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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

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  • Only let 2-3 more in

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  • Now

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  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

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  • Never

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  • Total voters
Superhero sort of fits into the modern fantasy genre.

But my character is based off nobody at all. Just me and my wonderful mind!

(Yeh right... Lier!)
One question for the hierarchy of angels in our RP. Katt said they are ranked by the number of wings (or lack of):

So I'm guessing:

1)No physical wings- I'm guessing low hierarch angels, like messengers or something

2)1 set of wings (2 wings): I would guess normal angels, guardian angels and cherubs

3)2 sets of wings (4 wings): Here I would put the Seraphs/Seraphim cuz they are most likely one of the higher

4)3 sets of wings (6 wings): Archangels. (I actually put a 6 winged archangel in my nightmare dust nigtmare if you remember). Archangels must be on the top of the ranks, so that means basically most wings.

I know this isn't actual angel hierarchy from bible, but I think it would be quite logical.
Hmm I have some characters which are 100% original xD (I think).

Name: Alexander Zero

Code Name: The Paradox

Species: human

Age: 24

Date & Place of Birth: 12 Nov 1990, Liverpool

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Affiliation: high-rank member of the Moon Light organization




Educational Level: bachelor’s degree in languages and International Management master degree

Languages Spoken: English,Japanese,Romanian,Italian,German,French

Ethnicity: half british, half japanese

Religion: buddhist

Fields of Interest: languages,law and JUSTICE!


Alexander is a quiet individual and rather introverted,but he is not anti-social.He rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying,he simply likes to study what he finds fascinating.He is an excellent brainstormer,analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions.Despite his cold analytic side he is also quite insightful, seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives,he steps past manipulation.He sees how people and events are connected, and is able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

#Flaws: when he is angry or furious he tends to become insensitive ,intolerant and merciless and although he is seen as calm and quiet ,he can be angered quite easily most of the times.He doesn’t let the negative emotions get the best of him ,having a great amount of self-control,but when his irritation becomes too much for him to take, he snaps.Also ,because of his powers and higher than average intelligence,he tends to be arrogant sometimes,especially around people he considers intellectually inferior to himself.

Unique Items:

#Dark Daikatana:Call of the Hunted (sword)-a wierd completly black katana (except the edge which is red),it is imbued with dark magical power which enhances it’s sharpness and is highly durable (slightly above diamond-level durability).Combined with Alexander's strength and expertise , he can easily cut through materials like steel, titanium and even diamond with this sword. However he gets a highly ominous feeling from it and whenever he is mentally tired or his soul is wavering the sword energizes him but makes him enter a savage, psychotic and sadistic state, therfore he prefers not to use it most of the times,keeping it hidden in a safe place at the Moon Light headquarters.Only he knows where it’s hidden.

#Radiance Strike(dagger)-completly white and glowing,doesn’t cut the opponents but it steals their vigour and stamina little by little with each strike. The stolen vigour and stamina are stored in the dagger and Alexander can use them for himself or transfer them to others.

Abilities & Their Weaknesses:

#Superhuman physiology-his physical condition is 2 times greater than that of a human in peak condition. He can lift up to 1 ton above his head and run at roughly 32 m/s , while his levels of agility, stamina, endurance, balance and dexterity are highly above Olympic gold medalists. He can also dodge point blank firearm shots.

#Close Quarter Combat Expert- Alexander is an experienced fighter ,being highly proefficient in krav maga,aikido and taekwondo while also being a skilled sword and dagger user.

#Equalizer-an instinctive ability which only activates when his opponent is better than him physiologically(stronger and/or faster and/or more durable) and it makes him equal to his opponent from that particular point of view.To do so his body structure is modified for him to resist the enhancements brought by the ability.If he fights multiple opponents who are stronger than him then Alexander’s physiological characteristics become an average of the combined strength,speed and durability of those respective foes. Note that while he can copy the opponent's movement, attack and reaction speed he cannot copy an opponent's reflexes, dexterity or stamina.

#Red Flow- this is an ability Alexander can keep up for a maximum of 15 minutes every day,his body generates a red aura when it activates, but after it deactivates it causes him a temporary(about 30 seconds) feeling of sickness.He can activate and deactivate it whenever he wants, but because it has a limited time usage per day he always has to choose the right moment to use it . Apart from the fact that the red aura defends him against things like bullets, medium-sized explosions and extreme temperatures (to some extent), it also has 2 other types of effects:

1>>Dual Edge-he is able to absorb half of any type of attack directed at him ,which is then transformed in red energy with which he can counterattack in the form of energy blasts.He needs to be hit by any type of attack for this ability to work but he cannot absorb attacks that are too strong for his body to handle.He usually uses it when he fights opponents considered by him to be his equals or stronger than him.

