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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- Characters


Name: R'lyeh Soi'nz. He is not aware of his name.

Nickname: Will be determined

Species: ?????

Age: ?????

Occupation: Right now, he's trying to stay alive and not kill people.

Orientation: ?????

Personality: He is a gentle giant who will pulverize anyone who disrespects nature and will easily get angered by anything trying to abandon him. He doesn't want to kill, but he just gets angry and well, he smashes stuff when he gets angry. He is always in a forest, becoming friends with the animals and talking to them. He wants to be a hero, but people always get scared of him and run away.

Abilities: Immensely enhanced strength, he can lift and throw cars easily. Incredible cellular regeneration. Insane durability, he can withstand most common bullets. Very fast for his size. Reactive Adaptation.

Weaknesses: He is the most powerful being, PHYSICALLY. Mentally, he is easily manipulated, and easily angered which makes him go berserk.

Important Relationships: Nature.

Any other important information you'd like to add? He has no memory of how he became what he is, or if he was even human before.

Tell me if he is not ok. :D
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350c9c57_ZaineVexx.jpg.d7b98fe2ee2400085a93fc36ca5041a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350c9c57_ZaineVexx.jpg.d7b98fe2ee2400085a93fc36ca5041a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Zaine Vexx

Nickname(s): Vex

Species: Human

Age: 17

Occupation: Weapon and Repair shop owner

Orientation: Chaotic Good

Personality: Zaine is the most outgoing of the three Vexx brothers. He is flirtatious, determined, cunning, and sarcastic at times.

Abilities (if in species that has these): Soul Strength- He can alter his soul or add it's power to one of his siblings to enhance traits such as accuracy, speed, strength, etc.

Weaknesses: When using Soul Strength it leaves the user vulnerable to all attack types except magic.

Important Relationships: Ethel Vexx- Brother

Tristan Vexx- Brother

History: The Vexx family is not well known due to their anti socialism until recently. What is known in the family is that they have what they consider both a curse and blessing from an unknown source, they can separate their souls and enhance each other's capabilities. Zaine being the oldest of the siblings is determined to be the best of his brothers but looks out for them both. He has always been outgoing since he was at a young age and loves weapons in general.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350cd7d2_TristanVexx.jpg.e7959041849f342a56e7994a4e992717.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350cd7d2_TristanVexx.jpg.e7959041849f342a56e7994a4e992717.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Tristan Vexx

Nickname(s): Trist

Species: Phoenix (His brothers both think he is still human)


Occupation: Mercenary

Orientation: True Neutral

Personality: Tristan is the most calm of the Vexx brothers and tends to avoid his brothers if he can. He enjoys a challenge and will work for anyone for a little money. He is pretty lenient on payment since he is in no worry about money problems. He is kind, silent at times, and willing to listen, especially when it's the person(s) who gave him his contract.

Abilities (if in species that has these): Rebirth- Being a phoenix he will "regenerate" upon taking a fatal injury and is renewed after a period of time.

Soul Strength- He can alter his soul or add it's power to one of his siblings to enhance traits such as accuracy, speed, strength, etc.

Weaknesses: When using Soul Strength it leaves the user vulnerable to all attack types except magic.

Important Relationships: Zaine Vexx- Brother

Ethel Vexx- Brother

History: The Vexx family is not well known due to their anti socialism until recently. What is known in the family is that they have what they consider both a curse and blessing from an unknown source, they can separate their souls and enhance each other's capabilities. Tristan is the middle child in the family and separates himself from his brothers to avoid their problems. He became a mercenary so that his brothers would also not find out that he has phoenix blood in his veins.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350d4277_EthelVexx.jpg.52b69ef37744c1eb66a33b594a5ab562.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c350d4277_EthelVexx.jpg.52b69ef37744c1eb66a33b594a5ab562.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ethel Vexx

Nickname(s): Ethereal

Species: Human

Age: 16

Occupation: Detective-in-training

Orientation: Chaotic Good

Personality:Ethel is the craziest of the Vexx brothers. He often makes bad jokes dealing with the situation and he has a similar attitude to what most would consider a "reckless" attitude.

Abilities (if in species that has these): Soul Strength- He can alter his soul or add it's power to one of his siblings to enhance traits such as accuracy, speed, strength, etc.

Weaknesses: When using Soul Strength it leaves the user vulnerable to all attack types except magic.

