---Demon Hunters---

Robin listened to Aho and climbed out of the closet, looking at Aho she thought about what she had said; she's never thought about it before like that, she always felt like she had herself under control but never thought about the team ending up killing each other.

"Death... is not a pretty thing, everyone single one of us knows this and I'm sure deep down inside there's always the thought of it scaring us; I usually think of it as a way to tell that I'm still alive... of course the thought of one of us killing one another has never crossed my mind, it would be wise to also think about this, but Aho... remember you must have faith in your teammates, if we don't lean on one another, I'm pretty sure we'd end up drowning in loneliness," Robin sighed at what came to her mind and why she thought it be best to have trust in each other, other wise they'd end up falling apart.

"Anyways, you don't have to listen to what I just said if it doesn't make sense; maybe you should talk to Seb when he gets back? Ask him what's wrong and fix up any misunderstandings or emotions the two of you are feeling... ah, I'm not really good at this whole comforting thing, how'd I do?" Robin laughed lightly at the end as she looked at Aho, hoping she didn't say anything weird or stupid... man maybe she should've just kept her mouth shut about all of this.
((can I get some drAMAAAAAAA))

Aho laughed, her mind finally at ease. "You did fine. I'm gonna go scope out the village that needs hunting, I'll be back in about ten minutes." She told Robin as she buttoned on her peach sweater. She ensured herself that her sword was still on her wrist and left, following a trail of stones the young boy must have made. Before she even arrived to the scene she could tell it wasn't too bad. Normally, you would hear them screeching from afar, but she heard silence. Small cottages appeared in the distance, a quaint little village it was. Suddenly, a boy around her age approached her, cradling a stub connected to his abdomen that seemed like it was once his arm. "You must be the warrior! Yes, thank you so! Have you come alone?" He asked, a wide grin on his face. "Yeah. I'm just here to check out the area and see what we're up against." Aho responded, returning a small smile. He bobbed his head in understanding as he led her to an average sized house that seemed like seconds away from crumbling to the ground. "This is their base, but they only come at night." He told Aho, nodding slowly. "But we all roam here during the day. Please, come in." The mysterious boy told her, carefully opening one of the doors. She stepped inside and took note how well furnished it was. The demons had to be somewhat cultured. "Everyone's out hunting currently. They had me stay behind in case anyone came. Good thing, huh? Can I get you a drink? We have some filtered water." Filtered water. All water she had was filthy, so anything filtered sounded great. She agreed eagerly, gazing at the mosaic on the walls as he prepared her drink. As he handed her the water, she looked up at him, question in her eyes. "I don't think I ever got your name." She muttered, squinting as she racked her mind. "Sorry, I'm such a ditz. My name is Jack. Pretty average, one-armed dude." He told her, shrugging as he remained his place standing in front of her. She gulped down the small glass of water, clicking her tongue. The taste was very bland and a bit metallic, nothing like even her dirtbag water tasted. Jack let out a quiet laugh, stepping away from her and stretching. "I bet you don't trust me that well." He muttered, never wiping off his wide grin. She shook her head, standing up but finding her legs extremely exhausted. "I do! Really.... I-I.... Do....." She found her vision fading in and out as she slung her head, a sleepy feeling paralyzing her body. Jack walked to her and tilted her head up with the tip of his finger, his grin forming in to an angry scowl. The last thing Aho heard before slipping unconscious was his quiet words of:

"You shouldn't have."

