[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

yeah kshatriya. technically speaking I don't care about the initiative order among the players, only as it relates to the NPCs. So any of the 3 characters who act before the Heretics can go without any problem.

And WWII film and propaganda? There is actually enough on just film and propaganda for you to specialize in? Thats amazing.
Guys, what you are looking for is the tangent. tan 15° is approx. 0.267. Multiply by distance to find the spred in one direction. Diameter at that range is of course double that. So for 30 meters a 8 m radius around centerline. As a rule of thumb a spread of just over a quarter of distnce to target will do.

Mathematics and business information systems.

I am an idiot! I mindlessly rolled init for next round, as instructed. But it just occured to me that if there are some well-armed dudes inside the bunker, it might make sense to get first next round, aka take a fate point for init. Rolling init before knowing what happens next is kinda dangerous...
Do we have to re-roll initiative each round? Don't we use the same initiative order troughout the whole combat?
Typically when I play games in person we refresh initiative every turn. I thought I would see how it works here. It may be too many dice and at the end of combat I will rule either way.

I picked this combat because the best damage any of these guys do is 13, (except the heavy bolters who can concievably get 23 damage with 5 pen) because they arent horded big enough. They literally cant hurt any of you, so it gives me a chance to tinker with combat to see what works best.
C0balt0 said:
Holy shit i never realized how this thing it's big
I've run DW in Roll20 where 1 square = 1 square meter and, yeah, it's pretty insane when you see someone place the to-scale heavy flamer template. :D
I've watched other people run 40K the Wargame in a few different things.

Now /THAT/ Is insane to see the Heavy Flamer Template in. Dayumn Son.
kshatriya said:
Hey I didn't name my Chapter home world :tongue: what's the joke I'm missing?
Oh god is it true? I thought you made a joke!

You see, in italian San Guisuga it's "Saint Guisuga" which doesn't mean nothing, but if you write it without the space it becomes "sanguisuga" which is the italian word for "leech, bloodsucker"... I find it highly appropriate, since there are some strange voices around your chapter.... ahaha the guy who thought about this easter egg is a genius!
Yeah by canon, San Guisuga is the Chapter home world for the Blood Drinkers. Our current Chapter Master is also Orloc, which is a clear shout-out to Count Orlok from the classic vampire movie Nosferatu. I wish I was clever enough to name the planet after leeches!
So i take it the blood drinkers are a second founding blood ravens? or atleast from that general geneseed.
Belial said:
Same thing... Sorta...
Ah they are all Space Marines--what's the difference :tongue:. The funny thing is that for 99% of the Imperium that is about the truth of it.
I would reply, but... I'm lost as to what is happening. It's not computing in my head here. :/ Is there anyone I can actually fire at, or am I taking cover for the hell of it?
There are confirmed enemies on top of both towers. The enemies in the bunkers flanking the towers might be impossible to hit through the firing slits, and there haven't been sightings of enemies in the command bunker either.
Stealthfox16 said:
I would reply, but... I'm lost as to what is happening. It's not computing in my head here. :/ Is there anyone I can actually fire at, or am I taking cover for the hell of it?
Your current position is near the drop pod, close to priad, fidelis, and absortio. You may have a lucky shot into a bunker, though your odds are better against a tower. Other options include a tactical advance towards the right side tower/bunker, since priad and kyrios seem focussed on the left side.

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