Digimon: When it Began (open)

Dane's eyes went wide as another kid flew a computer screen at the creature.

"Are you nuts?! Are you trying to p**** it off more!"

Dane yelled at the moron, completely awestruck he could do something so stupid. Then to make it worse he jumped in front and... woofed at the creature?!

Fangmon was about to attack but before Dane could even prepare himself, he heard a voice stop the creatures attack. It was another one, completely different, more humanoid, even with proper clothes and a weapon! Great...

"Sorry, but we won't go anywhere with you guys!"

Dane growled at Astamon, looking at his dark eyes. He knew this guy was evil, down right and simple.

He whispered to the others.

"We need to get out of here, we need to escape. We don't stand a chance, not to mention the new one even has a gun!"
Wow i am really freaked out now. I mean a talking wolf, what is this fairy tail land. Lan watched everything going on now confused. Maybe I should just get out of here quickly without anyone noticing. No! Its a cowards move i'll see how this plays out and leave with everyone if anything goes extremely wrong.
"we can't just leave, new guy." dante said gesturing for Dane to look around so that he might realize that dante was trying to keep the creatures attention on him instead of the rest of the students and teachers. "come on dog breath, or does your master there hold the leash a little to tight for you?" he said running back toward the computer room tossing another monitor as he passed it.
"HELLFIRE!" The monster lifted up his gun, which now glowed, and suddenly bullets came flying out, but they weren't normal bullets, they were all small bullet shaped creatures which came straight towards the three of us, the bullet impacted our chest, yet it didn't go through, the bullet quickly unraveled and attached to our chest and glowed brightly.

" W-what is this?!" Ryan tried to rip the thing off, but every time he tried to, the little creature held on tighter, and tighter.
Dane watched as Dante tried another move only for new creature to fire bullets, his speed was amazing and before he knew the shot had fired through him. He looked down expecting to see a bloody hole in his chest, but only saw a strange creature. As he saw Ryan struggling to get it off, he knew immediately it was not going anywhere.

He looked at the creature, his expression turned dull and empty.

"So, who are you?" He asked both of them.
( I wont go on until everyone is here. sorry, I just want them to be able to catch up easily)
" You know this is really getting weird." Lan saw a bullet hit him. Oh god am i gonna die. "Wow i'm alive what do you guys think these things are."
"let me guess, freak of the month club?" dante said struggling against the creature with very little result. he still wanted to try and fight but was more concerned with the thing attached to him.
(You can wait until we all go into the main commons (where they gather us and send us to the digital world) and we meet you there.) 
(and I am going out to eat, so please, don't go too far)
((You guys can control enemies if, you just follow what they were previously doing before)

" The device I have implanted inside of your body is a virus that will kill you instantly when you try to run, so please, I want survivors, they are worth more" The human like creature said with a sneer, he laughed a bit and looked at the children with disgust," WELL! INTO THE LINE." 
((Oh, refer back to the sign-ups for information, and now please ask questions about it on that page, so we dont fill this up to the max, before we finish the P itself, also the RP respond order will be in the order of the accepted characters, like Ryan is 1, Lily is 2 and so on and so forth, if the person(s) before has not responded and it has been over 10 minutes, you may respond.))
Nina heard the earthquake and felt the ground rumble beneath her feet. She took off her headphones and ran down to the computer room which was in the direction that she heard gunfire Omg i hope everyone is ok. she ran down the lane and saw this humanoid creature holding a Tommy. she also heard something being thrown.
dante glared at the two creatures but did as they said. "nice to know dogs are kept on leashes wherever your from as well." he said trying to get them to turn on each other since the humanoid one ordered the beastial one around.
"Dante I don't think your making the situation better by taunting them." Lan picked up a rock and threw at one of the creatures. " You've got to hit them to make it better."
"taunting? im not taunting. im just stating that the bestial class of creatures seem to be nothing more than pets to the humanoid." dante said continuing to add to his plan to turn them against each other. hoping that sooner or later they would fight, hoping that if the beast won, the virus made by the humanoid would vanish with him.
Astamon grinned, he pressed a button on the side of the gun and the termite,like creature sin their chest sent volts of electricity into their chest, " Now now," he spoke up, " We wouldn't do that now would we," He pointed to the machine in their chest and then pointed to his head. He smiled more " I can hear your every thought, so don't try to plan anything, NOW. BACK IN LINE!" He shocked the termites again. Ryan whimpered with pain from the joints, he looked at his chest and all around the bug was purple bruises, and blood.
dante jerked a bit from the electric shock, annoyed but deciding to wait it out and see what exactly they planned. they wanted them alive, and he wanted to know why.
(Sorry if this is not ok, but I thought it'd be cool to make the creature this.)

The small creature smirked at Dane as it claws were torn into his chest, after having just sent electricity through his body.


Dane slowly got up, his body ached with pain from the shock as he could still feel the pins and needles onh is body.

"You mentioned slaves, you want slaves. But who are you? What are you?"

Dane wanted answers and he wanted them now.
Wow this really hurts. Lan's body started to crumble and his chest was starting to burst (metaphorically speaking of course). Lan looked at the humanoid looking creature with pain on his face. "So who are you again?"
"ones a oversize talking Chihuahua , and ones a strange man like creature with a strange gun that shoots strange creatures. pay attention ryan" dante said refusing to stop his taunting plan((since the man creature put the virus to prevent escape i was thinking this little fight between beast type and human type would be our way to escape with the virus gone)) but otherwise doing as the man creature says. "if we are lucky perhaps we'll be pets like fido here."
Nina rushed in the room after she saw everyone get electrocuted. She looked around and also grabbed a computer, she threw it toward the humanoid creature then hid behind a table. she then yelled "um...... please go away."
marine was running down the hall being chased, then slightly skidded into a room. ''WHAT ARE THESE THINGS!! hmm'' She then opened a door, using it so the creature rammed into it, eventually bumping into nina ''aww...ow my head!''
" I am done with you pests!" Astamon shot two more misslemon into the humans without the virus inside them, he opened he free hand and purple wires shot out and wrapped around the defying children necks'. He started forcing the willing children forwards, down different hallways, he yanked to see if the cable was around their necks tight, he started walk following the group, dragging the children along.

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