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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Apollo did not appreciate what Caina was doing. He quickly closed his eyes and then reopened them. His eyes turned a red and shone brightly dispelling the shadow magic. He said to Caina, "You think I don't know how to get rid of cheap tricks? I could do that in my sleep! Now come over here!" Apollo ran towards Caina with his fist out and going for his throat.
Sawa smiled as the battle between her master and Caina began she seemed to have made it just in time but something didn't feel right it was her fight not the guild master even if one of his 'children' was injured it was still her fight and she didn't appreciate. Using her spell dust drip and then dust shield she attempted to protect Caina from most of the impact from her guild master. "Sorry master but if you don't mind this is my fight not yours." Sawa said nervously who knows what the guild master would say but she didn't care at this point.
Caina sidnt move and took the punch to the throat and went flying backwards. "Your as strong as they say you are. Oh and don't worry I can take you both. But your going to have to hit me harder then that to stop me. Come! Hit me with your best shot!" Caina then ran at Apollo and aimed a spinning jump kick (yes, a spinning jump kick) at Apollo

--back at black raven guild hall--

Drops of Caina's sweet hit the table, trying to keep this spell going from such a long distance was putting stress on his body, but he needed to buy time, so they could escape. He would bide the pain.
Apollo laughed. "Oh but Sawa. This young man has offered to take us both. So why don't we both, take him?" He laughed and ducked under Caina's kick. Apollo jumped backwards and put his hand up, palm facing Caina, and shot a beam of pure cosmic energy.
Sawa smiled. "Indeed he did well as they say lets give the man what he wants." Sawa said running around to the side so she would be facing him side on. "Dust dragon's roar." Sawa inhaled a large amount of dust from the surrounding area gathering it in her mouth before releasing it directly at Caina.
Caina formed a cacoon out of the shadows to block Apollo's attack, but it collapsed before Sawa's attack hit and Caina got hit directly and went flying into the near by wall. 'Dam, looks like I may need to by time another way.' "Hey Apollo, why do you want to protect and avenge your guild members so much? What's your reason." Caina then fell to his knees and started to pant. 'Make them think your getting hurt, don't let them find out your a shadow doll. How long will this last?'
Apollo said calmly to Caina, "They are my children and a father protects their children. That simple." He shot another beam of cosmic magic and wondered how this kid was taking so many hits.
Sawa decided not to attack at the moment and more to observe something was clearly wrong if he was taking the Apollo's hits and more than one of them at that. Sawa began to watch closely as Apollo shot another beam of comic magic out to see what was happening if anything at all.
Panty sat on a branch in the trees. He watched the three versus one battle with a smirk. He shouted at Natsu, "hey hothead! Don't join the fight! He's already against to guys! If you want to take your anger out on someone, why not try me?" He grinned as he made the trees come to life. "I am kinda bored. I'll even let you have first strike!" He grinned down at Natsu
Elizabeth 's were glazed over the whole time fight.After the first strike was block something inside of her ticked and her brain went on a advenure. Elizabeth did not know what was going on in the outside world and could not escape her mental cage.

When Sasha started climbing the staircase and bumping Elizabeth's head multiple times on the way up,it finally ended her daze,"W-...what's...going on?"She slipped out of Sasha's grip and looked at her and and then at her injures and fatique.Looking around she noticed the staircase,"Are you OK!?What happened!?" Elizabeth screamed as she ran over to Sasha. The young mage's mind was blank and she could barely remember anything after she had sparred with Sasha

( @Caits @utdfan22 Sorry! Very hectic week,couldn't post from my phone or a computer!)

The fast moving hunter emerged through the ice to shatter the ice decoy left behind as his entire body exploded through the ground underneath its feet. His eyes spotted the two women fleeing up the stairs and his head instinctively ducked, his body developing a slight sway before racing forwards with his grin widening all the while. He could see both of them so close, so near. He just needed to reach out and smash them to bits! His arms trailed behind him but the muscles began to tense.

