---Demon Hunters---

His canines were easily seen, "What wrong Aho, cat got your tongue?" Sebastian knew that he really shouldn't be teasing her like this but her blood was so sweet to him and it made him want to devour her on the spot. He tried to calm down while his pupils returned to that of a human instead of a cat. "I'm waiting for your answer little mouse."
Aho fumbled with her glasses, trying her hardest to adjust them with her quivering hands. She hated being put on the spot, it only made her feel more flustered. "Fine." She whispered, averting her gaze to the ground. The wind blew at her injury, forcing her to shudder. She quickly wrapped her sword around her wrist again, wiggling her fingers slightly. She felt so terribly nervous and she had no clue why. "But it's getting dark." Everyone knew of her fear of the dark, and willingly going back in to that hell house sounded like a very bad idea that she was agreeing to.
(Hm... then I'll call Sebastian Seb)

Robin heard Daniel's footsteps and was about to call his name but something in the air caught her attention, just in time Robin moved to the side and a long outstretched claw barely scraped her arm.

"Ouch!" She hissed as she looked down to see a large monster with claws, melting skin and what seemed like patches of the fur around it... just not completely all over it.

"You obviously had a bad hair day," Robin mumbled, it opened its jaws and let out a large roar before jumping into the air and swiping at her but Robin flew up higher and looked down at him with a smirk.

"Haha! You can't fly," Rob laughed as starred at the ugly creature who seemed to really dislike her at the moment, it didn't take long before the monster jumped onto the side of the house and jumped toward her; Rob furrowed her eyebrows at how he was at least somewhat smart enough to use the building for leverage, twisting around she connected her foot around its nasty foot and kicked him to the front of the house and away from her.

"Ew, I touched it," She whined as she looked at her shoe that had flesh on it... she is so taking a shower.

"Great! Let's go wipe them out," he said as they were enveloped in a giant flare that dissipated slowly to reveal Aho on the flaming cat's back. "Don't worry Aho my fire won't hurt you and you may want to hang on to me." He curled his tails above Aho as he ran back into the house that was only illuminated by his demonic form. He had heard a loud whistle and saw a hawk that had 2 sets of wings but he didn't let them slow him down as he bit into it's throat. After crushing its windpipe and jugular he ate it in haste as he headed towards a voice that he recognized as Robin's. "Robin should be up ahead Aho," he growled out.
Aho cringed at the sheer violence, gazing down st the mutilated corpse below. She began to rock and sway on top of his back, trying her hardest no to fall off. "How much longer will this take?" She shouted over the loud noise, staring over at Robin ahead. In one swift movement, she was bucked off of Sebastian's back, rolling on the ground as he continued to run. She winced, taking in a sharp breath of air as she held her cheek. Her fresh wound began bleeding furiously, sending pains throughout her face. She sat up and began wiping away the blood, elbowing away a pesky demon at her feet. It was just a cat with around 12 legs and wasn't harming her, so she simply let it be.
"We should be there shortly," he said as he continued to run. Sebastian was almost to Robin when he realized that there wasn't any pressure on his back and he cursed as he came to a stop. Luckily he could just follow her scent and he found Aho with a wound on her cheek which caused him to feel a little guilty. He laid down in front of her with his ears flattened against his head. "Ugh I'm sorry Aho, you're the first person to ride me and I didn't think about how bumpy the ride could be."
Aho grinned, smearing off the blood from her cheek. She began flicking her hand, trying to dry off her hand. "It's alright. Lets go see Robin." She unraveled the bandages on both hands, leaving her with her sword and her average bandage. She wrapped the bandage around her hand, being sure to cover her fresh gash. She then stood herself up and swept off the residue from her outfit, rubbing Sebastian's head like a dog. She began to dash toward Robin, staring up at the slimy beast with fear. She began to slice at it, leaving large slices in its body that gushed black blood. She leaped backward, trying to avoid any contact with this monster.
Sebastian stared down at the demon and noticed that it's blood smelled strongly of sulfur. When he looked down at where the blood splashed he watched it eat through wherever it was splattered. "Robin, Aho, be careful of its blood. It's similar to acid." He began to circle while striking out at it with his claws. When he shot a fireball at the demon it coughed up its own blood and when the two collided it resulted in an explosion that he protected them from. "Damn, if I use my fire on it directly its whole body will explode and kill Robin and Aho," he muttered to himself.
Aho held her breath and dove on top of it, almost instantly caught in its sticky trap. She began piercing its back with her sword, grunting in disapproval as she attempted to kill it. She would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for its slimy surface clinging to her. She was about to leap off when she realized she was stuck to this creature. "Sebastian! Robin! Help!" She screamed, attempting to pry herself away from this grip. She tore off her bandages on her face and began to rub at her body, hoping to rid of the slime on her body.
"Yea... I kind of got the whole acid thing down already," Robin replied to Sebastian as she looked at her already gone shoe, with a groan she realized she would have to start wearing a different pair of shoes for their hunts now.

