the boy, and knew all would be well between the two. That’s just how things seemed to always work around here.

Focusing on finding said cousin, she missed the presense of the second person with Alex entirely and it was until she rounded the corner that she first sensed him. Akira…

She was running before she even realized what she was doing and could feel her heart hammering away in her chest as she sensed that she was getting closer. And then she saw him. Standing across from her, watching and smiling as his best friend walked past him. Akira, her Akira…

“Ace…” the nickname left a funny feeling in the pit of the Hybrid’s stomach and she lunged across the hallway, her arms going around his neck, she didn’t even realize she was crying until she felt the hot tears sliding down her cheeks. “You came back…you came back to me…” This was muffled, her lips pressed against his neck and she inhaled his scent.

Izzy watched her husband as he goes and sits on the couch, keeping her distance for a moment, her arms going to cross over in front of her chest. “You still should have told me…” she finally mutters, coming over to stand in front of him. She drops down to her knees in front of him and gently reaches out with one hand, grasping his chin and forces him to look up at her.

“It would have just…changed everything you know…I wouldn’t have felt as I did…I would have been able to help…to undertsnad…instead you made me feel so…” Trailing off, Izzy lets go of him and shrugs. “It’s in the past now…we just have to focus on getting that sick bas***d out of your head so you can go home…your daughter needs you Jirro…I…I need you too…”
(Yeah I get what ya' mean Serenity, I've been out of sorts too xD )

Faye turned her head to glance at Faith when the woman addressed her, and gave her a small nod and a small smile to match, silently showing her thanks for having been given permission. Faye's attention then went back to Mel as she waited for her response, and after a moment of puzzling through Mel's words she let a smile cross over her face, a genuine one, and resisted the urge to crush Mel in a hug. She was sure that Mel wasn't one for hugs.

"Thank you," She managed to get out the words without squealing, which was probably a good thing, and she turned to Raina with a grin, "Would you like to be my plus one Raina?" The vampire rolled her eyes and ruffled Faye's head affectionately, "Like I'd let you go to another country without me." She removed her hand after Faye's grumbling attempts to get her to stop messing up her hair and realised the others were heading to the infirmary, so she nudged Faye and they both followed after the three in front of them.

It was only when all five of them were inside the infirmary, Faye swinging her legs idly, that the younger girl looked up at her sister questioningly, "Hey Rai?" "Mmm?" "If we get a chance, will you take me to see where you used to live?" Raina tensed slightly at that question, not answering for a moment before she shrugged, "I dunno Faye, I'm not too sure about the idea, and plus, it's been about eight years since I've been there, who knows would could have happened to it in all that time, it could be gone by now." Faye snorted lightly at that, "Rai, towns don't just disappear like that," Raina sent the red-head a teasing smirk, "Atlantis did," Faye just blinked at her, and then Rai's eyes widened, "You've never heard of Atlantis Faye?" The pyro shook her head, "Nope. I never really went to school all that much; if it's something I was supposed to learn there." Raina shrugged, "I just remember watching a film about it when I was a kid."

Soon Faye was handed a bag of blood, and she quickly bit her fangs into it, her eyes turning black as she emptied the bag rather quickly, two more and she was ready and raring to go. She let her eyes wander over to Vash and Mel then, and she calmed, remembering that they were also here for Riff's body.

Damn, if she started crying again she was seriously going to smack herself around the head.


Chameleon, once Mel was safe with Vash and the others, decided to de-tach himself from their group when Faith began leading them to the infirmary, he wasn't injured and those that were had someone already with them, so he didn't see himself as being needed there anymore.

So he instead headed back to his dorm, pulling out another t-shirt and putting it on before he sat on his bed and ran his fingers through his hair, his mind elsewhere. He had heard that bit about Raina and Faye going to England with Mel, Vash and Riff's body, so at least he might be able to sort out his jumbled thoughts while the vampire was gone. It was times like this when he did wish he maybe had a friend to help him get his head straight; someone to tell him what to do and whether he did like Raina or not in that way.

He let out an irritated sigh and stood up, shutting his door behind him as he began to walk aimlessly around the halls. He wondered if this place had a library....
"Vash isn't a vampire, Mrs. Cord. Not just any blood will do. Only his master's. That's the way the contract works. Besides, I won't die from something like this." Gripping her wrist tightly with her other hand, Mel hoped that Faith would believe that lie. Truth was that her blood had a certain healing quality; something she absolutely hated herself for having. It didn't even work on herself. She bit her lip as she regretted how careless she had just been, only because she didn't want to lose another servant today. Damn, she was losing her edge.

After having Vash piggy back her to the infirmary, Faith told one of the staff to tend to their wounds. Mel didn't like having the nurse touching her, even if it was to heal her leg. She was fighting the urge to kick the woman in the face, even if it only injured her leg more. But soon the nurse was finished healing Mel and the girl hopped off the cot and onto the floor.

It was a strange feeling. This instantaneous healing thing. She had always been used to waiting for her wounds to heal naturally, since she was the only one on her team with any sort of healing powers. This was foreign territory for her. But this would have to wait. There was someone she needed to see.

