Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

Satoshi said''i dont know lets see...'' pulling a random girl close kissing her. Nichole's eye twitched and she pulled her fist back punching the girl. she said''hands off.'' She grabbed satoshi's hand and turned him into her weapon. she aimed at the girls with a dark expression. Maka placed a hand on nichole's shoulder and said''ok calm down.....'' Satoshi said''that would be a yes!''changing back.
Katherise had a chip on her head saying she was annoyed, she stood up from her chair and walked towards Nichole and leaned closer, "Nichole-san, how did you fall in love with Satoshi-kun? What made you say you were in love with Satoshi-kun? Where was the place when you found out you fell in love with Satoshi-kun--" she kept asking so much question then Joseph grabbed her head pulling her back, "Like i said Katherise, don't talk to them okay?!" he half shouted.
Nichole said''well i guess when he saved my life one day when we were fighting a witch she was hard to i guess because he was very calm and collected when he saved me and a mansion she was a rich witch...''blushing Satoshi sighed and said''best day of my life.''holding up pictures smirking.
Katherise bit Joseph's finger and gave him a look, "I hate you," she said plainly while walking back to Nichole, she then hugged her tight. "I like Nichole-san more than Joseph," she said hugging her tight. "Nichole-san also knows more things than you, Nichol-san can you teach me everything about love?" she was excited although she had a plain look on her face. "Idiot," Joseph said placing his palm on his face.

Name: Sage

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 16


-Pale Skin

-Long, black hair

-Green eyes

Weakness: Unicorns


-Very withdrawn and cold around people

-Has a soft spot for Nikki

Abilities in Weapon:

-Demon Shadow: Can possess your shadow

-Wind scythe: Cuts through you.


Name: Nikki

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 15


-Small frame

-Messy, black hair

-Bright, blue eyes

-Very cutesy

Weapon: Black scythe

Weakness: Bananas


-Is very sweet

-Makes people laugh

-Is very kind
Nichole said''i dont know much....ACK!" she fell to her knees holding her necklace tight. dark aura was surrounding her. she said''kathy get away from me quickly!'' Satoshi's eyes widdend and he ran to Nichole.
Sage and Nikki were walking through the hallway, when they noticed a girl falling to her knees. A boy ran to her. Sage stared coldly, while Nikki looked worried. Nikki tip toed over to the boy and girl and covered his mouth with his fist, innocently. "Is she alright?" He asked the boy, sadly.
Nikki tilted his head. He stared at the girl sadly. "Well...I hope she'll be alright." Nikki said, not knowing what to do.
Nikki screeched and ran away in fright. Sage rolled her eyes.
Nikki ran around as well. "YEAH, NICHOLE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screeched at the top of his lungs.
Nichole struggled against her bindings. ''mmmp!'' she turned to the door kicking it. the room was dark so she felt her way around. Satoshi heard some kicks coming from the base of the school.
Nikki sighed dramatically. "I'm really sorry about your friend." He said, not hearing the kicks.
Nikki looked confused. "Why did he roll his eyes?" He asked Sage. "It's because you're an idiot." Sage replied.
Satoshi came to the door and said''NICHOLE YOU IN DER?!" She said''MMMP!" He said''get back im gonna kick the door in!'' Nichole scooted back as much as she could. Satoshi kicked the door in and gently picked her up running up the steps.
Nikki shrugged and leaned against the wall. Sage rolled her eyes.
Both of them blinked when they saw them gone, Joseph sighed and patted Katherise's head, "They're gonna be alright, they might be having a moment now." he said annoyed while Katherise listened to Professor Stein and his new anime to dissect. "This is boring..." she said half singing though with a plain look. Her meister nodded.
satoshi ran back in with nichole in tow. she said''not so fast WHOA!" tripping. He caught her and said''sorry....''kissing her head. she blushed.
Katherise stood up and walked through the door to go outside, her partner Joseph followed. Professor Stein didn't place any effort to stop them, "Students these days.." he said half annoyed. Katherise was walking in the hall while Joseph was behind her, "Where are you going idiot." he said then she looked back while tilting her head with a plain look, it somehow looked scary although Joseph was already used to it. "Dunno." she said with a soft voice, she continued walking while Joseph was following annoyed and began talking in annoyance.
Satoshi moved some of nichole's hair away and saw she had a big knot on her head. he said''what were you hit with?!'' she said''i think a club..bat..i don't remember.....'' her head was pulsing in pain. she said''please don't touch it it hurts'' Satoshi said''to the nurse!'' dragging her against her will.
Nikki watched as Satoshi dragged Nichole to the nurse. "He likes her." He stated, taking note of how worried he always seemed about her. Sage rolled her eyes. "You don't know that." She mumbled.

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