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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- Characters

Looks good! You can post, but I am going to sleep now. I'll be back in the morning, and I can "officially" add them then!
Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):


Name: Ryan Whitehood

Nickname(s): None... Hates them.

Species: Superhuman

Age: 56

Occupation: Former scientist.

Orientation: Heterosexual







Abilities (if in species that has these):

Superhuman levels of:

-Agility-Able to dodge automatic gunfire at point blank range.

-Durability-Able to survive extreme temperatures, and immense levels of body trauma.

-Strength-Able to punch straight through a mans chest. And lift up to 5053 kg

-Speed-Able to travel faster than the human eye can perceive, roughly 350 mp/h.

-Reaction-Able to dodge automatic gunfire a point blank range.

-Vision-Able to see the tiniest of details.

(Plus two which aren't exactly abilities, as any human can possess them).


-Has no power other than his own body.

-Still vulnerable to anything that effects a normal human internally. Poison, disease etc...

-Any sort of restraining magic is incredibly effective

-A large impact can knock him out, durability be damned.

Important Relationships: None currently.

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

I'd like to keep this guy a mystery...
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  • Normal form:



  • Fused Shadow Form:


Name: Ethan Adams

Nicknames: Blind Justice, The Abyss

Species: human with shadow demon blood in his veins

Age: 29

Occupation: police inspector, secretly acting as a vigilante from time to time

Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: He's not one to openly show weakness or sympathy, but shows that he has a strong sense of justice and morality. Ethan objects to total violence and prefers to keep his enemies alive and defeat them rather than killing them. However, he does have a dark side, and will not hesitate to badly hurt foes in certain circumstances. Even if he dislikes killing , he will do it if he needs to.


#Master acrobat- he is classed as a suberb, above Olympic-level acrobat.

#Combat expert- apart from his outstanding swordsmanship skills, Ethan is highly proefficient with most firearms and is an expert in hand-to-hand combat.

>The shadow demon blood withing his veins has given him quite a few abilities:

  • Supernatural senses- even though he is blind, Ethan's other senses are highly enhanced, way above human limits, to the point where by listening, feeling and/or smelling, he can tell whether a person is lying by sweat, changes in body temperature and heartbeats. But it doesn't stop there. He can even determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, as long as there are at least thirty milligrams of that substance present and his sense of touch is so acute that his fingers can feel the faint impressions of ink on a printed page allowing him to read by touch. But his most well developed sense is his hearing. Ethan's sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of one decibel at a pressure level of six decibels (whereas the lowest threshold for average human hearing is twenty decibels.) He can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over 25 feet, or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproofed wall. Through practice, Ethan is able to control his hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like his own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound he is concentrating upon. His sensory system also makes him more emphatic than others, enabling him to sense how other people feel.
  • Enhanced physical condition- because of the demon blood, Ethan's physical capabilities are above those of a normal human even without using his Fused Shadow Form. He is strong enough to lift up to 800 kg above his head, fast enough to reach 50 mph and his agility level is so high that he can deflect point blank gunfire with ease and even dodge long range sniper fire by sensing the ''bloodlust'' of the shooter and/or the changes in the air. He is also durable enough to withstand being hit by a truck or falling from great heights.
  • Accelerated regenerative healing factor- he heals from wounds ten times faster than a normal human in peak condition. Because of this ability he is also way less vulnerable to contaminants than normal humans.
  • Fused Shadow Form- the shadow demon blood within Ethan has gifted him with the ability to fuse with his own shadow. In this form he becomes completely covered in darkness and gains a few abilities:
    Further enhancement of his physiology- in this form he becomes 5 times stronger, two times faster and his durability increases to the point where he can withstand bullets from conventional firearms and explosions of low-to-medium power, during the night. During the day all his physical stats increase just by 30%.
  • Darkness teleportation- during the night he can teleport virtually anywhere as long as he can ''vizualize''/immagine the place within his head (in a peculiar way using his supernatural sensory system). During the day he can just teleport via shadows.
  • Darkness walking- he can walk and/or run on whatever surface which is covered by darkness or shadows, even horizontal and/or vertical walls.
  • Weapon shadow-coathing- he can cover whatever weapon he holds with the darkness of his shadow , making it seem like a part of his body. This also enhances the weapon in various ways. He generally imbues his hidden sword this way, making it way more durable and sharper.


#He is vulnerable to holy magic when he uses the Fused Shadow Form (more during the day than during the night). Light/photon attacks can also prove to be very effective against him.