2>>Inner Quake- he can generate a type of red electricity with which he can attack from a maximum range of 100 meters, but he can also use it in hand-to-hand combat. If this unusual electricity hits his opponents it will shake them up from the interior and cause them extreme mental fatigue. if he uses a high amount of it it can cause his opponents severe internal bleeding.

#High regenerative healing factor-he can heal external wounds, including deeper burns, at a very accelerated rate, regardless of severity and he can even regenerate lost limbs and organs in 12 minutes.But if he is severly wounded before he is able to fully regenerate he has high chances of dying.

#Powerful Mind- Alexander has a highly strong mind and because of that he is highly resistant to telepathy ,mind control and emphatic abilities (such as hypnosis and illusions), but his mind is not impenetrable and a powerful telepath can break through his mental barrier with medium to low-level difficulty. A rather obvious weakness of this ability is that allies which can use telepathy will also find it quite hard to communicate with him using the power.

#Time Breaker-this ability makes him immune to time altering abilities and age manipulation.

#Paradox Effect: an ability that he can use once a day. When it is unleashed it remains active 4 minutes,the eye color of the user becomes glowing red and he can create three paradoxes of a wide variety ,but after the effect wears off it causes him excruciating amounts of pain.His 5 most powerful paradoxes are [schrödinger’s cat] which lasts 1 minute; it gives him the ability to teleport on short distances, increases his speed until it reaches Mach 5 (unless it becomes higher than that because of his Equalizer) and makes his body resist to any type of attack but,at the same time,he still feels pain from those atacks and by combining this with his speed(with which he can create afterimages) he gives the impression of being 'everywhere and nowhere'/omnipresent ,[Rule Breaker] a 'one-punch' type of skill : a concentrated energy punch that can greatly harm his opponents regardless of their layers and/or types of defence (even using offence as defence),but the effects of this skill last for only 1 punch and it does NOT have 100% accuracy ,[Pain Killer] an ability that makes him feel no pain and/or fatigue,regardless of his physical or mental condition,for 1 minute(note:it does not heal his wounds or eliminate his physical/mental fatigue,it only makes him 'unaware' of them) ,[Error Damage] a skill which requires the user to touch the opponent and once physical contact is made ,the user can swap the damage he suffered with the damage the opponent suffered and [Great Absorbtion] a skill with which he can absorb someone's damage completely and even bring them back life, but to revive the person he needs to feel all the pain they have ever suffered their entire life.

#Dimensional Walker-by leaving an 'A' symbol ,which ony he can see, in the places he visits ,Alexander is capable of creating portals that lead him to those places, but he can be followed because even after he decides to close the portals it will take 5 seconds for that to happen. Even if he doesn't willingly close the portals they will eventually disappear after 35 seconds.

(P.S. the weaknesses are mentioned in the description of the abilities, highlighted using the color blue)

Non-ability Related Weaknesses : He has no real defensive ability against bending, breaking or altering the rules of reality (note: at his level of power I felt the need to add this).

Brief History:

One of the founders of the Moon Light organization which deals with everything a normal human can’t handle.After destroying an item called 'The Sphere of Chronos' he absorbed some of it’s power and gained the ability Time Breaker.He once met the extremely powerful interdimensional being known as The Void Dragon and by winning against it in a mind game ,the dragon,impressed by his mental strength and tenacity, gifted and thought him how to use 2 abilities:Paradox Effect and Dimensional Walker. He is currenlty the leader of the Western and Central Europe branches of Moon Light .


Species: primal elf

Age: around 200 years old

Gender: male

Height:187 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Body type: slender, muscular and athletic

Skin colour: medium brown

Eye colour: turquoise

Hair colour: dark blond

Hair style: medium comb backwards

Tattoos: tribal tattoo on left arm

Piercings: none


Aliases: Arcane Blader, The Hyper Slasher

Orientation: heterosexual

Marital status: single

Date of birth: around the year 1814 ; day and month unknown

Place of birth: Starlight, magically hidden elven village in the mythical Eidorien forest(it is belived that a magic portal to the village can be found in the Black Forest in Germany)

Current residence: Ireland(Wexford city, Camolin Forest)


I.Q.: 136

Education level: Unknown, but he is shown to posses rather high-level knowledge in history, geography, universal literature and mathematics

Languages spoken: the elven language and all of its dialects, German, English, Welsh

Ethnicity: Aos Sí(the most ancient and powerful subrace of elves)

