Digimon: When it Began (open)

(I'm sorry, Pyro cannot come to the computer right now as he is sick and has lots of work to do. Please leave a message after the beep or he'll just post after everyone else has...)
(Nope TKolord hasn't posted yet. It would be rude of me to post before him. He hasn't had a chance to post after my last post)
Dane stood shocked for a few minutes before his eyes went back to normal and he took a deep cleansing breath.

"Ok, so let's review. We are in another world called Digital World composed of data. Your world and you are Digimon, creatures composed of data I assume who can Digivolve to become stronger and larger, like how we grow up normally... Am I good so far."


Dracomon said in an annoyed tone.

"Ok, so that guy with the panther head and big gun mentioned bringing us here to become slaves for someone called Kimeramon. I'm assuming he is a Digimon, wait do all of your names end in -mo.."

Dracomon yelled at him as he interrupted Dane in frustration.

"Right, so an evil Digimon Kimeramon sent his lackey to make us slaves. We must have gotten separated from that group during that whole 'event'. So that means they will be looking for us, but even they aren't.... there could still be a lot of kids who will be trapped and enslaved by this Kimeramon."
"Kimeramon?" Nina said, "That sounds like one of those Greek Myth creatures. What does he look like anyway?"
marina nodded, she studied greek history. ''the chimera, a large beast made up of a lions body and head, a goats head and hooves and a snakes tail if I recall...and yet...this aint that is it''
Dorimon shivered," I heard he is an abomination, created by another human. ." Dorimon trailed off.

" A. . . human? " Ryan's eye's flickered with fear.

Dorimon shivered more. She didn't like Kimeramon, she came in contact with him . ..once. That was the day she learned about humans, and who Ryan was.

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