---Demon Hunters---

(Are they coming to RP or no? O.o )

Robin hesitated before standing up and biting her bottom lip, even though he said he was alright Robin knew that he had just avoided her question and she would've pressed the issue but she knew that there were a few things everyone in the group wanted to keep a secret.

"Uh, no I haven't been able to find him at all... you think something happened to him?" Rob replied as she looked away from James and dropped the subject about the demon earlier completely since it seemed he didn't want to talk about it. She felt a bit worried for the other member of their group even though Robin didn't know for too long like the others.
"Nah," James shook his head, dismissing the comment. "I've checked twice, and no living thing is left in here." He glanced at his shoulder, which had started to heal, but very slowly, then to the dark sky outside. "Besides that...i'm beat. I think we should head back." He stomped on the handle of his sword to flip it up into his hand before sliding it back into the scabbard on his back.
Aho felt her face flush up, quickly jolting upright in one movement. Her glasses flew off of her face, scattering across the dark room. She groaned, patting the floor in a desperate search for her glasses. Those retched things were the epitome of annoying, if she could see just a little bit better she would never touch them again. After a few brief seconds of patting around, she finally felt them and popped them back on her face. She began to blink slowly, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She shuffled to one of the small wooden night stands, tossing it open and rummaging inside for some matches. Finally, she yanked out a small matchbook with only around half of them useable. She snatched a candle and lit one of the matches, allowing the candle to illuminate the large room. "Wow, suddenly I'm very hungry. Craving an apple. I'll be back soon, okay?" She told Sebastian, dragging her hand along the wall as she made her way to the door. She trotted down the stairs and stopped in front of a large fruit crate, sighing quietly. She wasn't hungry at all, but the last thing she needed was to start developing feelings for someone. The last person she developed feelings for wound up being eaten by a mutant bee.
(Her room is in the attack because she likes to have an easy entry to the roof)

Robin nodded her head before climbing out the window and the moment she jumped she allowed her wings to unfurl and guide her up more into the air, looking back she made sure James was going to follow before continuing to fly at a normal pace so she could feel the wind against her skin as it seems it always makes her happy and excited for absolutely no reason. Robby could feel the sleepiness in her and knew that the moment she got home she was going to take a bath and go straight to bed, hopefully tomorrow would run smoothly.
Sebastian nodded his head and sighed once she was out of earshot. He reached behind him and gently unraveled the sword that was created out of his sister's fang. What most people didn't know is that he is still able to communicate with her whenever he meditates with the sword. He closed his eyes and the sword began to glow a lavender color, the same as his twin's fire. "I miss you sis and I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you," he said despairingly. The sword was warm and comforting in his hands and it made a few tears slide down his face while his hair covered most of his face. Sebastian was unconsciously biting his lip and it had begun to bleed from his sharp canines. An image of Anastasia's smiling face saying 'it's okay,' made his tears flow faster as he grieved.
James stood in silence for a moment, staring at the spot where the demon had first appeared, and clenching his fists. He stepped toward it, as if there would be something there to see. Then he spun around ant jumped out of the window, letting the air catch under his wings, and continued to follow Robin back to the HQ. Its just a demon. You'll get it next time after all, he scolded himself, but the nagging doubt told him otherwise.

"Anyone else we need to worry about? He asked her when he caught up.
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"Hmm, I'm not sure," Robin shook her head and bit her lip a bit, she was no longer worrying about the demon from earlier since James didn't want to speak about it, now she was thinking about the warmth of the bath she's going to have and how comfortable the bed was going to feel with her sore body... of course she would definitely have to take care of the few cuts she had on her and then figure out what shoes she would start wearing for hunts.