Religion: unknown

Political affiliation: unknown

Fields of interest: all aspects of history and geography, book reading, solving math problems and puzzles

Occupations: honorary member of the Moon Light organization

Social class: unkown


Blood type: unknown

Smoking habit: none

Drinking habit: none (he has no need to drink)

Drug use: none

Prescriptions: none

Disabilities: none

Diet plan: none (he has no need to eat)

Particular genetical features: pointy ears, highly keen sight in the darkness and very acute senses


#Personality-Kyle is a rather laid-back guy and an extrovert. He likes socializing, especially with energetic people and he is not arrogant about his intelligence, knowledge or power, in fact he likes sharing his knowledge with others and using his powers to help people without expecting something in return. He is rather perceptive and a great analyst

who can come up with quick solutions even for the most difficult problems, regardless of their type.

#Flaws-While he might seem like a nice guy, Kyle also has a rather cold side. He gets angry at those who disregard his opinion or do not take his advice , acting merciless towards them. He also greatly dislikes people who lack energy or desire to do anything, considering them worthless and treating them badly. When he gets angry he becomes highly sadistic.


#Azure Drake-a nearly indestructible double-sided straight sword of normal length with an anthropomorphic hilt and crossguard, which Kyle uses with his right hand. The blade is azure blue and the edges are cyan (made from an enchanted mysterious metal) while the hilt and crossguard are light gray. It has the ability to absorb, conduct and enhance the power of arcane magic. Kyle imbues it with his own arcane magic energy when he prepares to fight, in two ways: he either concentrates it on the edges which would start to glow or transmit his magic energy on the whole blade, which then seems like it is engulfed in some sort of blue flame. He concentrates it on the edges when he wants to cut something precisely; depending on the amount of magical energy he can easily cut through titanium,diamond and even nearly indestructible types of matter. He lets the magical energy overflow on the whole blade when he wants to use more destructive abilities on larger areas. The sword also has the ability to cut the astral form of certain beings, ethereal beings such as ghosts and spirits and can even counter various types of energy attacks.

#Modified Sentinel's Gauntlet-a steampunk type of gauntlet, made by Dwarves, which he puts on his left hand. It was made out of veggie tanned leather, olive green brass metal, rivets, studs, dye finishers and a magic white crystal(which becomes light blue when Kyle imbues it with his magic energy) in the middle with a sort of magic transmission system. Kyle transmits his arcane magic energy through this gauntlet which has the ability to absorb and conduct this type of magic for defensive purposes. It can be used to create shields, defensive walls and energy fields made with arcane magic. The durability of these types of defense depends on the quantity of magic concentrated in order to create them. At maximum the energy fields can even resist the effects of nuclear bombs.

#Amulet of Lesser Illusions-a silver amulet with a small emerald in the middle. Kyle uses it to slightly change his appearance and make others see him as a human (basically it makes his pointy ears seem normal ears in the eyes of other people and makes his eye colour change to a more common one , namely dark blue).

#Dimensional Pocket Knife-a medium-sized lock-blade knife with deer-antler grips, nickel-silver bolsters and brass liners. It has the ability to teleport the user to a few places, namely: Kyle's homeland, the Moon Light organization's headquarters, the Camolin Forest (Ireland) and the Black Forest (Germany). It can activate with any type of energy.


#Supernatural physical condition(advanced level)-due to his lineage, unique constitution , even among his own kind, and very rough training Kyle is unnaturally and immensely stronger, faster, more durable and more agile than his own species and normal humans. He is strong enough to lift large aircrafts and destroy the toughest metals, fast enough to break Mach 1 (340 m/s or 1225 km/h), agile enough to dodge supersonic attacks and durable enough to take on powerful explosions.

#Contaminant immunity-he is immune to all poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses and bacteria known to mankind.

#Regenerative healing factor(expert level)-he can heal external wounds, including deeper burns, at a very accelerated rate. regardless of severity. Cellular and genetic damage is also reduced. Lost limbs can be regenerated or reattached and he can survive severe blood loss. The minor damage to internal organs can heal, but if the damage is severe then the organs may take a lot longer to heal or may be beyond repair, depending on the severity (weakness).

#Semi-Immortality-also known as biological immortality, the ability to stay young forever. Kyle will always be at his physical prime and he is immune to age-based powers, such as age acceleration or age reversal.

#Temporal Lock-he exists outside of time, which makes him immune to temporal powers (such as time stopping, time acceleration or deceleration and time reversal) and age-based powers. Since his body is not affected by time Kyle does not need to eat, drink or sleep.