He flung both forwards, fists first again, aiming to crush both of their skulls together in a pincer movement.
Ara woke up with an aching throbbing sensations traveling around her body. She looked around to see that she was in the medical room of her guild. She sighed in relief; her most loved spider, which was a bird eating tarantula, crawled out from her body and suddenly bit her chest. She didn't react but only with a wince of pain. A black blob formed on her skin where the bite was and spider tattoos crawled out from it laying under her skin and went to their places on her body.
"Ah, hell, move it Izabeth. Climb!" Sasha shouted, the stair case Still growing, but now the bottom started to disappear, so they were literally floating in the air. "I can't keep this up much longer. Looks like it's your turn to fight"

She prayed to whoever was listening that Vulture couldn't fly. Because if he could, she was screwed. She doubted she could Eve create one small bird bomber now
Elizabeth turned to Vulture and slammed her feet into the ice.Cracks began to form as it broke from under Vulture. As she did it,it would knock Vulture's balance off and his punch would miss both Elizabeth & Sasha,"You can rest now! I will handle this chump!"She yelled to Sasha as she jumped down to the forest below them,where Vulture should have landed.

Landing softly she began jumping from tree to tree,continuously spinning Yin & Yang as blades protruded from them,"If I remember correctly you call us prey,but I the hunter has become the hunted!"Elizabeth's voice rang throughout the forest as she jumped from
"Crap!" Caina tryed to get up off the ground fast enough to doge the attacks coming his way, he couldn't doge them without using magic. Caina then sunk into his shadow to doge the incoming attacks. When the attacks flew by and it was safe Caina came back out and looked at his hand. It was slowly starting to disintegrate. He hid it inside of his sleeve 'Dam, I can only imagine what the Caina back at the guild hall is going through. Ok, we need to go now. Guys, run back to the guild hall, I'll cover you." Caina looked back at the group he was fighting and took a defensive stance.

--At the guild hall--

Caina slammed his head on the table and stomped the ground rapidly. If he was closer to his clone having his clone use magic wouldn't be this bad, sadly for Caina he was very far from his clone.

@LifeNovel @Psylion @UnwantedTruth

Vulture felt the breaking ice and adjusted his body instinctively, leaping and twisting to graze the edge of Sasha's shoulder at the last second before gravity kicked in. His body rushed towards the earth, Elizabeth's more controlled fall nearby. Vulture's knees bent in an impossible manner, creating two additional joints in his legs, one in each thigh, one in each calf.

He hit the ground hard but his twisted proportions absorbed most of the impact, though his entire frame jolted. Realising one of his targets was fleeing through the trees, he took off after her in a sprint. Words had left him already, he was merely chasing a prey, the hunger and the heat overwhelming him as he did so.
"Charging blindly into battle is a fools choice,especially against me. I love to play games! So let's play hide & seek. Find me before I kill you!"Elizabeth's voice traveled across the forest fluidly,like water across a rock. A bladed yo-yo flew directly at Vulture from his right,just as another came for him directly in front of him. They both shot a few needles at him,just in case he planned to dodge the yo-yos.Yin & Yang retracted immediately,regardless of whether they or the needles hit.

Elizabeth changed positions once more and relaunched the yo-yos,but this time instead of the needles coming from the yo-yos Elizabeth had the needles out already. Firing the needles from behind Vulture and in front of him,while the yo-yos came from his right and above,"So many tricks so little time! I think I might just kill you in a bit."Elizabeth announced once more,but still not revealing her position even though she continued to move around and away from Vulture,changing the direction she went in each time.

Vulture's initial evasion by slipping his body sideways and ducking failed to account for the needles, his skin being pierced in several places as he raised his fists to bat away those aimed at more vital spots. The first time the yo-yos began to retract, he remained to follow them, tracing them back to their wielder.

As the second set of yo-yos flew at him, Vulture felt several of the needles piercing his back just as the yo yos crossed under his chin after cutting lines into his flesh. His arms twisted around each other like a powerful restraint at the same time though, pinning the yo-yos line in place before he yanked back with all of his strength to draw the wielder towards him before swinging the joined hands together as one large bashing club.