Making her way through the infirmary, she eventually found him. Riff. Lying peacefully in the cot, as if he was sleeping. Of course, this was if you ignored the blood and missing body parts. Mel clenched her fists as she looked at his still form.

She was angry. She had won but it didn't feel like she won. That c*nt faced wh*re didn't suffer nearly enough for Mel to be satisfied. She died way too easily. It wasn't fair. But then again, when has life ever been fair. It was like God's only hobby was to @#$% people up the a** and watch them suffer.

It was Vash's hand on her shoulder and a sympathetic smile that had managed to calm her down. Well, at least she had one left. If he didn't end up leaving her, that is. She let out a heavy sigh and looked at herself, more specifically her hair. The golden color made her want to throw up. "My, what a lovely shade of skank this is. Vash, I need you to go to town and pick up some black hair dye. I want to get rid of any evidence of my . . . old room mate."

"Do I have to? Why can't you just poof up some dye? You've got your powers back, right?" This earned Vash a sharp slap across the face. "Ow! What was for?" he shouted. Mel looked at him through narrowed eyes, hands on her hips. "Look, Vash. Summoning is to bring something to you from another location. I don't already have hair dye, so we'd be taking it from someone else. We're murderers, Vash, not petty thieves!"

The demon was a bit confused by this. Wasn't murder a lot worse than stealing? Still, with her powers back, he shouldn't really be fighting Mel, or she'd force him to do something rather embarrassing again. "Fine. But I get to take your motorcycle." "Whatever, just get here before I lose my patience. And don't even scratch it." "Woohoo!" And with that, Vash rushed out of the infirmary.

Taking one last look at Riff, Mel walked back to Faith. "Is there a morgue or some sort of freezer, not used for food, where we can put Riff's body? I'd much rather not have to fly with the stench of a rotting corpse."
Liza squeezes into the chair next to Nickkie, though there is little room for her, practically sitting on her lap as she continues to eat. She has one arm casually flung over Nickkie's shoulder, her head resting against the other little girl's as she nods.

"Hugs can help, uh huh. But not enough. I wanna help right away, big time, like no more feeling bad at all, ever. That's what I wanna do."

"Good luck with that one," Sheena mutters before she can catch herself, exhaling, but Liza takes this literally and nods.

"Thank you, Sheena Legs. I will have good luck with this one."


Faith nods to show her acceptance of Faye's thank you and then to show her understanding of Mel's words, watching Faye revive herself and then looking between each of the students within the infirmary to make sure they aren't showing excessive signs of shock, dawning rage boiling over again, or anything else she needs to immediately take care of. She lets the girls and Chameleon go off as they please, when they seem at least semi heading towards okay, and follows Mel instead, still concerned about her wounds and the fact that she won't let them be healed. She also wants to be present when she views Vash; not just for support, but because if Mel goes into rage mode again, it could be a serious problem.

But the girl only seems sad, even practical, and when she turns to Faith, asking about a morgue, Faith shook her head. She hadn't exactly planned for people dying to be a regular part of the school.

"No, kinda figured having a built in funeral home is a little morbid for a school...though kinda necessary lately," she adds in a mutter. "But maybe someone with magical ability can...halt time around his body or otherwise alter molecules so he won't...uh, decompose. Or else we can fix ice in a big cooler or...something."
*Alex takes Sheena going inside after Akira as permission to listen in on what's going on and follows her. Inside Macal had pulled Akira away from his security detail and talked to him in private, again Alex couldn't hear anything but that didn't last long suddenly Mitsy burst in and wrapped herself around Akira, she was happy to see him, somebody besides him was happy to see Akira, he couldn't help but want to gloat about this to Sheena, taking a chance and slipping an arm around her waist and leaned into her whispering.* Look at how happy she is..Do you still think I was wrong going after him? *He wants to toot his own horn more but decides not to push his luck, not to mention Akira's lost memory. But surely if he remembers anyone it would be Mitsy...He hopes seeing her will trigger something, if not drastic measures may be needed. When he hears Liza, Nickie and Sheena talk, he smiles again Liza Logic, makes him wonder why no one does things the simple ways like she suggest, the world would probably less stressful if Liza's Logic was how everything was done. Rubbing the back of his head he laughs a little and leans down stealing one of her chips.* I think you can do anything you put your heart into Liza....anything but protect your chips from me.

*Mac did get a brief talk to Akira but mostly what he wanted to do is give him a quick look, to see if he could detect anything wrong with him but he found nothing, no implants or a soul chain this is good, perhaps HardTime didn't think he was strong enough to or worth the effort of attaching one..Or maybe HardTime isn't powerful enough to control someone as strong as Jirro and someone else. Granted Jirro is only a little over 450 years old but his bloodline is one of the strongest no probably the strongest of the BlackBloods, So he could see HardTime having trouble keeping his link to him under control probably sitting in his dark sanctuary bidding his time...Suddenly his eyes light up, he couldn't believe he didn't think of it before. Reaching out to Faith's mind again, almost yelling into it.* FAITH! I KNOW HOW TO SAVE JIRRO! *Catching himself yelling and talks instead of yells.* At least I have a theory that may work. I take Jirro to Sanctuary! Evil can't enter Sanctuary and if it does it's destroyed, Jirro isn't evil, I've read his aura and it's still clear like aways but the soul chain is part of HardTime...So if I take Jirro into Sanctuary the chain should be destroyed right? Plus since it's part of HardTime I'm betting when it is destroyed it won't be to pleasant for him on his end.
(Cherushi, no ooc posts without also posting an ic post. You should have read the sign up thread in full to figure that out or else ask me that in a conversation...Izzy, you keep not posting for Bucky.)