Important Relationships: Zaine Vexx- Brother

Tristan Vexx- Brother

History: The Vexx family is not well known due to their anti socialism until recently. What is known in the family is that they have what they consider both a curse and blessing from an unknown source, they can separate their souls and enhance each other's capabilities. Ethel being the youngest wanted to be as strong as Zaine while having the carefree attitude of Tristan. After an incident, which just so happens to be the reason he is joining the DDAMPSEA, he decided to become a detective but also became slightly insane from the incident.



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@Dnaleri017 You're clear. :) Hel has been busy moving out of her apartment. I, SLEIPNIR, brother-sister of Hel, accept these three siblings into our RPG!


"Your soul is mine to guide."

Name: Leoric, currently within the body of a recently deceased businessman named Jasper V. Crawford

Nickname/Title: The Vanguard of the Dead

Species: Wraith. Wraiths are supernatural entities that are formed whenever there is a mass influx of souls, such as during a war, famine, natural disaster or plague. They serve the embodiment of Death in guiding the souls of the departed to where they should be. Wraiths are not immortal beings, most fade into non-existence over the course of centuries if Death no longer has use for them. Some wraiths, like Leoric, are bestowed the special title of Jailer and are given control over souls. This occurrence is very rare and has been thought to happen only four times in history, once during the Crusades, once during the Black Death outbreak and twice over the course of World Wars I and II.

Age: At least 900 years old

Appearance: Within the body of Jasper, he is an aging Caucasian man with a solid physique and above average height, standing at 6'3" and weighing at least 200 lbs. He has long messy wispy-black hair along with a scruffy goatee beard. His eyes are ashen gray, a trait that all bodies that Leoric possesses obtain. In this body, he always wears a dress suit of black cardigan, which was what the late Jasper was buried in.

His true wraith form is of a male human sun-bleached skeleton, about the same height as his mortal form, covered in tattered and rat-eaten rags. Despite appearing solid, it is actually ethereal and cannot be touched nor harmed. In fact, most humans cannot even see wraiths in this form. He used to have a much more regal form, but it had faded as time went on. He rarely ever enters this form, saying that 'it makes him look like a lowly ghost'.

Occupation: Guide for souls, jailer of vengeful and malevolent spirits

Orientation: Unknown


History: Born through the normal methods Wraiths are born, Leoric came into being during the height of the Crusades. A great war that claimed many lives created a mass of souls looking to pass on. Him and several other wraiths were tasked with aiding those souls. Once the hostilities ended and the influx of souls stabilized, the other wraiths faded into nothingness. But not Leoric. Death had use of him and asked him to play a much greater role in the mechanism of the afterlife. He was to become a permanent guardian and attendant to the departed and become aid to any wraith that came after.

Centuries pass and after a long period of business (World Wars), Leoric saw it fit to take a rest and let his fellow wraiths take after for a short while, but he was soon called to once more. Great things were underfoot, even Death realized this. The Vanguard of the Dead took matters into his own hands, possessing a recently deceased person's body and investigating what exactly was happening.

Personality: An emphatic and altruistic being, Leoric cares for humanity in the same way that a good employee might care for their customers. He does his best to comfort people and at least cheer them up. He has a sense of humor, albeit a rather black one. To be frank, Leoric doesn't like his job and would rather just fade like a normal wraith or even better, pass on like a spirit. He envies life and despises any that would take it away from others or waste their own.


-Necromancy: He has full control over any soul that has yet to pass as long as they have shed their mortal body. He can assign them to a new body, command them to do various orders and even turn them into other wraiths.

-Immense Intellect and Experience: Being an entity that has existed since the Crusades, Leoric experienced many horrific events, but also many beneficial things. For example, he has lived through both the Islamic Golden Age and the European Renaissance and had personally conversed with many great minds of the era such as Avicenna, Leonardo da Vinci and others. He can rightfully say that he has seen everything.

-Invulnerability: His wraith form is completely resistant to any physical attacks, but techniques of magical nature can still harm him.

-Possession: Should the moment call for him to interact with the mortal world, he can take control of either a living person's body temporarily or a dead body permanently. While in a human, Leoric is vulnerable to normal human weaknesses. Of course, he can leave at will.


-Vulnerable to Control: Being technically a spirit himself, he can be controlled by a necromancer with enough power. Being under control severely stunts his abilities.