Jack sighed, watching Aho fall limp on the couch. He stretched, loud cracks coming from his back. "I hate being in human form." He growled to himself, allowing himself to change. Suddenly, long and curly horns sprouted from his head as a sharp tail grew, allowing his "missing arm" to appear once more. He tossed Aho over his shoulder and carried her down a long corridor, finally reaching a slim door at the end. Jack tugged his keys out of his pocket and fumbled with them until he opened the door, leaving himself in a dim room with a series of miniature pistols lined up like decor on the walls. A metal table with leather straps sat as the only furniture in the room, and he wasted no time strapping Aho on nice and tight. Jack showed a satisfied smile as he leaned against the wall, waiting anxiously for her to wake up.
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Diane opened her mouth to argue, but instead sighed. "You know what, fine." She said, walking over to Sebastian. But then she paused, walked back and picked up Aho's bandage. "Can't forget this..." She thought as she walked back over to Sebastian. "Alright, you can heal me... Thanks.." She mumbled the last part, not meeting his gaze.
He smiled brightly as he once again returned to his human form and lightly grabbed Diane's burned hand. "Don't move, I promise that it won't hurt that bad," he said as he brought her hand to his mouth. He coated his tongue in a liquefied version of his flames and licked the burned area until it looked good as new. Once he was done that he bent his head down and licked the wounds around her neck until the skin was back to normal. Sebastian raised his head and smiled, "There all better now~"
Diane eyes her hand and, seeing that it was in good condition and no longer hurt, she felt her neck. It was the same, no more pain and the blisters where gone. "Fine, thank you." She mumbled as she began walking back to base, fists clenched hard. When she got back, she noticed Aho's note on the door. "Well, we shouldn't let Aho be out there by herself. Especially considering how she handled those bread demons..." Diane thought, as she began following the path of small rocks to the village. "That, and I have her shadow-sword-bandage-thing..." She squeezed the bandage in which was sitting in her pocket, it felt surprisingly nice. Eventually, Diane arrived in the village. Immediately she took note of how quiet the village was, and how.... Peaceful it seemed. "Hello? Is there anybody here?" She called out. She had her guns out and at the ready, expecting her call to alert plenty of nearby demons.
Sebastian headed back to HQ with a sigh and his tail practically trailing behind him. Once he pushed the door open he could feel the emptiness of the house and began to wonder where everyone was. A sudden crumpling sound caused him to look under his foot to find a note. A loud roar could be heard for miles as a blue flash headed towards another village.
Aho fluttered her eyes, not quite understanding her surroundings. Her glasses laid askew n her face, and it wasn't until she tried to adjust them when she realized her restraint. She began to thrash, only managing to rock the table she was strapped to in the slightest. Suddenly, loud laughter erupted from the back as Jack stepped out of the shadows, clapping his hands quietly. "Oh, god! You're the hunter?" He chuckled, swiftly moving over to her and pressing the barrel of a gun to her neck. "Pathetic. To think the world depends on you." He muttered, scraping the gun against her cheeks. She tried her hardest not to retort, but Aho still found herself trying to wriggle away. She groaned, writhing at the slick feel of the weapon gliding against her skin. Jack was clearly teasing her, enjoying watching her get more and more uncomfortable. He leaned down and grazed his teeth on Aho's earlobe, letting out a quiet laugh when she shuddered. "Wow. This is almost too much fun. I'll deal with you in a little bit. Try to get some more sleep, would you please?" Jack told her, hanging his gun back up on the wall. "Before I forget, we don't need anyone hearing you, now do we?" He looked at Aho, taking her petrified look to his liking. He snatched duct tape and tore a chunk off, gently placing it over her lips. He flicked off the lights and left the room, locking the door carefully behind him and whispered quietly to himself, "Sleep tight."
Diane turned in shock to hear Sebastian roaring down the path in her direction. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something to him when he arrived, but she instead said nothing and continued looking around the town. "Aho has to be around here somewhere..." She thought as she began to shout again. "Hello? Aho, are you here?"
While he was on his rampage Sebastian burned and destroyed anything in his path. Nothing would stop him from rescuing Aho but he didn't expect to run into a little boy that reeked of demon and had Aho's scent on him. He growled, "Where is she you runt? Where are you hiding her!"
Jack raised an eyebrow, shrugging as he stepped away from Sebastian. "Who's that? Everyone fled this village days ago, I'm just trying to hunt for the others. We're actually about a half a mile that way." He muttered, pointing off in the distance. Jack had no clue of this girls name anyway, so technically, he wasn't lying. "Hope you find whoever you're looking for. Oh, and, uh, cool down a little, mkay?" He said quietly, stepping out of the village. With that beast's rage he'll probably burn the girl before I can get to her. Oh well.