Sheena had already gone inside the Cord living quarters before Akira came inside but nevertheless sensed her cousin's approach, then her euphoric mood as she encountered Akira. Even before Akira came inside, Sheena knew he must be present. She ignored him, shooting him a cold look only before turning away towards her sister and Nickkie. She wasn't going to welcome him with warm arms under the circumstances.

She stiffens as Alex wraps his arm around her, removing it swiftly and stepping away from him, her cheeks reddening with irritation as she ignores him as well, turning instead towards Mitsumi. "I guess you two want a room. Dad, do you need my help with anything?"

"Hey my chips, my chips!" Liza yelped as she snatched a hand up at Alex, taking back one chip by hand and the others telekinetically and sticking a chip-covered tongue out at him for good measure. As Akira enters, she waves and greets him as if he's been gone for five minutes instead of over a year. "Hi Akira. You gonna kiss?"

Faith, still with the students and Riff's body in infirmary, jumps slightly as Macal's voice yells into her head, but she considers his suggestion, responding back with some cautious hope, "That might work. Maybe. But are you able to get him back to Sanctuary now? I thought you couldn't access it anymore. Unless we could get Stick to somehow?"

(who wants to play with Adrian and/or Katarina? I honestly don't even remember where Adrian is. His room? Maybe they can join in going with Mel? Like they can wonder down towards infirmary and figure out what's going on and tag along too?)
(Ah sorry. That was my fault ^^; )

Alice Waener exited her dorm room, her headphones naturally resting around her neck. Looking around the seemingly empty hallway, she began her solitary trek around the school. Despite going to the Dormer Academy for a whole week now, she had yet to make any friends. Not that she wasn't willing to make any. She just had to get a few... Things in order. Her eyes surveyed everything around her. "Where is everyone?" She asked herself, almost hoping someone would answer. She turned a corner and continued to walk alone. Alice frowned a bit, her mind drifting off to the week she got here.

She remembered when the Academy first came to pick her up. Alice almost freaked out when they basically read out everything that happened to her; the solitude in a padded room, the weeks of near starvation, getting captured by the orphanage, all of it. She practically wanted to scream at them to stop. All the hard work that Alice put herself through to forget everything and here it was, back and thrown right at her face like a good slap. They offered to bring her to a school to harness her powers so that she wouldn't have an "incident" again. That was how Alice got here. Thankfully, since she hasn't met anyone yet, she could easily start her facade once again and no one would know about it.
(I think Adrian was last seen leaving Lil and the other girls when Mel showed up. So he could be anywhere now. And I have no problem with the DeSantos wandering to the infirmary. Though, by tagging along, do you mean to England?)

Mel wasn't happy when Faith suggested getting another student to help preserve Riff's body. Eyebrows furrowed, lips thinned and arms crossed, it was obvious that she didn't like this idea. She didn't want to depend on some nameless novice. She couldn't trust them. And given that many here didn't exactly like her, the risk of them sabotaging Riff's corpse or simply even neglecting it was too high. "I'd much rather not depend on some in-training stranger, or even worse an eyesore, for something like this. And I'm not sure the people here would be jumping at the chance to do me a favor anyway. Let's just hope that tomorrow, this won't require more than some Febreeze and a lot of plastic wrap."

She glanced over at the body again. The girl had hoped the school's air conditioning system would at least be enough so that the boy would be somewhat recognizable on his big day. As long as the summer heat didn't reach the body, then one day shouldn't be too bad, right? Though they should probably move the body anyway. Keeping a corpse in the infirmary was probably a bad idea.
Nickkie didn't seem to mind being sat on, she was slowly eating her chips, though she did blink as Liza continued on with talking about wanting to help people. She knew that healing hearts wasn't like normal healing, which she could do at random, healing hearts wasn't something that was easy to do, she looked up at Sheena as she sarcastically said good luck and blinked. It seemed that Sheena was in need of some of the help that Liza was talking about. She watched as the new man came into the room, one that seemed to be named Akira, then the man from outside came in.

She watched the interaction between Sheena and the man from outside, she didn't fully understand what was going on, but suddenly her eyes were becoming a darker shade of sapphire and she looked at Sheena. "Forgiving those that you love is hard when you've been hurt by them, but holding on to anger does your heart no good. You need to let it go." she said. There were times that she didn't even know where the things that she said came from, this was one of those times, she just said what felt like the right thing and could only hope for the best.

Nickkie blinked and watched as the man from outside took one of Liza's chips, she protected her chips, looking at him with eyes that were once again a light sapphire, "Mine." she said to him, almost like a warning, though one that would be hard to take serious due to the light color of her eyes and the innocent way she looked again.

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