#Arcane Magic-Kyle can use this type of magic and his body contains a great amount of it. But because of his double-edged magic resistance his magic attack and defensive spells are greatly reduced in power (weakness), which is why he uses his special sword and gauntlet to conduct his magical energy .

#High Magic Resistance-he has an unique constitution, which makes him reduce the effect of any type of magic by 70%.The weakness of this ability is that he is highly resistant even to benefic magic such as buffs and healing-types. This skill even reduces the power of his arcane attacks and the durability of his defensive spells, which is why he uses Azure Drake and the Modified Sentinel's Gauntlet.

#Powerful Psychic Barrier-he is highly resistant to telepathy (namely mental intrusion) and emphatic abilities (such as hypnosis and illusions), but his mind is not impenetrable. A rather obvious weakness of this ability is that allies which can use telepathy will also find it very hard to communicate with him using the power.

#Reality Anchoring-Kyle is completely immune to reality-altering powers, such as Reality Warping and all its sub-abilities. But that also means that he cannot be revived by a reality warper and powers like Logic Manipulation(which is generally specific to omnipotent beings) can still harm him (weaknesses).

#Expert in hand-to-hand combat-Kyle is an outstanding fighter even without his sword. He has his own fighting style, which is similar to combat sambo and krav maga.

#High-level Swordsmanship-Kyle is a master swordsman and has one-handed sword techniques which he created on his own. For his most powerful techniques Kyle imbues his sword with arcane magic for a stronger effect.

*Sword techniques with arcane magic:

>Hyper Slash-a technique for which Kyle concentrates arcane magic on the edges of the sword. The power of this slash depends on the amount of time and magic used. With high amounts of magic used, he can cut materials like titanium and diamond with ease or even nearly indistructible types of matter,shields and energy fields,but for him to do so he was to wait about 20 seconds for gathering a high enough amount of magic.

>Arcane Tornado- for this technique Kyle transmits his arcane magic on the whole blade, which gives a blue flame-like effect, then he proceeds to rotate the sword .When he has gathered enough energy he releases it in the form of energy tornadoes. Depending on the potency of the attack, he must rotate the sword for longer periods of time and gather more arcane magic. His strongest energy tornadoes can lay an entire city to dust or even disintegrate large meteors, but for such strong strikes he needs to gather energy for at least 35 seconds.

>Peafowl Seven-way Strike-Kyle concentrates some energy on the tip of the blade then he releases it,in the form of energy blasts, in seven directions similar to the way a peafowl(peacock) opens its tail.Once the energy blasts have made contact with something they affect the whole structure of that creature, object or ability. Each blast is strong enough to pulverize a building.

>Quake Blade- the swordsman condensates arcane magic in the blade and releases it on impact, with anything the sword hits, in the form of a shock wave. However this technique has a flaw : Kyle feels a certain amount of recoil after each impact, depending on the amount of magic used.


Kyle was born in Starlight, an elven village hidden in the Eidorien Forest of the Tho'Darek realm. Being the son of Dorian and Cresalia Archlight, two powerful primal elves, he had very potent arcane magic powers and was highly talented in using them but had a rather frail body for an elf. One day he tried a mysterious spell, which he found in an old book in the village's library, out of curiosity. After the spell activated the book was suddenly destroyed,Kyle's memory of the spell disappeared and his body structure modified : his skin and hair colour changed (he was light blonde and fair skinned and after that his hair became dark blonde and his skin medium brown), his physical condition was enhanced, he was immune to reality altering and he became more resistant to telepathy,illusions and even all forms of magic. But his magic resistance also reduced the effect and power of beneficial magic and even his own arcane magic, therefore Kyle had to completely change his training method. He began training his body intensely and started searching for alternative ways to improve the capacity of his magical attacks and defensive spells. He received the Modified Sentinel's Gauntlet from some dwarf engineers he befriended and a few decades later he was gifted with the sword Azure Drake by one of the elders of his village, who considered Kyle worthy of it. After a few more decades of training he became a great force, single-handedly defeating thousands of evil enemy forces who tried to rule over the entire Tho'Darek realm. But years later, after the wars ended, everyone ,even if they hated, admired, respected or loved him, felt one common emotion towards him: fear. And so, he decided to go through the portal which led to modern day Earth and live there, using the Amulet of Lesser Illusions his parents gave him to disguise himself as a human. During his time in Germany he met Alexander Zero and became a honorary member of the Moon Light organization, helping Zero and the other members on certain occasions with supernatural cases. He eventually built a wooden house in the Camolin Forest (Ireland) and received the Dimensional Pocket Knife from Alexander's organization so that he could teleport in the most important places, for himself and for the organization, when needed.

