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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- Characters

Yeah go ahead and add it to the extras slot. Or just leave it here as a reference. Haha. I love the detail in the character sheet!
KattRai said:
Yeah go ahead and add it to the extras slot. Or just leave it here as a reference. Haha. I love the detail in the character sheet!
I added the info to the cs anyways xD
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Hey, I just stumbled across this RP and it seems like a wicked cool idea. If youre still accepting I would like to make 1-2 characters aswell

Appearance:(human form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/keanuu.jpg.ee78300cf134ce99c4786fa59fbcc645.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/keanuu.jpg.ee78300cf134ce99c4786fa59fbcc645.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/kean.jpg.2b22e6201fc515ae8217e4204e4261f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/kean.jpg.2b22e6201fc515ae8217e4204e4261f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kraken.jpg.9b688282b1a57994b9d7f487cc965497.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kraken.jpg.9b688282b1a57994b9d7f487cc965497.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kraken (He used the human name of William though)

Nickname(s): Krak. Leviathan. Will.

Species: Leviathan

Age: A couple thousands years old

Occupation:Detective-in training

Personality: As William, The Kraken is a strange person to meet. He is awkard, cold, and doesnt quite get humour or references due to his years underwater. He can be quite protective though, if you manage to get under his skin. Oh, and best to stay from him when hes angry. He tends to forget that he isnt the meanest biggest thing in the world anymore

Orientation: Bisexual, Bi-Curious (Due to him being new at this human thing, its quite hard for him to comprehend romance or even compassion. He will get through tho)

Abilities (if in species that has these):

-Abnormal strength and durability: Due to being the Kraken, Will has acces to huge strength, and overall great endurance/durability

-Water manipulation: He can control water in medium doses. Not something he developed enough though, so he doesn't use it as much

- Photographic memory and extreme-eye sight

-Tentacle appenadeges: These are his main weapons, exerted through the back, or beneath the hands. They come in numbers of 4-6, and are of two types: light tentacles, which are more speedy, and tank ones, who are more bulky and powerful

When in true form- you get the idea, all of these and then some. Huge monster tearing down everything.


-Fire/Extreme heat

-Can be killed by entities older than him/ anything else that manages to.

-Being in human form he is a lot weaker, and subcestibile to damage

Important Relationships?:

At the current time

-He sticks around Greyston as he is the head detective.

-Acquintaces with Buwan

-He cares for Melody and protects him/her

-He kinda began to be friends with Pip and Justin

- (He will meet others so ...)

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

History- The great monster known to the man as the Kraken has never been seen above the ground. Sure, from time to time, he would sink some ships, kill some men, and then some. He wasnt what you would call a friendly one. Yet one day, as he sat underwater, watching the shore, his eyes fell on a man running on the beach. He seemed so happy in the above world and at that moment, the Kraken felt a surge of interest come over him. He wanted to see the outside world. To feel. To run, on the sand, and feel the wind.

It didnt take long, and he grabbed the poor man. As he loomed over his victim, the Kraken recited an ancient curse that transported him into a mortal body. Now he was a human. Now.....he could live.

It was hard at first, but the Department found him afterwards, and soon he joined them. If he wanted to be a human, he would have to protect his new kind from the treats of the supernatural.

Theme song:[media]




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Hmm, probably best not to reveal that the kraken possessed Keanu Reeves for a human body to the department, he may become their next target! Also, looks pretty cool, but I would like to make sure he's scaled down just a bit. After this plot line especially I don't know how well giant cosmic beings work into the rp. It's okay now, I just don't want it to get out of hand, so can we make the addition that it can only fully transform in the water? Or something like that?
Oh yes about that, I just forgot to mention that he indeed can only transform in water. It would be silly/ downright wrong for him to transform like in the middle of the department and tear everything down. xD

And yes, I am willing to change things if it doesnt fit in the overall plot. Just so I can RP. He will only be in his human form more ofthen, his true form only coming at times of great need.

So, what do you think can I be part of this RP?
I agree, it would be odd for a Kraken to fully transform in the middle of Washington DC! haha, and okay, with those stipulations you're free to join!