The hushed sounds of whispers covered the hall as the members inside the guild either left to do some mischief or the anger inside of them has calmed. All was calm at the guild hall. Feeling satisfied for the settling of his members hectic fighting, Hell strode away from the balcony at which he overlooked the guild. His attention was diverted slightly when he heard the guild door close. One of his eyebrows raised in question, Mmm seems some of the members have left already? I hope they don't cause too much chaos just yet. The show has yet to start. He placed his hands into his pockets and walked into the shadows, enveloping himself in the dim meditation.

Some time has passed as he felt himself in the damp emptiness. The sound of the guild door once more opening slightly faltered his concentration. Feeling the responsibility of the guild on his shoulders he stood up and walked over to the balcony once more to see who entered. It was Caina. Injured and battered up. Hell felt a slight curiosity as to how he received those injuries but didn't feel so much concern. The worry was with the light guild and if Caina did anymore to them. Never taking steps down the stairs, he received a lot of attention as he did so. Quaso was still perched on his shoulder glaring down every member, each sending them shivers. The air hung still as Hell walked through. No one spoke and no one breathed. Fear crept up their spines as they watched their guild leader approaching the guild ace. At the current moment he seemed to be in pain. Hell strode over to the bar and took a seat next to him.
"Caina," Hell began, "Cease the magic. The others who were with you will be fine. Do not use up any more magic or you shall fall into a horrible coma. And we need as many powerful wizards as we can get. Hearing Sal's thoughts I can tell that you all were gathering intel for us. I grant my gratitude for that. It seems you guys did a splendid job as well. Rest easy. I will take care of the rest." He placed a hand on his shoulder before he got up. Quaso gave a screech understanding what Hell might be doing. All the members were too staring at their leader wondering what he was about to do. Hell stood up and without glancing back exited the hall, leaving silence and confusion.

To all you out there, I need you to retreat. Let the white guild go for now. I shall be sending Quaso to help.


To all you out there, I need you to retreat. Let the white guild go for now. I shall be sending Quaso to help.

M-master?! W-why of course. All right all of you, you heard the leader, retreat.

Salena felt surprise as she heard the master enter her telepathy with the group. She looked down to see that the guild leader of White Phoenix has stepped out along with another wizard with an Exceed. The Sand Dragon Slayer and the leader was fighting with Caina, but Salena knew that it was just a mere clone. The other red-haired wizard with the Exceed was fighting with Panty. Salena's eyes wandered in search of Vulture. She still couldn't reach him since he was in his anger frenzy state.

Salena turned back to Loren,
"Hold tight. I'm going after Vulture to try and stop him. You can still be gathering intel but don't push yourself too hard."

She then placed two fingers on her temple and directed a thought to Panty,
Try to get yourself out of there. We need to retreat like Hell said. We have done enough today.

Salena then walked over in a certain direction getting a hunch that Vulture was somewhere over towards the woods. She took a deep breath then began jumping from rooftop to rooftop soon closing the space between her and the forest. She soon landed near the trees and looked around. Salena heard the sound of crashing and magic being thrown nearby. Salena pulled out her pad and paintbrush and quickly sketched some bows and arrows. She then put up her pad and began running through all in front of her with her phasing magic, not being affected by the solid objects.

@Psylion @Rantos @UnwantedTruth @utdfan22
Alysha stopped and turned around at the sounds of fighting coming from the guild hall. She looked to Ambrose and Idril with a worried expression. "Something is going on back at the Guild." She said, hoping they would stop moving. She then touched her a few of her index fingers to her forehead, to activate her telepathy magic. 'Master Apollo, what's going on? Are you alright?' She sent this message out to Apollo, then turned, to cast a message out to Elizabeth and Sasha. 'Sasha, Elizabeth, this is Alysha. Are you two okay? Did you catch up with the others?' The four of them were now linked, and would be able to communicate. She kept her fingers in place and waited, hoping for a reply.