Name: Max Smith

Code Name: Black Cat

Species: human

Age: 27

Date & Place of Birth: 15 Feb 1988, Seatle

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Affiliation:high-rank member of Moon Light, Australian branch leader



Image made by me using GIMP.

IQ: 137

Educational Level: college

Languages Spoken: English, Italian, German

Ethnicity: american

Religion: buddhist

Fields of Interest: helping people,puzzles, strong opponents and challenges in general

Personality: Max appears as a jokester most of the time, while also being quite energetic and almost always smiling. He is also quite charming and has a lot of success in enchanting women. But he is highly ironic and he will make fun of people most of the time, though he does it just to tease them. If you get past that initial appearance he is a really intense guy with high levels of morality and quite philoshopical. He rarely gets angry but if he does, his anger will make him become a chaotic force of nature.

Unique Items/Pets:

#Chaos Cat- Max's pet (note: it can talk). It takes the form of a small black kitten most of the time, but that is not it's true form. The true form is that of a very big black lion with wings and it can also become an unusual dual-edged sword with a green eye on the crossgurad and a black chain of small length coming out of the hilt (as seen in the appearance image above), but the chain can appear or disappear whenever Max or the creature wish . Regardless of the form it takes, it can always generate portals which lead to various places, percept the supernatural, it always is immune to chaos flames and it always maintains it's sixth sense (danger intuition), but each form has it's unique characteristics:

>>Small kitten form- 20 times more durable and faster than a normal cat. It also has a high regenerative healing factor.

Appearance (kitten form):


>>True form- it is two times bigger than an average sized lion, but at the same time very fast (almost 2 times faster than a cheetah, reaching 60 m/s, but it's acceleration is slightly lower than that of a cheetah).It is highly durable (it can withstand firearm shots and explosions of medium power) and very strong, as it can shatter walls made from steel after 4 or 5 hits. It can also fly (considering it DOES have wings) at a maximum airspeed of 288 km/h (80 m/s) and it's regenerative healing factor is increased 3 times. It cannot remain in this form more than 3 hours a day for some reason.

Appearance (true form):


>>Sword form- it can only keep this form for about 20 minutes a day. In this form it is 50 times more durable than diamond and Max can channel his flames through the blade,engulfing it with them. It can also amplify the temperature of his flames up to 4000 degrees celsius and summon flame torandos and fire storms, while also being able to cause huge flame outbursts.

Abilities & Their Weaknesses:

#Superhuman physiology- his physical condition is a few times higher than that of a human in peak condition. He is strong enough to lift up to 1.5 tons, fast enough to reach 45 mph (72 km/h or 20 m/s), durable enough to withstand explosions of medium power and arrows and agile enough to dodge point blank gun shots from multiple foes with almost no difficulty and sniper bullets with medium to high difficulty, depending to the number of snipers. Note: bullets can hurt him , but not fatally, at most they can penetrate his skin superficially (it will still cause a lot of pain though).

#Chaos Flames- Max can generate and manipulate green conceptual flames which don't need oxygen to burn and reach temperatures between 800 and 2000 degrees celsius (depending on how much heat he concentrates) and to which he is immune. Apart from the fact that he can use them to attack, he can also use them for jet propulsion, defence (by creating fire walls and circles or covering his body with them, since he is immune to his own flames) and even to heal himself (he can heal external wounds, including deeper burns, at a very accelerated rate, regardless of severity; lost limbs can also be regenerated or reattached and the minor damage to internal organs can heal, but if the damage is severe then the organs may take a lot longer to heal or may be beyond repair, depending on the severity). His flames also have the ability of omnicombustion: Max can set anything ablaze, even if they are non flammable, and incorporeal matter such as the air itself and even concepts, but even so the flames can be extinguished the same way normal flames can and some targets may not be affected by them, depending on their nature and/or abilities.

#Twist of Fate- an ability which he can use for 15 seconds every 3 minutes. Apart from the fact that his eyes glow when he uses it, this ability grants Max the capacity to invert the laws of probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things not to happen. If something has a 50% of happening it will become 100% durring the day and 0% durring the night. Max needs to be very careful while using this ability, as he needs to calculate the probabilities himself.

#Expert martial artist- he has high level skills in shaolin kung fu, muay thay, taekwando, kickbox and silat , but he prefers to use leg-related tehniques. He is also a highly skilled swordsman, having a style of his own regarding the use of the sword.

#Unlocked Steps- an ability which he can use for a maximum of 35 seconds every 4 minutes. It makes him ignore gravity to the point where he can ran and/or walk on vertical and horizontal walls.

