[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

Death: *Ghettos*

Anyway Elias

The Department hasn't figured it out yet but Wednesday hijacked your case. She now has a zombie horde. It's pretty freakin awesome.
Sleipnir said:
Is the Abyss supposed to be locked up?
See I try and make things Not My Problem for Death because he's so freaking op

I got the Void idea from the Sandman and Lucifer comics. In there Death isn't the strongest being. The Great Evil Beast, the Presence, Lucifer, and Michael are all stronger than her (note:Lucifer is weaker than Death in this RP, though). Even if Death is the end of space and time, those I mentioned exist above space and time. When Death ends the Multiverse in the comics, The Presence (God) and Lucifer simply go to a higher plane of existence, above the multiverse. When she kills Dream (because of a request) while Dream (Morpheus) dies, someone else inherits the title of Dream of the Endless.


So even if Death ultimately defeats Abyss, the abstract entity came from the Void, which is paralel with space and time. In other words, most of Death's powers mean nothing to the Abyss (his defensive skills are insane after all). But the Abyss can't do anything about Death either. I mean it can harm the Grim Reaper, but Death would win in the end. But what I'm trying to point aout is that Death would have a very hard time against the Abyss (especially if he forces Death to come to the Void).

And yes, he was supposed to stay in the Void. Can't let the origin of Evil walk casually through the Etheral Plane and Earth (He can't go on Earth yet though xD , but I have a plan for that...even if he will get 'killed'/sealed by Death in the end).
So what I got out of that is

Death could try and stop the Abyss

But it would basically be an Ethereal game of

"Go to your room"


"I said go to your room"



But with more explosions and stuff
Sleipnir said:
So what I got out of that is
Death could try and stop the Abyss

But it would basically be an Ethereal game of

"Go to your room"


"I said go to your room"



But with more explosions and stuff
Yeah, that sort of thing... xD
Sleipnir said:
That sucks
It can also be like two hackmons (tier in Pokemon Online) with Wonder Guard facing eachother until they both run out of moves, and use Struggle, but Death would be a stronger hackmon so the Abyss would faint first.
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Hey, quick question, are we going to use the timestamps idea or not? I can go back and edit my post in the falling heads thread if needed.
I am but a ghost, slain by the horror we call school. Do not weep for me, for I am a martyr.

Btw I can prolly attempt to RP again
I dig that description. Pretty accurate

Go for it bro. The current activity level is relatively low; we are apparently very much not dead, just not running fifty posts a day or something.
[QUOTE="Cookie the Brave]You guys sure do talk a lot..

Tis what we do.
We might have gotten close to that back on the old thread dealing with Oberon.

Let's never do that again alright?
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]I am but a ghost, slain by the horror we call school. Do not weep for me, for I am a martyr.
Btw I can prolly attempt to RP again

This is also a discription of me :(
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Last year that was me

This year I'm half panicking because holy crap I have to finish my economics class, two English classes and a chemistry class ALL IN ONE SEMESTER

then the other half is like, "You're 80% done with Econ, only have to take chemistry tests(but still suck at it), and that's like half a schedule"
So, on the note of time stamps: we will use time stamps at the beginning of posts that establish a series of events, or if changing times, however when everything is fairly simultaneous like what's happening now, stamping every post seems like overkill to me.

Does that sound agreeable?
Sleipnir said:
We might have gotten close to that back on the old thread dealing with Oberon.
Let's never do that again alright?
I was really shocked at how hyped people were during the Oberon & Penumbra arc xD
Hey my school is starting back up, umma try not to disappear entirely but I'll be slower like I have been this last week. I'll try to get in at least a post everywhere a day to keep things moving, today will be later probably.
School started for me today aswell. For every morning now, I have to get up, and walk through a maze of despair called my highschool, where demonic teachers throw algebra spells at me. Lord help me.

I'll still be on tho.
Elias said:
School started for me today aswell. For every morning now, I have to get up, and walk through a maze of despair called my highschool, where demonic teachers throw algebra spells at me. Lord help me.
I'll still be on tho.
Oh come on, highschool-level algebra is easy. *Shamelessly puts aside the fact that he was in the first class of the matemathics-informatics + intensive english division*

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