[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]

But I'll probably kill Vladislav using Freyr...

Well yah

but that could always wait until you use him some ;)
Hel said:
Well yah
but that could always wait until you use him some ;)
I was planning on using him for one post, in which he fights Freyr and ultimately dies...

But oh well, if you need him I guess I'll keep him for a while.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
I was planning on using him for one post, in which he fights Freyr and ultimately dies...
But oh well, if you need him I guess I'll keep him for a while.

It's your character! Haha, it's up to you if you wish to kill him.
Hey guyzzzzz

Want a temporary character with weird and cool powers??

Want to have a token evil character but don't want to put too much thought into them?

Well, meet Narcissa Aue! Collector of the interesting! She finds people and turns them into vampires on the hunch that vampirism will awaken cool special powers within them! (All vampires have special abilities. Most are somehow related to some facet of a character's life before they died. IE she expected Levi Underwood the priest to control holy magic, and Shylock being a natural lie detector. Some are more mundane than others.) She sends the uninteresting ones to die but if you have cool, rare powers, she will add you to her collection! These characters don't need to be very detailed or stick around too long, they're NPCs in a way. The only requirement is that they are noticeably unique in some way.

Post them under "Narcissa's collection" or whatever I titled it. A like indicates they're good to go.
By the way, I posted a short bit about humans in case some of you didn't see. It further defines humans and their limitations as well as what warrants/creates a Metahuman. If anyone has questions comments concerns etc. post them here and we can all discuss them

I'll be working on that and updating some of my character sheets today, as well as posting some set up stuff for future cases, so I'll be around with biggish plans :)
I saw, I just want to let others respond before we all get too ahead of ourselves

By which I mean me

Before I get too ahead of myself
Sleipnir said:
I saw, I just want to let others respond before we all get too ahead of ourselves
By which I mean me

Before I get too ahead of myself
Oh I wasn't expecting a reply. For some reason notifications ''disappear'' when people edit their posts, so I was just making sure xD
I fi am also waiting on others to post. I don't want to become to fast for others to keep up with. In the mean time I'll just fly away to New York with Narcissa... Or maybe I should finish this character sheet, ah well
@Rantos @Peaceswore

Letting you two catch up. Then more plots happen

One has been in planning since this became a hosted project

One we came up with like a night ago in like five seconds
He's a Black Dog. Kibito can be anywhere he wants to be.

So also is it Kibto or Kibito? I see it both ways
Cool. We all kinda need to just... Move everyone back to the HQ so we can kinda repair. Get everyone taken care of.

...Go rescue Alex from the underworld.
Somewhere, yeah. I imagine they'd set an extra on up in the Lobby so it's easily accessed by the public.
Sleipnir said:
I don't remember if the Department had been formed yet when you were sealed.
@Hel So...was the Department around in 1945?

Also...Freyr shall be introduced after I finish eating!


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