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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- Characters

Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Allison-and-Lillia-Collection-1-Header.jpg.06bf52905ad87576b2ee4a6428e982bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Allison-and-Lillia-Collection-1-Header.jpg.06bf52905ad87576b2ee4a6428e982bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lilliana Grace

Nickname(s): Lil', Lilly. etc

Species: Valkyrie

Age: 25

Occupation: Reserve Air force Pilot

Personality: She is a total closet nerd. She comes of as cold, harsh, and unloving, but thats a result of her time as a minority in a very male dominated sector of the military. She dislikes men, and doesn't trust them as her heritage demands, but after spending so much time among them she has grown to tolerate them, despite being taught that they were only to be used for reproduction purposes.

Orientation: Homosexual, potentially bi.

Abilities (if in species that has these): Exceptional strength and speed, and, in turn, a very fast reaction time. She also has a bomber jacket that is feathered inside that allows her to change into a swan, however without her jacket she can't transform. (Seriously, it's in the myths. they are swan women!)

Weaknesses: She is brash and stubborn, and has a very hard time looking past her traditional ways and working with male teammates

Important Relationships?: Friend of Alexa Summers, as she frequents that bookstore.

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.): She has a pet raven named... uh, Raven. but that's not really important



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Underdog work together story yay! You don't need one super powerful person, you need lots and lots of less powerful peeps! though... we may want to track down some magic stuff to use against you. Missles and planes should get us somewhere though
KattRai said:
Underdog work together story yay! You don't need one super powerful person, you need lots and lots of less powerful peeps! though... we may want to track down some magic stuff to use against you. Missles and planes should get us somewhere though
Modern weapons will kill the Mi-go with little trouble, but Yog-Dagor is pretty much safe from them, your going to need some special firepower .

Name || Kirimi Orichi


Species || Augmented Human

Age || 19

Occupation || Training in the Dept. of Technology at DDAMPSEA. Does some hacking and sluething stuff.

Personality || Kirimi isn't exactly a people person. One of the reasons she spends a large sum of her time involved in technology. She's kind enough but usually comes off as bored and doesn't take much seriously. She also has a bit of an attitude she doesn't mean to have, making it sound like retorts come easily, but she means well.

Abilities || The parts of her that are augmented are 85% of her legs, one eye, and her left hand. Because of her legs, she runs faster and kicks harder. Her eye was implemented with a sort of projection screen. It's like a mini computer and she can use it for surfing the web, looking things up, and inspecting objects to a greater extent. Her hand just allows her to type faster which doesn't really bother her.

Weaknesses || She's had a little training in hand to hand combat but she's not the fighting type. So, if she were to ever get into a fight, she'd have to rely on her speed and cunning.​
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hmm, Looks good, except you'd be working with @Kylesar1's character, since Luke applied for that sort of position first, and Kirimi is so young I don't think you could be the head of that department. But she can definitely work there with Luke! Also, Don't forget to add weaknesses!
@KattRai Sorry D: Edited. Is this okay o:

Sure looks like a male siren eh? >.> hue hue
Looks good! And that's what I was thinking, haha!

Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c227da9ec_ZaneSwift.jpg.7ec410bd65d609842478f2aa68b65389.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c227da9ec_ZaneSwift.jpg.7ec410bd65d609842478f2aa68b65389.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Zhaine Swift

Nickname(s): -

Species: Time Keeper

Age: 23

Occupation: Works at the Book store with Alexa (And is a freaking part time model, look at that man!)

Personality: A Confident, self-centered show-off who is more serious than not.

Orientation: Very Straight

Abilities (if in species that has these): Can see peoples past by touching them. Has fantastic control over it.

Weaknesses: Alexa. Also, he knows hand to hand fighting, from growing up with four brothers, but isn't a fighter in any way, shape or form. that's why he works in a bookstore.

Important Relationships?: Childhood friends with Alexa, they've known each other since 5th grade.

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.): Zhaine has a strong London accent, he moved to D.C. in 5th grade, but retained his accent from before he moved. When he got here he met Alexa, and they grew very close. Unlike Alexa, Zhaine knows all about his powers and how to control them.



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Name: Karnak

Nickname(s): The Plague Father

Species: interdimensional being

Age: 10 million earth years

Personality: Cares greatly for his followers and his plagues.


Abilities (if in species that has these): regeneration, durability, able to create diseases, emits plagues, has an army of plague infested creatures known as the plague apostles, can emit hordes of disease carrying flies. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-15_17-33-31.jpeg.6cf4b5d86034a5765f459a97f9234b81.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49207" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-15_17-33-31.jpeg.6cf4b5d86034a5765f459a97f9234b81.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaknesses: fire, explosives.



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@Barbas accepted, but let's go ahead and keep the dark forces that you personally control there, as some are defeated, you can add more probably. I am just worried about becoming too overpowered, and therefore requiring overpowered characters to defeat it!
Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

Dragon form


Name: Scath

Nickname(s): Red

Species: European Dragon

Age: 250. Human age appearance, 25-30.

Occupation: Currently, none.

Personality: Despite being one of the last of his kind, Scath is not fearful or loathing of humans, though he gives them a healthy respect and remains hidden. He is, in truth, not a stereotyped dragon as the stories have told. He is calm and relaxed, though ferociously hostile when provoked. He is deeply fascinated by humans.

