doremi rp(accepting)

Xandi hugged her, gently rubbing her back. He sent a glare towards Skylark and DoDo, hinting at them to not say a word unless it was to comfort Nichole.
"We should take her back home, or something." Skylar suggested, she didn't really want to spoil this moment but she felt it was best for Nichole.
Xandi looked up at Skylark, seeming to consider this. "You're probably right."
"Alright! To Nichole's house!" Skylar fist pumped and took walked to where she guessed Nichole's house was. "C'mon!" She called back to Xandi and Nichole waiting for them to catch up.
Xandi just closed his eyes painfully. 'Poor Nichole...' He thought.
Skylar tapped Xandi lightly on the shoulder, "do you think she'll be okay?" She was worried about Nichole.

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