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Differences Attract

"It's perfectly fine." She stood up, yawning a little bit. She sighed slightly, "DAww... I was having a ton of fun!"
"If you want to, but I'd suggest that you probably change your clothes, wear something nice. They'll like that more than ever." Giggling, she stood up, yawning.
"Wear something nice? I don't believe I'm getting married!" He said. "Or, perhaps, I am getting married to this mysterious lady! With you and some friends at my side, you help sit things up, and as I watch the lady being escorted down the aisle, I see a face through the thin veil: Yours! You confess how you have loved me since first glance, and we then get married! Happily ever a- Actually, I'm not saying those three diabetes-inducing words." Kelvin laughed.
She giggled, "just something semi-formal, my parents won't freak out any worse. If you show up in leather jackets then they'll probably think you're very... Well they won't like you." She loved his sense of humor.
He blinked. "Oh. That makes more sense." He looked down at his sweater and pants. "But, you think this would be ok? I mean, I understand your parents seem to be a 'first impress, or fist to face' type of people, but I don't see this as very rebellious, moody, demanding. Perhaps a set of armour might help? Pledge my life?"
He blushed lightly, more out of confusion than anything. "W-well, uh, ok." He glanced at the clock. "Should we be heading to class now?"
For the brief moment he was aware he could still move his muscles while being hugged, he hugged back. When she let go, so did he, and he then watched her leave. Huh. Well, hey, she's really damn friendly. He paused for a moment, looking around as if he forgot something, then he made his way out of the library, walking to his class quickly, with a smile on his face.
"Catch me, bitches!" He shouted out, as two guys started charging behind him as he ran down the hall. He took several sharp turns as he ran, easily faster than the two, so he slowed down to reserve some endurance. His plan? Once they got really tired, and hopefully they'd rest on their knees, he'd come back and give them the boot. You know, the face.

As they paused and a lack of footsteps was heard, he took that as a sign. One of them was on his knees. He ran fast, and then, his foot flying through the air, nailed the guy in the face. He could hear a crack, as a small pain vibrated in his foot, and he took notice of the blood now on the ground. A door, to his left, swung open, and the guy charged at him. Fortunately his foot was down, and he narrowly dodged, falling on his back. Scrambling up as he saw only white rage in the other's eye, he forced his ass out of there.

Remembering a bush outside of the building, he ran as fast as he could, starting to lose them. Smashing into the push-open doors, he noticed Juliet. "PRETEND I'M GONE!" He dived into the bushes, quickly hiding, and the two guys came out. The one with the bloody nose turned to her, and glared at her. "Did you see that punk, Kelvin?"
"No, I didn't see Kelvin, but I did see some big guy runnig into the building." She pointed at the door to the side enterance of the school.
The guy smirked. "Hey, I guess you're not as dumb as people thought you were." They both bolted, shouting "We're gonna get you!". Kelvin waited a few moments, then started speaking. "Juliet, I forgot this bush had thorns in it." Kelvin slowly stood up, brushing thorns off his sweater and pants, wincing on occasion. "Thanks, though, couldn't imagine what'd they do if they caught me after I kicked one's face in."
"A-as smart as others think I am..?" She stood stiff, not sure what to say. She felt horrible. Was she really stupid? Did people think that she was an idiotic person? She puleld him up and looked like she'd been hit.
Kelvin was smiling, but then he noticed her expression, and his face went flat. "Hey, are you ok? Did they hit you?"

(Gee, wow, good job noticing, Captain Obvious.)
Kelvin narrowed his eyes in anger, turning them to the floor as he balled his fists. "Cu nts were bitching about some rumor, and then started saying you were some rich girl because you were... well, I don't think you need to know. Basically, they were saying you paid to stay out of classes for retards and paid to get in the AP classes."
She looked hurt beyond belief. She walked over to the small little bag she had and picked it up, then began to walk away.
He was in thought. And I didn't get to the more hurtful part... He realized she was walking away, and he snapped back to his senses. "H-hey, wait up!"

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