Robin looked over at Aho when she started to scream for help, without hesitation Robin dove toward them and when she was close enough she used a bit of her sound speed to kick him in its weird chest, it went flying as Robin caught Aho before she could fall over.
"Nice catch Robin! You just gave me the chance I needed!" He fired another fire ball at the demon that was still flying through the air. The blood that was coming from its wounds instantly combusted and created an explosion that sent it crashing into the wall. Sebastian surrounded the remains in a fire cage that contained most of the explosion. He wagged his tails in victory, "Another demon down for the count!"
Aho released a loud sigh of relief, glad that Robin's little speed thing had cleansed her of the slime on her clothing. "Thanks Robin, you're a lifesaver. Lets just start heading home now, guys, or at least drop me off there. It looks like its around 11:00." She whined, peering in to the darkness with worry. She leapt back in to the house and boarded Sebastian, grinning tiredly. She was so exhausted, they had been hunting all day today. The only thing she really wanted was to go home with her dad and not have a single worry, but clearly that would never happen.
"Sure thing," She said to both Aho and Seb, looking at the sky she realized it was getting really dark. Robin felt a little bad that they were still out late before biting her bottom lip and spread her wings out.

"Alright then, I'll take Aho home and we'll meet you guys at the house?" Robin looked at both James and Sebastian with a raised eyebrow, she didn't like it when Aho was uncomfortable since she thought of Aho as a sister.
Sebastian looked back at Aho on his back, "I'm gonna start charging you for riding me little lady." It didn't really bother him though and he looked back towards Robin and the rest of the gang. "I wouldn't mind giving you guys a lift if you don't feel like flying as long as you don't tug on my ears or tails," he said with a soft smile. It would be a piece of cake and everyone could rest up without worrying about each other.
Aho rested her had down in between his ears, nestling her injury in his matted fur. She yawned, wrapping her arm. around his torso. "As long as I have transportation home, I'm okay with anything." She answered, taking off her glasses and tucking them away in her cardigan. She wrapped her bandages around her wrists again, preparing herself for a ride. "Just be sure to come home before midnight, okay?" She muttered, releasing a loud yawn.
(So... what happened to getting Daniel out? lol)

Robin shrugged her shoulders before looking over at James with a raised eyebrow, she felt a bit tired as well and it would be a good idea to go home now instead of wasting more energy that she could use tomorrow, besides... one of her shoes is missing.

"I think we should go back home, you staying or going James?" Rob asked with as she tilted her head a bit to the side to wait for his reply.
((don't worry, James and Diane are still there with him))

Aho felt the creature pinning her down and trailing its tongue down her stomach, letting out inhuman noises as she screamed under its grasp. Everyone was watching her, but just stared on with blank expressions. "James! Robin! Help me, please!" Everytime she spoke they went about a foot back in to the darkness, moving in sync with everyone else. "Why won't anyone help?!"

Aho jolted awake in a panic, clinging on to Sebastian's fur tightly. A dream? It was a dream? She took in deep breaths, calming herself down very quickly. What a weird dream.

