---Demon Hunters---

Diane took a moment to glare at Sebastian before turning her gaze back to his mother. "This is the demon responsible for all of this? She did it because she felt like taking a damn stroll through earth, and left the gate open? And worst of all, she doesn't even care! She seems to think this is just another day... Just another excuse to use our world as a playground?" Hate and fury filled Diane's eyes as she continued to glare at Lilith. "Sorry Demon-boy." She growled before firing two shots aimed at Lilith's head.

((To avoid being OP, it's up to you guys to decide if that hits or not.))
((Erm... Okay. I know I said that you guys could decide if Diane hit or not... But what Robin just did was physically impossible. You can't move that fast.))
Lilith allowed the bullets to hit their mark and barely felt a thing before the shells dropped to the floor. Sebastian didn't even flinch when this happened because he knew that she'd be okay if they did hit her. "I really wish that you paid attention to me when I said 'hard to kill' idiot. Actually mom is pretty much an immortal and you don't become the ruler of hell by being weak. " Lilith smiled brightly at Robin and pounced on her to hug her. Thanks for trying to help. Ooh aren't you a cute one, Sebby is this your little girlfriend?" Sebastian's face resembled the sun as he picked his mother up by the scruff of her neck, opened a gate by drawing a circle with his tail, and threw Lilith through it. He was panting hard before he glared at Diane.
Diane's eyes grew wide as the bullet shells fell to the floor, when she heard Sebastian calling her an idiot her gaze shifted quickly over to him. She stared coldly at him, not saying anything until he suddenly created a portal and threw Lilith through it. At this, her eyes turned fiery with anger. She stormed over to him and pulled him in by the scruff of his neck, her face very close to his as she began shouting. "What in the hell did you do that for? We had her right there! You're her son, aren't you!? We could have all ganged up on her and taken her out!"
His glare turned deadly as his eyes glowed and his canines elongated. A low growl escaped his lips and he wrapped his tail around Diane's throat, "Don't forget human, I will devour you girl. Maybe I'll kill you on the spot after I torture you by boiling you from the inside out." While he spoke his pupils had become thin while fire traveled through his tail towards Diane.
Diane's eyes grew wide, but then they turned back into a glare. "You'll devour me? Funny. I can't believe I ever thought you could be on our side. I'll bet you just let her go because you knew if she died, you'd be put in charge. If you ended up becoming ruler of hell, you could stop all of this. And you just couldn't let that happen, could you? Because if it did, you'd have to leave the playground and go back home to take care of big boy things." She growled. With that, she lifted the gun in her left hand up and held it against his head, daring him to make another move.
He was biting his tongue so hard that blood had begun to spill out of his mouth. His flames began to melt the gun itself. "You don't know anything. When she realized her mistake my mom immediately closed the gate but it was too late. She's been traveling around the world killing every demon she can to rid this world of them." Sebastian's head fell and was covered by his hair. "The real motive for her working herself to death is the fact that her own daughter was killed by demons!" He screamed as his tears mixed with blood. He looked back up with the coldest look that would freeze hell twice over, "She blames herself everyday for the death of my twin sister. The next time you threaten my family I will not hesitate to turn you to ashes."
Diane gasped as the gun began to melt and she pulled it away quickly, hoping there was no damage that was beyond cosmetic. As she listened to Sebastian speak, her eyes steadily grew wide. "It has to be a lie.. Why would demons kill one of their own, especially their ruler's daughter? He's a filthy, lying demon. Always has been, and always will be." Diane went relatively limp momentarily, but then suddenly made to hit Sebastian across the face with the gun in her left hand without looking up.
Lilith appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Diane's hand while she growled ferociously, "Leave my son alone human." The gun had turned into a puddle of metal at her feet. "He was telling you the truth about us. I've eradicated thousands of my kind without a second thought for my daughter and save this world that she loved so much. Now if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave now." She kissed Sebastian's forehead before disappearing in a golden flare, "...Bye mom."
Aho came in moments after Lilith absconded, grinning as she waved the letter in the air. "Hey guys, gue-" She was interrupted by the sight of the cat fight with Sebastian and Diane. She gasped, dropping the letter and sprinting over to them. She leapt over the counter and tumbled to the floor, learning her lesson for ever trying to be cool. "What the hell, you guys, stop!" She shrieked, attempting to pry at Sebastian's tail. The fire singed her hand, releasing a quiet hiss as she cringed. She stared a her hands, wincing at the pain. It wasn't blistered, so it couldn't be that bad, just a bit of icing and time would heal it. "Get off of her!" She demanded, standing on the tops of her toes so she could lean in his face.
((Just because I'm a needlessly nitpicky person and need to ask... Did you clear this whole "Son of the lord of hell" thing with Jadewoof first?))

