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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Caina's went silent, he didn't know how to respond to what Hell said. 'The same?' he tryed to respond but the words got caught in his mouth. When Hell mentioned Loren Caina's eyes widened and he tryed to run after hell. But his body was tired and he didn't make it far before he had to lean on the walls of th eguild just to stand. So he slid down the wall in a hallway of the guild and let sleep overcome him.
Panty stopped the trees from marching as he received the telepathic message. "Sorry hothead! Gotta go! I'll let you play with my tree friends though!" He said to Natsu. He scooped up Castro, jumped off the tree and started running towards the direction of the Black Raven guild hall. He knew the trees weren't gonna do much damage, but he decided it would be more fun this way.

Panty arrived at his guild hall and entered the building. He sat down at a stool and ordered a drink.
"Oh?" That didn't bode well. the pair start walking back... but every few seconds Idril's body warp, only for several clones of him to emerge. By the time they arrive inside, it is with a hundred Idrils. The clones settle into a martial arts stance. "Jade Fist: First Form!" They charge.
Caina woke up with drool coming from his mouth and hitting the floor. He had regained enough energy to at least stand, and stand he did. He made his way over to the bar and say Panty. 'So, one of them made it back ok. Good, now where are the others?' Caina made his way over to Panty and sat down next to him. "So you survived eh?" Caina then patted him on the back and handed him a candy cane. He surveyed the bar to see if the rest were here with him. All he saw was Ysellian doing as he normally did. "Yo Ysellian!" Caina waved over to Ysellian to come over here.

@UnwantedTruth @Offspring
Ysellian heard a voice call out to him he looked into the direction and to his surprise he found that the one calling him was Caina. He smirked glad that he got some acknowledgement, he walked over to the bar and hoped onto the bar stool "Things seem a little odd here, or is it just me?" he felt movement on top of his head seconds later a small brown fairy rodent crawled from his hat and onto his shoulder. He petted the creature and returned his attention to Caina and Panty

@Rantos @UnwantedTruth
Elizabeth was yanked from her small and secluded perch. Vulture's strength was horrifying and he had enough to pull Elizabeth quite a distance. Pulling her through branches,breaking skin and releasing the blood gate

'Think!Oh hey! I'm gonna make a flare so come towards it! We might have a prisoner!'Elizabeth instructed her guild mates psychically

Elizabeth's face transformed into a devious smile as a she created a pocket of stardust and forced into to explode to accelerate her forward,as she summoned Raikou.Another explosion erupted under her sending her upwards,just as she came into Vulture's vision. Going straight into the air Raikou emitted electricity,acting as the flare,"Heaven's Wrath!"She screamed as she requiped Finale Battuta,increasing her tossing speed.Launching the spear downward,at Vulture,Raikou looked like an actual lighting bolt falling to the earth.
Alysha nodded to Ambrose and Idril as they went back towards the guild. "I don't know if Elizabeth will answer you. No. We got ambushed by the ugliest person ever who refuses to stay down. I'm exhausted. Elizabeth has taken over the fighting" Came a reply from Sasha. Alysha frowned at the news of their having been ambushed. Not long after that, Elizabeth also 'spoke'. 'Think!Oh hey! I'm gonna make a flare so come towards it! We might have a prisoner!'

'Alright then...' Alysha commented, then dropped her hand, though the communication remained. She looked around, searching for the flare. When she spotted it, or what looked like a flare, she moved off, headed towards the flare and in the direction of the forest. As she drew closer, she spotted Sasha atop her ice steps. She, worried, slowed and came to a stop nearby. "Sasha!" Was the only thing she said, to draw the others attention. She was still frowning, and was looking up towards Sasha.

@Caits @Jailbird

((Assuming the Ice Step is still in the air?...))
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Sasha maintained her position on her step, figuring it was better then being on the ground, right now. She swallowed, wanting to help Elizabeth, but right then, she would probably be a hinderance more then anything else

She looked down at the call of her name, blinking, seeing alysha. She managed a smile, "hi. I thought it best to just hang around..." She trailed off, briefly wondering how she was going to get sown
Caina took a sip of panties beer and petted Ysellian's furry animal. "Well ya see. I and a few others went to go gather intel about the mages of White Phoenix. So far we are waiting for everyone to come back. Also im meeting one of them for lunch some day, maybe today. Also my arm got dislocated. So that was fun times." Caina then gave his arm a poke and watched it sway slightly. "What about you Ysellian, get any stronger sense I last saw you." Caina was happy that he was here with these two. Probably the only two in the guild who really got him.

@UnwantedTruth @Offspring
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Ysellians little buddy to great pleasure in being rubbed by someone else besides Ysellian. Ysellian listened to what was happening, he assumed that the guild was going to take down White Phoenix something that seemed over due in his opinion. He then looked over to the limp arm on Caina he wasn't sure to be impressed by White Phoenix or to be disappointed in Caina for allowing such a injury. A smile grew upon Ysellians face once he heard Caina ask about him, he wasn't the type to brag but when he had the invitation too he would "I have increased my magic knowledge and honed my sensory level to the point were I can feel the magic level present in a mages body easy. It may seem like nothing in your eye's as a well powerful mage but being mentally above an opponent could turn the tables easily" one could see the ambition is his eye's "Oh and I beat my old time and got here nearly two seconds faster"

Domino sighed and weaved through the crowds annoying, boring people, on the way to the Black Raven guild hall. She had gotten back into town just recently, from a job request. She had originally taken the request under the assumption that a few of her friends would be going with. But, that did not happen, and she had been forced to suffer through a boring, non-entertaining job alone. By now, she had arrived at the doors to the guild hall, and she opened them, to enter, with a rather bored expression, and let them shut on their own. She looked around, to see who all was there, and was rather disappointed at the lack of people. As far as she could tell, only Caina, Ysellian, and Panty were present. They seemed to be in conversation, so she decided not to join them. Instead, she found a place where she could lay down, and she fell asleep, simply because there was nothing better to do. Hell was not currently in, by the look of things, so she couldn't report in for having completed the job.
Panty took the candy cane and was about to put it in his mouth, only to have it stolen by Castro. He frowned at the ferret's actions, but decided to let him have it. He then nodded at Caina's comment. "I got stuck with a child. I doubt he's even able to take down the few trees I gave life to for him. Which one are you going to lunch with?" He took a sip of his drink and looked at Ysellians. "Good job. What's your current record?" He asked.

