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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Dies Irae: Astral Fulcrum

Active Duty
koala koala TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode

Rakh kept to himself after he answered. The food, despite its imperfections, grew on the Dazhoretian. Leagues better than the MREs he once consumed. He prodded the last piece of potato and mopped up the juices and gravy left on his plate, almost wiping the dish clean before eating the piece. He turned his head slightly when Marian acknowledged his advice, returning the gesture with a dip of his own head. In any case, it was clear to Rakh that she's had formal training. Better training than an average, lowly soldier would; quite possibly a master at arms, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch, the Aristocracy had those back on Dazhoret too. Then again, the lower families would also skimp out and hire whatever washed-up yahoo that didn't inject a round into their brain matter after the first day and Rakh didn't know which tier did rui Marik belonged to.

He smirked at Rel-Taren's conclusion of well-deserved brutality. It was an appreciative smile. A valid statement if ever there was one for war. He wondered in his head about peace. One could say that peace is the foreshadowing of a larger conflict, Rakh mused. Then again, if they do achieve peace, what'll it be in store for them? The Empire and Empress wouldn't have much use for them, even more so if they become distinguished and set apart from the rest of their ilk. The nano-instant that thought crossed Rakh's mind, he dismissed it: on the principle of its utter uselessness at the present time. Should he come across that bridge, he'll burn it.

Then Fionnuala spoke. His ears twitched once in delight as he leaned further onto the table, pushing the tray of utensils and plate with his forearms away. The expressionless eyes eased into a lightness. Pupils dilated as Rakh tried to lance through the corporeal surface, to gaze upon one's soul. Alas, he is not a psychic, so he could only throw darts at what moved the fanged sanguine. His estimation is that her thoughts lingered on her brother, the one that looked so strikingly similar to her when they saw his photo on the wall along with his generation of cadets. He could only imagine the pain of being separated and ignorant of a sibling's fate. Especially so hooked at the hip as they were. As he and Nika were.

Or maybe, he could feel it. We did come close to that, didn't we? A galling, minuscule part of his mind cooked up that epiphany. He softly grunted his displeasure at that notion as he looked away to drink water out of the plastic cups that were provided.

Next was Marian and Rakh found himself agreeing with her statement as well, though he did find those propagandist thoughts about Sorenti titans a tad irksome.

"I suppose so," he appended. They were going to play their parts, though what their parts will be? That he cannot say, nor dare he speculate. "It's true what you've said," he spoke generally to his peers at the table. "A MOBIUS squad can, and does, win battles. But wars were always decided on logistics and supply chain management. The distant project of force is power, but maintaining that projection is a greater one, I reckon. No doubt, a lot of planets have already been converted or at least have geared their purpose to be transport and industry hubs if what I hear on the digital vine is correct. Dazhoret has always been like that, so the only change was or is higher quotas." He lessened his accent on command with a marginal degree of effort. Valuable human and technological resources at their disposal. A smile, spurred by a memory, meekly pushed at his cheeks. He still could not remember his name, but the conversations came one by one. "Let's hope the number crunchers use them well." He paraphrased that nostalgic saying, as he recalled there was a lot more swearing involved.

Mise en Place

"Judging by Major Pakston's affinity for asserting his dominance I'm sure this place will have plenty for us to do,"
Odessa chuckled, swirling her vegetables around her fork.

As she moved to take a bite and familiar shadow greeted her and with it, a familiar voice.

Unfortunately for him, the marshmallow's forgetfulness did not to unnoticed. Annoyance flashed briefly across her eyes before Odessa took a long and silent sip of water. Was her name that hard to remember or was this simply his second language?

"Did we? I must have forgotten,"
Odessa shrugged, finally slicing her steak.

"I'm not one for meat...or wilted greens for that matter,"
she frowned,
"On Caladan this would be inedible even for the pigs."

Nonetheless, she hid her disgust behind the first of many pieces she'd force herself to eat today.

Lunch Break

♡coded by uxie♡
Active Duty
Director's Office, AICA, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

Having reeling back from her short break, the woman adjusted her sleeves as she paced herself towards her office. Focused gaze veering past the gleaming windows, the contemplative Doctor finally set her eyes on the tall officer before her. "Major." She greeted gently, before inviting the man inside. As the white immaculate lab coat finally settled itself among the ruffles of the silent connection between them, Loxley took some time for the man to adjust. From his tense shoulders to that of his undaunted grip upon his palm, she could only gather that the Major had pushed himself beyond a mere demonstration of prowess before the cadets. It was only when his index fingers began to twitch slightly, did she redirect her attention towards his eyes. Irises dull and gray, like much of those that have seen the destructive nature of war and lived to bear the scars. But the derelict crumb that gave way to his poor attempt at hiding it was that of his irregular breathing rhythm.

"Your service in the name of Her Imperial Majesty is more than enough to warrant recognition and respect. Those things can kill you." Loxley said, turning in her swivel chair to procure a silver case of cigarettes from her desk. She then offered one to the Major, as she lit her own. "As much as the brass wouldn't want to admit it, they need this. And three months was the best deal I could manage to get for us." She paused briefly, with a certain sense of shame brushing over her. "I need you shipshape for after the augmentation phase. No more fixers until then, alright?"

She sighed, taking a long drag from her cigarette. "If you fail to comply, then I will have to assign Major Muirse to your case. And the Stars know she can outdrink everyone on Velika. Consider this an abuse of my privileges." Loxley then raised her trash bin, prompting the man to turn in his contraband.

Code by Nano

Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick LazyDaze LazyDaze FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode @Valky-Nyan @Zufaix

The Instructor pondered the monotonous cadet's words for a short while, while fiddling with her fork. "Nope." Muirse mused with a bright but nevertheless dismissive gesture, as she outright denied the man of the same privilege that was so easily entrusted to Durthai. "You're gonna have to impress me with something else and earn your turn, cadet." She teased.

Before long, lunch time was over, with the cadets finding some time to mingle among themselves, forsaking the brief fatigue that kept them on their feet at the behest of Major Pakston and Major Muirse's warm-up exercises. Came afternoon, cadets were placed in a classroom hall with Major Muirse going over the basics of a Mobius's integral components and their functions. Firstly, the Major went over the purpose of the Mobius as a strategic force to be deployed on the field at the discretion of the field commander's authority. Unlike frontline units, Mobius pilots serve as a decisive action unit for high-risk or effective counterattack. Given its logistical requirements, Mobiuses are supported by screening forces, resupply echelons, and usually based on a carrier for quick deployment. She then went on to break down the integral parts of a Mobius.

The cockpit where the pilot was situated, the various panoramic screens for vision and heads-up-display counters. Unlike conventional crafts, the Mobius directly integrates the pilot's neural implants, allowing them to move as freely as they would without suffering from sluggish control sticks. Mechanical pedals were integrated for safety-locks, and in a way - strapping the pilot into the cockpit, with an emergency disengagement lock that allowed the pilot to quickly eject or hop into the cockpit without hassle. There were also secondary compartments located beside the stowed seat for smallarms and supplies. Externally, the Mobius is designed with a humanoid frame to better integrate the pilot's neural-directed responses, cutting down on the response time as opposed to an anatomically-different chassis and organs. Surrounding the mechanized frame's plated armor is a caged exoskeleton that allowed weapons to be mounted and quickly replenished - known as the AWS (Augmented Weapon System).

The second part of the lecture gave a brief emphasis on three fundamental elements to take heed during deployment. The AX-5, practically boiled-down Axium, serves as the Mobius's main source of full. In standard operating procedure, Mobius are given half-load of AX-5 for quick response actions, but can be fully-loaded for long-range operations. Internally-secured, the Mobius cannot be refueled while in combat, and cannot carry more than its built-in reserves. As such, a Mobius must be properly immobilized before refueling process can begin - either on ground or on a carrier. While proving to be a strain on logistics, it lowers the chance of a Mobius's vulnerability to attacks that could otherwise set ablaze the warframe.
To cover this weakness, dedicated baggage train or maintenance units are formed to help refuel and refit a Mobius.
The last element was that pilot's readiness. So long as the pilot is intact and conscious, they should be able to drive the Mobius like any vehicle. With a manual compiled with various details on the mechanical aspect of a Mobius's cockpit made ready for each pilot, every cadet was expected to grasp a portion of its content and continue to learn and adapt to future engagements. By understanding how to maintain their own Mobius, without reliance on a maintenance team, a pilot's survival rate would theoretically be improved greatly.

The last part of the lecture then covered notes within the Mobius Manual that consisted of the functions and capabilities of a Mobius. From its defensive capabilities to what was expected upon augmentation, the Bastion of Axia was the Mobius's most important aspect, as it serves not just as a powerhouse for function, but also as a Mobius's tree of evolution. The combined arts of contemporary technology and magic was a subject for another century's worth of treatises and research. For the time being, it sufficed the Major to simply cover the Mobius's simpler nature, lest she finds herself beaten to a pulp by Dr. Loxley's experiences on the matter.

Diverting from their training in the morning, the lecture came off as a focused surprise for some, while for others, a completely contrast to the previous periods. Alas, as the period came to a close, it became apparent to many that for the next two weeks, their primary objective was to soak in the lectures while maintaining their combat readiness under Major Pakston's physical management.

Code by Nano
Astral Fulcrum OST - Silent Skies
Dies Irae
Destiny awaits beyond the decayed stars.
Breaking News

Please be patient, we are working hard to get back to you with the latest developments!
Following their induction, the cadets at AICA began their training and studies. After a month of physical conditioning and lectures on the Mobius. A welcoming party brokered by Felix Luminov, financed by the talkative but generous Saimos rui Kelserin and supplied with Durthai Negyv's homemade treats, saw the closing of the youngsters' entertainment phase, as they prepared themselves for their first official flight. Bonded, or at least acquainted with one another during the small congregation of varied individuals, the cadets found themselves opening up gradually to one another.

Wary of the impending graduation day for the cadets, Dr. Loxley made every effort to bring her case to the Ministry of Defense, but to no avail. Despite the cadets' outstanding infantry scores and academic performance, the Head of AICA could not prolong their training process. Plagued by failures of the past, she has shut herself in for the past few days, pressing her notes and data in search for a way to optimize the augmentation phase.

