doremi rp(accepting)

The teacher said'''' she squeaked sitting down. she was writing when her pen exploded she screamed covered in ink. the class snickered and a teen said''oops my bad...''smirking. Nichole teared up and ran out crying.
The class period had ended, and Xandi walked out into the hallway, looking annoyed.
Xandi was about to go up the stairs when he heard sobbing. He peeked under the staircase. "Nichole?" He asked, shocked. "What's wrong? You look filthy." He said, sadly.
Xandi walked over to her and kneeled down next to her. "Who did it? I'll kill them." He said, glaring.
Xandi nodded, making up his mind. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." He said, walking away. He walked swiftly down the hallway and approached a group of guys. "Hey, do any of you know a guy named Darren?" He asked.
One guy nodded, and told Xandi where he was. He nodded, and approached Darren.
Xandi slammed Darren against the wall. "What are you trying to pull?" He growled.
Darren looked freak. "Whoa, what are you talking about?" He asked. Xandi smirked, his eyes widening. "Don't act like you didn't do s***!" He said, slamming him once more. Five minutes later, Xandi walked out of the room and walked over to Nichole. "Let's go." He said, cleaning blood off of his knuckles.
Xandi closed his eyes. "Thanks." He said, turning to walk out of the school.
Xandi smiled a little and picked Nichole up, placing her on his back.

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