[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

Ok, I said I would introduce Freyr...but I'll do that tomorrow. I had a discussion with some people in regard to a certain fandom RP...and it took a while, now I must go to bed... Dx.

Anyways, see you all tomorrow.
Anyways...working on the post which will introduce Freyr and kill Vladislav. Wow, I sure dispose of characters easily.
Well, sometimes you make 'em because te whim strikes you then you realize

Well I don't really wanna use this character at all.
Sleipnir said:
Well, sometimes you make 'em because te whim strikes you then you realize
Well I don't really wanna use this character at all.
Yeah... *stares at Allerio* I have plans for you, Mr. Faervel (>>)
@Hel @Sleipnir I must admit...I was pondering whether or not the Allan kid should get killed. But it was too soon to see Frayr's rage, so I spared him...Damn, I sound like a psycho.
Sleipnir said:
Oh just wait til you hear what happened to Bael.
Is it at the level of Gangsta, Genocyber, Blue Gender, or Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman? xD

If so, then I can't wait.
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I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with all that xD

So I don't know

I guess you'll have to tell me when he opens up about it.
Sleipnir said:
I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with all that xD
So I don't know

I guess you'll have to tell me when he opens up about it.
Ok xD (Never watch the series that I listed above...Just a healthy advice).
Quietly watches/reads as things happen around him. He seems unsure of what the @#$% he's meant to be doing at this point in time but remains here regardless because 'why not?'
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I really do apologize for leaving so many of you guys in the dust like this to handle the Uther thing. But we WILL be running new plots that aren't linked to pre-HP threads at all here very shortly! We have some cases in the making, a new villain to deal with, and a couple side adventures to run, too.
I wonder what happened to @Elias ...

Hah, at least we have the GFB, Kala, and Oberon to keep us company until we get to see the Order make a move again (ou-)
Yeah, from what I understand we kinda really beat the crap outta Vortigas.

But Elias hasn't been on since December 12. Wonder what he's been up to? Maybe a family vacation or something?
Hola mi amigos. I'm back from my not so short trip and thirsty for Rp.

(Why has Sleipnir gained psychic powers?<__< How did she know i was in a family vacation? Im scared)
Eliaaassss, I thought you died,or something (not the most positive thinker out there).

@Elias Anyway you have a few things to catch up to. The Falling Heads case is at its end. Needs two more posts or so xD (the wrath of Uther has ended).
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Im going to make sure to catch up to that. I saw someboy mentioning the Order, are they coming back or something? Cuz I havent seen Bookwyrm around for a long time (posibly because I havent been on either) and the Hollows were kinda left there in Aug 9 2015 in their thread, altought I did make some progress a litttle later by having Vortigas kill his sister (ayy lmao)

So, whats new? How have you been guys?
Elias said:
Im going to make sure to catch up to that. I saw someboy mentioning the Order, are they coming back or something? Cuz I havent seen Bookwyrm around for a long time (posibly because I havent been on either) and the Hollows were kinda left there in Aug 9 2015 in their thread, altought I did make some progress a litttle later by having Vortigas kill his sister (ayy lmao)
So, whats new? How have you been guys?
Not many things are new. I introduced Noir and Freyr, I killed Azure Skyfallen with Uther, I killed Vladislav with Freyr, I have...plans for Allerio, and the Golden Fang Brotherhood seems to be on the move. Oh and DC is in ruins...again.
This may be a rude question.....Were you and Sleipnir the only 2 active ones during my leave? xD

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