Sebastian sighed to himself when Aho relaxed her grip on his fur. He placed his tails around her so that she wouldn't fall off while he ran and jumped home. "We're gonna go ahead and we'll see you guys at home. His paws began to glow a brighter blue as he leapt up and soared through the air at a leisurely pace. "Are you alright back there Aho," he asked as he ran through the air.
Aho nodded a couple of times, perching herself up on his back. She could see the top of their HQ not too far again, and relief began to swell inside of her. She was heavily craving the feel of her junky bed, just wanting to sleep until the end of time. "Yeah. I'm alright." She muttered, dwindling his fur in between her fingers. She slid her glasses back on her face, allowing them to sit crooked.
James had flown the perimeter of the building twice and even gone back inside to check for David, with no sign of him. He was exhausted, sure, but he never left without his teammates. Staring longingly at an open window, he sighed and started down another hallway when something slammed into his side and sent him flying into a wall. A sharp pain seared in his right shoulder when he picked himself up again. He drew his swords and stood, alert, waiting for his attacker to show himself, and spun around when he heard the unnerving laughter from behind him. The demon was humanoid, which was unusual, and it was probably pretty powerful. James charged forward, electricity crackling with red sparks in the air around him, swords ready to strike in a devastating side cut, when the demon reached out almost lazily and blue sparks shot out of his own palm and hit the center of James' chest. He had never been affected by electricity before whether it be from his own hand or from messing with the wires in his lap top, but these hurt like the devil himself and he fell to the floor, writhing in pain. The demon smiled, exposing sharp white fangs like his own and knelt next to James.

"Oh James..."

It licked its lips and studied him, who gritted his teeth as the shock continued it's effect. "All grown up now are we? I see your powers are developing quite nicely...with more practice, you might even be greater than me!" The demon seemed to take great pride in this statement, but James, who had seen his sword that had fallen a few feet away, only growled in response and lunged for it. The demon's expression returned to fury as it roared and sent its own lightning into him again, over and over until James was no longer moving. Then, it took James wrist and elongated a claw so he could slash it open before muttering an enchantment of some sort before raising the wrist to its mouth and licking it healed. He then dropped it and climbed out the window without another glance.
Robin watched Aho and Seb leaving and when she turned for her answer from James she realized that he wasn't there; she couldn't help but jump in surprise at the sound of something some sort of electricity or lightning coming from inside the house.

"James?!" Robin shouted with worry before she flew toward the house quickly, she could feel her eyes glowing and knew that there was a demon nearby and it was on the move but would she go help James or go after the demon?

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue angrily as she flew quickly through a window and looked around the empty and pretty much destroyed house, she didn't see James. She ran down the hall at the sound of a faint breathing that her unusual hearing abilities was able to pick up; she finally found James but he lay on the floor without a single movement, Robin tucked her wings into her back before running to his side.

"James? Are you alright?" She whimpered worriedly as she put a hand on him but quickly pulled back when she felt the shock of leftover electricity from him so he must've been hurt by the demon she felt earlier... how in the world did he get hurt by lightning?

"James..." Robin began to wonder if she should fly him to the HQ or continue to wake him up here, she knew he wouldn't die from something like that though... or at least she hoped he didn't.
"Good," he said as he landed in front of the HQ and reverted back to his human form. He easily carried Aho inside and placed her in her bed. Sebastian's blue eyes showed a little of his concern for Aho and he decided that it would be better if he just stayed in there in case she needed him. "You should probably get some sleep while you can and don't worry, I won't leave your side," he said while his tail flicked behind him. Sebastian tucked her in and kissed her forehead before sitting against the bed on the floor.
James' eyes shot open as he regained consciousness, and he blinked, trying to clear the blurry view. He took a shaky breath and groaned when it sent pain jarring through him. Trying again, he shifted over onto his uninjured arm.

"Robin?" He croaked, wincing at the effort it took.
Robin breathed a sigh of relief when he had opened his mouth, she was glad that he wasn't dead and smiled when at this; at least she knew he wouldn't die so easily.

"You scared the crap out of me, what the hell was it that could've knocked you down like this?" Robin asked as she bent a bit to take a look at him carefully to make sure he didn't have any fatal wounds on him.

"I can fly you over to HQ when your ready to go any time... you think its safe for you to move?" Rob was definitely no expert in the medical field, she was demon killing machine and usually avoided being wounded with her hearing & speed... of course there was a time or two she remembered actually being wounded to the point of being close to death so she worried a lot when one of her friends got hurt, especially like this.
James closed his eyes and breathed out, contemplating what he had just gone through. he was completely confused about the whole situation...how had the demon known who he was...how would he be affected by the lightning...no demon had ever caught him off guard like that. He usually could sense when demons were around by the magnetic field around them. But he hadn't noticed this one because it felt- well- familiar. He shook his head and shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind.

He slowly pushed up from the ground with one hand and managed to stand, and his wings shot out from his back. He tested them few times before looking back at Robin. "I'll live. Any luck with finding David though?" He asked her, ignoring her earlier question.

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