@Elias @Azure Sky You guys are free to jump in whenever you please, by the way! Jsyk!
Name: Ellis Woodbury

Nickname: Smiles

Species: Human

Age: 27

Occupation: DDAMPSEA Assault Team - Weapons Specialist

Personality: Ellis tends to be linked towards a pyrotechnic incidents, contributing to his reputation for a like of weapons and explosives, he is somewhat psychopathic but in reality just likes blowing things up. He is a fun-loving guy and is always up for a laugh in his spare time, on missions he does take his job somewhat seriously though, being rather unmerciful or unforgiving towards those who have commited crimes against the country. He is a generally likeable guy, usually wanting to be friends with everyone or just well-liked around the community, he respects those who have commendable traits and is very loyal.

Orientation: Heterosexual


High Levels of Good Marksmanship

Speciality in Explosives

Above-Average Strength

Good Stamina


Poor Leadership

Deviates from Orders

Not That Fast

Important Relationships:

He currently has none, as he is a new transfer to the Department.


Born in Topeka, Kansas to a fringe like family, Ellis had a humble lifestyle, a more or less stereotypical heartland upbringing, being a nice enough Christian, good humantarian and a proud patriot, Ellis attended all of his educational life in Topeka, moving to Kansas City after college, where he later joined the U.S. Army Rangers whilst on a visit to Georgia, he served a tour in Afghanistan with the 75th in Firebase Phoenix later renamed. Due to exceptional marksmanship and field abilities, Ellis was offered the place for a try out in 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta, or more commonly known as Delta Force, he took the offer with glee. Passing with flying colours, he served with his new team for 4 years before being recommended to The Department as a Weapons Specialist for their Assault Teams.



Assault Team BCU




(An Assault Team is a common term used in US government agencies, IE FBI, DEA, CIA etc. They're the ones that conduct the raids on houses where suspects live etc. Basically a higher tier SWAT team.)
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I would like to make a second char to spice things up. Many of you have 2 characters aswell, so I tought I'll get in line :D

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/travis.jpg.8eba4714c9ec6ed34b36d78fd30ce133.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/travis.jpg.8eba4714c9ec6ed34b36d78fd30ce133.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Justin Reed

Nickname(s): Justin, Ree, JR

Species: Nephilim (The offspring of an angel and a human)


Occupation: Works as a technician in a store in Washington, Professional Hacker in his free time

Personality: He is quite laid back and tries to be funny most of the times. He is smart, thinks highly of himself and can be arrogant at times, but overall, he is a good kid.

Orientation: Straight/ Heterosexual

Abilities (if in species that has these):

-Advanced strength/speed/stamina/durability

-Flight/ Hovering (no wings tho)

-Heavenly premonitions: one of his unusual gifts, allows him to catch glimpses of future or present. He can't control it very well.

-Manipulation of angel sigils/ Knowledge of healing incantations: Angel sigils are basically magic sigils, that angel use to guide themselves/ support themselves in battles. Being part angel, he get to use these, altough not at full strength.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sigils.jpg.ba3a99ca503f12ce4d839a49409bca73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sigils.jpg.ba3a99ca503f12ce4d839a49409bca73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

They look like this, only white and glowing.


-Basically human weaknesses. He isn't that powerful of a species.

Important Relationships?:

-He knew and was friends with Zaine

-He is a friend of William

-Friends with Winnifred and Piper

-Knows Galleytrot and Greyston, and basically all the others

-He would like to meet Simiel one day.

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

History: Justin was born in Kansas, but was brought here by his mother when he reached the age of 5. He never knew who his father was, until he grew older, when his mother revealed his heavenly heritage. He was the offspring of Simiel, a respectable angel of heaven, his mother used to tell him, but his father never visited. Apparently, Heaven is more important than his mud-blood son. When he got older, he got into computers, and decided to use his great intellect for helping people, by hacking into rich people's bank accounts, and donating their money to charity associations. Now, he is looking for a job at the Department, and he hopes he will get to be accepted.


-Donuts (Fricking donuts, man)

- Computer

-Sci-fi books


-Rich and arrogant people

-Slimy things

-Tea (yuck)



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Haha, he's Zhaine's friend but dislikes tea and arrogance? That must be an interesting relationship! Looks good! And currently I don't have a cap on the number of characters you can make as long as you can keep up with them!
Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Twins.jpg.3889b03eaf82f5bae6c0c9e14a04aaa5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Twins.jpg.3889b03eaf82f5bae6c0c9e14a04aaa5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Depending on what gender it choses to take it will look like one of the two above. Generally it looks very childlike due to it's relatively young age.