Meanwhile, the cadets are lined up for their first flight in a MOPIT. The crucible for which they have braved in the mountains of Yrdena, navigation courses, weapons training and unit cohesion lessons led by Major Pakston have kept them close and furthered refined their survival skills. On the other hand, Major Muirse's alchemy, magic proficiency, and Mobius-related aero-mechanized courses expanded on the arsenal of knowledge that would serve them well in various situations.

RECIPIENT: Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FiveElemental FiveElemental koala koala Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Midrick Midrick ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven LazyDaze LazyDaze RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode
Code by Nano
Active Duty
AICA Airspace, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick LazyDaze LazyDaze FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode @Valky-Nyan @Zufaix
30mm Rotary Cannon / AAMs

Looking past the enclosed space around him, Felix took a glimpse of the runway via a small crack in the hangar doors. A clear day, with perfect weather to be soaring in the sky. At least, for the first phase of combat, as they have been briefed earlier by Major Muirse. He still could not believe that they had spent an entire month on physical training and auxiliary skills. It seemed like yesterday when he was still a stranger to these newfound skills. Though much of what he already knew was given light to in a practical sense. Or at least, that was how he felt about their crucible in the wild, surviving on a day's worth of rations and navigating their way out of Yrdena. The leftover frost and wraith lights were the least of his worries. Rather, he had a bigger package to secure other than his own safety. The man then narrowed his eyes towards the boisterous nobleman beside him. A self-revolving talker, but he could not help but be glad that his intuitions were correct. At least, when he saw Saimos offering Sarina his last protein bar during the height of their march back to AICA and the thought of him trying to distract a swarm of angry hornets from stinging Amroi, Felix knew then that it has been a long road indeed.

But at least now, they were ready to brave the battlefield not on their own, but as a team. Assembled in the main hangar, the cadets were organized into two flights call-sign Sparrow and Pelican. Their objective was to neutralize several aerial and ground drones. Some ground elements were either entrenched or concealed, which will require the MOPITS to land and do a recon in force mission. Having put on their ECOS, the heads-up-display quickly relayed their objectives, as well as synchronizing the friendly strobes on their suits. Felix then went through the squadron panels.
[Sparrow 1: R. Xirilenkia]
[Sparrow 2: F. Esteriel]
[Sparrow 3: C. Urliken]
[Sparrow 4: Rel'Taren]
[Sparrow 5: M. Marik]
[Sparrow 6: S. Kirst]
[Sparrow 7: N. Xirilenkia]
[Sparrow 8: M. Soleil]

[Pelican 1: J. Kairnseval]
[Pelican 2: V. Messer]
[Pelican 3: D. Negyv]
[Pelican 4: S. Kelserin]
[Pelican 5: F. Luminov]
[Pelican 6: O. Atreides]
[Pelican 7: E. Gobbs]
[Pelican 8: A. Svargai]

"Might be a bad time to say this, but I'm scared of heights." Saimos announced with a heavy look.

Felix sighed. "Just don't look down then. Now get in your MOPIT, Saimos."

"Hey Durthai. You alright?" He turned over to the white-haired girl.

"Aye. Right as rain."

Felix, still not convinced, persisted with a remark with his hand firm on her shoulder. "Just hug my tail. You can even use Saimos as a cushion." He joked, in an attempt to alleviate Durthai's anxiety.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to, Mr. Loud Speaker."

Mounting his MOPIT, Felix strapped himself into his seat, while the suit's DNAI synchronized itself with the MOPIT. Simulations after simulations, it came natural to him now that he was in a piece of the real thing. Following through with his pre-flight checks, the immaculate warframe spun up. The weapons system came online, as he spun up the MOPIT's standard-issued thirty-milimeter rotary cannons and air-to-air missiles. Marching his MOPIT towards the runway's catapult with the guidance of the officer on the ground, Felix positioned himself carefully until he felt his Mopit latching onto the system beneath. Raising both his hands to indicate that they were off the controls, the ground crew ran a quick diagnostics before giving him the signal to dial in.

"TOWER. This is Pelican 5. Systems are green. Requesting permission to take off. Over."

"Pelican 5. TOWER. Launch when ready."

He then gave a thumbs up to the ground officer, before disengaging his magnetic locks. The catapult then propelled the Mopit forward. Complemented by the boosters' ignition, the Mopit made its climb. The rest of the Mopits on the ground followed after, going into a holding pattern above the airstrip, before forming up on their respective flight leaders.

"All Pelicans, form on me. Maintain cruising speed at heading two-one-zero." Judyth announced.

"Pelican 5 copies. Heading two-one-zero at your speed confirmed. Pelican 3 - go ahead and form on my six when ready."


"Sparrow Lead. This is Pelican Lead. SODAR locked on those practice drones. We'll initiate first contact and wheel south to bearing one-eight-zero. Think you can take care of the stragglers?" Judyth spoke to Rakh.

Code by Nano
Last edited:
Astral Fulcrum OST - Sign Of Storm
Dies Irae
Destiny awaits beyond the decayed stars.
Breaking News







Killed in a tragic flight incident, Felix Luminov received a proper funeral by AICA. Following a personal investigation into the matter by Dr. Loxley, AICA was placed under lockdown for two weeks. Meanwhile the cadets also began their own investigation, against Dr. Loxley's wishes. When the culprit was finally apprehended, it is revealed that they were a recently discharged Legionnaire whose close kins were slain in battle. Bitter of the bloody war, the unstable soldier took the matter into his own hands. In an effort to delay the MOBIUS program, they sabotaged the MOPITs, and Felix Luminov perished when attempting to land his MOPIT. With sufficient information professed by the saboteur, the cadets restrained the enraged Saimos under Dr. Loxley's orders. Loxley then snatched a handgun from a nearby Legionnaire and executed the saboteur without hesitance, ending the debacle on Saimos's behalf.

The cadets were then given two days of respite before continuing on with their classes. Flight training resumed, with each pilot logging in more than four-hundred hours in their MOPITs, and constant rotation of sorties and combat training. The final two weeks were given to the cadets for leisure, as they underwent one final augmentation process that proved successful, despite Loxley's hesitation to rush the process, while under pressure by Velikan High Command. The cadets then underwent a series of surgeries to further their connection with the newly formed BoAs specifically tailored for them using the training data collected by Major Muirse and Pakston for Dr. Loxley. Upon witnessing the death of several Elder Loremasters to activate the BoAs, the ritual brought about mixed feelings for many pilots. Construction of customized MOBIUS, based on the pilots' own designs, were hastened by the arrival of engineers and technical staff from the Northern District, of whom instilled a sense of wariness in regards to the frequent blackouts on Velika Prime.

The Graduation Ceremony was held by Dr. Loxley to congratulate the cadets on the completion of their training, followed by a formal soiree in the Central District, where various prominent members were present to welcome the pilots to the fray.

The new MOBIUS operatives were expected to continue to train and prepare for an upcoming parade that will take place in a few days to commemorate the bravery of the fallen heroes of Farbania and her allies. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenants, and organized into several standing squads, daily flights and combat runs were perfected to the letter, with Dr. Loxley overseeing their progress personally. Unbeknownst to the pilots, a storm is brewing just beyond the horizon.

RECIPIENT: Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode
Code by Nano
Last edited:
Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime

A gentle voice of reason, absent of form and tethering on the verge of oblivion, besieged the young warrior's mind. Trapped in the labyrinth of his own making, every twist and turn gave way to the inevitable collapse of his fatigued body. At the end of the tunnel, a familiar silhouette materialized. The light embraced his fair complexion, concealing his visage.

"You got this, bro. I have faith in you." They spoke.

"Wait... Please... I beg you! DON'T SHAZZING GO! LUMI!" As Saimos tried to reach out for them, he found himself ripping through the fabrics of the silent void. A familiar ceiling before his eyes. The steady humming of the personal device residing upon the nightstand called upon his attention. A heavy sigh followed, as he tried to catch his breath.

Cold sweats and an anxious heart. Another nightmare, despite his best efforts to come to terms with his loss. Gone as far as sharing his swallowed grief with Dr. Loxley, and yet, here he was, still submerged in the depths of his forsaken will. Perhaps it was the augmentation process and the stresses post-surgery that kept him on edge, Saimos was not exactly sure of the cause aside from the hole in his heart. It has been a few weeks since the incident and their apprehension of the saboteur. Even now, Saimos could feel his wrathful grip upon his sidearm at the time, poised on pulling the trigger that he did not then. Even their august graduation ceremony did not help but sour the nobleman's mood, as the vibrant party was nothing but melancholic longing, absent of his best friend and brother-in-arms - Felix Luminov.

Perhaps he should thank Dr. Loxley instead for denying him of his empty vengeance. Reflecting on the saboteur's words before their demise, he realized that to truly feel the darkness, one has to lose something or someone to experience such a tremendous sentiment that they cannot convey. To fathom the loss of his best friend and guardian was not a feat that he believed he could bear.

Having grown silent since the ordeal, Saimos found himself in Amroi's company frequently of late. While Durthai's gentle words and doting treats were plenty to ease the stinging bite of his self-detrimental thoughts, he found it easier to redirect his hatred of the world via Amroi's ways. But as he looked closer, he realized that Durthai's temperate and graceful ways have seeped into the callous oni's behavior of late. Less cursing, and moderate temper. While Durthai did not see it, Saimos could easily tell that Amroi was already tamed by the cleric's invisible hands. A pretty sight to perceive, as it reminded him of Felix's patience with him.

Situating themselves by the balcony at dawn, Saimos and Amroi began their recently-acquired routine of random discussions. Without someone to pester, and someone to listen, the two found each other's company to be somewhat cathartic and intriguing. By dawn, before their scheduled training sorties or the occasional breaks in between, Saimos and Amroi discoursed their way with entertainment. An escape from the grim effects of life.

"Hey Snowball. Wanna join us for training later?" Amroi yelled across the courtyard, where Durthai had already began her morning jog. A quaint smile followed, as she nodded and gave the man a series of hand signals that only he understood.

"So, when are you going to invite us?"

"The hell are you on about, Noble?"

