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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

KageYuuki said:
Totally isn't going to make you feel bad about that later
But seriously, you may hear some new forms of swearing if you try that!
You'd also probably get a very angry Serena for doing it too, xD
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Renamon would just give her a piggy back ride to make up for it later xD

The anger would still be there up until that point, xD . I can only imagine Serena's reaction if they went to Patamon's village. Renamon's too. So much useless in one village it'd hurt, lol
Mitchs98 said:
The anger would still be there up until that point, xD . I can only imagine Serena's reaction if they went to Patamon's village. Renamon's too. So much useless in one village it'd hurt, lol
*Renamon in patamon's village: eye twitch* Anyone up for dodgeball? >->
Part of me can't wait to see Serena's reacting to Tokomon. He isn't nearly as cute as Patamon IMO. (Then there's Poyomon xD )
KageYuuki said:
Part of me can't wait to see Serena's reacting to Tokomon. He isn't nearly as cute as Patamon IMO. (Then there's Poyomon xD )
Minus the freaky ass teeth Tokomon looks cuter to me, xD . Poyomon just looks weird.
Mitchs98 said:
Renamon would forever be known as the demon of whatever Patamon's village is named.
On that day.. -insert village name here- received a grim reminder....

....Renamon really, really likes dodgedigimon.....
KageYuuki said:
It's the teeth that ruin it for me xD
As long as he never opened his mouth fully he'd be cuted than Patamon. But the absolute second he did, it'd be dodgeball with Tokomon.

Also would love to see everyones reaction if Renamon de-digivolved. Her in training form is cute af lol
Mitchs98 said:
As long as he never opened his mouth fully he'd be cuted than Patamon. But the absolute second he did, it'd be dodgeball with Tokomon.
Also would love to see everyones reaction if Renamon de-digivolved. Her in training form is cute af lol
Oh without a doubt. Which pisses her off to no end! I'm working on my post now. Debating how I should address Cora and keep Dante's character xD
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Oh without a doubt. Which pisses her off to no end! I'm working on my post now. Debating how I should address Cora and keep Dante's character xD

She'd be immediately and without a doubt accepted by Serena though, xD . I could see some of the others making fun of her, and her kicking their ass when she digivolved back to normal.
Hey guys, sorry about my lack of posting. Some dude drove into a power-line on my street and knocked out power for the whole side of town. We finally just got it back. I should have a post up soon.
And that's it for our first Arc. We're now entering Interlude I and the focus will be on worldbuilding, character development arcs, and the introduction of two new mechanics and maybe some more Digivolution unlocks. Feel free to post whatever pending posts you had planned.

I've got a few ideas to kick some people in the feels I'll have to try and work in. But first.... Where is the nearest Deus Ex Machina healing machine to fix Dante's forearm?

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