Orientation: Straight

Abilities (if in species that has these): Scath is capable of taking human form. Being a firedrake, Scath can breath fire, even in human form, and is immune to fire and smoke. His senses and physical capabilities are far above any human. Scath has learned how to manipulate his human form, giving it dragon-like attributes such as wings or claws when situations require it. Outside of that, he has an accelerated healing rate and has many years worth of experience to draw from.

Weaknesses: Dragonsbane, a fatally toxic herb used in alchemy and poisons. High caliber firearms and explosives.(Come on, dragon scales can't take a 50 cal)

Important Relationships?: Currently, none.

Human Form:N/A for the time being

So, what do you think?
Name: Allerio Faervel

Nickname: Fallen Elf

Species: high elf

Age: around 800 (looks 30)

Occupation: none, vigilante




Personality: Allerio doesn't talk very much and doesn't trust most people. He appears as a cold and merciless individual, ready to kill for the greater good, on the other hand he does have a soft spot for women he considers frail and children. Despite his personality, on the outside he looks cheerful and happy or even frendly, but that is just a fake impression that he gives to others.

Orientation: heterosexual

Abilities :

  • Natural high elf abilities:

    Enhanced speed, senses and accuracy- as a high elf, Allerio's movement and reaction speed is 2 times above that of human Olympic gold medalists. His sense of hearing and his eyesight are three times above that of an average human and he can see clearly in the dark. His level of accuracy , while using bows and arrows, is above human levels and can hit his target even in highly difficult positions or situations.
  • Biological immortality- Allerio's body exists outside of time and as a result he will always be in his physical prime and he will never die of old age. Even so he can still be killed. Because of his physiology he does not need to eat or drink. He enters a sleep-like state in order to replentish his mana faster and dream.


  • Healing- Allerio can cast healing magic on himself or others. This magic can heal wounds, cure most diseases and/or eliminate curses.
  • Buffs- he can cast these types of spells on himself as well as others. He can cast buffs for enhancing strength (by a maxium of 4 times), movement + reaction speed (by a maximum of 3 times) and durability (at full potential it becomes high to the point were he or others can withstand bullets and explosions of low-to-medium power).
  • Wind manipulation- Allerio can use magic to control wind in different ways, such as: using it to fly for short periods through jet propulsion, summoning wind barries, generating strong winds to push back opponents and even generating compressed air razor blades which can cut through steel or creating a tornado.


  • Mana consumption- while Allerio has high amounts of mana, the power of his spells depends on the amount of mana used (especially his buffs and healing magic) His wind razor blades consume quite some mana and his tornado generation consumes almost half of his mana. In regard to his healing magic: the more serious the wounds, the stronger the curse or the more dangerous the disease is , the more mana he needs to use.
  • Limitations on his wind razor blades and tornado generating- he needs to wait at least 30 seconds before he can use his wind razor blades again and up to 20 minutes each time he wants to generate a tornado. Although, the tornado ,as mentioned before, consumes almost half of his mana and because of that he can only use it two times a day.
  • Each of his buffs last 5 minutes. Afterwards he needs to re-buff and subsequently consume mana again.
  • Even if he is bilogically immortal he can still be killed as easily as a normal human.
  • His enhanced senses mean that he is also more vulnerable to damaging noises and strong lights than a human.

Important Relationships?: none

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

#With the exception of his enhanced movement and reaction speed , his other physical capabilities are on the same level as the best human athletes.

#His mana recovers slowly when he is awake and doesn't use spells, pretty fast when he meditates and fully replentishes after he sleeps for at least 7 hours.

#He is a master of the bow and an expert in hand-to-hand combat.

#His weapon:



  • Bow of Armageddon, otherwise known as ''Angels vs Demons''- the bow generates its own conceptual, hard as steel, arrows which work in three different ways depending on the target: if the target is deemed as ''good'' he/she/it will be hit by a black arrow and besides the ususal pain they also lose some strength and durability with each strike, if the target is deemed as ''evil'' he/she will be hit by a white arrow and besides the usual pain they also lose some stamina and vitality with each strike and if the target cannot be deemed neither ''good'' nor ''bad'', it will be deemed as ''neutral'' (this applies to objects, machines etc.) and in this case the target will be hit by a grey arrow which produces a rather powerful, but with limied radius (about 5 meters), shockwave on impact. The red core in the middle of the bow is responsible for arrow generation but not only. It also enhances the speed of the arrows. If the peak speed of an arrow is 100 m/s then the speed of arrows generated and launched by this bow is roughly 250 m/s. After the arrows make contact with the target, it will take them about a minute before they disappear.
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KattRai said:
Awesome! I love elves!
I hope you don't mind, I still modified him a little: added a weakness, slightly depowered his physical condition , but added a third effect to his arrows for ''neutral'' targets ( objects, machines and so on).
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I hope you don't mind, I still modified him a little: added a weakness, slightly depowered his physical condition , but added a third effect to his arrows for ''neutral'' targets ( objects, machines and so on).

Thanks for trading off another ability with another weakness! It looks good, though I'm curious, does his mana regenerate over time? Over night? Or just when he rests?
KattRai said:
Thanks for trading off another ability with another weakness! It looks good, though I'm curious, does his mana regenerate over time? Over night? Or just when he rests?
It slowly regenerates when he stops using spells, faster when he meditates and replentishes completely if he sleeps at least 7 hours. Should I add this info to the cs?
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