Aho thrashed furiously, allowing her glasses to fly off of her face. Suddenly, a scent of smoke filled her nose, causing her to panic. "MMPH! MMPH!" She screamed, but only quiet hums came out. The table fell on its side, creating a loud bang to erupt throughout the dark room. Her body was aching, but there was bound to be a fire downstairs. She bent over and began to pick at the belts with her fingers, but no success.
Diane turned as she heard a bang coming from the ruins of one of the buildings. "Abandoned, huh?" Taking advantage of the fact that Sebastian was keeping the boy busy, Diane walked as stealthily as she could over to the building. After searching the burning wreckage for a little while, all the while coughing and choking on the smoke, she came across a basement entrance. Cautiously, Diane entered. She was shocked to see Aho lying, strapped to a sideways table, on the ground. "Aho!? Are you alright?" She asked, running over and ripping the tape off of her mouth. "Alright, I'm going to get you out of here." She said, coughing as the room began to fill with smoke. Diane began to fiddle with the belt with no success, when she remembered. "The sword!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out the currently bandage-like sword. "How did Aho get this thing to work?" She wondered, trying to flick or whip it into sword form.
Sebastian was furious as he dug his claws into the ground but he knew that going after the boy wouldn't do any good. An idea suddenly hit him and he raised his right paw and swung it through the air causing a blue wave to knock all of the roofs off of the buildings. "Aho! Diane! Where are you?" The smoke from the flames did little to hinder his senses as he followed a scent towards one house.
Upon hearing Sebastian's voice, Aho felt relieved, to say the least. But breathing in so much smoke was making her dizzy, and she was sure that Diane probably felt the same. "Up here!" She wailed, but it only came out as a measly squeak. Suddenly, fire began to snake in to the basement, coming down in small trails as if it were searching for something. It came up and gently brisked her toes, leaving her with a quick flash of heat that jolted through her body. It didn't burn, no, it was just hot. "Diane, how strong are you? Try to drag us out of the house." She muttered, even though she was sure Diane couldn't. She didn't doubt the girl, she was just aware that the fire was making herself very weak, and Diane was probably reacting the same. "Help!" She called out several times, but she was nothing compared to the sound of the roaring flames. She racked her brain for an answer, but a solution didn't come to mind. She simply fell limp and gave up.
Diane, out of sheer desperation, started listening to Aho and trying to drag her out of the house. She pulled and pulled with all of her might, but it was no use. Diane simply wasn't strong enough. She gasped, and was thus sent into a coughing fit as a large amount of smoke was taken into her lungs. Noticing that Aho had gone limp, Diane began to shake her shoulder with the last of her strength. "Agh... Dammit... Aho, this is no time to give up..." She said as she began to slump over, dizzy from lack of oxygen. "Get... The hell... Up..." She said as she passed out.
Little cries of help reached his ears and he ran toward the source. He reached a house that was billowing smoke and could smell their human scents from inside. A giant paw slashed through the air to reveal their unconscious bodies. Sebastian crushed the table connected to Aho and picked both of them up gently in his mouth. He placed them in an open area that had some soft grass and sat down while he wondered what to do now.
Aho fluttered her eyes, instantly wheezing as she sat up. She faced no physical wounds, but her chest ached like hell. She began to cough as she rubbed smog off of her clothing, ignoring the black ash on her body. Diane was still out cold, but she was glad they both made it out alive. Suddenly, she noticed Debastian patiently seated, and she began to crawl toward him. She collapsed, gazing up at the fresh sun. "So much for getting food, right?" She croaked, coughing as she tried to laugh.
Diane opened her eyes just in time to enter a hefty coughing fit. "Goddammit... What the hell... Where you doing tied up in a basement, Aho?" Amser croaked, rubbing the ash out of her eyes as they watered from pain. Her freshly bathed body and hair where covered in soot and ash, so much for being clean.
Aho removed her glasses, wiping ash off of them. "I went to scope out the village and this guy Jack gave me water with drugs in them. Woke up and I was tied down." She muttered, finally able to get clean air in her lungs. She let out a loud breath, rolling gently in the fresh grass. "We still need food though."
Sebastian looked down at the 2 girls and wondered how he got involved with them. They were obviously crazy if the only thing that they were worried about was food instead of their own health. He shook his head and sighed while his mind wandered. "Look I can handle the food situation but I really need to get you two home to rest." He noticed that they were covered in ash and decided to help them out a little. Sebastian bent down and dragged his tongue lightly over them removing most of the ash.
Aho quickly scampered away, sitting up and panting. The memory of Jack licking her earlobe brought back something she'd rather forget, so she stood off and began to wipe them off herself. She removed her sweater and shuddered, the bitter wind nipping at her skin. Her thin uniform served little purpose against the cold, but it was the easiest way to remove the ash. She began to wiggle the clothing in the air, flicking away all the ash. "I can handle myself. I don't need a rest." She sighed, taking her hand and brisking it against her chin, recalling the scraping of his gun. She quickly shook away the thought and began to pet Sebastian, running her fingers through his thick fur.
((i leave a very bad impression. but just for the memo: no what you are thinking did not happen. he rubbed a gun against her cheek and licked her earlobe, nothing else ^v^))

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