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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Also, if your magic wasn't included in my summation (I know I missed Luke and Osteomancy), please help me out! I'll do my best, but when you come up with something please give me some solid ideas as to what exactly this power is, what its opposite is assuming it has one, ect. ... That'd be really helpful.
Sorry for the leave of absence. I havent been getting notifications from this rp oddly. I'll have to on keep an active eye on things. But Fred being out for a few days would be appropriate for the amount of big magic that she's done. If she were to wake up now where would she be and what would she wake up to?
Ummm... well she was invited to join the department and we just did a time skip to the end of the week (six days later to the following monday) so she could wake up either in an apartment at the Department (Which is probably where they would have taken her since they don't know where she lives and all) or she could have gone home, declined the job, and she could be back there.

The time skip was to give less active users a place to jump back in, and so that the world/city had bit of time to breath/rebuild, you know?

Glad to see you're back!
Ok, this sucks, but tomorrow Im gone most of the day, and wouldn't be able to roleplay. Yesterday and today I managed to be more active, but tomorrow I'll be gone. So..

I'll tell you just this: You better not finish the damn plot before I come back, ya idjits xD

In all seriousness, if you would move that fast, control Jeff if you have to...Just don't move ultra fast, so I can catch on. If not, it's ok :D
Okay. Since I'm leaving at least a couple characters back at HQ, maybe in your absence we could run a mini-plot in order to avoid going too quick on the Plague Arc?
Yeah, I mean its your call afterall, your the ones who run this RP. It all depends on you...
What if as a result of all the space warping and teleporting magic having been used gremlins invade hq and wreak some havoc. Mostly harmless stuff but still very annoying.
hmmm... digressing and side questing sounds fun. I wouldn't want Elias to miss the president's party that he will throw the Department some time in the near future. I'd like most everyone to be around for that, honestly.

Imps and Grimlins causing havoc could be fun! or, maybe, I could start on a small GFB side plot. Or we could do some sort of 'companion quest' for one of the department members? Perhaps that spell with have consequences sooner than Fred expected?
If the consequences are less serious everyone could be forced to tell the truth about anything they're asked directly, and be unable to lie altogether for a few days.
A more serious consequence could be that the spell threw off the balance between order and chaos within the city. Which could have unforseen consequences, especially for mages that use axiomatic and anarchic magic with the latter getting weaker while the former gets stronger.
It could also be fun to have a little excursion into the Fade- Uhhhh, Dreamscape. You know, magic fine wrong, now you're in the realm of spirits and your dreams.
Typical effects for axiomatic magic involve defense, restraint, and restoration, such as Deflect, Force Field, Healing, Mind Control, Mind Shield, Nullify, Paralyze, Banish, Sensory Shield, Shield, and Snare.

Anarchic magic tends toward change most of all, with powers like Anatomic Separation, Elongation, Morph, Shapeshift, Transform, and other alteration effects.

Some examples of the types of effects common to those branches of magic.
Okie dokie, with all the chaos taken care of for the time being, I went ahead and posted with Ronan and got the profile up for my new villain. I figured now would be a fun time to play around with Ronan meeting some of the other characters, so I thought I might see if its all cool with @OriginalDaydreamer for him and Fred to meet later on. I figured that even if Fred doesn't have any Osteomantic materials it'd still be fun to have them meet up if you're down with it
Okay guys — I'm gonna wanna know who all gets sent to Detroit. You could send all your characters if you want, but we'll also have at least a few characters left at home since Greyston's down, Galleytrot won't go, and Bael's locked up. (Also Sander isn't going, but he's the epitome of unresponsive.)

So I wanna know who stays and who goes. We'll probably run a mini-plot in the mean time for whoever doesn't head to Detroit, and I just don't wanna be the one deciding where YOUR characters are because that ain't mah job ;-; and that stresses me out.
Hey guys. I've been on sort of a cooldown period since the end of the Lich case. That and work

Anyways, with Sam on call, I'll make a new character, and he can go, while Luke can stay, or vice versa

Is that ok?
Guys... its time for a side quest. Also, fun fact that everyone should know- We're going with an inability to lie in DC because of Fred's spell causing an overflow of Order and breaking that balance a bit. So for some background info: The police have had a MUCH easier job lately, lawyers and politicians have NOT. Many a marriage has seen rocky times in the last week.

While crime has gone way down since the big battle, it has also caused some problems. Chaos is fun, to put it mildly. When there is an overflow of Order people get overworked, bored, stressed, etc. You can have a mild amount of fun, but no parties or mildly illegal activities, etc.

Today, we'll be working to fix that order to buy time for Elias to get back, because he has asked very nicely for us to wait on the Plague Father Arc.

Sound good to everyone? We can have fun with this diversion, too, if we want!

@subject 635 @Elias @Sleipnir @Barbas @RIPSaidCone

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