-Aura of Fear: A trait shared with all wraiths, his aura can strike fear within the hearts of the livng and
only the living. Spirits are immune to this. The aura is weakened when he is within a human body, but it's still there.

-Normal spirit weaknesses.

-No Shadow: Unclear whether this is a weakness or not, but Leoric casts no shadows and will not appear in mirrors. This is also true for when he is within a human body.

Important Relationships: Loyal to Death

Name: Evan

Species: Human

Age: 20

Occupation: Detective; unit of the Assault Team

Orientation: Straight

Personality: preferring the simple things, Evan likes simplicity. He likes to do the bare minimum. He goes with the flow, and doesn't like to think, as complicated things will make his head hurt. He boils things down to the simplest things.

Abilities (if in species that has these):

  • Weapon Magic- Evan wields 2 pistols, but his weapon magic lets him summon BULLETS, not guns.
  • Bullet Alchemy- Evan can change what his bullets are made out of (Different metals, magic, etc.)
  • Bullet Physiology- Evan can change, at will, the type of bullets he can use (Round Nose, Hollow Point, Spire Point, Self Defense, Wad Cutter, FMJ, etc.)
  • Enchanted Bullets- Evan can enchant his bullets with magic, inducing different effects. (Fire, Ice, Electric, etc.)
  • Ammo Altering- In whatever weapon he's using, he can alter the ammo and summon bullets into the weapon
  • Bullet summoning- By summoning bullets directly into his gun clip, it makes his gun seemingly have a bottomless clip


  • Inherent human weaknesses (toxins, disease, fatigue, age)
  • Weak at mid to long range- he mostly uses his pistols, and has had lots of martial arts training, but is very weak outside of his pistol's effective range
  • Useless magic- Without a gun to summon bullets into, his magic is completely useless.
  • Limited bottomless- Evan can easily summon bullets to make his pistol seem bottomless. That's not the same with heavier guns. With automatics, he can't summon fast enough to maintain it for that long. With heavier weapons, the bullet require too much magic for repeated summoning. The same goes for heavier ammo

Important Relationships: None


He was born into a martial-arts heavy family. Up until his teen years, he focused on nothing but martial arts. In his teen years, he shifted that focus to Weapon Magic. He couldn't seem to master summoning guns, as they simply required too much magic. He then focused his efforts on the bullets, as they were much much easier. He took to it easily. He soon became a marksman with his pistols, hitting targets from very far away. He became a sniper for the Assault Team, where he took out many targets on the hitlist


Name: Adamus

Nickname(s): The Anomaly

Species: Ghost Poltergeist

Age: 2161

Appearance: 6' 2'', Bald, with a grey complexion, and strange markings covering his body. Is frequently changing his outfit (Dressed to impressed)

Occupation: Information Broker

Orientation: Homosexual

Personality: Logical/Calculating, only showing emotion to close (powerful) friends, and enemies. Is afraid of not existing.

Abilities: Gravity Magic

Information isn’t easy to come by, making Adamus an expert at concealment. By manipulating Gravity, He creates 3 cloaking spells to conceal himself: Shadow Veil, Night Veil, and Gravity Veil.

Gravity Veil renders Adamus undetectable by all sources for exactly 1 minute and in this state Adamus cannot attack or defend himself, he can only hide; however, Adamus will suffer a rebound, reducing him to a weakened state for about 1-2 weeks, if no damage is taken. (


magic attack can finish him in his weakened state)

Singularity is Adamus’ last resort, allowing him to essentially become a god of gravity for 1 minute; however, Adamus’


die and any evidence of his existence will leave with him.

Skills: Excellent memory, supercomputer calculation speed.

Weaknesses: Horrible jokes, can only use his sword, no-offensive magic.

Misconceptions: “To look down upon someone, is to create a shadow.” -Adamus

Often light magic users overestimate their magic and underestimate Adamus. This arrogance usually results in magic attack that only give Adamus more strength. Only by Light Magic that is equal or greater than Adamus’ own magic can cause damage

History: In 146 B.C., Adamus was in Carthage “born” from three dying emotions: Wrath, Love, and the will to live. Firstly, Wrath for the world that burned the magnificent city, Carthage. Secondly, Love for the ones who lost their lives to the Roman assault. Finally, the will to live, the emotion that ensures victims their vengeance, soldiers their bravery, cannibals their food, and all living things their survival. However Adamus can only feel overwhelmed and confused for these emotions and memories. After all, they are not HIS emotions, yet they are the reason for his existence.