"There's clearly something between you two. The Amroi that I met three months ago would have went: 'Shaz this, shaz that. I'm a shazzing shazboy.'" Saimos said, imitating Amroi's Suni dialect with acute impersonated tone.

"First of all, I still shazzin' say what I want, so shaz off. I got health insurance. Second, that Suni accent was scarily on point. I'm kinda impressed."

"Hang around a Suni long enough, and you will pick up something. And honesty isn't your strong suit." Saimos then sigh patting the green lieutenant's shoulder with a stern look. "I know I'm the last person you would want to hear from. But take it from me. Life is short, make it sweet."

"Whatever, man. You wear glasses, points invalidated by default. Come on, we gotta work on that maneuver again. Sortie's in two hours." Amroi pushed Saimos forward, and through the door, but not before turning back to take one last peek at the white-haired lieutenant from a distance with his cheeks ripe red.

Code by Nano
Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime

While the most timid out of the group, Durthai managed to be the first to give her condolences to Saimos in words. Despite his unsteady mind at the time, she sat down with the man for hours in total silence. By being present for the lonely noble, the endeavor managed to salvage what was intended by Felix for Saimos to remain untainted. Though, she must profess that without Amroi's help, Saimos would have fared much worse when their graduation ceremony came around. Ever since the soiree, Amroi's demeanors have shifted. A fine man in a bright uniform that she was unfamiliar with compared to the fiendish boy she met three months ago. While his shift of persona endeared her to him, she missed the mischievous Amroi and contemplated whether or not it was Felix's death that also weathered him down. Instead, all she received was some distance put in place by the green oni. They were more formal than usual, and he would no longer try to assert himself in her presence. It felt as if he was wary of her. But even she could not make sense of his increasingly gentle words with her, absent of cursing and raised tones. Before she knew it, Durthai had become concerned with his well-being personally and more than she could admit.

In recent news, Durthai had overheard some conversation between Dr. Loxley and her liaison in the Capital. With Saimos's contempt for Loxley subsiding by their increase in training activities and sortie rotations, Durthai dedicated much of her free time in Dr. Loxley's office. Small talks and pleasant exchanges on their hobbies took place, prompting Durthai to perceive it as Loxley's own cathartic exercise than it was for Durthai. Especially after she personally witnessed Dr. Loxley's execution of the saboteur. For a relatively calm and temperate woman, Loxley became increasingly mysterious to Durthai, despite their daily discourse. It became clear to the girl that Loxley was not as lenient as she seemed on the surface.

With their roster constantly rotated to improve synergy among different pilots, Durthai and Judyth found themselves cuddling up to Cyra, of whom was their most effective guardian. While not much for words, Cyra gave her own insights that proved helpful for the two during their MOBIUS exercises. But she was most effective as an operative on the ground, as much as Venhaus was in terms of efficiency and precision.

At times, Durthai often found Cyra retreating to her room. Only of late did she finally professed her personal investigations of the freauent blackouts on Velika. Though her findings were unfruitful and led her to assume only the worst. A trivial matter to some, but for the sleepless Cyra, it was something to keep her attention fixed on. In a way, she was not too different from Saimos, of whom was still coping with Felix's death. As Judyth and Cyra met up with Durthai following her return from a morning jog, an unfamiliar sight caught their attention.

Sporadic flickers of light in the distance, accompanied by thrashing echoes of glimmers upon the horizon. With the sun yet to part from the clouds at dawn, the unannounced phenomenon prompted Durthai to conjure up her device. Scanning through various news channels, her eyes widened in shock as all of them were broadcasting the same message.

"What in the name of..."

"Hey what's going on?"

Before long, they would get their answer from the blaring siren that called upon every pilots, legionnaires and sailors in AICA.

Code by Nano
Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime

Having caught up with Saimos and Amroi, Cyra paved the way for the rest of the school of pilots to arrive. The lights were switched out for blacklights, signalling a blackout within AICA. It did not take long for the emergency generators to kick in and restored a portion of the academy's fundamental facilities.

"Hey, Urliken. Any idea what's goin' on? Where's Snowball?" Amroi inquired with a concerned look dotted on his face.

"We're right here!" Durthai emerged from behind Cyra. The latter raising her brow at the green oni's relieved expressions. Her attention then diverted towards Saimos, of whom had expected such a development, based on his nonchalant reaction. But all in all, following Felix's passing, the man did not possess the same voice that he had three months ago. While it was less troublesome to deal with his pompous attitude, the absence of his overt declarations made him all the more dangerous. Especially now when they were in the thick of it and, she assumed, was only going to worsen as soon as he grew tired of his limitations in a target-rich environment. After all, she knew that darkness all too well.

With the pilots situated quickly into their seats, the doors quickly fell shut. The illustrious mastermind behind their summon unveiled herself from behind the drawing board, finally disconnecting her line to a tertiary party.

"Settle down and read my lips carefully, kids. I'll need you all to be in top conditions today and focused. Velika Prime is under attack by Sorentine forces. Zero-Six-Hundred Hours today, Sorentine cruisers crested the horizon of the Lunar Bay and began bombardment on the Central District. Coincidentally, just thirty minutes prior, a blackout engulfed Velika entirely. The same blackout incidents that began just three months earlier - but this time, it's on a greater scale which crippled our defense systems. I have it on good authority that they are related and provided the Sorentine ample time to inflict heavier losses while we are in disarray."

"Ten minutes ago, Sorentine forces have seized the primary air-defense batteries located along Velika's coastal highways. Fighters have already been scrambled, but are taking heavy casualties. Reinforcements from the Northern and Southern Districts, but have encountered heavy resistance, as the enemy have secured several bivouacs of which we are having trouble identifying. Intel suggests some sort of jamming system, but nothing more solid than speculations. For now, we're the only operational force closest to Velika, and possibly their only hope at this point."

"First order of business will be to recapture and reactivate the anti-air defense systems along the coast of Lunar Bay. Then, advance into the city and organize a sweep of the city. Destroy any jammers or hostile installations along the way. Hold the city at all costs, until we can evacuate the civilians and wounded. We got Sorentine and Farbanian forces scattered all across Velika, so get a positive ID before engaging. You will be assigned under the Counter-Strike Battlegroup's WACO (Warning And Control Officer) - Callsign "Grand Caster". Intricate details and intel will be provided en route. An airship have already been tasked to ferry us to the frontlines. As supplies are being prioritized for ground elements, use what you can find lying around AICA."

"This will be your first MOBIUS sortie, so keep your head on a swivel and come back in one piece, you hear? You have all trained for this. Do not doubt yourself, and look after your fellow pilots. One more thing. This is Lieutenant Morinra, she will be joining you in the operation. To maintain operational security, you will go by your MOBIUS engraved callsign."

Cyra gave one look at the new face before turning towards the Doctor once again.

"Airship ETA twenty minutes. So suit up and move out. Major Muirse will oversee the details of arming your AWS. Dismissed."

Following their dismissal, Cyra reeled back and pulled Amroi aside.

"We need to talk."

Shifting his gazes around, upon realization of her inclined tone, Amroi made sure no one else was within earshot before raising his attention.

"What's up?"

"I did my own digging on the blackouts. If what Dr. Loxley said is true, then there's something else we need to confirm on the ground. But first, I need you to look after Saimos out there. And I really mean it."

"Straza... You sound shaken to your core. Alright, fine. I'll babysit that guy. Anything else?"

"Soon. If we live to see another day. I'll fill you in later."

Code by Nano
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Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
30mm Auto-Cannons // LRAAM

"Here, Judyth." Durthai said, tossing a can of meropide Judyth's way.

"Thanks!" Judyth replied, as she secured her ECOS and grabbed her backpack.

"That everything?"

"Aye. Major Muirse is about done with our Mobius. I already gave the others their share. Definitely should not skip our breakfasts, even if we are pressed on time. So, here you go!" Durthai then gave Judyth her homemade protein bar. As they traversed the hall towards the loading bay, Judyth took Durthai on her offer and made a bite. Exploding with euphoria, the silver-haired lieutenant wrapped her arms around Durthai. "This is so good! Thank you for bringing a little bit of flavor to the world of MREs!"

"It's the least I could do. Especially when everyone's on edge right now. Dr. Loxley wants us to be focused and ready, after all." She replied with an elated but tame expression.

With what they could gather at AICA, Judyth's requisition of the 30mm and Long Range Air-to-Air Missile for her AWS was swiftly installed with Major Muirse's help. Greeting the Major properly, Judyth made her way into the cockpit, and plugged herself into the system. The wires glowed briefly, with the system interface running its diagnostics while Judyth secured her backpack in one of the compartments. Putting on her helmet, she synchronized herself with the magic machine. A surge of energy enraptured her body, as the astral energy radiated with profound effects, causing the lieutenant's eyes to glow beneath her shielded helmet.

"The Stars guide you, Lieutenant Kairnseval. Good hunting." Muirse said over the local intercomms via their DNAI.

"We'll be back soon, Major. Have the Cambrian carbenet on standby when we do." Judyth chuckled, giving Muirse a thumbs up before the lift began to ascend - taking the Regina above ground.

With the rest of the pilots situated with their Mobius loadouts and raring the go, a delta-winged Farbanian airship materialized from the horizon. Its approach gradually grinding to a halt, hovering slightly over the runway, with the Mobius lined up for their pickup.

"Attention all pilots. This is Cerza Five-Niner. I'll be your chaperone for today. Go ahead and activate your gravity-hook for me." The airship pilot announced over comms, lowering his craft to about a hundred meters above ground. The Regina, being the first to go, unlocked its gravity panel - prompting Cerza to lock the signal and pulled the Mobius using the airship's gravity lift. "And locked. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant." The hissing of the angled claw ceased, as the Regina curled up into a fetal position. As the interior of the airship was revealed to Judyth, she would await the rest of her comrades' ascension. When all were picked up by Cerza, the pilot released his auto-pilot and pushed the throttle forward. The doors below them sealed in, with various integral systems beginning to attach themselves to the Mobius's external frame - augmenting them with external tanks and boosters for the upcoming aerial insertion.