Sometimes it will chose to take the form of a blob (Think Morph from Treasure Planet) But usually picks a human form to take, because it likes to fit in.

Name: Because it has no voice it's names are as varied as those it interacts with. Some of the names it has been given are listed below

Nickname(s): Melody, Kaydence, Harmony, Lyric, Bard, Louis, Rishab, Anath, Carmine, Danny, Eliran, etc.

Species: Elemental

Subspecies (If applicable): Sound/Music

Age: Relatively young for an elemental, approximately 187

Occupation: None

Personality: This elemental is a little trickster, it loves to play tricks on people but they are usually harmless. While it loves tricks, it also likes helping people when they are upset. It's personality is truly hard to describe, as it changes with the noises around. This elemental is far more in tune with digital sound than the sound that is around it, and enjoys manipulating radios and using prerecorded sound bits. In fact, when it speaks it has never used it's own voice, and will only use recordings- usually songs- to communicate. In situations where it needs to string together information, it sounds as though it has plucked words from various different recordings in order to make the sentence it wishes to make.

Orientation: Uhh... can elementals truly have an orientation? Unknown for now.

Abilities (if in species that has these): Ability to manipulate sound, make others hear things, use sound waves to travel (Basically teleportation) And mimic the voice of anyone it hears. Also the ability to manipulate moods to a relatively small extent.

Weaknesses: Unless using it's ability to copy another's speech, the elemental either only can or only will speak in snippets of recorded songs or from popular shows and broadcasts. It has little ability to physically touch and interact with the world (Though it can do that.)

Important Relationships?: None

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

Likes: Music- particularly newer music and TV Shows.

Dislikes: Silence, screeching/feedback or cacophonous noise, being ignored, upsetting people.

History: This little elemental was born with the first successful playback of recorded sound in approximately 1877. It has been wandering the world, playing tricks on some people and helping out others ever since then, it's vocabulary growing more and more every minute as more and more sounds, songs, and lines are being recorded.

(This seemed like a fun character, so I'll use it intermittently here and there. If you recognize any of the songs I use, then cudos to you.)



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Occupation: DDAMPSEA Assasin

Personality:Very secretive and mysterious. Dosent give out info about himself to anyone


Race: Shade

Abilities (if in species that has these):Can Turn Invisible If In Dark and Unseen. Can Faze Through walls

Weaknesses:Light, Anti-venom, Holy Artifacts


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ASSASIN.jpg.04e70853ad9417ed8db998aa53556929.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ASSASIN.jpg.04e70853ad9417ed8db998aa53556929.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon:Gauntlet containing poison darts, acid vials. smoke emitters and Garotte wire.



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Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

Name: Kaelin Umbras

Nickname(s): Shadow

Species: Nether Spirit

Age:???(He is a shadow, after all), Physical age is 19

Occupation: Monster Hunter

Personality: Kaelin is normally quiet, and prefers to keep to himself. He reads alot, in part because he loves it, and also because its easier to ignore others with a barrier between them. If someone does manage to convince him to open up, he is friendly, somewhat of a prankster and flirt, and is loyal and protective of those he cares about.


Abilities (if in species that has these): Can manipulate shadows, or create them from his own body to form weapons, barriers, etc. Can absorb shadows and darkness, and travel through them. Has supernatural speed ,strength and durability. Lives off of, and can manipulate the energy of the nether, the power gathered from anti-life energy. While a powerful tool, Kaelin rarely uses it, or any of his true power.

Weaknesses: Light weakens the strength of his shadow abilities. Shadows created from his body are stronger, but extended use wears him out.

Important Relationships?: Sister-Deceased

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

Kaelin likes to read, with a preference for romance novels( and the occasional smut fiction, but he'd never admit it). He also likes ice cream. He has a disdain for beings who would hurt others, and generally won't stand for violence against innocents.
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Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):


Name: Bael Julius Lake

Nickname(s): Goes by Bael.

Species: Poltergeist/Ghost/possibly a guardian spirit. Bael's exact nature is unknown.

