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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ah, yes. My internet is letting me back on now. Time to catch up and do something dramatic. And yes, but lots and lots of weaklings are effective, though not as much as a few very strong foes. And still- best not to take the risk. haha.
OriginalDaydreamer said:
That spell that Fred cast with the spheres protects the building from intrusion and attack.
Well...If Lu Bu can't break it...he will just slaughter civillans left and right until agents get out to attack him xD
Geese, slow typer is slow. I took almost half an hour to type that, and it isn't even all that long (' :| )

Please respond to the poll if you've the mind to, btw! Also, I'm going to start removing inactive characters from the character list!
I mean, I wouldn't like to stop people from joining if that's the case, but we don't want to get too overcrowded.
I just want to make sure no one thinks it's getting over crowded, you know?

Also, The G.F.B. is going to be more of a long running thing in the background, I'll be adding some of the information on those characters to the side characters tab soon, because Bael and Greyston have some backstory that is dying to get out! Also, There's going to be a massive invitation to join the department after so many casualties!

Can't wait to see you're guy's arcs, we should go visit detroit and take care of that little event soon, though, so that Barbas doesn't die before we get there! That is, if he is still doing that?
Well, that was fast. Ok then, just wait until we finish this lich thingie we got going on right now, then we are off to Detroit to participate in your plot.
It occurs to me that I've got some serious crap happening with Bael here. Like, forewarning he's gonna be a trainwreck after this. Is he going to Detroit? Or do we leave him?
So who here is familiar with TVTropes if at all? I'm curious because I feel like this roleplay has the capacity to have a crapload of tropes in it (I've not put much thought into it and I already have a pretty decent list) and wondered how many of us are familiar with that.
Yeah, we are figuratively swimming in tropes. I didn't think about it until you said that. lol Good news, I can finally start getting posts in from work. Now I can keep up with you guys and not feel like I'm slowing everyone down to the point that I cry myself to sleep at night. So alone.....


Anywho, I worked up a brief overview on Osteomancy to clarify it's limits and provide some neat tidbits on it's state in the Rp's pop culture.

Osteomancers gain the abilities and attributes of various magical creatures by consuming the bones or skeletal remains of said creatures. The bones can be either whole fragments or processed into a powder or liquid. Once the bone is consumed the Osteomancer must wait a period of time before having access to the creature's abilities. Whole bone fragments must be digested, while the processed bone is almost instantly absorbed. Once the magic has been absorbed it is stored in the bone and muscle tissue of the Osteomancer until it is used. Some abilities are dormant until drawn upon while others are passive, functioning like a normal bodily process. The stored magic will remain in the Osteomancer's system until it is used up, but the longer the Osteomancer goes without replenishing the supply causes it to slowly fade. How long the fading process takes depends on the quality of the bone that was consumed. The passive abilities can be burned up within a time ranging from one week to one hour depending on activity levels.

Osteomancy is a rare gift among the magically talented, though it comes with a heavy stigma and Osteomancers are often treated as a taboo. The idea that to gain power you must consume something that was living, possibly sentient, and the rumors of Osteomancer's cannibalizing each other to gain one's power has led to an unpopular outlook on the art.
Sorry about the departure last night, I fell asleep at my laptop. Also, yes we're full of Tv Tropes.
Okay, so, here's the dealio, Azure Sky has informed me that he is probably going to be absent until Monday, and he's not sure if he can post then or not either, so I'll be taking over the baddies. However, I would prefer not to take over the two main ones (Cough @Sleipnir Cough) Because to be perfectly honest I am not to great at writing Evil to be Evil characters and don't think I've truly gotten the feel for what they are supposed to be. So, I'm gonna try to keep us occupied until then potentially, so... Labyrinth I can do, I'm not so great at keeping up with lots of people attacking one guy. Anyone else want to take on an undead general or resurrected sorcerer or be an ice dragon that we;ve just neglected to mention? If not it's cool. Practice makes perfect after all.
Ok, don't expect some post tonight, we are having a huge family reunion-party and I need to be available. Sorry guys! Really sorry! Take small control of my chars if you really want them to do something vital for your action....

SORRY AGAIN. Damn family reunions.
Make sure to check the overview sheet for any new policy/housekeeping updates. Right now the biggest thing is:

If you don't see you're character on list in the side characters tab, then they are not considered currently active and you have to resubmit your character sheet to RP.

The only current exceptions are brand new characters, I am a bit slow in that respect.


Elias said:
I know, I was just trowing ideas around :)
Looking forward to some breathing time for the guys, between these current arcs.

Also, holy crap, this would make such a cool TV Series...
Yessss... there will be some breathing time. After the Plague Father arc, I think the president shall throw them a party :) It'll be a fun little excursion.

Sooo... who's up for stalling until Azure Sky gets back by making the Lich retreat for a bit, letting the characters clean up the town and breath a bit, and locking Sam and Galleytrot in a room together in the Labyrinth where they are forced to interact until Azure Sky can take his arc back over? I don't want to take it over entirely for him, and like I said I'm not very great at writing this type of stuff...

Or does anyone else have any better ideas?
I approve of this plan, though Bael still poses an issue. We could kill the wolves and regroup at HQ?
Did I miss anything important or it was just more filler stuff?

Also, holy crap, they changed the site again.

I dont know how I could intervene now. The fights nearing to an end, right? Oh well, at least been there for the beggining. Should I wait for you to finish the fight? Cuz frankly I have no ideas what to do with Justin and William right now other than repetitive fighting for them. I can wait until you finish.....
The important stuff amounts to:

Galleytrot fighting Attila the Hun.

Lu Bu is dead, but before he did, he gave one last attack aiming for Piper. Greyston pushed her out of the way and is seriously injured. He'll likely be out of commission for Detroit.

Bael is fighting a big shadow wolf and is getting some shifting in his characterization. (Good Luck, everyone.)

Evans is helping get refugees to safety.

Katt is considering holding off on finishing for awhile because Azure has some stuff happening IRL and she doesn't want to take his arc over. We'll likely just chill and have filler for the next day or so.

So maybe you don't have to sit it out, you just need to get back in with the filler and when Azure is back, we'll be ready to get this donee, Avengers style.
Are there still monsters around to fight? And is the shadow-nightmare indcuing gas still on?
Both, yes. Bael is after Penumbra but she escaped. She's the one doing the nightmare fuel.

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