@Jailbird @Kiotaro @Caits @Naruyashan

((Got bored of doing nothing.))
Caina clenched his teeth and started to grind them against each other. Abandoning anyone was unthinkable to him. But he had no choice, Hell was right about how Caina was going to pass out soon. Hell would take care of it, its in his hands now. Caina then stopped maintaining his spell and a huge sigh of relief came out. His expression went from in pain to more tired than anything. He turned over to Hell, but couldn't look him in his eyes. "Master, thank you. If I may I want to ask something of you." Caina then stood and with a more determined face looked Hell right in the eyes. His legs wobbling from exhaustion. "I want you to train me"

--At the White Phionx guild--

Caina reached into his pocket and pulled out his letter for Sawa and the rose. He then put them down in front of him and left without a word, only a knowing glance at Sawa.

(for @Bills352 the letter says "Hey Sawa. So I know you said how you don't want to be seen in public with me so I thought of something, we don't need to go to some public place to eat. You could come over to my house and I could whip something up for us, I'm good at cooking. Signed, Caina)

Loren heard the master's command. With what little strength he had, he took a deep breath and once again used his archive screens to create a stairway for him to walk down. Some of the screens would fuzz out causing him to focus harder to fix the broken stair. His condition only worsening the longer he had to keep the screens active. More blood came from his mouth. His skin becoming a paler complexion with each step. He was halfway down the building before his exhaustion finally took him over. The screens faded beneath him, his vision blurred, and he begins to fall to the ground below. I'm not... gonna make it... back... He thought to himself. His body hits the floor with a sickening thud. He falls into unconsciousness. His hands soaked with his own blood. His glasses cracked due to the impact. His mind began to wander on the memory of when he received Grave, his flute. The flute his mother gave him. She used to say that music is just like magic. It could be use to help people or to harm people depending on who the user is. That inspired Loren to live so that he could learn to play music. His reason for living was so that he could continue to play his music. Now all he could think about was to make others suffer through his music. How far he descended into darkness after his mother's passing and how much farther he was willing to sink in order to stay alive and keep playing his music.

@LifeNovel @I don't remember everyone else involved sorry :|

Hell turned his head slightly over to the raven perched on his shoulder. "Go and survey the area. Report to me if any have fallen," he whispered. The bird nodded and flew off his shoulder soon becoming a small dot in the sky. Hell stood there under the sunlight for a few minutes feeling uncomfortable under the bright light. He decided to walk back into the hall for a moment. There he heard Caina said, "I want you to train me."


Hell kept silent not expressing any emotion at the moment.
"Train? How so? I am no different than you are, Caina. We all seek the same thing, for a better world," Hell answered with his hands still in his pockets. His black hair swayed slightly due to the door of the guild being cracked open slightly. Hell kept his ears open just in case he heard Quaso, and just when he was thinking about the bird Hell heard a screech behind him. Hell turned towards the door and saw the bird coming towards him.

"Report Quaso," Hell said.

The raven began squawking away.

Hell nodded. He then turned back towards Caina,
"We shall continue this later. Right now it seems Loren has passed out." Without a second thought Hell walked out of the guild, shutting the door behind him. Quaso led Hell to Loren.

With a brisk pace, Hell eventually made himself to the unconscious man. Moving one hand down to his belt he pulled out a tiny black marble that soon grew into the size of a bowling ball.
"Arc of Time...let's see how much I remember..." Hell raised the orb above Loren and soon began placing a time spell on him to bring him in his condition that he was an hour ago, hopefully a conscious condition.

@Rantos @Psylion
Sasha was grateful for the respite. She sat down on the ice step, watching Elizabeth battle, despite everything ready to jump in if she needed help. At Alyshas voice in her head, she looked down at the ground, "I don't know if Elizabeth will answer you. No. We got ambushed by the ugliest person ever who refuses

To stay down
" she yawned "I'm exhausted. Elizabeth has taken over the fighting"
"five, four, three, t-" Ysellian dashes through the doors of the guild "woohoo new record" he was excited but it came out in a monotone. He began to stop causing him to slide and create a loud squeak. He was finally at a stand still and found himself in the middle of the guild which brought up the question what to do now, he did what seemed most reasonable "So what's been going on?" he was a bit nervous seeing as he was a child and most people eye's though he could probably give the lot of them a hell of a fight.

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