PS: I don't mind someone else RPing as this character if he gets chosen :3

  • Normal:


  • When using 'Dusk Energy':


Name: Noir Jaspers

Nickname: Tenebrous Jester

Species: metahuman

Age: unknown (looks 18, but he is older than that)

Occupation: conman, trickster and (ocasionally) detective

Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: Noir is very confident in himself and a bit of a flirt (and by 'a bit', I actually mean that he is a downright shameless flirt). He also knows what he wants and how to get it, using manipulation to achieve his goals. He will not, however, do anything that would destroy the life of innocent people. He is generally calm and analytic, but he becomes cold and ruthless when angered.


#Enhanced durability and reaction speed- Noir's body is as hard as iron and he can react instantaneously to what normal humans take a lot more time to react to.

#Decelerated aging- he ages at a very slow rate, being able to live for a maximum of 500 years.

#Aura reading- Noir can see the auras of every living thing. With the use of this power he can determine a being's mood, moral alignment, health level and personality.

#Free walk- Noir isn't obstructed by some laws of physics, thus being able to walk or run on horizontal or vertical walls, on water and even 'walk' on air.

#'Dusk Energy' manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate a type of energy that he calls 'Dusk Energy'. Whenever he uses it, his eyes become yellow, his pupils become slit-shaped and his body is surrounded by a rather small red aura. The energy itself, which is of black colour, is 'surrounded' by the red aura, for some reason. Noir can use this energy for enhancing his durability/ strength/ speed, accelerating his healing rate, generating energy blasts/force-fields and/or crafting various constructs.

  • Noir's favourite technique, while using 'Dusk Energy', is known as the Butterfly Effect: he generates a bunch of semi-living, black butterflies which swarm around him. If something comes into contact with one or more butterlies, the insects made of energy will explode, generating a rather powerful shockwave and affecting the whole structure of the being which made contact with it. Noir can also

>Non-supernatural abilities:

  • Hand-to-hand combat expertise.
  • Very skilled in manipulation.
  • Extremely skilled in doing magic tricks.


#Apart from his durability, reaction speed and longevity, he is still human. He can be killed by strong enough point blank gunfire, lack of oxygen and contaminants. About his strength and speed: he's strong enough to lift his own body weight (65 kg) and fast enough to run at 10 m/s.

#'Dusk Energy' weaknesses and limitations- Noir can only use one aspect of this power at a time (for example, he cannot increase both his strength and his speed at the same time, or generate blasts and barriers at the same time). He can only maintain the strength or speed increase continuously for about 3 minutes, afterwards he needs to wait at least 30 minutes before he wants to use those types of enhancements again (note: this does not aply to durability increase). This happens because his body cannot withstand the two types of enhancements for long. He can increase his speed/durability by a maximum of 5 times, while his strength can be increased to the point where he can lift up to 3 tons. While there is no exact limit to his energy supplies, the energy is like a part of his body and overuse will cause various levels of exhaustion/pain. The power and/or capacity of each of his energy techniques depends on the amount of energy used.

#Free walk weakness- Noir cannot stand still on horizontal/vertical walls, water or air, or he will fall. He needs to walk or run, if he wants to make use of this ability.

#Limitation regarding his aura reading- he can only read the aura of those within his field of vision.

Important Relationships: none

Any other important information you'd like to add: Noir met Oberon Mekasm and Penumbra Nevermore on the 13th of November 1945, when they were searching some important materials around London. Not only did he trick Oberon, but he almost ruined all his plans. The lich tried many things, in order to kill Noir, but with no use. In the end Oberon Mekasm decided to give up on trying to kill the man and seal him somehow, instead. Sealing him proved extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, but not necessarily because of his powers, but because of his trickery and intelligence. Therefore Oberon used his last resort: a complicated spell which froze Noir's mind & body in time and trapped him within a ghastly darkness sphere, with the help of Penumbra. The sphere was then introduced in a magical, transparent, glass-like cube, which Oberon shrinked and stored within his soul, by using another complicated spell. When Oberon's soul was fused with Uther's, the magical cube was transfered within the later. But the magic of the spell is weakening and Noir will soon be able to escape. If Uther dies, he will escape immediately.
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Name: Vladislav Drakon

Nickname: Thermal Demon

Species: mutated vampire

Age: 325 (looks like he's in his 30s)

Occupation: Golden Fang Brotherhood member, broker

Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: Certain events from his past caused Vladislav to be merciless, sadistic and cunning. He secretly takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer and likes to make them belive they are safe by his side, before he slowly kills them. He also likes to taunt his opponents and play mind games. Nonetheless, he is a loyal member of the GFB and will follow orders without asking questions. He appears as a calm and energetic man in public.