Age: Physically around 17; "Been around" since something like 1910z

Occupation: N/A/Still protects a lighthouse on Lake Superior

Personality: In a word, Volatile. The emotion that sustains Bael is anger and an intense drive to protect; these two things rarely don't manifest in him. He is aggressive and inclined to attack first and ask questions after you're dead.

Actually, he's actually not inclined to ask questions. He's more likely to kill you then never think about you again. He is very easily angered and in fact is rarely not angry. Bael has a tendency to be extraordinarily sarcastic and bitingly snarky, and rarely will he ever say something heartfelt if he ever does.

He has a strong inclination to be extremely protective in an almost Rottweilerish way, but doesn't generally get a chance to show that toward a whole lot of anything except the Lighthouse due to the fact that he tends to kill anyone who gets too close.

Orientation: It's highly possible he has none.


Phasing through walls— Bael has the abilities, like most ghosts, to walk through solid objects.

Telekinesis — in the way of poltergeists, Bael can move objects without touching them. This is not necessarily a strength of his. He can occasionally control this, but more frequently, when upsetted, objects fall over, fly across the room, or rattle less because he wants it to happen and more because it's simply a side-effect of his emotional state. Sometimes it works to his advantage, sometimes it doesn't do a whole lot of anything.

short-range teleportation — Bael can teleport within a radius of around the size of a softball field's infield if he was standing on the pitcher's mound.

losing a physical presence altogether — At times, Bael is around, but he just doesn't have a physical presence.

Increased Strength — Bael is far more powerful than he appears to be and, likely, than he should be. You cannot really feel him touch you; rather, you feel the blow or pressure, implying this is in fact a side-effect of Telekenesis.


Salt — It won't kill him, but as acid is to a human, salt is to Bael. He can't pass through any objects that is infused with salt(though why you'd build salt into a wall beats me). Teleporting through these objects is possible, but very painful.

Positive emotions — A weaksauce weakness if ever there was one, Bael is an entity formed mostly on his own negative feelings pre-death. The result is any positive emotion he feels is likely to be detrimental to him.

Important Relationships?: His sister Annabell, who died at age fifteen.

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.): He was the assistant keeper of 14-mile Point Lighthouse under his father and worked with a man named Adrian Redlaw. His father died under mysterious circumstances and Bael always suspected Redlaw had to do with it — shortly thereafter, Annabell, too, died after for whatever reason, fleeing to the woods from the lighthouse where a vampire hunted her.

Bael felt that she had to have a reason to run away and knew Redlaw had to do with that. For the next year Bael planned to kill the man who had been promoted to Keeper, but he obviously had similar plans and before Bael could act, Redlaw killed him and disappeared.

The rest is history.

After the abandoned lighthouse rose back into prominence as a historic site, thrill-seekers, amateur ghost-hunters and daredevil teens flocked to it because of the story about the boy who disappeared from the light. Rumor had it the light was haunted.

Oh, it was.

Before too terribly long, the Department's help was enlisted.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.424076989203609b2e888802f525dcf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.424076989203609b2e888802f525dcf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Winifred Edwina Murray

Nickname(s): Fred, Winni The Good Witch, That Green-Eyed *itch, Witch *itch

Species: Human "Witch"

Age: 23

Occupation: Fortune Teller, Occult Shop Owner

Personality: Flirty, Feisty, Stubborn, Perceptive, Quick Witted, Smart Mouthed, Clever, Blunt, Snarky, and Helpful

Orientation: Heterosexual

Abilities (if in species that has these): Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Divination, & Green Magic

Weaknesses: Her telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities work best on a small scale. (ex: lighting candles, campfires, fireplaces, and small objects ablaze, levitating and manipulating small items, closing and opening doors and windows etc...) Performing greater feats require greater expenditure of energy. Her divination abilities require a focus (ex: Crystal ball, Tarot Cards, Pendulum and map etc...). Her talent for Green Magic allows her to cause plants to grow at a noticably faster rate, they grow noticably healthier, as well as allowing her to unlock their full potential for use in potions, poultices, and hex bags. Her green magic is for the most part involuntary. Fred's voluntary abilities tend to require some level of focus and often work in concert with her emotions. She is also no more durable than the average human. Her powers weaken when she is forcibly cut off from her familiar Bartholomew.

