---Demon Hunters---

Little did Aho know that Sebastian's vision was far greater than any human or demon for that matter. Being the good demon that he is Sebastian kept his head turned and laid back down while he waited for Aho to return. He watched as she stumbled around before landed on top of him. "You have great aim Aho," he said with a chuckle. He rolled back on side with Aho in his arms and wrapped his tail loosely around them and dozed off while purring softly.
(( @Karma200 @undercovernoob @VampiricPotato when do you guys want to move on to morning?))

Aho let out quiet breaths, listening to the monotonous purring of Sebastian coming from behind her. She batted her tired eyes, watching the world around her begin to fade in and out. She knew she was tired, so why was she refusing to fall asleep? She heard a quiet tapping coming from the other side of the room and quickly threw herself out of bed, drawing her sword as she snatched her glasses. She smacked her glasses on to her face, brandishing her sword as she quietly crept around the room. It wasn't until she heard the tapping again that she realized it was just a tree branch swaying in the wind and tapping against the outside of the house. She ran her fingers through her damp hair, wondering when she became so paranoid. She removed her glasses and gently laid them on the nightstand, wrapping her sword back around her wrist. She sighed, feeling incredibly guilty for causing such a ruckus at a late hour. "Sebastian? Did I wake you up?" She whispered very quietly, squinting roughly. She couldn't tell if he was awake or not due to her blurry eyesight.

Robin was wet and dropping when she had made it back to her room and without another question about it she plopped onto her bed and closed her eyes, she needed sleep and she needed sleep now. But... then the nightmares came.

"You'll never amount to anything!" The voice of her father echoed in her dream as his cold face appeared with anger and hatred toward her, behind him were a thousand other eyes she knew to well as her relatives, each one of them looking at her with a look of judgement and hatred.

"I don't want to be the leader of the family!" Robin cried in her 5 year old body form as all eyes were on her but it was like they couldn't hear her.

"A monster with wings and glowing wings will never be accepted!"

Robin gasped awake as she sat up in bed quickly, tears were forming in her eyes as her hands automatically reached to cover her head as if the eyes of anger and disapproval were still watching her; she slowly began to awaken fully and realized she was in her room again... man she hates dreams. Without another thought she didn't bother to wipe away the tears that continued to pour down her face, Robin crawled to the edge of her bed and opened her window; climbing up toward the roof she let her wings escape from her back but she continued to sit on top of the roof with her head looking up at the stars.
Sebastian sighed quietly to himself, of course he was up now especially when she got out of the bed. He couldn't be upset with her because of her paranoia though because it was something that humans felt often. He easily lit a blue flame on his tail to guide Aho back to the bed without saying anything.
Aho shivered, not wasting anytime making herself comfortable. She instantly tossed so her face was nestled in Sebastian's chest, wiggling her way in to his grasp. The worn sheet she had wasn't quite cutting it, but he was a great blanket. It seemed he was always extremely warm and comforting, She sighed, finally satisfied with her sleeping position. She could hear Robin rustling up on the roof, but it wasn't uncommon. It seemed that she was the only one who could sleep easily most nights. While everyone was hunting or worrying or doing who knows what, she was the one snoozing away in the corner. She would sleep all day if she could. She allowed her heavy eyes to close as she fell in to a light slumber, quiet snores exiting her mouth every now and then. She began to mutter incoherent things, relating hunting and demons and fruit.
The moon reflected in Robin's eyes as she continued to stare at it for minutes to a whole hour without moving an inch and then she opened her mouth, a soft tune that sounded like a beautiful melody began to flow from her mouth. It drifted through the night and floated on nothing but air, Robin would usually do this through the entire night even though she usually only gets about 2-3 hours of sleep every night.

