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Demon assassin x Angel general (reserved)


Full moon shined over dark, endless woods that seemed to have no end. Tall shadows of tree's barely allowed any light to shine through them, only bright orange light of war camp could be seen in distance. Keira was watching orange flame intensely without even blinking once. Her piercing red eyes watched how two guards stood on each side of gate that leaded into angel's war camp. She stood on branch, keeping her balance perfectly while leaning against the tree trunk. She was sent to kill the general of angel army, many say that he is a very skilled fighter but she wasn't scared. In fact Keira loved challenges and was ready to prove herself to demon king. She eyes the structure of gate carefully while her fingers played with silver dagger mindlessly.

At first glance it was hard to tell just who Keira was. Half of her face was covered by black mask that covered her nose and mouth, hood that covered her head made a thick shadow fall over her face masking her identity completely. The rest of the clothes were completely black almost making her flow together with shadows. Keira arched her back, pushing herself away from the tree trunk. She moved faster than an arrow from one tree to another, taking careful and silent steps. Soon enough she stood just above the guards who stood near gate, she eyed them carefully before jumping over the fence. No one noticed her as she sneaked inside the camp. Keira moved between tents till she reached her target. Woman tightened the grip on the silver dagger while walking closer to larger tent that clearly belonged to general.
A candle sat in the middle of small, round table, a thin stream of smoke floating up to the ceiling of the tent. In a chair next to the table sat Callix, who waved his hand over the flame as he thought. Leaning further back into his seat, he sighed, closing his eyes. It had been a long few days that he and his army were stationed idle in the war camp, waiting for the right time to make their move. Many of his advisers thought that the time to attack was now, but Callix thought different. He knew that attacking too soon could mean the unnecessary deaths of a lot of his men. It was rare that he was wrong, and so his men agreed to go along with his plans; but the men were itching for a fight, and it was only a matter of time before something went out of hand.

Outside of his tent, Callix could hear the chatter of the other men and woman. Other noises from the camp were distant, incoherent. Standing up, Callix paced around his tent for a few moments before coming to the edge of his bed, sitting down, and dropping his face into his hands. Running his hands through his dirty blond hair, he sighed once more before beginning to loosen the belts that held his armor again his lanky body. He was a tall man, with thin, yet defined features. He was handsome, as all angels usually were, with high cheekbones and a hard jawline. His hair was always in a permanent shaggy state, though it was also pleasing to the eyes. As he stripped the rest of his armor off, Callix sat back into the chair, looking down into the flame.
She took quiet yet fast steps as she closed in on the tent, however that wasn't enough. Just when she was about to reach the target three man walked out from near by tent of course they spotted her before she could hide in shadows. Without hesitation Keira gripped her silver dagger and threw it at first solider, weapon stabbed him right thought the heart and man fell down on ground dead. She was always good at her work but luck just wasn't on her side as other angels started to yell.

"Demon! Demon in the camp!" One of them shouted to warn other while other took out his sword and rushed right towards Keira. But he was too slow and she could easily block his attack. Woman didn't even bother to take out any other weapon she simply avoided the sword that man swung down on her. Keira's movement's seemed effortless as she kicked solider in the stomach so hard that he dropped the weapon and fell down on the ground unconscious. More and more angels started to appear, she knew that she couldn't win against a whole army of skilled warriors. Keira managed to avoid another attack and find an opening to escape. She usually didn't run, but right now it was the only chance she got. Quickly she ran past generals tent and disappeared in shadows. Loud steps echoed through the silent night as angels chased after her, trying to catch up with fast woman, but soon they gave up. Keira smirked under her mask and forced her legs to go faster, but she wasn't careful enough. She let down her guard only for a moment but that was enough to make her screw up big time. Before she could react Keira bumped right into someone who had appeared out of nowhere.
Callix was drifting off into a light sleep when he heard calls about a demon in the camp. Jumping up from his bed, the angle grabbed his heavy coat and shrugged it on, then pushed his way through the drapes that hung in front of his tent. He looked round frantically before noticing the commotion. There was a black figure that was surrounded by his angel nights, who he assumed a demon due to their yelling. What was a demon doing in the middle of an angel war camp? Was she an assassin? Maybe someone who came for a peace offering? But the looks of it, he doubted it was the later.

As he got closed, Callix noticed that the figure was about to dart, something he could tell by her body language and the glance in the clear direction. Before the demon could make her escape, the angel darted into the dark woods. The demon followed close after however, and the general grinned. She was a fast little thing.

Seeing his chance, Callix jumped out from the shadows in an attempt to cut her off and catch her. There was no way he would allow an enemy to just walk into his camp and then leave unscathed. "Demon!" He said in a smooth, deep voice. "What is your business here?"
Keira looked up only to see handsome angel standing before her, he was quite a bit taller than her, nearly towering over her small frame. But it wasn't just his looks that got her attention, she recognized him, her target was standing just before her. His voice could make any woman weak in the knee's and any enemy run from fear however Keira didn't seem to be effected by it. She was little taken aback, he appeared out of no where but no one till now was fast enough to catch her. Woman stepped backwards to create more distance between her and him, being careful as she did so. Her piercing red eyes never left him, eyeing generals movements in case he attacked. She took in his body language, quickly planning the most effective way to take him down. In matter of few seconds she already figure the best way to attack.

Keira stayed silent, not answering to his question. She grinned a little under her mask before grabbing a silver dagger that she was hiding behind the belt, it's blade shined in dark. Her movements were fast as she charged right at general. her strong side was speed, she wasn't physically strong, some even would say that she was fragile however her quickness and fast thinking helped her a lot. In blink of an eye she stood before the angel and swung her dagger down at him, aiming for his neck.

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