doremi rp(accepting)

Skylar nodded, "You want to come over to my place? Not trying to steal you off Nichole or anything." She smiled nervously.
"Okay..." Skylar led him to her house and into her bedroom, "so what do you want to do?" She sat on her bed. She lived in a small house so there wasn't much to do.
Xandi stood close to the door, his arms crossed. "Well, considering there's really not much to do..." His eyes studied her face. "What do you want to do?"
nichole wobbled into the bathroom and gave her the asprin. her mom said"what are you waiting for start cooking!"taking a drag from her cigarette.
"We could have a staring cometition or watch some anime..." She suggested. "Or we could throw a party since mum is out." She shrugged and stood up infront of Xandi. She touched one of his cat ears, "do you pur?" She asked facinated at his odd cat-like looks.
Xandi tilted his head, considering his options. "I think you would lose in a staring competition against me. I've never watched anime before. And I don't know anyone to throw a party with." He said, his tail twitching. His eyes studied Skylar's face as she touched his ear. "I occasionally purr." He answered.
She said and hugged him tightly "That's so cute!" She exclaimed exitedly before letting go of him and coughing. "Sorry about that." She smiled nervously again. "We could play a video game if you want."
Xandi tilted his head. "Thank you." He nodded at Skylar's suggestion. "That will be acceptable. "
"Okay..." she turned on an Xbox 360 console, she gave him a controller. "I hope Halo 4 is okay." She said selecting the split screen option. Skylar was confident she was going to win against him as she knew this map very well.
Xandi looked at the controller, his expression confused. "That's acceptable." He repeated, studying the controller intensely. He was definitely going to lose. He had never played a video game before.
nichole said"mom im too sick..." her mom mocked her "mom im too sick... just go cook you baby!" nichole was shocked was this really her mother?!
Skylar looked over at him. "You use this to move." She pointed to the left analog stick. "This to look around." She pointed to the right analog stick. "And this to shoot." She pressed the right trigger firing, "press B to use a mele attack." Skylar continued. "First one to 15 kills wins and you might want to get a better weapon." She smiled, she hadn't told him everything but it was good enough.
(man nichole's mom is a total b*tch.. -.-) Nichole said"but..." SMACK! "GO COOK DAMNIT!" nichole backed up dizzier from the hit she fell out cold.
(I don't like that woman anymore...) Xandi nodded, paying attention. "Thanks...I think I've got it now..."
"Okay. GG." Skylar said before turning back to the game, she picked up a new weapon, stronger than her last one. She looked for his character, making her way through the confusing tunnels.

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