#His supernatural senses are a double-edged sword: they also make him highly vulnerable to loud noises and disgusting smells.

#He is blind- even if his supernatural senses cover for this weakness, one can still take advantage of his blindness with the right strategy.

#Even if he is resistant to contaminants he is not immune to them.

Important Relationships: none

Any other important information you'd like to add:

  • His weapon:


^A katana concealed in his walking stick (as mentioned above he is blind). The blade of the katana is special as it is a molecular blade- a blade which is forged from a super-hardened and dense material made of strongly-bonded carbon molecules, with the edges honed to the width of single molecule. Since blades cut better when their edges are thinner, blades one molecule thick would theoretically allow them to slice into things at the molecular level. In other words, it's an impossibly sharp blade that can cut almost anything.

-->Limitations: monomolecular blades can cut into almost anything, but not necessarily through. Given a thick enough object, friction will eventually slow the blade to a standstill. How deeply a monomolecular blade can cut depends on how much force is put behind the blow. In Ethan's case his strength and speed in normal mode enables him to easily cut through steel , while in Shadow Form he can even cut through diamond.

#A bit of his history: Ethan was extremely injured when he was young and lost his eyesight. At the moment the infusion of shadow demon blood was the only way to strengthen his body and subsequently save his life.
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hmm... he seems vaguely inspired by another popular blind vigilante.... (8))

I'll add him up there soon. Side character or potential main?

  • Human form:


  • True form:




Name: Uther Etherion

Nickname(s): Reaper of Souls, Soul Slayer

Species: once human, now a being which evolved beyond human limits

Age: over 1000 years old

Occupation: none, villain or better yet a ''necessary chaos''

Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: He was once a noble man who cherished all life. Now he is a dark and seemingly merciless existence, but his true personality is an enigma. He seems to have changed yet again during his ''imprisonment''.


#Supernatural condition- extreme physical capabilities:

  • Strength level: can lift up to 30 metric tons above his head.
  • Speed level: max speed ->300 mph.
  • Durability level: can easily withstand shots from conventional firearms and barely survive powerful explosions.
  • Highly accelerated healing factor: 40 times above that of an average human. This also makes him highly resistant to contaminants.
  • Agility level: bullet timer.

#Esoteric fire manipulation- he can create, shape and control oxygen-independent esoteric fire which burns at 2000 degrees celsius. The fire can affect anything regardless of its nature (even ghosts/spirits).

#Ability to reap souls and control them.

#Flight- can reach the speed of sound.

#Conditioned biological immortality- remains in his physical prime as long as he consumes souls constantly. The stronger the souls the less he needs to ''eat''.

#Esper abilities- Uther can use a few esper abilities, namely: teleportation, illusion manipulation and basic-level telekinesis (moving or stopping objects/people and telekinetic chocking).

>>Less ''important'' skill: the ability to change between human form and true form.


#He needs to constantly absorb souls to maintain his biological immortality. If not he will gradually become older until he dies and his physical condtition slowly reduces itself to that of an ordinary old man.

#He cannot fly, teleport or summon his weapons in his human form.

#He cannot telepathically move/stop more than 4 things (creatures and/or objects) at a time.

#With the exception of oxygen his fire still has all other normal fire weaknesses.

#He can still be killed by powerful enough attacks.

Important Relationships: none

Any other important information you'd like to add:

  • His weapons:


^dual sickle-like shotels- these weapons are special as they are extremely durable, sharp and capable of damaging anything including ghosts/spirits, just like his esoteric fire, but they also have other capacities: they ignore the concept of immortality and thus can even kill certain gods. They can cut any being (regardless of nature) as easily as they'd cut a human and whatever wound caused by them heals 7 times slower than usual. They also ignore half of an object's durability (again, regardless of nature). Uther has a link with the weapons and can summon or make them disappear whenever he wishes, but only in his true form. Each of them is enchanted and weights 2 tons.
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I'm excited to see what he is capable of, since he dissapeared at the end of the lich arc. I expect horrorful things.



Name: Charles Kazuhiro

Nickname: Abe no Charles (reference to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abe_no_Seimei)

Species: onmyouji- special human who can use the onmyoudo (Way of Yin and Yang)

Age: 37

Occupation: detective of the DDAMPSEA

Orientation: heterosexual

Personality: As a guy who was trained to maintain self-control because of his potent and dangerous powers, Charles is very calm, collected and generally respectful. He is analytic and only speaks if asked or if it's necessary, but he can be very intimidating even while speaking calmy and acting relaxed. He also has little to no mercy on those who commit horrible crimes and shows no remorse while punishing them. Nevertheless, he is actually quite cheerful most of the time, despite his outer appearance.


