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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

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  • Only let 2-3 more in

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  • Now

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  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

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  • Never

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I was not talking of the spider specifically, just of the combinations. You both make valid points and I thing that the biggest issue is that this is a world where things happen on a grander skill. When fighting with people who have abilities, you have to get creative in how you respond to attacks and such.

That said, I personally notice when anything crawls on me- because I hate the sensation, so @Archangel Galdrael if a spider the size of a brown recluse is crawling on you, then I bet you'd notice it. Or, if it were me IRL I would, anyway. Now, in the heat of battle who knows. At this point I am going to say that If the gas is inhaled it is no longer knock-out potent, only inhibiting.
Hel said:
I was not talking of the spider specifically, just of the combinations. You both make valid points and I thing that the biggest issue is that this is a world where things happen on a grander skill. When fighting with people who have abilities, you have to get creative in how you respond to attacks and such.
That said, I personally notice when anything crawls on me- because I hate the sensation, so @Archangel Galdrael if a spider the size of a brown recluse is crawling on you, then I bet you'd notice it. Or, if it were me IRL I would, anyway. Now, in the heat of battle who knows. At this point I am going to say that If the gas is inhaled it is no longer knock-out potent, only inhibiting.
Ah yes, I forgot to make the point that even should he notice it, he can't respond with Liliana wrestling with him. And it just 'appeared on his leg' it isn't crawling around per say.
His legs still work, and one can definitely swat a spider off with their foot, Though, I do think it's fair to say the summoned spider appeared OVER his clothes, rather than under them, and has to move to get under them. It makes sense to me that it would be difficult to control precisely where something appears, as a summoner, and more so the further away something is, so perhaps he was unable to summon the spider on the bare skin of his leg unless Victor is wearing shorts like a weirdo.

However, with all of the skills that Victor possesses, I do think this is fair enough- this is just a factor when fighting two/three-on-one.
I can agree with that factor thing, but I would just find it hard to believe, anyone would notice a brown recluse when in the midst of a battle, on their clothing, unmoving, and out of sight on the back of their leg. If you think about it, it makes sense. A brown recluse really isn't THAT big, no bigger than an inch.But I'll make him notice it, and will have the gas slow him, not knock him out.

I have brown recluses in the barn. Trust me, you notice when one gets on your skin. On your jeans maybe not, but that means it has to get on your skin- crawling- before it could bite you.

And quarter-sized is huge for a spider shaped like recluses, they are terrifying and I hate them.
Kylesar1 said:
The spider jumped out of the magic circle. I literally wrote that.
Behind his leg. Geez, he has no eyes there.

Hel said:
I have brown recluses in the barn. Trust me, you notice when one gets on your skin. On your jeans maybe not, but that means it has to get on your skin- crawling- before it could bite you.

And quarter-sized is huge for a spider shaped like recluses, they are terrifying and I hate them.
I think this is more your fear of spiders taking over. :P
Well if anything I could settle this whole argument by having the Order set the atmosphere on fire with a cobalt salted thermo-nuclear warhead that they just decided to detonate in the center of Washington DC while all of this is taking place. Because, you know, no matter how badass anyone is, nothing can survive without oxygen, let alone a complete atmosphere. But since I enjoy this RP and hope to see it continue for many more story arcs to come, and even despite my love for displays of absolutely dominant firepower, I'm not a big fan of overpowered characters, powerplaying, or abrupt endings. Especially abrupt endings.

Come on guys, I understand how personal your characters become, but I could feel some heat coming off of those comments while I read them. I know I'm not a mod, but lets keep it civil. We are all here to enjoy ourselves, create memorable characters, and tell a story as a community of like minded individuals.