#Black Cat Mode- when he uses this ability the pupils of his eyes become slit-shaped (like those of a cat), his agility (including his movement speed) increases 4 times and he gains a highly accelerated perception: his mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing them to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly. Because of that he also gains enhanced reflexes and he can avoid linear attacks such as bullets and lasers by simply quickly positioning themselves away from the path of the attack before it is fired. He can only use this mode for a maximum of 30 minutes a day so he needs to choose the right moment to use it.

#Bleached Cat Mode- Max calls it this way as a joke, because his hair becomes white and his eyes azure blue. He still has an accelerated perception like in his Black Cat mode, but his agility isn't increased anymore,though his durability increases 4 times. While he is in this mode he cannot use his chaos flames, but he can use conceptual white flames which can heal others or steal their vigour and stamina over time, depending on how Max decides to use them and he can also weaken esoteric, astral and magical defenses little by little until they are destroyed . He cannot heal himself with these white flames, though, and this mode only lasts for a maximum of 15 minutes a day.

Non-ability Related Weaknesses (such as disabilities,other medical problems or any other weakness which has nothing to do with the character's abilities): none

Brief History:

Max is one of the founders of the Moon Light organization and the leader of the Australian branch. Since he was young he wanted to become someone who could make the world a better place and with that idea in mind he worked together with his brother, Alexander Zero, David Stone and the rest of the gang to do so, eventually creating the organization later known as Moon Light. As someone who was always considered second place compared to his brother Max worked hard to become stronger , faster , more inteligent and more experienced , to the point where he became independent and detached himself from his family.




Gender: male

Height:185 cm


Body type: athletic,well-toned but not overly muscular

Skin colour: pale white

Eye colour: pine green while wearing his special glases and cadet gray without them

Hair colour: black

Hair style: medium, messy

Tattoos: a big skull tattoo on his back

Piercings: none


Aliases: The Metal Nightmare

Orientation: heterosexual

Marital status: single

Date of birth: 17 April 1984

Place of birth: Frankfurt am Main

Current residence: Tokyo


I.Q.: 125

Education level: Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science

Languages spoken: German, English, Japanese

Ethnicity: half german , half japanese

Religion: unknown

Political affiliation: none

Fields of interest: reading, cooking, combat, eliminating threats to the peaceful life on Earth

Occupation: librarian

Social class: middle class


Blood type: B+

Smoking habit: none

Drinking habit: a botle of beer from time to time

Drug use: none

Prescriptions: none

Disabilities: none

Diet plan: lacto vegetarian

Other medical features: none


Personality-Axel appears as a rather calm and collected individual. He is quite respectful of others and always listens to what they have to say regardless of who they are. He is highly creative even when using his powers and he likes to paint, compose poems and cook. He doesn’t talk very much and he is pretty hard to read as a person.

Flaws- He is quite stubborn, he will listen to what anyone has to say but that doesn’t mean he agrees with the people he talks to. And because he is willing to listen to anyone, most of his opponents can take advantage of this during battle. He is also merciless and doesn’t show restraint during battle, ready to kill his opponents for the greater good.


#Spear of The Ages-a rather unique spear: both the shaft and the blade are made out of an unknown light gray metal and the blade is two times bigger than usual. The spear is almost indestructible and has a few special abilities: it can shrink if Axel wishes it to do so (he usually shrinks it and uses it as a necklace, making it return to normal when he fights strong opponents), but besides shrinking it Axel cannot manipulate it in other ways with his powers, and it has limited control over the four basic elements, being able to control and generate any of those elements on a 20 meter radius and changing colour depending on the elements it uses: it becomes completly crimson red when it uses fire and it’s distructive power raises, azure blue when it uses water and it greatly improves the user’s regeneration, white when it uses air(more precisely wind) while becoming lighter and the sharpness increases but the durability lowers and black when it is in earth mode while also becoming more durable. Axel and the spear have a connection created by magic and if the spear is more than 10 meters away from him it teleports back to his side.

#Special Glasses-Axel has many pairs of these special glasses in his private vault. They are enchanted with magic and when he wears them he can see three types of aura around people: blue auras for people who are normal and not dangerous, yellow for supernatural beings/superhumans which are not dangerous and red for beings which are dangerous regardless of being normal or not. His eyes also become pine green while wearing the glasses to hide his unusual eye colour which attracts too much attention. He uses these glasses to hunt down and eliminate anyone whom is detected as dangerous.


#Supernatural Level of Athletcism-Axel posseses highly superior athletic skills compared to normal humans, having superhuman levels of speed, power, agility, balance, dexterity, endurance, flexibility, reflexes, stamina and a highly enhanced leap capacity.