#Average human physical capabilities- Charles is in good shape, but nothing out of the ordinary.

#Aikido expert- he is extremely skilled in aikido, martial art which works on the principle of blending with an attacker's movements for the purpose of controlling their actions with minimal effort.

#Extrasensory perception- Charles can perceive things above human senses because of both his inborn talent and onmyodo training. If he wants to he can see through walls and gain telescopic sight. He is also aware of illusions.

#Onmyoudo- he is a practitioner of this traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology, a mixture of natural science and occultism. Because of his intensive training in this magical art Charles is capable of:

  • Manipulation of five elements (Wu Xing): fire, water, earth, metal and wood. He can create (from nothing) and manipulate these elements through chants. If he doesn't do any chant he can only control any of these elements from already existing sources. His earth manipulation also enables him to have control over lava and seismic activity, while his wood manipulation also gives him control over a wide variety of plants.
  • Spiritual awareness- he has a heightened awareness of the paranormal, allowing such feats as being able to see beings that are normally invisible to humans, such as spirits/ghosts, certain demons, certain angels, etheral creatures and astral beings.
  • Exorcism- Charles can exorcise lesser evil spirits by touch.
  • Paper charm magic- he can create and use rectangular paper charms and wards for various esoteric purposes, such as creating barriers, sealing certain creatures, empowering objects and/or beings, limited-radius gravity-type spells, controlling the dead, healing or purifying the mind,body or soul and various spiritual energy attacks. The papers are usually drawn with a brush made of peach wood and a pigment made of red cinnabar which is believed to have strong magical properties. They are usually activated by sticking them on something or when making contact.
  • Shikigami conjuration- the term 'shikigami' refers to servants that onmyouji manipulated, 'shiki' meaning 'servitude', and shikigami being 'spirits who serve their practitioner'. While Charles can control both the servant types and man-made types of shikigami, his father always told him to never use servant types so he only uses the other type. The man-made shikigami are those which were created by putting magical energy into a ‘core’ that was the vessel, whether a paper doll or something like a sword or even a motorcycle. Charles only uses paper dolls. Those he calls upon are utilized for various purposes, such as: close-quarter or ranged fights, spying, transport, binding, detection, means of comunication or laying curses.
  • Ying & Yang balance- if Charles concentrates himself he can become perfectly balanced emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically, but not only. In this state he is uneffected by any type of manipulation or intrusion , be it of emphatic, spiritual, physical or psychic (psionic) nature.


#Regardless of his powers he is still physically human and he can be harmed or killed almost as easily as any other human.

#The paper charms must be pre-prepared, therefore the number of times he wants to use this kind of magic is limited by the number and types of paper charms he carries.

#He needs to maintain self-control in all situations as his elemental manipulation is greatly connected to his emotions. If he loses self-control his abilities cause some sort of ''elemental poltergeist phenomenon'' (earthquakes, metal objects flying or being thrown randomly, plants going crazy, flames moving randomly even without wind and the water near him producing strong waves on its own).

#If he uses his Yin & Yang balance he cannot use any other ability.

Important Relationships: his pet raven, named Jackie.

Any other important information you'd like to add:

  • He is half japanese, half american. His father was a banished onmyoji who taught him everything he knows. Charles's natural talent, intelligence and hard work made him become a very strong and capable onmyoji and thus surpassed his father.
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Isabelle Graceland

  • artworks-000076245956-03ix7l-t500x500.jpg

    Name: Isabelle Graceland

    Nickname(s): Belle, Izzy (prefers Belle but accepts Izzy)

    Species: Vampire

    Age: 106

    Occupation: DDAMPSEA Detective trainee

    Orientation: Heterosexual


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Looks good! I'll add her up as soon as I am back on my laptop! :)

As a more plot related note, however, where was she from when she was turned?
Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ae391109394aecc6474629569bcca6a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ae391109394aecc6474629569bcca6a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dante Ardan

Nickname(s): Voxus

Species: Mutated Human (Just a physically peaked human with a certain ability)

Age: 25

Occupation: Singer/Songwriter

Orientation: Straight

Personality: Dante enjoys a good laugh and a fun time. He will do whatever he can to help people out even if his life is in risk. He will pull pranks anytime he sees re opportunity, but it will never go passed the line of flipping someone's backpack inside out. He is kind yet sarcastic and is almost never serious.