"Cerza Five-Niner to all passengers. I've updated your primary communication channel with encrypted connection to Grand Caster. It's a lovely day outside. Fifty-five degrees Kraynic, lots of Sorentine activities in the AO today with scattered munition storms. You might wanna pack an umbrella and some heavy-duty boots. We'll be arriving at the designated rally point in thirty-minutes. Transmission from Grand Caster to follow. Cerza Five-Niner out."

"All pilots from AICA. This is Grand Caster. Be advised, fighting have intensified in the capital city and we are losing grounds quick due to lack of air domination. Latest intel suggests large concentration of hostile ground forces, consisting of Myrmidon warframes, and assortment of infantry drones. We've managed to pinpoint two primary landing grounds for enemy reinforcements located within the city - designated LZ Epsilon and LZ Grayback. As the enemy have the upper hand in numbers, we must get those anti-air defense batteries online as soon as possible. With our limited power supply due to the outage, the Starpiercers can only afford one salvo to pave the way for your entry. So make it count. Once hostile aerial offense is contained, proceed on foot and neutralize Landing Zone Epsilon and Grayback. I've updated your DNAI with squadron sortings and your IFF are now positive on our scope. Further updates will follow as the situation develops. Grand Caster out."

As they approach the rally point, the crimson glares within the transport craft gradually lit up, reeling some of the drowsy pilots back to their tasks.

"Cerza Five Niner here. This is it, ladies and gentlemen. Your Mobius should be equipped with adequate boosters for the rest of the trip. Please go ahead and set it to maximum throttle. Disengaging locks on green."

Judyth's hand raised the hologram lever, easing the boosters to a steady stream, before Cerza announced the opening of the loading bay.

"Door's open."

Beneath Judyth's feet were textures of vivid blue waves, rapidly coursing their way past her, as if she was sailing across a vast abyss. Thanks to the Mobius's Hyper Sensors, she felt herself drifting through Bay with a blissful sensation. If there was not a war going on, perhaps she could acquaint herself with such a tranquil thought. Reeling back to the mechanical reality before her, Judyth steeled her mind for the battle ahead.

"Release on mark. Release in three... two... mark!" He said, prompting the lights to turn green. With the Regina's thrusters fully engaged, Judyth nudged the release on its limiter, as the Mobius spun out of the back of the airship, before thrusting across the bay.

As the airship veered left to perform a turn, the rest of the Mobius followed, creating a series of fire streams that sped across the Bay. As they cross over the fallback line, several Farbanian fast-movers joined them.

"Correcting path for bearing One-Seven-Five. The Stars guide you all. Give them hell! Cerza Five Niner out."

/// GRAND CASTER to all squadrons, MADAR is picking up a sizeable element of hostile drones closing in fast to intercept your approach. Prepare for imminent contact. With SODAR still inoperative at this time, Wyvern elements will be your eyes and ears. Clear the sky and proceed with your primary mission. Operation Lionheart is a go. ///

"This is Wyvern 2-1 to all friendly MOBIUS in flight. We'll provide screening and tag as many targets as we can. The rest is up to you. Here we go. Her will be done!"

The fighters then released their external tanks and thrusted forward, bearing the weight of the first array of drones that made initial contacts. As they made their first pass, the IFF within every MOBIUS lit up like fireworks, tagging almost all of the hostile drone fleet. The counter on Judyth's HUD relayed the numbers to five-hundred unmanned aerial drones equipped with short-ranged missiles and twenty-millimeter cannons. Their schematics were then emulated and updated accordingly on screen as the Regina flew closer to the frontline.

Spinning up her cannon, Judyth locked onto the first few targets, and peppered them at range. Before long, tracers and missile trails polluted the sky, with intermittent explosions inbetween.

Passing by an accumulation of cloud formations, Saimos inched his Herald forward and broke through several clustered drones, which were rounded up by Amroi.

"Right where you want them, Saber Four! Hit the shazzin' bastards!"

The Herald spun up their guns, ripping through dozens of drones in a matter of seconds. With the Abbess mopping up any stragglers that got past Judyth's sight. Having logged in hundreds of hours into their Mobius, the vast battlefield was no different from their training simulations and field flight exercises. While far from detached, Judyth felt herself urged on by a sense of accomplishment over the handful of drones they managed to destroy within the first few minutes of combat. But before she could celebrate internally, a bright tracer flew right by her, with the Abbess lunging forward to yank the Regina out of its path. The bright round swiftly exploded behind them, with its shrapnel sizzling all over the warframes' shields.

"You alright?" Durthai asked, as a friendly fighter got caught in the detonation and fell from the sky.

"This is Wyvern 3-4. Dead stick! Dead stick! I'm going dow-" A secondary explosion followed, as the craft evaporated in a blazing fury. The reverb, accompanied by a series of cracking noises broke across open channel.

Reeling back from the horrific sight, Judyth bit her teeth.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Anyone got a twenty on that shot?"

"Eyes on. Bearing Two-Five-Nine. It's a Centurion, human-operated." Saimos relayed.

"How about we return the favor? Shazzin' Sorentine bastard! Cover me, Saber One! I'm going in."

"Saber Two. Stay on my six."

"On you, Saber One."

Code by Nano
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Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun FiveElemental FiveElemental LostHaven LostHaven Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
It had been a pathetic death, for the one half of the pair that didn't deserve it. Felix's funeral had been marked with grief and anger, certainly, but for Rel-Taren? The Xihu'tein had viewed it all in a detached manner. A disgraceful demise, to be certain, but nothing so unordinary in war. Twas a favorite of his own people, after all. And even if Saimos's own fury found a new target when Rel-Taren offered some assistance, well...that too was an unnoteworthy loss.

People died. Mostly, unjustly. Loxley, the good doctor, was cruel to deny that blue-blooded brat an opportunity to collect upon the blood debt. Certainly, he had given Saimos the opportunity to do so, being one of the cadets present that hadn't moved an inch when the order was given to restrain one of their own, but, alas, twas cold calculation at play once more. Pathetic, all around. Felix's corpse, left for swine or fire. Saimos's wrath, turned to nightmares that bagged his eyes. A storm brewed gently, resting upon the tip of an untested blade.

A fruit grown too ripe was liable to splatter against the earth before it was harvested.


"Scimitar 1 to Scimitar Squadron." Rel-Taren's voice sounded downright cheery amidst the brewing violence, but then again, compared to the dour "good soldiers" that he was tasked with leading, perhaps he made an effort to do so. It'd otherwise be an atmosphere most dreadful, after all, stuck between Liane, Muris, and Sarina. Ah, if only he had been slotted in Warhammer or Cleaver instead, with the sociable and the reckless. "We'll bolster up close-range defenses for the other squadrons. Pursuance, Ein Sol, take it easy; you'll be doing more than your share of the work once we go urban. Myrmidon, same as always. Assist with Grand Caster's readings and plot a good path for my Pylons."

Beyond his flesh, the machine reciprocated the movement of his limbs, mechanical tail swishing back and for with a warrior's anticipation, as Canon cycled into Suppression Mode, the weapon blooming like a flower that promised and invited death. But, of course, before doing the minimum amount of work expected of him, Rel-Taren couldn't resist.

"Ah, Scimitar 1 to Warhammer 1. Sabers've found a Centurion. Better quarry than wasting the 'God Slayer' on some bees, no?"
Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs

For all its vaunted importance, it seemed that even the Throneworld had much to do in matters of subterfuge. A blackout here and there, barely anything of notice in the three months of their training. Yet it continued. Nothing that crossed their minds, for those who bothered to pay attention to Velikan prime time news instead of the capital’s expensive dramas and decades-long soap operas. The course was intense, compressed as it was due to the will of the program's backers. Who would bother watching the news when it was better to relax? Dr. Loxley could not wring more concessions from her superiors even if she tried.

And she did try.

So, here they were, the tip of the spear against the Sorentine force The only thing standing between the enemy and their Empress. History was unfolding before their very eyes, and they were the ones penning the page, writing the words. Marian could almost appreciate the vicious strike if it wasn’t so gods-damned infuriating. Heads would assuredly roll in the aftermath - whether it was military intelligence’s or theirs. A decapitation strike. A bold and daring offensive at the heart of the enemy. It was the kind of thing that generations beyond their own would never forget.

Go forth, ye heroes, and die, she thought. Victory or death.

Luminov’s death had cast a dark pall over what was now Saber Squadron. She hadn’t particularly shed tears over it - something that Saimos had most definitely noticed. Assassination attempts, while not common, were returned in kind at home. With force. Father had brought Houses to their knees for daring to harm her. Loxley had passed the sentence, swung the sword. That was the end of that. She hadn’t been particularly close to the boy. But now Marian’s thoughts turned to their predeceased teammate, and she wondered. What would he have felt? What would he do, as protector of the realm, barely finished with training?

Marian’s fingers thumbed the controls of her Mobius. Her Mobius, a machine wrought with the blood of men and plated with promises of a better future. Mournful Vow was designed to her specifications, all sleek lines and dizzying speed. Compared to the various other Mobiuses in the hangar, Mournful Vow cut a distinct figure with its’ reversed legs and singular optic that burned red. And as she flew into combat, roaring thrusters nothing but background noise amidst the symphony of steel, Marian could appreciate the heady feeling of power it gave her.

It was time.

Mournful Vow’s guns bellowed their handler’s displeasure with the Sorentine forces as the green and gold Mobius soared into action. It was simulator play given life; the thunderous staccato of gunfire joined by the singing of missiles sailing through the air to take out the Sorentine chaff. Each pull of the trigger and each downed drone was its own segment of the symphony of war.

Comms chatter took her out of the repetitive motion of aiming and firing. There was that streak of competitiveness flaring up again. She frowned. There would be more enemies than one Centurion. Doubtless that it was another quirk of Xihu’tein culture. Or maybe she was reading too much into it. Aeoun and Rel'Taren's rivalry was not something she bothered to understand. Either way, Marian thought for a moment, before chiming in.

“I advise caution and focus on evicting the enemy from this airspace, Warhammer 1.” she spoke. "Very little point in chasing down first blood when there are more to reap below once the chaff has been cleared out."