#Close Quarter Combat Expert-he is a powerful fighter,being highly expirienced in aikido and kenpo while also being a highly skilled sword and spear user.

#Metallokinesis-He can create, shape and manipulate all types of metal known to mankind,while also being able to control the density, hardness and sharpness of the metals he uses. Axel can even lift/move metal at nearly any speed whether on surface, in air or above water, therefore he can even create metal boards, sit on them and use his powers to fly with them.

#Partial Metal Mimicry-Axel can transform his forearms or one of his legs into metal depending on what he needs for combat.

#Kinetic Energy Control (basic)-the user can transfer kinetic energy in any object he throws, amplifying the speed and power of that object up to ten times. Axel usually creates small metal spheres to throw while using this type of energy.

>>Weaknesses-extreme vulnerability to electricity, some of his metals are affected by magnetism, some can be rusted by water or a rust manipulator and most of his metals turn brittle and shatter under extreme cold . Extreme heat will melt the metals he uses, although he can still control them even in that state.


Axel is the son of Izuki Tetsujin ,metal and kinetic energy manipulator, and Erika Wolfheim who has the ability to become supernaturally enhanced whenever she wants. As he analyzed the world around him he came to realize that life would be better without all the 'parasites' that crawl around the world bringing misfortune and sadness. He really enjoyed reading and became a librarian, but in his free time he always searches for dangerous people with his special glasses then he attempts to eliminate them. His magical spear is a treasure from the Tetsujin family and it chose him as its user creating a link with Axel in the process.
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Thought I would contribute more to the lore-species tab:


Ghouls are fairly common monsters with average strength, speed and reflexes and are known for their eternal hunger for dead bodies. They are mostly wretched creatures, living on backstreets of DC disguised as homeless people, but records of hihger-placed ghouls are known. Their true form resembles a gray, skinny humanoid with razor sharp teeth, skinny torso and appendages, and bright yellow eyes. They are mostly very weak, compared to other supernatural creatures, and have a lot of enemies, being the lowest of the low in the supernatural world, so they are dispatched of quite easily. Other type of ghouls include the Aswang, who is a mix of a vampire and ghoul, that feeds upon the livers of the innocent.


Ogres are big brutish humanoids that roam the outskirts of DC. Altough they are considered an all-muscle, no brains kind of creature, some of them are actually quite rational and clever. They mostly work as bodyguards for higher known people, Department agents or even nightclub bouncers. They are a fearsome race, ranking high upon the strength scale of the supernatural creatures. They resemble bigger orcs, with brutish faces, and huge muscled bodies. Ogres are typcally foul-mannered, and often have anger managment issues, so if you see an ogre angry, you better get the hell out of the way. Other ogre characteristics include their renowned stubborness, ambition but also their pleasure in causing as much harm as possible.


Much to what the name suggests, Phoenixes are big flaming elemental birds, which have the popular ability to reborn from their own ashes, if someone was to struck them down. They are powerful creatures, with high-peak endurance, flame-bending abilites, and the ability to fly. There aren't as many phoenixes as there were in the Old World, but still enough. They are known for their firey personality, dare-devil like behaviour and often, their wiseness. The colours of their fire ranges from brighter orange to deep red, but there have been legends of phoenixes even having blue fire. Overall, they are nice creatures and loyal friends if you ever get one..

(If you don't want to add them that's ok. I was just messing around, bored, anyway :D )
I'd like to know...do gods have souls in this RP? Because I kinda want Uther to slay Zeus and Hera which were set free by the soul manipulated by Oberon during Lu Bu's attack (mentioned by Hal/KattRai). He'd chop their heads off and send them flying...They'd coincidently land near the Department's HQ(} :) )
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I'd like to know...do gods have souls in this RP? Because I kinda want Uther to slay Zeus and Hera which were set free by the soul manipulated by Oberon during Lu Bu's attack (mentioned by Hal/KattRai). He'd chop their heads off and send them flying...They'd coincidently land near the Department's HQ(} :) )

Isn't that a little too far? Zeus is one of the most powerful Gods, no way should he be slain by an OC in my opinion.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Isn't that a little too far? Zeus is one of the most powerful Gods, no way should he be slain by an OC in my opinion.

Zeus's strength varies depending on the story. He was weak enough to be captured by the Department in this story. And the Reaper's weapons ignore stats or immortality. He can kill Zeus and Hera as easily as he'd kill a human. The gods underestimate him , he teleports behind them and chops their heads off.

Killing and defeating someone are two different things. Killing them is easier. ''Killing something wastes less energy than that needed to kill a fly''-quote by a certain manga character whose name I don't remember.

