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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
OriginalDaydreamer said:
How does this poison affect you?
the acid is corrosive and can kill a human if it reaches the bloodsteam one way or another, the miasma suffocates you until you die and the other poisonous gas is practically nerve gas.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]the acid is corrosive and can kill a human if it reaches the bloodsteam one way or another, the miasma suffocates you until you die and the other poisonous gas is practically nerve gas.

Which one possessed the staff?
Ok ...so the amount of chaos the necromancer has ''indirectly'' caused just jumped ''a little'' higher :P (exactly as planned @KattRai )
Umm.... probalby... theres a slight chance that I'm not 100% certain on everything which has been released. but at the moment, the fire giant is the closest thing is Surtr who has control over fire and can probably create it now that I read more about him. I was thinking his fire powers come from the sword, but no.

So yes, Surtr controls fire, but doesn't necessarily breath it
Sorry about the lack of RP today, I had a lot of work to do and I'm tired as hell now, so imma head to bed. Gonna catch up tomorrow though!
Time has run out while I was posting

I'll finish later, and reveal the magic beasts that actually escaped

I just realised that the Department would be so screwed if some really ancient beasts actually awoken suddenly. I mean, ,the RP is in a world where a lot of supernatural creatures, aliens and GODS dwell so if someone like Typhon were to wake up. It would destroy the whole damn world. Not to mention Kronos or some other crazy titans.
Yeah, the ones who were locked away down there were just the ones who couldn't be killed, so the Bulgasari isn't actually dead, and griffons probably weren't kept there. But yes, these were the types of things kept down there. The worst of the worst are kept somewhere... in a desert or something, and usually have their own battles to keep them in check. Department can't handle everything after all! :)

Okay, sorry we posted so much, guys, but there is a lot of filler. We're character developing i guess because we are bored.
No worries about the filler posts. They're fun to read anyway.

And also, holy crap, reading back to your posts, it seemed the Department really had Zeus in their underground dungeon. Lelz

Also much later on in the RP, much much later I would think it would be interesting to have Lucifer and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse as enemies.
Elias said:
No worries about the filler posts. They're fun to read anyway.
And also, holy crap, reading back to your posts, it seemed the Department really had Zeus in their underground dungeon. Lelz
I just think it's great that he got out.... Lol. I think we won't mess with that :b

Hmm. I don't know about that. I feel like bringing in Biblical prophecy would result in a need to bring in a biblical God. I don't think that one should really go.
I get that, but bringing in God wouldn't be that necessary. I mean we already have archangels and angels in our RP, and the Horsemen would just be some powerful entities, who could get their powers from their horses. Doesn't need to get biblical.
We could consider it, but right at this moment we do have lots of other stuff still in the works. I'm pretty sure we have something (less...Fight-centric.) planned for immediately after this plot line then we still need to deal with the Golden Fang Brotherhood and the Plague Father.
I know, I was just trowing ideas around :)

Looking forward to some breathing time for the guys, between these current arcs.

Also, holy crap, this would make such a cool TV Series...
Elias said:
I know, I was just trowing ideas around :)
Looking forward to some breathing time for the guys, between these current arcs.

Also, holy crap, this would make such a cool TV Series...
Pfffff if Katt and I had a dollar for every time we've said that we'd put Bill Gates to shame because yeah, this is basically all the best things about Supernaturwl and any cop show ever and would be the best
It's like an insane mix of Supernatural (the tv series with Sam and Dean), Grimm, CSI and basically all other supernatural based shows we keep seeing floating around. I gotta admit, I didn't expect this to become so fun, when I first joined. Now, I'm addicted. I love you guys xD

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