Abilities: Sound manipulation. Peaked human physical conditions.

Weaknesses: He is still a human. Any human weaknesses still count for him.

Important Relationships: Nope! :D

Any other important information you'd like to add?: He is skilled in hand to hand combat and using his powers. He enjoys free running and parkour in his free time.



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Name: Henry Karmozijn

Nickname/s: Blood Hound

Species: Human

Age: 24

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9278005c7628f4c55636c443ffb7c65a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9278005c7628f4c55636c443ffb7c65a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: Private Investigator

Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Calm, makes quick decisions, good sense of humour but can be serious at times, has a strong sense of honour.

Bio: Comes from a long line of police and detectives. Studied hard in school. Learned how to shoot at age 16. Went to private schools and universities to get to where he is, and know who he knows. Quit training to be a supernatural detective because he didn't like their rules or morals. Will take on

Abilities: None

Weakness/es: Basic Human ones

Important Relationships: A few people who work for the police, as well as a judge and two lawyers.

Other information: Carries an old Colt .45 pistol for protection.



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Appearance (Pictures are preferred, given the variety of species involved. They can be real or drawn!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-11_15-8-16.gif.7cc01688587c8e86bf44d86805d0d0dd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-11_15-8-16.gif.7cc01688587c8e86bf44d86805d0d0dd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has messy red hair that her father often jokes are probably dyed with “the blood of her mother’s victims”, which she usually kept short, unless she’s too busy to care. Her eyes are very light gray and myopic, so she wears glasses all the time. Her skin is very pale, which makes people frequently comment that she looks unhealthy. She’s quite short at 5”1, and she’s always barely overweight except when it’s exam season. She dresses boyish-ly, her wardrobe consisting of hoodies, sweaters, and vests, without a single piece of dresses or skirts. She cares little for her appearance except from meticulously making sure her attire is not against an institution’s rules.

Name: Ahava Font

Nickname(s): Ava

Species: Human & Yuki-onna (snow woman) hybrid

Age: 20

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Occupation: University student and part-time evidence warehouse storekeeper of the DDAMPSEA, but truly she’s treated as the errand girl, copying documents, buying lunch and coffee for the detectives, cooling drinks when it’s hot outside, replacing the air conditioners’ job when they broke down, and obtaining suspicious or downright creepy random stuff like chicken blood or goat ears for heaven-knows-why. When she’s free, sometimes she helps out with similar menial and managerial tasks for her father’s one-man supernatural private investigation agency.


- Carefree, easygoing, and laid back, she’s hard to anger and very tolerant to demeaning jokes. She is likable and has many friends, but she likes spending time alone.

- She loves sleeping and snacking. She frequents cafes with nice coffees and cheese dishes.

- She’s lazy and slow to start on things, but if it’s something that she’s interested in, she puts more effort than she actually realizes. Like doing inventory in the evidence warehouse and rearranging the boxes obsessively.

- She’s clumsy and somewhat airheaded, which doesn’t help her control her power.

- She’s paranoid and actually easily scared of ghosts and the dark.. even though her mother is technically a ghost.

Abilities (if in species that has these):

- An affinity to snow, ice (including freezing water), and cold air. Because she was only half snow woman and she didn’t have her mother’s guidance to manage this power, she has really poor control of her abilities. They usually only manifest involuntarily when she’s in great distress. Usually in the form of freezing things that scares her or ice suddenly appearing around her body, protecting her from impact. She’s been known to (very rarely) projects sharp ice shards towards things that moves suddenly or chases her.

- Her body temperature is naturally near-freezing, so people who didn’t expect that are often surprised when they try to touch her. People who are sincerely emotionally attached/love her somehow has an easier time touching her. To her father, she is as warm as other living humans. This can be used to protect her by detecting others with malicious intent, the worse their reason to touch her, the bigger the chance of their hands to freeze when they touch her.

- In cold weather/when her wounds are covered in ice, she heals faster and a little harder to hurt.


- Her inability to control her power, which makes her prone to unknowingly freeze things she touch and lowering the temperature of the room she’s in, sometimes to the point that it snows indoors.

- Warm weather doesn’t hurt her physically, but it makes her uncomfortable and restless, so it’s harder for her to focus and thus raising the chance of her losing control of her power.

- She’s never really been in a fight/dangerous situations before so she didn’t know, but if she took too much physical wound, the ice covering her body will eventually surround her allover and put her in a frozen state. She will need outside help to defrost.