Of course Uther is weaker than them. But he has the means necessary to kill them.
We see that, but ultimately it's @Hel 's decision to what happens to the character.

((I got so used to calling her Katt xD ))
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Zeus's strength varies depending on the story. He was weak enough to be captured by the Department in this story. And the Reaper's weapons ignore stats or immortality. He can kill Zeus and Hera as easily as he'd kill a human. The gods underestimate him , he teleports behind them and chops their heads off.
Killing and defeating someone are two different things. Killing them is easier. ''Killing something wastes less energy than that needed to kill a fly''-quote by a certain manga character whose name I don't remember.

Of course Uther is weaker than them. But he has the means necessary to kill them.

Er, guess I won't bother making a Thor character since he'll be so weak...

Zeus being captured in this story seemes pretty ridiculous. They Guy is supposed to immensely powerful, a weapon that kills immensely powerful people, as it would a human seems... Overpowered?

But yeah, it's Hel's decision. I just have a knack for throwing my opinion out there. xD
I guess Hel's decision of adding Zeus to the escaped creatures earlier, was to add a little panache. I agree, Zeus should be a most powerful adversary, and @Archangel Galdrael if you want to make a god character, nobody tells you he is going to be weak or easily killed. We're probably throwing Zeus off like that, because he was more of a NPC. Once again I agree, Zeus should be a powerful fucker.

@Azure Sky perhaps you could kill Hera or Fernir (who also escaped back then) and then everbody would be happy?
Elias said:
I guess Hel's decision of adding Zeus to the escaped creatures earlier, was to add a little panache. I agree, Zeus should be a most powerful adversary, and @Archangel Galdrael if you want to make a god character, nobody tells you he is going to be weak or easily killed. We're probably throwing Zeus off like that, because he was more of a NPC. Once again I agree, Zeus should be a powerful fucker.
@Azure Sky perhaps you could kill Hera or Fernir (who also escaped back then) and then everbody would be happy?
Sure. I'm not fixated on Zeus or anything.

@Archangel Galdrael there are in fact two characters in this rp which can take on Zeus. One is Death (Sleipnir) which can literally kill the guy. Then there's Evan-Dor, who can't kill him but he can own him.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Sure. I'm not fixated on Zeus or anything.
@Archangel Galdrael there are in fact two characters in this rp which can take on Zeus. One is Death (Sleipnir) which can literally kill the guy. Then there's Evan-Dor, who can't kill him but he can own him.

I knew that, but those characters are basically created as Mary Sue's. Uther wasn't.

Not that Evan and Death or bad or anything, but Death is... well, Death. And Dor, in my opinion, this RP's incarnation of a Celestial.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]You don't need to be stronger than someone to kill them though xD . Deadpool killed the Watcher in the Marvel comics. Of course he had a cosmic device which disabled the Watcher and all...but still.
But as Elias said @Hal decides.

Oh I know, but I don't think Uther's weapons against Zeus are the same as Deadpool's Cosmic device (cube?) against the Watcher...

If they are that powerful then anybody below Death or Dor would be stomped by Uther... Again, just my personal opinion.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Oh I know, but I don't think Uther's weapons against Zeus are the same as Deadpool's Cosmic device (cube?) against the Watcher...
If they are that powerful then anybody below Death or Dor would be stomped by Uther... Again, just my personal opinion.

They aren't that powerful (the weapons). They don't have any effect on magical or electro-magnetic barriers, can be destroyed and simply ignore 50% of an object's durability.They can harm something as easily as they'd harm a human that's true but it doesn't mean he can auto-kill any being. The only way he'd kill Zeus is if the god underestimates him. And Evan-Dor is weaker than a Celestial by far. He can be even be killed by a bullet if he is caught off-guard.
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]They aren't that powerful (the weapons). They don't have any effect on magical or electro-magnetic barriers, can be destroyed and simply ignore 50% of an object's durability.They can harm something as easily as they'd harm a human that's true but it doesn't mean he can auto-kill any being. The only way he'd kill Zeus is if the god underestimates him. On a side note: you can't kill Death xD . And Evan-Dor is weaker than a Celestial by far. He can be even be killed by a bullet if he is caught off-guard.

But if it was as simple as 'teleport behind Zeus, lob his head off', couldn't this be done too pretty much anybody who is at least on par, and definitely below Zeus level? It just seems a little odd to me that this weapon basically treats a God - Especially the second most powerful God - like a human... Of course Zeus would underestimate, he's incredibly arrogant.

Oh and, I'm confused... Dor can be killed by a bullet? Does this guy have the most complex power levels in existance? xD

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