Code by Nano
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Status: Active Duty
Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Interaction: ERode ERode FiveElemental FiveElemental LostHaven LostHaven Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Mobius Armaments: 75mm Anti-Tank Rifle - 30mm Rotary Cannon

The past several days, well, far longer than that, had been absurd, painful, allies lost or flunked out, grueling flights and coming to terms with the modifications she had received. For the first several days her "gift" was running wild, her body sore, tense, tired. As Days became weeks it was as if nothing had happened. Then there was the traitorous scum that brought an inglorious end to Felix Luminov, that robbed the routine of its meaning, a pointless death that could have taken them all. How many great pilots had died from such, or as passengers on transports? Far too many. Then there was poor Saimos, his anger was righteous. The Cenerithian sympathized with him, but when the order was given, a brief look of conflicted confusion played out across her face, a hesitancy, before she carried out the task of grabbing him with some of the rest.

In the aftermath of that and the nightmares of Saimos that had become the scuttle bucket of the base, she had taken to avoiding him when and where able, mostly as she did not know what to do with this situation, survival, orders, piloting, those were much more simple to deal with, and so she did, retreating to the controls of the MOPIT. Hopefully some of the more cheerful ones could help him. She herself had no nightmares of the event and maybe that was why someone in R&D was having a laugh at her expense.

First her unit was blue, not too troubling in and of itself if not for it being one of the Kingdom, but the name Myrmidon was a bit much as it was also a name for the most common deployed enemy type of drone. At least there was a good chance enemy WACO would pick up the same tag and be met with the same confusion. She would just have to earn enough kills that the enemy changed name or where she became and ACE worthy of the attention of the name. To wear it as a mockery and taunt to the Sorentine Armed Forces.

Or die trying.

Still, she did not expect it to be so soon, so close and so sudden she would be called to battle with the scramble klaxon. While odd things had been going on, that didn't mean a sudden full-scale incursion was about to take place. Or was it something far larger? The briefing was quick and dirty with her having more questions than not, those would seemingly have to wait as the emergency scramble went into the next phase.

Still in a matter of time and with the mission req, she requested two gunnery weapons, a 75 AT 'Rifle' and a 30mm Rotary Cannon, checking the ammo and technical readouts, everything seemed to be in order as the technomagic marvel came to life, joining the rest on the airfield it seemed they would have a ride aboard an airship, too bad there wouldn't be time to do more than sit in the cockpit. And even that was quickly over with as they were in the sky without the taxi. She would have liked to thank them, but now was neither time or place, instead once her Myrmidon was clear, she extended her weapons a little and waved back and forth, a slight vertical movement in the common way of saying hello and goodbye by fixed wing pilots, or to offer salutes.

Soon they were in Contact with Grand Caster and the scopes were overwhelmed, never mind the other engagements, the harbor on fire, the fighters doing their best and AA batteries engaging their own, her mind becoming a beehive of activity as her abilities spread out, putting a pilot helmet on, her focus was on censors and the optical viewscreens of the Myrmidon. "Hmm..."

Hearing the commands from Rel-Taren, she smirked a little under the helmet, he was so at odds with the rest of his flight, even herself. Still, command likely had its reasons.

"Roger that Scimitar 1, Scimitar 2 updating flight data-link, connecting to Grand Caster."

Given the focus of herself and machine, Sarina went about carrying out her commands. "Scimitar 2 to Grand Caster Actual, unit Myrmidon, I'll be aiding the flight with your and my own sensor readings, don't be afraid to borrow my brain for course and target plotting. Let's just say it's a gift...

Scimitar 2 to Scimitar 1, painting the Centurion for any interested flights. Staying on your wing, will engage drones with my 30 when enemy is within range. Over."

Hoping the WACO officer got what she meant, she immediately starts plotting a movement route in realspace, rapidly inputting commands with one hand while the other stayed on controls. As a bonus to others within the Squadron, the Centurion would be illuminated amidst the clutter of drones, a targeting lock in essence to hone their one locks in upon.
Liane D. Venhaus
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime | "Scimitar 4 on standby."
His abrupt and unfortunate demise came of little surprise to the homunculus. Burying the corpse of a comrade who had had ate, drank, fought and laughed with only the night prior was all too common – a tragedy, for sure – but a common occurrence regardless. It would have been naïve to expect anything different solely for the fact that they were at the A.I.C.A. rather than the battlefield. In the end, they were still tools made for war.

In the end, she still became what her maker wished for her to never become.

Mortality is a fleeting, ephemeral thing. Ultimately, it is inevitable, so we must shed no tears for their passing, but remember only that they once lived.

Thusly, she shed no tears for Felix’s death. No grief, no parting words. And so, in midst the nobleman’s funeral, whilst many shed tears of melancholy and others seethed with a fiery rage that could only be quenched in blood shed in vengeance, Liane remained ever distant, indifferent, uncaring. She did not have enough tears for every life lost. Or would it have been more apt to say that she already had none left? If they hadn't already before, surely now more than a few of her fellows would put her nature in question. How could this seemingly pure-blooded Velikan be so utterly unfazed by the death of a comrade? So much so that mere minutes after the funeral ceremony, she would go on acting as if he had never existed to begin with?

It didn't matter. So long as they didn't ask, she had no obligation to addressing their concerns.


A single word was uttered through the communication channel from Ein Sof to the rest of Scimitar, Liane's soft monotone voice unbefitting of the hulking black knight she piloted. It wasn't strange that Ein Sof wouldn't be of much assistance when it came to picking off drones in the air. Ein Sof's specialty was 'unconventional', to say the least; while Liane's school of magic was bizarre enough as is, her 'anti-magic' that invoked a deep unsettlement seeming more akin to a perversion, a defilement of mana rather than an application of it, Ein Sof's unique functionality were stranger still. Its abilities lay primarily in interfering with 'magic' and induce severe malfunctions in technology operating on mana, and its BoA Resonance appeared to be indiscriminate, save for Ein Sof itself. Few would forget its first test run, that almost gave the A.I.C.A. its own mass blackout to worry about.

And, while mass area of denial seemed useful enough, its effects so far would be most devastating to none other than M.O.B.I.U.S. pilots who shared a deep aetherial bond with their warframes. Why would of all people, the Armed Forces of Farbania have a need for a frame so suited to ripping apart a M.O.B.I.U.S. and its pilot?

Regardless, Ein Sof and its pilot have proven well enough in their combat simulations that they could butcher an opposing Myrmidon well enough.

"Ein Sof. Will standby until engaging with ground forces."
Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime

Aeoun was no stranger to death. When Felix died- It had come as a shock, yes, but not in the same way that had shaken many of the other cadets. It had been a senseless death, without honor, without glory, and as Aeoun would learn, a death perpetrated by a cowardly man. No, what shocked him was the fact that everyone else seems to have only seen death now, for the first time. They had sent these cadets, these men and women to war, without ever showing them death. Among his people, every prospective warrior had that as the first step of their training. Before they took a single sword or spear in hand, they watched through magic and sorcery, how a man dies. Any who turned away then, would not be a warrior, until they could bear the sight of death without flinching.

When they'd found the killer, Aeoun had been with the other cadets restraining Saimos. Not because Saimos had no right to vengeance, not because they did not deserve death- But because Saimos was lashing out in a blind fury. He'd hissed for Saimos to calm himself, that if he was to take his brother's blood-price, it had to be done in clarity, in deliberation. To act as a man, not a beast. Loxley executing the saboteur was satisfying, yes, but even then it was a little hollow.

Aeoun sang a funeral dirge for Felix, in the privacy of his room. Perhaps the other cadets could hear the haunting, somber tones, but it wasn't for them. In the tradition of the Katasteri, you sing the song of one who had passes to honor what they were and what they could have been. And Aeoun's lament was for a warrior that would be no longer, and a brother in arms cut down well before his time.

The surgeries left Aeoun feeling... strange. They fixed parts of his form, set it in stone, so that they could be more compatible with the machines. It was like having a lump stuck in your throat, from a more natural biological perspective. He'd never had his form changed in this manner before, never had a part of him he couldn't change in some manner. But he had left his homeworld for the strange, and so he accepted it with grace. He even got used to it, in the passing of time.

But the deaths of the loremasters, booting up his Atlas... that was another thing entirely. He'd learned their names. Why wouldn't he? They were forging his comrades' weapons, they were giving form to his dreams of piloting a machine of war. Aeoun would fly on wings given form by their souls. He'd learned all their names and then he'd watched as they died, and Aeoun... didn't know what to think. It was one thing to be a warrior, who kills those who are your enemies. But what did one sing of a warrior whose chariot was forged in others' life-blood? What do you say about flying on iron wings, yet bought with souls?

Aeoun spent some time thinking on it. Eventually, he inscribed each and every one of those names upon the inside of his mech, his sword scratching up the forged metal and leaving deep, indelible marks. He bore the inevitable scolding with utter stoicism, refusing to feel repentant. Those people had died for him to fly. He would remember them. No matter what the officers and professors said. It was a matter of principle.

The graduation party was a much more pleasant change of pace. Dancing and schmoozing. The other cadets would find Aeoun taking to this as a fish in water, charming with his words, his background as a noble on full display. He bantered, he gossiped, he grinned and dealt and whirled around the ballroom. The Duchess of Menassa was there, and for the nobles there was plenty of scandal to be had just in observing the way they flirted. Yes, Aeoun was a blueblood through and through, and the intrigues of a good aristocratic ball was where he did some of his finest work- If you can call having an absolute blast 'work'.

A chariot wasn't truly alive until you had killed a man with it. That's what he was taught. Aeoun performs the flight checks, boots up the Atlas's systems, feeling it purring under him. A mechanical monster, and he was the mind and the heart. Perfection. When the klaxon call to war had sounded out, Aeoun had responded perhaps before anyway else did, a streak of starry fluid flowing down the hallways in a mad dash. He was a warrior of House Orion. With hand, spear, and sword he had slain seven other House-sworn men, and he was no stranger to battle. Every moment was precious when there was a surprise attack. Even a single second meant another dead comrade, another dead civilian.

Aeoun's Atlas rises at the spearpoint of Warhammer squadron, and it sings a Hymn of war. A recording of House Orion's battle-song, played on loop, a beat to shake the earth and a melody to call down the stars blaring in Aeoun's wake. Yes. This was what he'd been waiting for. An honest battle, those precious moments of glory. Aeoun's voice resounds on the comms with an unequaled confidence, cutting like a sword. If anyone had any doubt, any hesitation about combat, perhaps they could take solace in the fact that Aeoun was clearly in his element? Or perhaps it'd be even more disconcerting.