Diane yelped in shock as the gun in her left hand suddenly heated up to an immense level and began to melt in her hand. She dropped it quickly, eyes welling with tears. There was two reasons for this, one, her hand was now severely burned. And two, her father's gun, the only thing she had left to remember him by, had just been destroyed. Her neck burned from Sebastian's tail, and she was fairly sure her hair was being singed. But all she could focus on was the pile of melted metal that was on the ground. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!" She screamed, furious. She began swinging wildly, moving to attack Sebastian's face with her left fist and the gun in her right hand.
Sebastian's faltered for a moment when he saw Aho but he knew that he needed to calm himself and Diane down before she got hurt. He caught the 2 fist coming at her and looked down at the puddle of medal when something clicked in his brain. He began to laugh maniacally when he realized that his mother was too nice for her own good. "T-that's not your dad's gun Diane. That's just a puddle of melted metal that came from Mom's old gun, " he stammered out through his laughs. He pushed Diane away and followed his nose towards a cabinet that had a gold paw on it and smiled fondly at it. He opened it up and took out Diane's gun, unharmed and it sparkled with a new light. "I believe this is yours crybaby," he said as he tossed the gun to her.
Aho tossed open the freezer and pulled out an icecube, keeping it tucked in her burning palm. She used her free hand to take out a handfull and hand it to Diane, attempting to sooth her burning hands. "Diane, we're doing a village hunt today." She soothed, taking off the bandage that wasn't her sword and wrapping it around Diane's hand. She placed the ice back on Diane's now bandaged hand, grinning as she stepped off. "Maybe you should stay home and rest. We'll probably be there until tomorrow morning." She offered, approaching the stairs. "Think about it, okay?" She walked up the stairs, grabbing fistfuls of her locks and gently tugging at them. She felt so angry and had no clue why. She quickly changed in to her regular clothes and come back downstairs, tearing through the package that was left on the counter by her just 5 minutes ago. Inside was freshly cooked pork and a torn bag filled with various fruits, which practically made her drool. She quickly closed the box and placed it in the fridge, deciding she would tell everyone when she blew off some steam.
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(tsk tsk I've already planned for this and planned on taking it in a different direction but I can state it if its a problem. @Jadewoof )

Sebastian had watched Aho walked and noticed that her hand was burned and felt really guilty about it. He sulked for a minute before he thought of something to do for. Sebastian hurried to catch up with Aho before the burn he gave her became any worse. Once he spotted her he quickly ran to Aho's side, "Can I see your hand for a second Aho?"
Diane's eyes grew wide when Sebastian handed her the gun, but she was forced to drop it immediately when she tried holding it in her left hand. "Right... It's charred." She thought, wincing. She smiled half-heartedly at Aho when she bandaged her hand, but then returned her gace to the floor.

Diane placed the gun in her right hand in it's holster and then, picking up her dad's gun with her right hand she returned it to it's holster as well. After looking around for a moment, Diane walked over to a cabinet, picked up some scissors, and then walked out the front door.
((as long as were all enjoying ourselves then GO ON AHEAD))

Aho took a step to the side, acting like she didn't mean to increase her pace. Her swelling anger was suddenly busted in to fear. She wasn't sure what started that fight, but she sure was scared of it happening to her. She quickly turned on one heel and scampered up the stairs, occasionally stumbling over her feet. She knew that doing this would make him feel pretty bad, but she couldn't get her legs to stop. She stopped at a narrow closet and threw herself in, quietly shutting it behind her. The enclosed area was about big enough to fit at least 2 people, but she still felt extremely cramped and terrified. Even though he seemed calmer, the thought of him snapping at her scared her to death.
Robin watched as Aho had ran away from Seb and felt pretty bad for the both of them, because Robin is usually protective over Aho she was a bit mad that she was hurt but since she knew that Seb was angry she couldn't really turn her anger onto her. Running a hand through her hair she looked toward the direction that Aho had ran toward and the over at Seb with a raised eyebrow.