I have had a similar situation like this a couple of times before and the best way I have found to overcome it is to have the involved parties set up a PM/conversation and completely discuss the fight in a play-by-play. Now I haven't read what had happened recently in character, so if it's already resolved than this is just my advice for similar conflicts in the future. But it really does help keep everything on an even playing field at times when there are some powerhitters at play. My personal experience involved a fight between Link and Lord Soth, and it turned out to be really epic.(Legend of Zelda and Dragonlance. The RP was a crossover story)

Just thought I'd throw out some humor and advice.
If I could dig through the RP community I was in at the time and find that fight I would repost it here in a heartbeat. It was probably one of my favorite things I wrote there.
Well, is it settled? We don't exactly have a planned outcome - if you will.

Although personally, I see this ending with Victor just beating on the three, whilst he just gets slower and slower due to the gas he's already inhaled. Until he just falls unconscious...

Major Deja Vu from another certain RP... @Hel
I am excited for next arcs, alongside with sub-plots and small cases. Afterall, more content keeps the RP alive. I especially await to see what stuff Hel has in mind with The G.Brotherhood. As for me, my small plans are like this:

-Character development later on to the Kraken. I will nibble on this Will trying to get out of his own trapped body, and the Kraken is struggling to keep it away.

-Also, I'm planning on a sub-case, where Will meets another Leviathan from his old life. Should be interesting conversations.

-Justin will start to get better at his visions, and soon find out he has other dormant powers too, as his heavenly heritage..

-Not sure, about Jeff. I think I'll keep him around after the Karnak deal, and do stuff with him.

-Vortigas.....That demented mofo. Yus. The hollow soul brothers shall wreak havoc. Vortigas&Carnifex&The Order for the win
Ah! I never got notifications for the in-character tab, I don't think. Imma be right back. I really don't want to let this thread die!!

Also, @Archangel Galdrael @Barbas In case you didn't get the notis either.

Right, I believe I was waiting to reply until the other two did.
We are! Just make sure you read the lore regarding whatever species you choose, or you can use something else.

If you join, please be active! I'm going to make a timeframe in the rules that if people haven't posted in a week or two without warning me then they'll be removed or bunnies to explain where they went or something.

Also, no more antagonists for a bit.

Other than that, we always be accepting!


Please read the new Posting Requirements in the rules. They are towards the bottom. If this seems unfair, let me know!

Also if I have tagged you and you are no longer wishing to participate just let me know and I will remove your characters.

@Archangel Galdrael @Elias @BookWyrm @OriginalDaydreamer @Azure Sky @Acadia @The Unamed Character (I think)
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Umm... Well... er... I have actually been trying to decide this, and I believe that I decided they could- definitely with each other, though. Not sure about with other species though.

Yes. They can have children. They VERY RARELY interbreed though- remember, most of them have a strongly elitist attitude, and you wouldn't mate with cattle, you know? So... yeah. Do with that what you will! :)
BookWyrm said:
Still here, I'm just waiting on Detroit to blow over like I mentioned earlier
Yup! I figured so, I was trying to figure out a way to incorporate you, but it didn't make sense for Wednesday to go talk with him or something.


Guys, I've just made a life altering discovery...

Lee Pace... The guy who plays Ned from Pushing daisies:


Also plays Thranduil... Legolas's dad...:


Sleipnir said:
Bael turned sharply toward Wednesday when she said this, almost squaring up to her altogether. He stood there, frozen like a deer in the headlights for several moments, then finally responded, "...If you want to, I could show you how some of the work is done." He then looked out at the lake again. "I don't find it troublesome, though; I have nothing else to do."

Sanja huffed. "I'm trying! I'm not so sure I'll even be able to," she called back to Jefferson, turning to stare up at the sky desperately. She hoped what she was planning could end this, though she couldn't be sure.

Piper glanced at Sanja, shooting down several plague apostles and then turning her attention back to Karnak.

@Elias @Barbas

((I'm gonna roll a die next time to see if this works. What number should I look for? Or should I roll and Barbas roll, and if I get the higher number it works?))
Both of you roll, and whoever rolls highest gets the advantage, I suppose. I don't want to get into super complex stuff with dice, you know? Just surface level if needed type of thing.
I'm so far out of the loop at this point, I dint even know. I just stopped posting after I didn't get a notification for two days.


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