Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

Nikki stopped. "Yay!" He said, hugging Nichole. "We're going to be the best of friends, I just know it, Nichole-Chan!" He stated.
Nikki smiled and reached into his bag. "Want a lollipop?" He asked, giggling.
Nikki smiled, putting a lollipop in his mouth. "So...What do you like to do?" He asked.
Nikki looked around. "You know my partner, Sage? She is mean!" He said, in a quiet voice,
Nikki giggled. "I don't know, but...She called you guys...amateurs..." He said, whispering the last part.
Nikki's eyes widened. "Wow, that's a lot of souls!" He exclaimed. Nikki's expression was sad. "I don't think Sage likes you guys." He said, sadly.
Nikki nodded quickly. "Yeah, Sage!" He said, flailing his arms. Sage walked up behind Nikki and hit him on the back of his head. "Stop bothering people, idiot!" She screeched.
Nikki gave Sage a sad, hurt look. "I wasn't trying to bother them." He explained. Sage glared at Nikki and then her eyes landed on Nichole and Satoshi. "Oh...It's the amateurs." She said, her nose high up in the air. Nikki looked sad. "They're not amateurs, they're really good. They collected over ten-thousand souls!" He said. "Shut up, Nikki." Sage screeched, pushing him.
Nichole stood up seething with anger. Satoshi held her back. Nichole said''leme at her!'' struggling. (well gtg school in da morning gn sui!-hugs)
Sage rolled her eyes. "Bring it on, amateur!" She said, crossing her arms. Nikki closed his eyes and shook his head.

(Goodnight! *hugs*)
Sage screamed and hit at the girl, before Satoshi dragged her off of her. Nikki looked at them.
Nichole struggled saying''let me go!'' Satoshi placed her down and put some ice on her bruises and cotton balls that had proxide on her cuts. she pouted and said'' don't need that....'' he said''if you don't control your anger people can use that and other stuff to take advantage of you keep calm and your guard up.''
Nikki glared at Sage. "I think you should leave." He said confidently.
Nichole said''they c-cant take advantage of me....''looking away. Satoshi sighed and said''sorry don't mean to scare you but this will show you you can be taken advantage of....'' quickly pushing her against the wall and said''Nichole anyone can have they're way with you if you let them like this...''hand going low. Nichole closed her eyes tears brimming her eyes. he got off and said''see...''hugging her.

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