#Enhanced physiology- his levels of speed, strength, durability and overall agility are very high, way above human limits. Although, his strength and durability are now two times lower than before the experiment which he took part in (he's curently strong enough to lift up to 3 tons and durable enough to withstand falling from great heights).

#Biological immortality- caused by his vampirism.

#Regenerative healing factor- his level of regeneration is pretty much on the same level as that of the rest of the GFB members.

#Blood transcendency: 'Equalizer'- as a result of a risky experiment regarding blood infusion, Vladislav became a vampire who can maintain the same physical level, regardless if it's day or night, but not only. The experiment also gave him the following abilities:

  • Very high thermal resistance- he can survive in extreme temperatures, regardless if the temperatures are extremely high or extremely low. This was one of the main points of the experiment, as Vladislav is no longer vulnerable to fire/heat, which is a common vampire weakness.
  • Thermokinesis- Vladislav can create,shape and manipulate temperature for a wide variety of effects.


#Being strabbed through the heart.

#Downsides of the blood transcendency experiment:

  • Aether & Nether Magic weakness- unlike normal vampires which are particularly weak to Aether (Holy) Magic, Vladislav is also vulnerable to the exact opposite, which is Nether (Black) magic.
  • Reduction of his strength and durability by half.

Important Relationships: none in particular, but he does care about the GFB members.

Any other important information you'd like to add: His crane is actually concealing a poison-coated blade and his clothes are specially designed to resist in extreme temperatures, so that he doesn't accidentally remain naked when using his thermal powers.
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Name: Rintaro Shirafuji

Nickname/s: Rin, Taro

Occupation: Artist/Department Trainee

Orientation: Straight

Alignment: Neutral Good

Age: 23

Species: Human/Celestial Brush Being



Rintaro enjoys music, he almost always has his headphones on. In particular, he enjoys sound tracks from various video games over regular music like pop or rock. In addition to music, Rintaro enjoys art because it is directly linked to his abilities. Ironically, he is a horrid artist, but strives to improve his artistic skills,


There are many words both positive and negative that describe Rintaro, but i'll spare you the long descriptions and list one asset and one flaw. Is it okay if I develop his personality as I go? (So far, I believe he a reserved person who cares and wants to help, but cannot muster the courage to do so)


His amazingly awkward compassion for his friends. In short, Rintaro isn't exactly a social butterfly. But when things are looking down or he notices/senses that his friend is acting weird...Rintaro does his best to sit down, talk, and listen to their problems. If he feels rather courageous he'd pep talk a group, but...public speaking *shivers*


Introvert: Essentially he feels more comfortable being alone and or in a smaller group of friends then a large social environment. Sometimes he just wants to be left alone. This doesn't mean he's a loner. Rintaro needs friends just like everyone else. Introverts want to be LEFT alone, not to BE alone. Sometimes he takes breaks from the chatter and noise of the world by listening to music.


Ink, Graphite Lead, and Paint manipulation. Rintaro can manipulate these substances to create weapons, duplicates etc. But for paint. Rintaro can only manipulate wet paint. Ink: He can manipulate all ink except for tattoos, well its not like he can't but he'd rather not. Taking off someone's tattoo is just rude and painful.

Skills (that don't involve powers):

>Proficient Artistic Prowess (Likes drawing weapons and abstract art)

>Advanced free running

>Deadly paint accuracy (Rintaro can use spray paint with deadly accuracy, he usually covers his enemies in paint)

Weaknesses: Exposure to large amounts of water, a large part of his body is made of ink, so if he takes in too much water. Rintaro could die/fade away. Low pain tolerance due to lack of real training. He is part/most human so a lot of things kill him. Gunfire, Bladed weapons etc.

Important Relationships:
He's not really close to anyone in particular due to his lack of contact, but longs to become an official member of the Department.

(This RP looks really cool. If there's anything I should add/change, please tell me)


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