Important Relationships?: Her familiar Bartholomew, Liliana, Justin, Piper

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

Fred is a hereditary witch, able to track her lineage back generations on both her father and mother's sides, or at least she'd be able to had she not lost the both of them and with them her only living ties to her illustrious lineage.

No one, not even Fred herself knows just what kindled the fire that changed her life those ten long years ago. All that she knows for certain of is that whatever sparked the blaze did so using magic, the very same magic that now eludes even her strongest divinations.

Likes: honing her craft, studying occult topics, brewing potions, casting spells, hunting down potential leads on her parents death, shopping, being in control, her plants, and her familiar Bartholomew.

Dislikes: making connections (fears loss), depending on others, necromancy, full fledged astral projection, fake psychics, dealing with demons, people who popand or smack gum, cigarette smoke, animal abuse, mindless undead, horny werewolves (its a long story), and fake blondes.



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Name: Oberon Mekasm

Nickname: King of Nothingness

Species: lich- a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life who used spells or rituals to bind their intellect to their animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality.

Age: around 1000 years old

Occupation: none, villain

Personality: Oberon is ruthless, cruel and utterly without mercy - even as a human Oberon was a master of manipulation and fear,although at that time he had good intentions, his personality suffered extreme changes once he was betrayed by those he considered his allies and his wife got killed in the process. . He desires destruction and suffering. He wants the world to feel true suffering, fear , pain and despair.

Orientation: once heterosexual, currently asexual


#Undead physiology- Oberon lacks any physical weaknesses of an organic, living body including the need for rest, sustenance or other physical requirements (this includes the ability to survive in extreme temperatures up to a certain degree). He does not feel pain and cannot be poisoned or get ill (in other words he is immune to poison and contaminants). Other than that, Oberon is strong enough to lift up to 3 metric tons above his head and durable enough to withstand being thrown off a skyscrapper.

#Semi-immortality- as a result of becoming a lich, Oberon exists outside of time and therefore doesn't age. This also makes him immune to time and age manipulation.

#Necromancy- Oberon is an extremely powerful necromancer and he can manipulate the dead,the life-force and souls for a wide variety of effects (this also includes ectoplasm manipuation and the use of spirits for weapon empowerment, controlling objects and poison storage).

#Poisonous potion mastery- as a result of centuries of dedication and study Oberon is a master in creating potent poisonous potions (above other things). He can create nearly any type of poison , be it a toxin, acid or poisonous gas. He cannot create venoms but he can absorb them with the use of souls.

  • Technique: poison necromancy- by using souls to store poisonous substances, Oberon can give the impression of being able to manipulate poison. He uses the poison-infused souls to attack directly or release the poison from them.

#Multiple souls- Oberon has multiple souls within his body, each of them under his command, courtesy of his necromancer abilities.


#The phylactery- a magical artifact which stores a lich's life force. As long as this phylactery is unharmed, the lich is immortal and will attempt to reassemble if it is ever vanquished (this happens within 10 days after its apparent destruction) This must be destroyed in order to completely kill a lich. In Oberon's case the phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. Liches take great care in protecting their phylactery from harm, employing decoys, traps and other means. In Oberon's case, he has his phylactery hidden in an underground labyrinth containing a variety of hidden traps, of both magical and non-magical nature, somewhere in a separate plane of reality. Two portals which lead to the plane of reality in whic the phylactery is can be found in a currently unheared of cave near the Blue Ridge Mountains (Washington DC) and in a room sealed by some sort of magical code at the second floor of the abandoned Charity Hospital in New Orleans. The phylactery itself is also protected by a powerful unholy barrier and has an esoteric code encrypted on it (both these types of defence can be eliminated by powerful enough holy magic and/or anti-mage skills).


^Oberon's phylactery.

#Note: even if destroying the phylactery is the only way to completely destroy Oberon, it is not the only way to defeat him. He is not invincible and can be defeated by strong enough weaponry, magic or other powerful attacks which have nothing to do with poison or contaminants (although he will come back until you destroy his pylactery).

#Mana- like any form of magic, necromancy requires mana. Oberon has very high amounts of mana but those aren't limitless. Even if he stores some mana in his special esoteric lamp for emergency cases, the amount stored isn't that high. He needs to meditate or absorb the energy from his souls whenever he wants to replentish his mana pool. Although it shoul be noted that once he summons something, in most cases, he does not need to consume mana continuously if he wants to maintain the summon. He continuously consumes mana only when he personally controls an undead's movements.