Her long black hair blew with the wind as if it were dancing in a rhythm of a soul in the other world... a world Robin sometimes wondered about, if her most precious deceased Grandmother was at... or if she was in the Underworld.
Sebastian's ears pricked up at the sound of Robin's voice but he remained in the same position with his eyes closed. It reminded him of his mom when she used to sing to them when they were little kittens. Sebastian began to wonder what his mom was doing know anyway and shivered at the thought of her death grip hugs. His grip on the little human in his arms tightened a little while he tried to drift off again.
((I understand what you where trying to do, but for multiple reasons the process of doing that was coming across as very over the top and Mary-Sueish.))
Aho pierced her sword through a mutant eagle with multiple talons, ignoring its ear splitting screech as she left it to bleed out. She was exhausted, but it felt great to save lives. It was very rewarding, satisfying. She trudged down her street, nudging away corpses of neighbors with her feet. She was just simply used to it. It was far past sundown, and everything was very still. She stood at her doorstep, fumbling with her keys as she attempted to enter her house. Finally, she entered, staring in to the darkness with fear. Something was scrambling about the house but she couldn't see with any lights. She quickly turned on the lights, the smell of blood hitting her like a bat. Her father's mutilated corpse was dangling from the ceiling, along with an enlarged centipede. She didn't even feel any sadness, she only felt a deep sense of anger. She quickly killed the beast, grabbed her belongings, and left her home forever.

Aho batted her eyes open, wriggling in the tight grasp of the demon holding her. That memory was always flooding her dreams, but she never paid much mind to it. She quickly looked up at Sebastian, barely making out his disgruntled face within her bad eyesight.
Sebastian huffed and open eyes hat were glowing a bright blue because he had just woken up. He looked down at the thing moving around in his arms and smiled slightly when he realized that it was Aho. Once he looked down at her curiously he tilted his head and wondered why she was staring at him. "Did you have a nightmare or something?"
Robin... felt completely sleepy and groaned before jumping off the roof and into her room to get dressed for the day; since they would once again be going demon hunting Robin grabbed a pair of shorts, a fitted tank top and a pair of boots that she was hoping didn't get messed up today because she would really like to wear them again. She left her hair down before leaving her room and going into the kitchen for a banana since she didn't know what else to eat for breakfast... she should probably grab a few apples as well; she sat down at the old table and was going to wait until she was done with the fruit in her hands before getting another one.
Aho groaned, shaking her head no as she peeked out the broken window. The sun was just peaking off the horizon, letting off a golden glow throughout the sky. She could hear the demons begin to stir, causing mischief everywhere. In all honesty, the mutants were simply like children; reckless and relentless. She rubbed at her eyes, sitting up and stretching. She slept horribly, but it wasn't anything to ruin her mood. "We're running low on fruit, we'll have to go and find a reliable food supply before hunting." She muttered, extending her arms in the air as she yawned. "I'm going downstairs." She stood up and shuffled to the nightstand, placing her glasses on her face and slumping down the stairs. She reached in to the crate, grabbing a ripe clementine from the bottom. As she worked at removing the outer layer, she glanced at Robin with exhausted eyes. "Good morning, Robin." She yawned, braking off a slice from the bright fruit and eating it.
A grin spread across Robin's face as she jumped out of her seat and toward Aho, wrapping her arms over her shoulders like she usually did when she seen Aho in the morning, Robin hugged her happily.

"Morning pretty Aho!" Robin smiled before letting her go and throwing the fruit away in the trash can, it was true that they were running low on fruits.

"If you think its a good idea I could go get some fruit and come back," Robin said as grabbed an apple and rubbed it before taking a bite out of it, looking at Aho with a tilt of her head.
Diane woke to the sun shining directly in her eyes, she groaned and dragged herself out of bed. She wasn't ever much of a morning person. After making her bed, Diane got dressed in a black tank top and blue jeans before making her way down the steps. As she walked, the world swayed around her. "Ugh.... Dizzy..." Diane groaned internally. When she finally made it to the kitchen, she saw Aho and Robin already there. She sent a short wave in their direction before heading to the fridge looking for something to eat.