"Warhammer 2, online. May the songs of your deeds reach the stars. Our duty is to take control of the battlefield, Vow, and the enemy have happily presented us with one of their finest warriors in the air. Shall we not give them a dance, before they go after more of our fellows? But still, you have a point.

Grand Caster, get us flags on trouble spots where a bunch of Mobius would be useful. We'll see about lending our friends some aid if we manage to clear enough of the airspace for some of us to divert our attention."

Even as Aeoun speaks, the Atlas maneuvers in the air with impossible grace. Enemy fire splatters off of its shield, the machine moving like flowing water to sweep through formations of incoming missles. They are cut to ribbons, shattered by his passage and transmuted through the deadly alchemy of his sword-skills into falling debris. The Simulators did not capture the fullness of combat; the feeling of the hand of a God on his back as he hurtles forward, the feel of his blade passing through steel. The Atlas was a whirlwind of death, most adept in the midst of the fray, but so too did it cover its allies, intercepting enemy fire as it came in. They had yet to close with the enemy, and so this was the most the Atlas could do. Not that Aeoun minded.

And if a drone manage to survive the withering hail of fire pouring out from the squadron?

It would find Aeoun falling upon it like a panther, and meet a sorry fate indeed.
Code by Nano
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Active Duty
koala koala Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Midrick Midrick
[30mm Rotary Cannon] & [AIMALS]

The three months of training went by blazingly fast. Quicker than the stoic pilot, Rakh, predicted. Yet now as he rested in the cockpit seat, the months blurred into a molten picture of technicolours and odd shapes. Darkened by the unfortunate demise of their cadet, Felix. He felt no sorrow or sadness, even when Felix was carried to his final resting place. Life's end is... Was no stranger to the cold Xirilenkia, except it disturbed him. A crimson knife buried in his back, twisting flesh, muscle, sinew, spine, and heart into a whirlpool of wrongness. He did not share camaraderie with Felix, as much as the others did at least, but it is still an absence in space. And absences are so hard to fill. In the trenches of his subconscious, he loathed the graduation, dreading its arrival. That loathing began to overflow and seeped into his conscious mind; fashioning a chasm ten-stories deep and wider than a battleship in the closing weeks of their training. A few would have the insight to differentiate between his coldness and spontaneous apathy.

An armour-segmented hand reached up to a rotary switch, stopping right as gloved fingers gripped the switch's surface. A hotness flushed into his thin, left cheek. He recalled his hand and hovered it over the helmet's silver-sheen. Fingers circling in place as if he massaged through the armored exterior. The fire was like a shimmering coal pressed against his cheek, a fire of warmth and confusion. He looked to the unframed picture suspended in his cockpit, depicting a woman of similar age and a pet, he asked himself, perhaps shamefully, about why he felt this way. The heat has persisted for days, weeks even, coming and going like a remainder, a remainder of what? Something graceful, good? Or something to be ashamed of?

He balled a fist, shaking it to disperse these thoughts. A soldier shouldn't be stooping into the depths of his mind when he is about to plunge feet first into hell!

With preparations completed, the red-chested MOBIUS propelled into active combat at the behest of the klaxon call. The numbers, "92.5," painted in a brilliant crimson on the right-side of the chassis torso shined beneath the sleekly-designed 30mm Rotary Cannon, loaded with HEAP rounds, carried in the armoured gauntlets of the giant.

"Cleaver I to Cleaver elements..." A momentary pause as a quiet, hissing sigh could almost be heard. Rakh pressed his lips in annoyance, before parting to speak. "This is Spider, weapons hot and full-freedom to engage." The nickname given to him by his brother, he couldn't believe his ears when he heard that it stuck around for his callsign. The Schrani's propulsion system muted itself as the warframe ground itself with a slide to fire upon the enemy, its 30mm rotary cannon like a trumpet which proclaimed war.

"Hellscythe, close-quarters, get to it. Maintain Exit Paths" He told Fion, who he appended the nickname Fangs after all these months, he knew her MOBIUS' capabilities and that she performed optimally in the thick of things, although like the ever-reminding squad leader that he was, he still informed her to keep an eye out for an escape route. Not that he needed to, but he enjoyed the act.

"Nikki-Zeus, I want you on range, call down the thunder and the whirlwind." His sibling could function fine at both medium and long-range, but for this encounter, Rakh wanted Nika to be their guardian rifle. And that leaves Cyra, with the RITTERBRÜDER.

"RITTERBRÜDER, on my tail, we'll be moving from both ranges to provide firepower and assistance wherever we can."

Warhammer 1

"Fight for the crown, die for the crown,"
Odessa whispered as she watched Felix's casket lowered into its grave.

She hadn't gotten to know him very well during the short time they trained together, but she still felt a twinge of anger whenever she thought about the circumstances behind his death. Espionage was always a possibility during war, but the reality of being backstabbed by one of your own didn't hit Odessa until she saw the traitor (rightfully) executed by Dr. Loxely. How many others among them had been sabotaged? For that matter, how many spies did they have in their ranks?

Unfortunately there was no time for further investigation as they only had a few more weeks until deployment and the Sorrenti weren't going to give the cadets time to mourn.

So she banished uncertainty in favor of discipline and grit her teeth through all the surgeries meant to augment her piloting. She spent countless hours sketching and scrapping MOBIUS designs until Belial was colored to perfection. The graduation ceremony proved to be her only respite wherein she downed a bottle of whiskey before riddling it with bullets behind the venue.

Now she was defending Velika Prime.

"Ah, Scimitar 1 to Warhammer 1. Sabers've found a Centurion. Better quarry than wasting the 'God Slayer' on some bees, no?"

"Who says I can't do both?"
Odessa quipped.

“I advise caution and focus on evicting the enemy from this airspace, Warhammer 1.” Mari-Mournful Vow piped in. "Very little point in chasing down first blood when there are more to reap below once the chaff has been cleared out."

Their fast tracked training didn't leave much room for socializing, but of the things she knew about Rel-Taren made him a self-declared rival. Not only was he was a fair bit older than her, but his MOBIUS had a similar design to hers, and that he was a rival worth declaring. Two sharpshooters, one with a previous war under his belt and the other, cutting her teeth on Velika Prime. Aeoun seemed like he had an eternity of battle under his belt if his speech was anything to go by. She knew less about Marian and Kariko but received a briefing on their units once teams were decided.

"Copy that Warhammer 3. Tetrax, keep an eye out anymore Centurion. If you find one, reel 'em in. Vow and I will watch our six. Atlas, once we get word from the Grand Caster, forge us a path to the nearest battle."

Belial soared to the skies, its wings glowing purple with magical energy. True to its name, Belial was a wicked angel, bulky in some areas yet impossibly sleek in others. Her fingers hovered over the special weapon switch before pivoting to her standard armaments. Missiles found their home in surrounding drones before her Belial's left arm began morphing. Where claw once stood, a rotary cannon now spun in its place and bullets made quick work of the enemies on their flank.

Her surgeries had done well to synchronize Odessa and her MOBIUS, but she could still feel the gulf between reality and simulation. The recoil reverberated through her forearm while her shoulder blades ached with the weight of something foreign sprouting from her back.

She could only imagine how it would feel once she finally pulled out the God Slayer.

The Sanctified Mind

♡coded by uxie♡
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Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
of course, new blood, Kariko was wondering why she ended up with a bunch of them after her transfer whatever, they needed at least a bit of more experienced blood with them She'd not bother getting a good look at their faces yet, one usually could tell the person by there MOBIUS and frankly, that was more important especially when you where in the middle of combat, whatever she'd simply give a small nod. she at least knew what there MOBIUS callsigns where so that would at least make things easy.

with that, she'd head toward her own MOBIUS unit. Tetrax, she'd been with that old machine for a while, so unlike the new blood, she was used to the strange feelings of these huge metal machines. Tetrax was more akin to an extension of herself.. admittedly without hands but hey you can't win it all hey? once inside the cockpit, she'd flex her "arms" the large guns on there buzzing to life alongside all the auxiliary systems as those flashed across her eyes all systems green they were good to go. the metal monster rumbled to life becoming truly alive rather than just an effigy of cold steel. that would launch through the air following the others in the Warhammer unit. Warhammer 2 was a bit flashy for her liking by oh well there was always a need for someone taking the brunt of the fire. "this is Warhammer 4, 1 2 3 I hope you don't all intend to try and win any medal stick together and we will all make it out alive got it?" she'd say in a dry voice tone of someone who'd done this all before, there was always a glory hound, and it seemed today was no exception hopefully there antics didn't get anyone else killed.
Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime
RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
30mm Rotary // 40mm Grenade Launchers

Tracers filled the sky, as Farbanian automatic turrets spewed an array of fatal flames beyond the radiant clouds. As the morning was made with the cacophony of incendiary bullets and missiles going off above Lunar Bay, the Mobius pilots made their progress at achieving air superiority. Clocking their senses to the max, Saber Squadron made their climb to engage the Centurion. In doing so, the battlespace that they once occupied was now filled with hostile drones. But before the enemy could capitalize on their flanking maneuver, Scimitar 2's updated flight data prompted Grand Caster to follow up with a navigation system tweak.

/// Appreciate it, Scimitar 2. Remind me to buy you a drink after the operation. You are old enough to drink, right? Anyways. Navigation Systems updated for all friendlies in the AO. System guidance, as well as IFFs are linked and active. Wyvern Elements, you've done your job. Egress and support ground elements in the city. Be advised, hostile combat effectiveness is down to thirty-two percent. ///

Thanks to Myrmidon's efforts, Wyvern's squadron managed to prevent any further casualties, while allowing Saber Actual to follow up with a pincer attack. Warhammer's combined efforts managed to destroy a portion of hostile drones that were attempting to regroup. Other flights, in response, moved in to engage Warhammer, but was swiftly cleared out by Cleaver Squadron.

"Riding your six, Cleaver Actual." Cyra responded, adjusting her flight path accordingly.