Important Relationships: he has a strong bond with his partner , Penumbra Nevermore.

Any other important information you'd like to add? :

>His items (all seen in the ''Appearance'' image above):

  • Scepter of the Damned- a scepter made out of bones, enchanted for a high durabilty increase. Oberon can channel ectoplasm through it while the scepter can release it through the form of a green-yellow beam which can affect both organic and non-organic creatures and/or objects regarless of their nature (physical, astral, esoteric etc.). The blasts generated by the scepter have a radius of about 20 centimeters and have the desctuctive capabilities of a rather potent laser beam.
  • Lamp of the Wisps- a lamp which can absorb and store a medium amount of mana. It can absorb mana from both the holder or from nature.
  • Crown of the Void- while called like that it is more like a dark halo above the user's head. As long as Oberon uses it cannot be angered or saddened by anything and/or anyone as well as making im undetectable by any form of supernatural perception.




Name: Penumbra Nevermore

Nickname: The Abomination

Species: human and darkness-manipulating demon cat hybrid, fused soul

Age: around 700 years old

Occupation: none, vilain

Personality: Penumbra is rather enigmatic. One can't really understand what she is thinking or how she feels. Se may be crazy or does it on purpose. Regarless, with the exception of Oberon, no one knows how her personality truly is like.

Orientation: once heterosexual, currently asexual


#Unusual physiology- because of her unusual humanoid cat physiology, even though she is short, Penumbra is very agile. She is cabable of easily dodging arrows and point-blank gunfire and she is durable enough to withstand explosions of low power, all this without using her darkness manipulation. She is also fast enough to barely outrun a cheetah if she runs on all fours and has enhanced senses of hearing and sight (about two times above those of an average cat).

#Longevity- Penumbra can live for thousands of years , unless she is slain.

#Manipulation of True Darkness- Penumbra can create,shape and manipulate darkness in all it's forms , even as a concept or metaphor. She can manipulate darkness, shadows and through the use of dark energy she can create a variety of effects such as darkness solidification for both offensive and defensive purposes. Because she can control darkness even as a concept or metaphor Penumbra can also manipulate negative emotions and fear as well as nightmares.

#Darkness healing- she can use darkness to heal herself faster over time. The greater the damage she suffers the more time is needed for healing.


#High enough damage- if she is greatly damaged and isn't given the chance to heal she has very high chances of dying.

#Those with strong wills- any being with a powerful enough will and stable mind is highly resistant or immune to her emotional manipulation.

#No actual immunity- Penumbra isn't immune to anything and as a result she can be affected by anything be it physical, magical, astral and so on.

#Rather low level of strength- Penumbra can at most lift around 40 kg above her head.

#Downside of her enhanced senses- she is more vulnerable than a human or a cat against damaging noises and strong light (but not by that much).

Important Relationships?: she has a strong bond with her partner, Oberon Mekasm

Any other important information you'd like to add?

>She is the result of the fusion between a female human soul and the soul of a cat demon with extremely high power over darkness, an operation done by Oberon who also fused their bodies to form a hybrid. The names of both the cat demon and the female human are unknown, but the new creature asked Oberon to give her a new name and so he called her Penumbra Nevermore. Penumbra chose this fate herself as she found a means of revenge against those who betrayed her (both the female human and the demon cat parts) and also because she and Oberon have pretty much the same goal.
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Name: Riley

Species: Talking Raccoon

Age: 3, in human years. In raccoon years she is an adult.

Occupation: Scavenger

Personality: Riley is rather fearless of humans, much like any other raccoon. She likes to steal stuff, usually for herself. She is friendly once you get along with her.

Orientation: Straight

Abilities: She, like any other talking animal, is sapient and is capable of human speech. She is also more intelligent than non-talking raccoons. Aside from that, she's got raccoon physiology.

Weaknesses: Same weaknesses as any other raccoon.

Important Relationships?: N/A

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.): Talking animals were the result of a magical experiment a hundred years ago or so. Most broke out and spread their talking ability to their children. Talking animals prefer to spend most of their time like normal animals thus making them hard to detect.

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