"I can't wait to make a nice big juicy steak," Rob groaned when she remembered that she would have to eat since she tends to have a bad eating habit and just eats whenever instead of when its necessary.
Aho snatched an apple and rubbed it on her shirt, removing it of its residue. She began to munch in to it, savoring the juices that tingled her taste buds. She heard a loud bang coming from the other side of the room, and quickly turned around while brandishing her candle in fear. She began to inspect the entire bottom floor, shakily thrusting her dim candle in every corner only to find nothing. She sighed and tucked her short hair behind her ear, angry at herself for wasting so much energy. Aho drew her sword, keeping it low at her waist while she made her way back to the stairs. Suddenly, something dripped on to her head, releasing a quiet plop! when it reached her forehead. Confused, she brought her dingy light source as far as her arm allowed her and looked up. Her face went pale at the sight of some sort of 7-foot long mutant crow. "Sebastian?" She whispered, taking a few steps away from the creature dangling on the ceiling. It began to spread its wings, appearing like it was about to take flight. "Sebastian!" She screeched, running past the creature and scampering up the stairs. It was clinging to her ankles with its talons, digging them in to her sore ankles. She had a death grip on the railing, hoping to stall enough for someone to help.
Sebastian had ended his meditation session when he head Aho calling out to him. He wiped his face using his sleeve and dashed down the stairs with his tail aflame. The crow stared at Sebastian and signs of recognition could easily be seen in its eyes. "P-Prince where have you-" That was all the crow could say before Sebastian decapitated it, leaving behind its headless body that he burned to a dust. "Damn you Deoxy, you always were a loud mouth," he muttered darkly to himself before turning back to Aho. "Are you okay now?"
Aho held her ankles, gently touching her wounds covered in blood. She quickly rubbed at her eyes with her sleeves, hiding tears. "Its fine. I'm fine. Just... tired. I'm gonna take a bath and head off to bed." She muttered, wearily standing to her feet. Her ankles ached, but she hated showing any kind of submission. She limped over to the bathroom, shouldering her way in to the door. The door was always jammed, and only opened with extreme force. She took off her glasses and placed them by the sink, slowly shrugging off all of her clothing. She began to run the bath, eerily looking over at the door. It freaked her out that there wasn't a lock like there was at her old house, but at least a door was there. She slipped herself in to the bath and cringed, the steaming water tingling her skin. She slowly sank in to her chin and sighed, pulling her damp hair out of her face. She felt terrible for having everyone do all these things for her, so she was eager for the day to finally end.
Sebastian followed behind Aho but remained outside of the bathroom. He leaned his now covered sword against the door and sat down beside it. He didn't want to risk the chance of another attack. Deoxy was still on his mind and he couldn't believe how close he came to explaining his past all because of that damn crow. "I'm going to stay here until you get out unless you want me to come in and protect you from a better distance," he said with a smirk.
Aho squeaked, quickly covering her self with her arms. "N-No thank you!" She answered, descending herself in to the water. She grabbed a bar of soap and began to scrub at her skin, washing her body over and over. Scrub, rinse, scrub, rinse. She repeated this cycle several times until she felt it was okay to get out. She pulled the plug to drain the bath and slowly ascended, the cold air giving her goosebumps. She grabbed her bathrobe and pulled it on, the soft texture consoling her. She brought very little with her to join this group, but she surely didn't forget her bathrobe. She rummaged through the small first-aid kit they had managed to find months ago, pulling out some gauze and bandages. She placed a bandage on her cheek and wrapped gauze around her ankles, sighing with relief. She was always getting hurt much more than others, and it was really having its toll on her. She ran a comb through her hair, brushed her teeth, snatched her glasses, and wearily stepped out of the steamy bathroom. She looked down at Sebastian, a heavy blush spreading across her face.
Diane sighed as she arrived, at last, in her room at headquarters. ((Quick Ooc, where IS headquarters, and what exactly is it? And what is it like?)) It was fairly spartan, with no real decorations. There was a bookshelf filled with various books of different lengths and genres by a barren reading chair. Too tired for reading, which was an achievement for her, Diane merely placed her guns on her desk and flopped onto her bed. She fell asleep in about a minute.
Sebastian watched as the blush spread across her cheeks and silently sharpened the end of his tail before dragging it on his back to keep his focus. He stood up and picked Aho up to carry her in his arms. "I couldn't let you walk with your injured ankles could I? That wouldn't be very manly of me." He could the heaviness of his tail now that it was drenched in his blood and let it swing behind him so that Aho wouldn't notice it. Sebastian carried her back to her bed and laid down on it while holding Aho against his chest gently. "You need to stay warm and to get some peaceful sleep so I'm gonna sleep with you tonight."
James sighed in relief when he saw their HQ rise in the distance. He didn't say it, but he wasn't sure he was going to make it back at all. His body ached, and there was something wrong with his wrist. He glided down to the front doors and opened one. "This has got to be only around the third time I've used these doors...but I don't have much energy to go climbing through any more windows."
"Well if you need anything then just say something, I'll hear you," Robin grinned at him as she walked in and rushed up the stairs toward the attic that she had made as her room since it was closer to the roof that she spends most of her time on because of her nightmares. Grabbing her towel she walked into the bathroom and noticed that the bathtub was wet she either Aho or Seb had taken a bath; with a shrug she placed her towel on the sink and grabbed a scrubber before cleaning the bath. When she was done she washed it down and then started the warm but almost hot water for her bath; taking off her clothes that had plenty of demon blood on it, she threw it into the basket of dirty clothes before stepping in, a hiss left her lips when the water soaked into her scratches. Sitting in the tub Robin dunked her head under the water for a while before coming back up and cleaning herself up with soap, man she was tired. With a sigh she decided she would just sit in the bathtub for a while but unfortunately she did the one thing she always did when she took a bath... she fell asleep since the warm water seemed to keep her nightmares away this was probably the only time she really got any amount of sleep at all.
Aho felt her face flush a deep scarlet, her wet hair sticking to her face. She was still only in a robe, dripping wet and lying partially on top of Sebastian. She was sure he had to have been getting wet right now. She tossed her glasses on to a nearby nightstand, silently groaning when she heard them scatter on to the floor. "Can I get changed, at least? I'm sure I'm getting you wet at this point..." She mumbled, snuggling herself deeper in to his chest. Common sense told her to get up and get changed, but his warmth was terribly inviting.
Sebastian brought his tail to his face and thoroughly licked the blood from before using it to place Aho's glasses on the nightstand. "It's okay. the cool water feels good on my hot skin." When he felt he snuggle closer to his chest he chuckled and ran his hand through her short hair. "Besides I don't think that you really want to get up now anyway." Sebastian didn't want Aho to get sick so he let her go to take off his black shirt that had a blue paw print on it and took off his shorts. He was left in midnight blue boxers as he placed them beside Aho. "I hope that these will suffice for now but the shirt will be a little big on you."
Aho clung to the clothes, holding them out and squinting. Though her vision was extremely blurry, it seemed about okay. She scampered over to the corner of the room, constantly tripping over clothes and beds. She slid the bathrobe off, occasionally looking back to ensure he wasn't peeking at her. She still felt on edge, since she was injured and could barely see. She wiggled in to his clothes, folding up the waistband of the shorts so that they didn't fall. She slowly strode back to him, taking large steps in hopes to avoid tripping. Fimally, Aho could make out his figure not to far from her, and collapsed on her bed in exhaustion.

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