"Want me to go talk to her? Or do you have this?" Robin asked with a raised eyebrow at her demon friend, even though he was the son of the demon queen she still thought of him as a teammate; of course the stuff that had just happened was a bit too much for Robin and she had stayed out of it, she listened to both sides of Diane and Seb but didn't dare take a side.
Sebastian looked at Robin and gave her a sad smile, "Please go check on her. I'll be back later, there's something I have to do." He flared out and appeared in a little town that was infected with a certain type of demon that would satisfy his appetite. He heard a snort and saw around a hundred sheep like demons with 4 horns and quills all over their bodies. A growl erupted from his chest as he transformed and spewed a blue flamethrower that roasted them in one go. He pounced on the first one and ate it with gusto until it was gone. Sebastian continued this pattern as he ate them all.
Diane continued to walk for a while. The bandage that Aho put on her hand soothed the burn a bit, but her hand still felt like it was on fire. Eventually, she made her way over to a small pond and kneeled beside it. Diane gazed down into the cool, clear water and at her reflection. It had been a while since she had taken the time to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess, not to mention burnt in the area around her neck from Sebastian's fire. And her neck... Well, it was looking a bit ugly. There was a blistering burn in a ring around her neck. Her face was smudged with dirt... And what looked like a bit of demon blood. There was a nasty-looking cut on her right cheek from when a demon with claws caught her off-guard. Although it had mostly healed by this point, Diane was fairly sure it would leave a small scar. Actually, she was covered in dirt and blood everywhere now that she really looked at herself. She looked like a seriously ugly mess. Then she remembered. "My hand..." Carefully, Diane removed the bandage from around her hand, wincing as she did so. Her hand was clearly worse off than her neck. It was a dark red color, with plenty of blisters forming all over it. The skin seemed to be cracking in a few places as well.

Hesitantly, Diane reached over to the pond and dipped her burnt hand in. Instantly, she cried out in pain as her hand seemed to sizzle with burning pain. "Dammit..." She moaned, cradling her hand. Cautiously, she dipped her hand in once more. She bit her tongue this time as to not cry out and draw undue attention to herself. She left it in for a while, through the burning, until it began to feel a bit better. She pulled her hand out and grabbed the scissors she had brought along and began to snip away at her hair. She continued to chop away at it until all of the burnt parts where gone. What she was left with was a sloppy, but much easier to manage pixie cut. Then Diane looked around and, not seeing anyone, she removed her clothing and stepped cautiously into the pond. She left her guns, clothes, and the scissors on the shore as she began to bathe in the pond, scrubbing the dirt and blood off of her body.
Robin walked to where Aho had went and opened the door to see Aho sitting in the dark closet, a gentle look spread on Robin's face as she walked in and closed the door, sitting down beside Aho.

"Aho... what's wrong?" She whispered in a soft voice as she was definitely worried about her, she wondered if it had to do with how Seb had snapped earlier or if it had to do with the demon things that had been shouted today.
((let me just a make a quick clarification before i move on. one, this is an apocolypse. people are relying on fruits, vegtables, meats, and water. maybe bread. they wouldnt really be eating anything else. second, this house has little to no electricity. the only thing somewhat electric is an icebox.


other than that, there's only indoor plumbing. third, the entire upstairs is one large room. everyone's belongings are gathered on one side of a wall and there are a couple nightstand scattered around the room along with dozens of beds. there is an attic, but it's robins room. just a quick clarification ^.^))

Aho stood up and stretched, walking out of the closet as if she were never in there. "I don't really know, to be honest. I feel like every second someone in here is on the verge of killing everyone, but yet again, what if one day it happens to me? I could be a killed, or be the killer. I'm just worried." She sighed, pulling her short hair out of her face. "We've been doing nothing but village hunts all month and I'm so exhausted and....." She paused, stretching her injured hand. The skin was still a fierce red, but the ice was helping it from blistering. "Sebastian has been acting so weird. One wrong move and we're all roasted, y'know?" She finished, slumping down the stairs. She grabbed a strawberry from one of the large fruit crates and stuffed it in her mouth, crunching on the leafy top with disgust.
Once he was full, Sebastian looked for some source of water. After trotting along for a while the feline managed to find a pond and he happily drank from it. The water had a slightly iron taste to it and he wondered what had bled in it. He finally looked up and saw Diane in there causing him to slurp the water and choke on it. Sebastian began to have a coughing fit.
Hearing a strange coughing noise, Diane stood up out of the water. "Who's there?" She shouted, moving over to her clothes and guns. Suddenly, she noticed Sebastian coughing by the water. "You nasty pervert!" Diane screamed, covering herself up with her arms as she ran over to grab her clothes and guns. She began pulling them on as quickly as she could while pointing a gun at Sebastian.
The cat coughed up the water and small balls of fire until he was okay. "Wait Diane, I didn't even know that you were in here! I just came to get something to drink and-" Sebastian stopped talking when he saw the burns on her body and winced but it could've been worse if he really wanted her dead. He sat with his ears down and the flames on his body went out, soon they were replaced with midnight blue fur. He hoped that his new fluffy appearance would calm her fears. "Will you let me heal your wounds at least?"

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