Eventually, Diane found some stale cereal and some questionable milk. "Guys, we're going to need to go on a food run soon." She said, sniffing the milk and, deciding that it was safe, pouring it into a bowl with her cereal.
Sebastian made his way down the stairs still in only his boxers and his tail swinging lazily behind him. "Hey ladies, Morning~" He sang while he bent down to get food out of the fridge and popped his head up when he smelled a familiar scent. "Oh no..." he mumbled through a mouthful of grapes. He quickly hid underneath the counter and began to shake. "She's finally coming for me..."
Aho stared at Sebastian, suddenly remembering that she was in his clothes. From a different perspective, this probably looked really bad, but she tried to play it off as her face faded to a light red. "Is everything okay, Sebastian?" She asked, bending over and staring at him. She batted her eyes, taking a quick look at the fruit crate. It was very close to being empty, and no one could hunt on an empty stomach. Suddenly, a quiet yet frantic knock came from their double doors, making Aho freeze in fear. She rushed to the doors and gently pulled one open, looking down at the young boy at her feet. "Hello, good ma'am! Thank you for the services you've completed for everyone!" He screamed, going in to a salute. "I come from a village nestled in the forests along with you! Our town has been infested with unknown creatures! Friends have been murdered! It would be an honor to have you and others help kill the demons in turn for meats and fruits!" He finished, handing her a worn box tied with string. He then ran away, disappearing in to the trees. Aho shrugged and shut the door, placing the box on the table.
Sebastian shook his head and screamed when a bright golden flame appeared in the kitchen forcing Sebastian to hide behind Robin, Diane, and Aho. The flare dissipated to reveal a young busty blonde with long hair, blue eyes like Sebastian, a blonde tail similar to Sebastian's. She stood with a blank expression on her face until she spotted Sebastian and immediately pounced on him. "Oh, I've missed you kitten! Where have you been hiding out away from me?" Sebastian blushed and stuttered, "W-Why are you wearing a bikini?!" She shrugged and continue to nuzzle into his chest, "You know how hot I can get Sebby~"

(How the mystery woman looks)

Aho quickly unraveled her sword, keeping it loose at her waist as she backed up, allowing the blade to glide through her fair skin. She tried to speak, retort, question, but nothing would dare come out. She just kept backing up until her back was pressed against the door, quickly slipping out of the doorway and outside. A letter was placed nicely at the doorstep that read:

Dear warrior:

We have left you a trail of stones to follow. Please be quick.

She folded the note and placed it in her pocket, pulling at the hem of Sebastian's shirt. She sighed, seating herself and twirling her hair around her finger lightly.
Suddenly, when the busty blonde appeared in the room Diane made to grab her guns... And then realized she had left them next to her bed. "Crap!" She said as she ran off to go upstairs and grab her guns. Once she found them, she didn't bother putting them in their holsters. Instead she just ran downstairs and pointed her guns at the blonde. "Alright, who are you and what do you want?!" Diane shouted, pointing her guns at the young woman-demon. It was then that she noticed that the demon was in a bikini, and she averted her eyes momentarily before focusing them, angrily, back on the demon.
Robin watched the blonde woman warily, her ability over sound was ready to be used as she narrowed her eyes and looked at the woman... why in the world is Seb hiding from this woman?

"Seb, mind telling us if she's friend or foe?" Robin spoke to him without letting her eyes leave the blonde woman who had appeared out of now where, she didn't know how to treat the woman since Seb hadn't changed his form to attack the woman.
The mysterious blonde stood to her full height and purred, "I don't feel the need to have a reason to visit my son do I?" Sebastian sighed as his mother began to suffocate him by her death hug. "Yea, yea t-this is my mom Lilith and I have no idea why she chose to visit me now. Aren't you supposed to be running Hell right now Mom?" Lilith chuckled nervously, "Its fine, I just took a little vacation because you don't visit mommy anymore~" she whined.
Still holding her guns at the demon, Diane was now eying Sebastian. "Alright Demon-boy. Is there something you aren't telling us?" She asked, glaring at him. "Running HELL? If Sebastian's mother is the ruler of hell, that means.... His flesh and blood is responsible for unleashing demons upon the world? No, don't jump to conclusions. Stay calm, ask questions, and don't put your guns down."
Another sigh escaped his lips as he prepared to explain why everything on Earth has literally went to hell. "Lilith here is the ruler of hell and I'm next in line if anything happens to her which isn't likely since royal demons aren't easy to kill." Lilith was beside him nodding her head as he spoke with a smile on her face. "Now I know that all of you probably assume that Mom is behind the demons running rampant and she is, in a way. She left the gate to the human world wide open when she left to tour the human world on a whim." Sebastian rubbed his temples after his finished his explanation while Lilith began to calm him down by petting his head.

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