- She also haven’t fallen into a real, deep love, so she didn’t know that a very bad case of heartbreak will turn her into a full-on snow woman like her mother, preying on lost men.

- Aside from her snow woman-related powers she has the physical capabilities of a young woman who is barely overweight and lived a sedentary life. She’s weak, slow, and easily fatigued.

Important Relationships:

Her father, who is rarely around, but he checks on her almost daily over the phone

Any other important information you'd like to add? (likes/dislikes, history, etc.):

Ava’s father was a human who makes a living from his one-man supernatural private detective agency, specializing in locating and sometimes taking down female supernatural creatures looking for revenge over love betrayals. He went to a remote mountain in Japan at the start of winter and got lost, only to fall in love with a beautiful woman who lives alone and offered him shelter. When spring comes, the woman disappeared. He returned the next winter to find baby Ava crying in a basket in the middle of the woman’s small hut. When he touched her skin and found that it was as cold as snow, he realized that he had sired a daughter with a snow woman. Spring comes again and his lover didn’t show, so he took Ava back home in DC and raised her as a single parent.

Ava grew relatively normal, aside from her inability to control the power she inherited from her mother. She used to have a lot of trouble with accidentally freezing stuff just by touching them and bringing down the temperature of the room that she’s at when she’s not focused, sometimes even creating snowstorms in her bedroom when she’s depressed. Stuff like that still happens from time to time, but she’s somewhat better now.. somewhat. Her icy body temperature gives away her inhuman heritage too easily, so she’s resorted to wearing clothes that cover most of her body even in summer.

When she entered high school, her father decided she was safe enough being left home alone, so he started taking jobs that require him to travel around the globe again. By the time she entered university, they decided that her growth in terms of controlling her power isn’t satisfactory, so his father returned to Japan in order to locate her mother. He came back empty-handed, if not for the rumor that Ava’s mother might have left the mountain to find Ava. Her father forced her to take a part-time job because he thought he might’ve sheltered Ava too much from situations that require her to control her power in front of other people. He landed her a job at the DDAMPSEA and left again to work and search for her mother.

Ava usually works the afternoon shifts after her lectures, avoiding weekend shifts because she loves sleeping in and waking up at noon. She is secretly trying to collect information about her mother’s whereabouts, but this far she’s not making any progress. Her powers, though uncontrollable, aids her quite nicely on her job, involuntary freezing things that surprised her by moving fast very suddenly, which has saved her many times from death by improperly sealed supernatural evidence. She spends her free time lazing around browsing the internet or reading books. She regularly visits the bookstore in town and treated as a loyal customer.

Note: I tried reading the magic lists, and I don't know whether that applies only on mages or also on supernatural creatures.. Although she can create snow/ice from apparent nothingness/water molecules in the air, she can't control water unless she freeze it first. I'd like her to learn to control her powers better, and tried to make her as weak as I can, but please do tell me if she's too OP, thanks.



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RedZombieWolf said:
Is my guy in the story now?
Yes he is :)


Platipoo said:
Note: I tried reading the magic lists, and I don't know whether that applies only on mages or also on supernatural creatures.. Although she can create snow/ice from apparent nothingness/water molecules in the air, she can't control water unless she freeze it first. I'd like her to learn to control her powers better, and tried to make her as weak as I can, but please do tell me if she's too OP, thanks.
Generally those are the magic rules regardless of species, there are always a few exceptions, though. I'd say hers fall under elemental magic, but it's sort of the sub-element of snow. :) She looks good, I'm adding her now.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/proxy.php.png.8157c3145082b3991510701f8f7bedd4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/proxy.php.png.8157c3145082b3991510701f8f7bedd4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

: Dante Harden

Nickname(s): X23, The Silent Demon, Handsome Devil

Species: Human - Biologic-Experiment

Age: 27

Occupation: DDAMPSEA Mercenary

Orientation: Heterosexual

  • Appearance

    Height: 6'0

    Weight: 172

    Hair: Dante has mildly curly hair, although mostly straight; it is slicked back majority of the time however, he prefers it messy, and "natural" looking.

    Eyes: Hazel-Brown

    Body: Lean - Track athlete physique

    Attire: Dante never is without his fully-body suit armor, unless it's for undercover jobs, such as: recon-dates, attending house parties for intel, etc. Other than the special occasion, Dante is always equipped with the bullet proof suit, and helm.



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