Digimon: When it Began (open)

dante was annoyed. if it wasn't for the rest of the students he would have already went wild on these things. but he resigned to taunting and implantation of ideas. "ya know Fido, tall dark and ugly is gonna take credit for your capture, leaving you with nothing but the scraps in your doggy bowl." he said back to the bestial creature, hoping lan or ryan or one of the new kids would catch on.
[QUOTE="the-lich]marine ran on, and smacked into dante head first, knocking him oer. ''awww ow...s-sorry''

((lol whats with you and running into people?))

Dante got back up continuing on. "come on new girl, stop freaking out. fido here is under the control of the ugly one. and the ugly one wants his precious cargo alive. just relax, and enjoy the fact we have slightly more freedom than dog breath."
Nina while she was getting dragged started to sniffle as she put her hands over her mouth.
(Nope, no Digimon now. We don't even know what Digimon are!)

Dane grabbed at the wires as he struggled, his body being pulled as he choked in pain. He was forced to walk like a puppet for Astamon. He eventually stopped pulling at the wires as he just walked, tears forming in his eyes from being choked.

He coughed trying to speak.

"Who are you?! Where are you going to take us!"

He scream at Astamon as soon as he had enough breath, he wanted answers,
Lan screamed as he felt the shock. " Its no use trying to tell him who he is dude. Hes probably gonna keep that ugly mouth of his shut." Lan started to tire and collapsed on the floor.
marine continued running till a large insect grabs her. ''h-hay!!'' hits its armoured tail, but its useless. 'get off me!!''
"Will you be quiet?! You do not need to know who I am you inpatient children, our lord will speak to you, and you shall be put to work, this is all you need to know." Astamon laughed and Fangmon snapped at Ryan's leg because he was limping behind the rest of the group because of pain.
marine hit the yanamamon hard, but the champion just snarled as he carried the girl. ''I need help!!'' punches over and over.
Dane grumbled in annoyance as the the thing on his chest clutched tight. He wanted it off and he wanted it off now. This creepy bastard wouldn't even tell them who he was or what he was. Guess he would have to wait till he met this master, maybe then he could get answers... He knew neither of these two were the ones in charge, no gloating....

Dane searched for a way to escape, but he couldn't see anything against creatures with weird powers. He would just have to wait till an opportunity presented itself. He then saw Fangmon snapping at Ryan.

"Hey cut it out you red furball, we're moving aren't we! Leave him alone fang face!"
dante stopped in his tracks until he was right next to ryan, giving a nice kick to the beast like creature when it snapped at them. "didn't your master say to stop attacking dog breath?" he said as he continued walking again. "honestly, i'm surprised your master hasn't put you down yet, then again that might be what he was talking about earlier, something about getting a more competent partner." dante said again continuing his taunting plan.
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((sorry had to do a lot of stuff))

Ryan followed the group, thanking the people who fought back with Fangmon, He walked down different halls, following Astamon, not willingly of course, and they finally got into the commons, he saw hundreds of children, all scared, whispering among themselves, and some, almost gone insane, they were somehow organized into rows of ten, 'one, two, three,. . . . seventeen.' He read the rows, they each had a theme among them, One line had tall, strong people, another, smaller, nerdy type kids. He wondered what his type of group was, he them saw a young prissy girl hitting a lobster like monster with her handbag, she kept screaming until the thing grabbed her in it's claw and she screamed with pain. This wasn't a comforting sight.
((yanamamon or rather Yanmamon is a dragonfly type not lobster verrici, i think you was thinking of Ebidramon which in fact is a lobster looking digimon))

dante was annoyed, he knew he was gonna get shocked again but he managed to free himself from the weird leash like substance they grabbed him with and ran over to the girl being attacked by some kinda dragonfly creature. "he bug brains, let her go!" he said jumping and giving a swift kick to the creature's eye casing causing it to drop the girl, he stood ready to receive a shock if not something worse, but felt he was doing what was right, especially when these things was attacking his turf. "tall, dark and ugly, tell your pets to stop messing with the students, where coming with you, and aside from me, most are being rather cooperative, you and you pets can do what you want to me, but leave. them. alone." he said pissed off, not really caring what happened to him at this point, not a lot of people would miss him, in all honesty, he doubted even the students he was risking his life for, would care if they killed him. it didn't matter though, he knew he was doing the right thing.
(( I wasn't talking about Yanmamon, someone else was, and I am talking about a ebidramon snapping someone in half, I know what I am doing. I am not new to digimon ^ ))
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(Yes you can, just be one of the people in another group, and we can have you join ours because your extremely wounded or something.))
Lan got back up from when he fell and walked around the corner to see who was there. He saw a couple of the creatures and other students and decided to surprise them with throwing objects but he still felt pain from those bullets.
Nina saw the horror of all the kids rounded up in groups she started to cry a bit but made sure she had here hands over her face so no one could tell.
((We are in the commons(of the school), about to teleport to the digital world, into a giant temple where we will be addressed by Kimeramon about how we are now his slaves and shall work until we die.))
Lance was rushing though the halls to get the commons. He was slightly scared of the loud rumbles and rapid shaking. He skidded into the commons and set his gaze on the leashed students and the huge monsters. His body shook and he stared fearfully at the monsters and started to scream "Monster!"
The group got pushed into formation like the rest, a variety of digimon scattered the room watching over the human children, strangely Ryan only now he had not seen one parent, or adult figure, where could they have gone? Have the strange monsters have killed them? Or worse. . . but what could be worse then not having to serve the rest of your live to a Kimeramon, what is a Kimeramon want with them anyway? 'What is going on? I mean there is no signs of hope anywhere. No exit that isn't blocked by horrid walls of monsters. Nothing. . .nothing. . .' Ryan thought these questions, they bounced in his head like children on a sugar-rush. He didn't know what to do at this point, he had given up everything, he knew that everyone around him would only see as another strangers, working, slowly dieing from over exhaustion.

" Don't give up!" A small voice appeared before him, it sounded like the thing was right in front of him. He looked around, to see nothing, only other children moaning, groaning, and crying. He wondered where it came form, and who it came from.

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