Hugging her squad leader's rear, Cyra spun up her guns, clearing any stragglers that managed to get by the Shrani's flank. The Ritterbruder extended its armored sleeves, ripping the space between with a trail of bullets that dotted the sky with consecutive explosions. With their position secured, Cleaver's momentum paved the way for Scimitar to follow up with their own attacks.

"Saber 1 to Grand Caster. Status on hostile reinforcements in this sector?

/// MADAR is not picking up anything nearby, Saber 1. Standby while we assess the situation on the ground. ///

"Copy, Grand Caster. Permission to maintain current engagement and mop up the rest while other squadrons proceed with the next phase, over." Judyth voiced, as they confronted the Centurion - bringing the might of the Farbanian Mobius to bear against the lesser Titan of the Sorentine warmachine. Streaks of lights trailed their movements, as the four engaged in a well-synchronized waltz of fatal strikes that prevented the leader of the autonomous drones from being able to fully orchestrate their battle. When their primary energy gun could no longer serve its purpose, the centurion rolled up its metal blades, breaking the Green Ogre's momentum, and quickly thrusted itself in reverse to counter the Abbess's rear thrust.

"Be quick about it. The real fight isn't here! Shazzin' go and get those guns back online!" Amroi raised his voice, while recovering from the Centurion's parry. "Outta the way, Snowball! Saber 4! Now!"

Detonations followed suit, as Saber 4 reduced the Centurion's defenses with his missiles. But before the shields could be brought down, the remaining drones homed in on the Centurion, interlocking their formation to mitigate the impact of the missiles.

/// Acknowledged. Saber squadron will eliminate hostile Centurion and mop up the rest of the drones. Scimitar, Warhammer, and Cleaver Squadrons
- disengage and proceed with the restoration of anti-air batteries. Be advised, there are three main Viridius long-range cannons along the coastal highway, capture them, and we'll be able to stem hostile transports from reinforcing their comrades within the city. MADAR has picked up some artificial and human infantry within the control structures, so you'll need to clear them on foot. Friendly elements are stretched thin throughout the city, so you will have no support on the ground upon arrival. Orders to follow. ///

/// Cleaver Squadron will recapture the Century Square's Viridius in the north. Warhammer - the one near Ystrina Ferry to the south. And Scimitar on the final gun on top of Hermit's Cliff to the east. Once you have recaptured the guns, ARLA units from Ursina will arrive to hold and lock down those grids. ///

As the WACO relayed the order, the Sorentine forces began to dig in, relocating their small-arms and heavy ordinances to prevent a possible Farbanian counter-attack. Artificial riflemen complemented their flesh officers, heavily armored and updated with the latest software to facilitate their adaptability. Pressed for time, the Sorentine did not bother to round up the Farbanian dead, having only recently captured the position. With several entry points still open and lacking in demolition equipment, the officers prioritized the immediate defense of the batteries, as they attempt to improvise a method to destroy the Viridius cannons and its array of auxiliary turrets.

On the ground, a pair of Farbanian snipers continued to maneuver around the ruined city blocks, tagging and relaying confirmations of enemy movements to Grand Caster. The primary sniper then cast a net over her rifle and laid prone on standby. Turning towards their comrade, the partially-armored gunner grabbed their spotter's attention.

"Dugged in like a Sunitran tick. Damned Sorens and their walking shovels. Hey, Shugherz. Any idea who's gonna come and relieve the Virids?"

"The Zephyr is busted when we had to ditch the square, so if you're asking me if we received any word from command - try again when I can find a functioning comms. For now, we can only relay optical images from our Thurins to command. Last I heard, some fighters were already engaged over the bay. Maybe they'll divert once they're done. Hey. What about the SCAR team attached to Valence company? Aren't they in the city?"

"They're being deployed far east to deal with enemy armor. We already lost two companies trying to retake the Arkus Bridge. No one's gonna make it to the coastal batteries on foot. As far as the operation is concerned, we're deep in enemy territory."

"Shaz. Think our fighters are gonna make any difference? We're not gonna bomb our own guns, are we?"

"Too high profile and waste of ordinance when we're on the back pedal here. We have to hold out until the civvies within the Central District is accounted for."

"Well, whoever's gonna come for us better be packin', astride their noble steed or something along that line..."

"They better."

Code by Nano

Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun FiveElemental FiveElemental LostHaven LostHaven Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
"Look at you, Myrmidon. Won yourself a date already!"

Rel-Taren let out a low whistle to accompany the thrumming of his Canon, its Suppression Mode releasing a deluge of mana into the atmosphere. Of all the SP Weapons built for this generation of MOBIUS, Canyon’s Canon was one of the only that was expressly designed for ranged combat, and certainly the one that boasted the greatest rate of fire. Enemies scattered and broken already by the efforts of the previous squads, the dragon was free to release its flames, scouring the skies of those that dared encroach upon its domain.

Only scraps remained of their vicinity, and the Xihu’tein let out a bark within his cockpit. Such a pleasant sensation, wrecking havoc with the press of a trigger. T’was like the first time they had captured a mounted minigun. He had bisected the soldiers positioned there, seized their controls, and turned that turret upon their own, turning the enemy into crimson blooms. Ah, what a pleasant sight it had been!

Flames bloomed here, in lieu of blood, and Scimitar 1 sent out the order to descend, shooting one last remark to Odessa as he did.

“Ogre beat you to your glory, eh? Next time, Warhammer 1.”

Well, next time would be a race to see who could reclaim the batteries first. Which Rel-Taren was confident that Scimitar Squad would be able to win. Perhaps Pursuance being swapped out with Wraith would have allowed for a swifter advance, but regardless, it was Scimitar Squad, after all, who could most effectively opt for run-and-gun squad tactics. The four MOBIUS landed upon the base of Hermit’s Cliff, their combined mass and swift descent enough to send out a shockwave that would daze, if not completely destroy, any nearby infantry.

“Ein Sol, front with Myrmidon support. Pursuance, stay back and watch our rear. We advance at 80% speed, on my mark.”

From the base of the cliff, he was afforded visuals on the entire side, after all. Myrmidon’s assistance and marking enabled him to pinpoint defensive positions dug out by the Sorenti infantry; the Wayfinders he set ensured that each mana-beam he released would find those targets. And, with his Recursive Mark?

The dragon’s maw open.

The deluge descended, branching outwards like the roots of a tree to strike upon the cliff’s slope. Explosions saturated the hidden infantry, before the secondary aftershocks rocked the landscape itself, burying or destroying any makeshift fortifications that survived the first wave. How satisfying it was! Being paid to kill Sorenti soldiers and destroy Farbanian land!

“Scimitar Squad.” Canyon’s Canon shrunk, the flower petals closing into a shy bud as it swapped from Suppression to Destruction Mode. “Advance and enjoy.”

Pity the ARLA units who’d have to make their way through the wake of these Titans, really.
Liane D. Venhaus
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime | "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine."

At Rel-Taren's command, Ein Sof spurs into action. And advance it did, though whether or not Ein Sof and its pilot 'enjoyed' the bloodbath that would follow was an entirely different debate on its own. "Instructions received," a quick, calm reply comes from Ein Sof as it spares not a moment to charge into the fray.

The first shot from Canyon carpets the cliff's base with explosions, brilliant fireworks that burned away the foes that lay hidden in ambush. The following shockwave shakes the earth to its foundation, ensuring that no defenses would survive. In the meantime, under the veil of dust and debris kicked up by Canyon's fire, Ein Sof had begun its rapid advance to scale the cliff, intent on carving a bloody warpath toward their target - the anti-air battery the Sorentine forces had captured, and were currently in the process of dismantling.

As the pitch-black knight makes its advance, the hulking figure is seen to reach into its left forearm, whose armor plating begins to fold, revealing a compartment in which what appears to be a bladeless hilt is stored. As Ein Sof grips the hilt, it unfolds outward, revealing a guard of impressive wingspan. With a flash, the weapon ignites, an enormous holoblade extending outward, reaching a length even greater than Ein Sof's height.

Ein Sof bursts out from under the cover of dust and rubble, coated head-to-toe in an indescribable aura of deep dread and terror; the cold aura of a grim reaper, crowned with death. What defensive barricades the Sorentine were able to erect in between their warpath and the battery were of little effect as Ein Sof charges through the first one of many. With but a single, mighty swing of the first defensive line of many falls. Footsoldiers, utterly disoriented or frozen in place by the bottomless abyss of dread that seemed to emanate from the warframe. The robotic gunmen, upon which Ein Sof's dreadful aura seemed to have little effect upon could do little to halt the hulking knight's charge.

One swing.

One wide, horizontal swing was all Ein Sof had to give. The holoblade emits a terrible noise, akin to a low-pitched wailing as its mana-powered blade slices through the air itself. What followed was a tidal wave of blood, dismembered bodies and broken machinery as a residual shockwave throws the remains of Ein Sof's swift massacre in all directions. It was an inelegant dance, unbefitting of a swordsman. No dignity nor a knight's honor in its swings, only the purposefulness of a soldier- or perhaps, that of a butcher.

It doesn't halt.

With a calm, practiced and steadfast brutality, Ein Sof carved a path with the bodies of Sorentine soldiers as it approaches its target, cloaked in its aura of dread. A low-pitched static begins to emit from Ein Sof, a twisted requiem for the fallen before its blade. It begins to slow as it approaches the cliff's peak, letting its aura seep in and saturate the very air itself, each step forward meant to shatter the foe's spirit before their bodies.

"Ein Sof. Approaching the objective."
Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, Ystrina Ferry

Aeoun is laughing. It's a good thing his comms weren't on, otherwise he'd be grating very hard on his squadmates' nerves by now. It had taken far too long for his liking, their guns criss-crossing the sky to tear apart every drone they could find, but eventually, they'd done it. They had finally cleared enough of the air to be re-assigned, and now, the real work began. Not cleaning up chaff. His mech wasn't built for slaughtering idiot hunks of metal, it was made for the true crucible of war, testing its blade against other men. The Katasteri barks out an acknowledgement of Grand Caster's words, before screeching off towards the marked strong point, the rest of his squadron lagging behind him.

"To me, Warhammers! Battle awaits!"

