Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

Satoshi instead of taking her to the nurse,gently pinned her to the wall kissing her. her eyes were wide and he broke the kiss. he said''nichole i love you i seriously love you with all my heart and soul!''
Nikki looked at her. "He's worried about her constantly." Sage rolled his eyes.
Nichole said''y-you do?'' blushing. she blushed kissing back saying''i love you too!'' they walked back to class hand in hand. they were smiling and happy with one another.
Nikki saw them walk back to class hand in hand. He gave Sage a smug smile.
Nikki and Sage walked to class just as Dr. Stein said that. Nikki giggled. "How cute." He whispered. Sage rolled her eyes.
Nichole nodded and satoshi grabbed her hand. she lifted him with ease and he switched into a bow and arrows(he was already carrying the quiver) Nichole aimed and said''sacred arrow!'' shooting hitting the bull's eye.
Nikki clapped, smiling. He really wanted to be friends with Nichole and Satoshi. Sage crossed her arms and shook her head. "Amateurs." She said.
Nikki, who liked these people, even though he never met them, watched them intensely. Sage huffed. Why didn't Nikki ever care about her ​talents?
Nikki gasped and clapped. "Aren't they amazing, Sage?" He asked, happily. Sage glared. "No." She said.
Nikki sighed. They made such a cute couple. Maybe he could find someone like Nichole someday.
Nichole was dragged to her desk. satoshi said''you're mine and no one else's....'' biting her neck. she blushed as he let go. he said''time for lunch!''running with her in tow.
Nikki slowly stood up. "Let's go Sage." He said, walking out of the room.
Nikki walked around until he saw Nichole. He walked over to her. "Omigosh, you were so amazing!" He said, smiling.
Nikki smiled politely. "No thanks." He said, shaking his head. "So you're Nichole? I felt so bad for you when you were trapped and everything, so I made you this!" He said, giving her a kitten bracelet. He was so clueless.
Nikki smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it. You're really cool, you know." Nikki said, not noticing the glare from Satoshi.

(Calm down, Satoshi. He can't steal Nichole away from you. Too clueless for that. xD )
Nikki clapped. "Oh! Oh! Be my friend! Be my friend, pleeeeease?!" Nikki begged Nichole in his hyper way. He gave her sad puppy eyes.

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