It was a bit disappointing that the enemy didn't seem to be bringing any reinforcements to face them, but no matter. Even the fact that the honor of bringing down the Centurion had gone to Saber Squadron couldn't really shake his glee. The Atlas flies like a bolt of lightning across the sky, its engines roaring like a dragon as Aeoun descends towards Ystrina Ferry. The Sorentine forces there would look to the sky to find something out of a storybook dropping down upon their heads, Aeoun blaring out a challenge on open comms and through his speakers, his mech's HYMN resounding like thunder.


They answer him with fire and death, and Aeoun happily repays them in kind. Aeoun's mana flares, his Gravitas magic wrapping him in its embrace, and the hapless infantry are the first living Sorentine to face Katasteri magic as wielded through a Titan. Gravity itself warps around his form, pushing and pulling his mech so that it flies across the ground as if it was sliding on greased ice. Return fire slams into the Atlas's energy shield evenas Aeoun's sword sweeps out to cut down a nest of machinegunners in a single sweep. Then, as soon as he arrived, the Atlas suddenly boosts backwards, sliding around a street corner, and the Sorentine realize that no matter what Aeoun was saying over his comms, he wasn't fool enough to keep his mech in the open for them to bring their ordinance to bear.

The Farbanian snipers watch as Aeoun dances in and out of the space around the Ystrina Ferry Gun, his mech hopping over buildings, sliding through apartments, as he charges in and out of their defenses and back to the cover provided by an urban environment. Aeoun systematically dismantles the greatest threats to him and his squadron with each strike, his blade seeking out the organic officers or scything through what heavy ordinance emplacements they'd managed to set up, but even so, the stubborn defense of the Sorentine puts more than a few heavy blasts into his Aegis. On one particular occasion, Aeoun was forced to withdraw to cover and take a brief break from his attack runs, just to ensure that he'd build up enough charge in his armaments that they wouldn't run out if the enemy got another lucky volley.

But ultimately, Aeoun was in a Titan. The Sorentine were not. Cut by cut, charge by charge, more drones joined the scrap and more men joined the corpses. Bloodsplatter coats his hands, the whole lower half of his mech, smoking off of the shimmering holoblade and energy shield. They could hardly keep a bead on his titan, much less spare the attention to fully focus on the rest of Warhammer squadron.

Was this what it was like to have been one of those divine warriors of legend? The noble thinks of those Heroes of old who strode through the battlefield as the wind sweeps through fallen leaves, warriors whose feats had been sung of since the first Katasteri city-states stretched proud towers of marble towards the stars, and Aeoun found that he now walked in their shoes. The sword of House Orion had fought in war before, in the press of the shield-wall and the chaos of the melee, but this was a vintage of war unlike any other. And Aeoun drank it deep. As the Sorentine forces dwindle, he sends out a message on the comms.

"Warhammer is almost done at the ferry! Any ETA on those ARLAs, oh great and mighty Grand Caster?"

Code by Nano
Status: Active Duty
Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Interaction: ERode ERode FiveElemental FiveElemental LostHaven LostHaven Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Mobius Armaments: 75mm Anti-Tank Rifle - 30mm Rotary Cannon
Snorting a little in amusement at Grand Casters shop talk, she grins from beneath her helmet visor. "Depends on the Regulations, 16 is Legal to drink on Cenerith, I cannot speak for an 18 year-old on the capital... Either way, targets to track Grand Caster." She said with a chuckle before turning to face the controls, ignoring the brief encouragement of Rel-Taren. Over the next few minutes Sarina busied herself engaging and plotting the next threads in tandem with Grand Chaser. Following Scimitar Flight she was able to take part in the engagement for a brief instance, using her high caliber and automatic weapons to engage the drones, she even found herself in this new machine quickly meeting and exceeding Ace in this one engagement, though killing drones wasn't normally too much to write home about....

Soon game in more orders that they would be going to ground. "Scimitar 2 to Grand Caster, everything up above is in your systems only for now, heading groundside. Good luck."

With that said, it seemed her teammates were thoroughly taken care of Sorenti emplacements, what little there were., now she found herself with the bit of the job she wasn't jumping for. 30mm was just too much and the smarter me, engineers and officers likely, were inside. They would do all the could to disrupt and destroy the gun from the inside, while her flight leader seem all too happy to be firing on the assets of both types. And the emotionless girl was cutting a swath of men like blades of grass to a lawnmower. Being desensitized to the gore of the situation, but not the cruelty of it.

Noting a man running inside with a charge, The Myrmidon was halted, as she knelt down, stated her intentions after blasting what external sites still showed life. "Scimitar 2, proceeding with mission to take back the Battery, send another when you can, two should be enough, though leave another two watching our rides... Going in!"

With that Sarin ran inside with her rifle/shotgun combo rifle and started to make the most of her medically gifted enhancements, this time with more ammo. Reaching her first Sorenti soldier with a detonation trigger in his hands, she took aim and realized she wasn't hunting beasts or animals in the homeland, this was more dangerous, but just another target to fire at, scoring a solid hit, she followed with two more, kicked away the charge and then pocked him a few times to ensure he was dead, a twinge of sadness, but nothing to stop her.

More killing was to be done and she had no reason to fill sorry for the Sorenti here now, in the distance were two more as her DMR upper half swung up to meet them.

"Enemy engaged, working to clear."
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Adric Pakston
Adric sat in his Mobius, Durandel, immobilized from the waste down by the mechanisms that enabled movement. The rest of him was free, and looking at two pictures. One was of his former squad, Coyote. SCARs, the lot of them, and the best damn pilots he had ever known. They were all dead now, him the only survivor. They had become friends, no, they had become a family of sorts. His biological family, however, were lightyears away and had cut all ties with him. When his father had died, he strangely felt nothing. However, when he finally came to from the medically induced coma, when he had learned of his squad dying, it was as if a part of him simply vanished, a hole forming in his heart. A reminder of what he had lost in this war.

The person in the other picture still had a piece of his soul. His wife, Diannare. Former, wife. She had stuck with him through thick and thin, through his dumbest decisions. All the way up until he joined SCAR. She had understood why he'd done it, but it was the final straw. And he understood why she had handed him the divorce papers. She could not take him being gone for months at a time, not knowing if he was dead or not until he appears at her doorstep while on leave. He still loved her, and he ached for the life he could have had every time he looked at her picture. But it was a reminder of what he was fighting to protect.

"Those damn kids better get those guns back under our control," he grumbled to himself as he tucked the pictures into an inside shirt pocket, close to his heart. He was getting antsy, he needed to do something, but Durandel was firmly strapped into it's launch bay and would remain so until the order was given.
Active Duty
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
[30mm Rotary Cannon] & [AIMALS]

The tattoo of the rotary cannon's 30mm gunfire resounded across the open battle-sky. Drones fell by the dozen, their hulls crackling as the shells hit indiscriminately. The hyper-sensors fed combat data so thoroughly that to Rakh, it was like looking at a starry nightsky across an open meadow, his breath had been wet and heavy. A sleek, metal gauntlet swatted down a drone into the torn-up streets below, littering the ground with shrapnel, puncturing abandoned vehicles and the concrete walls of the buildings. The giant armour glided smoothly over the rubble, guided by Rakh's minutiae movement, before grinding to a halt and sweeping the area with gunfire. He felt Cyra in the RITTERBRÜDER behind him, partly from the hyper-senses and partly from his uncanny ability to know when someone snuck up on his back. The Schrani's mechanised servos whirred, shifting the helm slightly as if to see over its shoulder, unsurprisingly, his squadmate was there on his six. A drone's fiery carcass slashed across the Verosa Armati Energy shielding, it flickered for three-point-one cycles before it retained its invisibility. Wow, Rakh thought, he's seen the hexagonal energy tiles before when they were just learning a MOBIUS' capabilities, but seeing it now in action carried a different appeal. "Strong stuff." He spoke aloud, but aware not to voice his thoughts over the squad's communication channels.

Schrani's gauntleted hand tore of a neon sign from the side of a wrecked bar, its bright pink flare dying as fat sparks jutted from its cables, Rakh charged. He was vaguely aware of Cyra to his right side, the thunder of her own 30mm rotary joined the righteous exclamation of Rakh's. The drones were wailing—or rather, their propulsion systems were—as they threw themselves at Rakh. The neon sign struck the first one over head, smashing its chassis down, causing it to spit its guts from the bottom. Scrap, circuits, and machine oils splattered the Schrani's sabatons and everything around him as the hapless machine came apart. Rakh went over them, a sideways swipe crushed another drone to its core, flinging it away. A final blow shattered the impromptu blunt weapon and with it, came the last life of the drone barring Cleaver - and by extension, Scimitar to engage their attack.

The MOBIUS stood ready, scanning his rotary gun barrel over the horizon for hostiles, the sound of its servos softly whirring. The rest of Cleaver preformed admirably for the first ten or twenty minutes of their first sortie, hopefully their luck would last until the end of this debacle. Rakh sighed as his helmeted head swiveled in the cockpit of his MOBIUS, reading out what his diagnostics screen displayed in an impassive manner.

Before the voice of their WACO, callsign: Grand Caster, addressed him and Cleaver squad over the comm-channel. Schrani circled its shoulder, a decidedly human reaction spurred from Rakh's mind unconsciously. "Ay-firm, Grand Caster." Replied Rakh.

Schrani turned. The RITTERBRÜDER, Zeus were standing behind him amidst the debris and carnage of their own, while Hellscythe was further ahead. "We've got our orders, Cleaver. Snuggle up, and keep your SA (Situational Awareness) sharp. Effective, efficient." The thruster system on Schrani burned, propelling the titan warrior forward with breathtaking speed.

Cleaver would proceed on a warpath towards their objective. Guns blaring, blades slicing, and death raining as the Sorentine forces flailed in their monstrous tide of metal. Occasionally, electric arcs rippled through the Schrani's body, as if the warframe itself hungered with an all-consuming fervour. A terrible, ancient hunger for combat. Infantry, drones were flattened, Century Square was within reach, soon, they'll have to disembark to route out its forces.

Rakh grunted. It won't be that easy, he snapped. The rest of the squads have already engaged with their own targets. They'll likely deploy an armour of their own to defend at least one of the Viridius cannons from falling into our hands.


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