@Rantos @Offspring

The explosion underneath Elizabeth had the unintentional side effect of dislodging Vulture's feet from the ground, his body dragged forcibly skywards by the sudden burst of energy. As the Light Guild mage reached the peak of her rise, the gap between her body and her opponents' blood filled eyes began to narrow. Despite this, Vulture couldn't wait much longer for his prey, the hunger for violence becoming almost painful. The first step was to release the yo-yos so that he could fly freely towards her... and make his move.

His arms thinned freakishly while streching, their bulk redistributed so that they stretched too thin for the human eye to easily spot from above. The muscle remained unaffected though, the punch thrown with both hands as powerful as any the sadomasochist brawler could muster. However, his impatience had a cost and the lightning bolt-like attack made dead contact and his body was driven downwards with such force that he couldn't tell if his fists had made contact with the target's face. Too soon, his body had gracelessly crashed into the earth and scattered dust and rock fragments all about the crater he'd left, electricity coursing throughout his frame. He twitched angrily, painfully spasming as he rolled onto his side, the spear taking a clump of flesh from his shoulder due to its unwillingness to move.

Vulture pushed himself to all fours, the bad move having cost him dearly but a scent was playing on his nose and his intense agony was oddly dulled. Those he pursued were still nearby, he could feel them, he wouldn't let them escape him. The hunt wouldn't end in failure.
Loren's bleeding slowly began to recede and his bruises slowly but surely disappeared. His consciousness slowly began to return to him. His body was getting healthier somehow. He looked up to see his guild master Heolster, or Hell as everyone called him. His vision was temporarily blurred until his glasses lens were repaired. He stood up from the ground patting himself down before having a small coughing fit from the dirt that he inhaled. After fixing himself he simply nodded and made haste to the guild hall. Thank you master, I apologize for the inconvenience. He made his way to the guild hall with ease. He walked into the hall, door swung ajar. He made his way past a few people as he entered, nodding to his guild mates: Caina, Panty, and Ysellian as they were enthralled in a conversation. He saw Domino laying about around the guild once more. What was it with the girls in this guild? They were always scowling, foul-mouthed, and alone for some reason. The few that were with others were either enjoying themselves deep in a bottle, exchanging information about another mission, or were doing something else entirely. He grabbed a drink from the bar as he made his way over to Domino. He grabbed some sort of violet drink. It was his typical drink that he got when he woke up or when he returned from a mission. He eased the tension in his body. He sat down next to Domino and began to sip on his drink as he just enjoyed the quiet company of the slumbering Domino. "Well this is a nice change of pace at least."

@LifeNovel @Cecilia @UnwantedTruth @Rantos @Offspring
Ysellian took a moment to calculate his speed as well as praise himself for what he had accomplished, he then replied to Panty "From the outskirts of town to here I have a record of 21 seconds and a few milliseconds" the time seemed slow but calculating the paths obstacles as well as the momentum needed to over come each obstacles at least thats what Ysellian believed.

@Rantos @UnwantedTruth @Cecilia @Psylion
Elizabeth was going to dodge the punch easily by using telekinesis to propel herself,but as his body mass thinned out she got confused. She was confused at what he had done and where his fist had gone,but by the time she figured it out the fist collided with her abdomen. Air left her body like air from an air pump.

Elizabeth was skyrocketed upward by Vulture,all the while drifting in and out of consciousness. Elizabeth was already high,but Vulture's punch sent her over the clouds a bit.The blood dripping from her head to the earth constantly.Passing the clouds once more,Elizabeth finally shook her head clear of the haze and started calculating the fight in her head

OK...His magic allows him to contort his body...But is that all...I have only seen him do one move so far,and also twist his body uncomfortable.....I don't know anything other than what I have just seen.......He reminds me of a boxer,but I am faster than a boxer......I will use speed and range against his flexability and power!

Elizabeth ripped her sleeve off of her shirt and wiped her forward clear of blood.Tossing the torn piece away,she created another pocket explosion a few feet away from herself,while she increased her falling speed toward a lake,"I hope this will throw that animal off my trail."She mumbled to herself hoping to trick Vulture away from her location.Elizabeth slowed her speed with telekinesis to land in the water,but a shock wave of pain rushed through her body as she fell to one knee.The sparring session with Sasha had left her leg with some damage,and now it was finally kicking in. Cupping some water in her hands she quickly wiped her head clean of any blood. Getting up from the water she dashed off through the woods,searching but also avoiding Vulture,with Elements Dance in hand.

Her scent became more difficult to track as other things began to interfere but his nose twitched as he could follow the vague outline with a tunnel like vision. The dulled pain paradoxically sharpened his senses, as every little thing seemed magnified and slowed to him. In that condition, he could narrowly follow her until he hit the nearby lake. He dived into the water without hesitation, his head never submerging as his limbs already started to smash into the surface of the lake and drag him across. His shoulder wound had already closed over due to a bend in his proportions, masking the wound and keeping infectants out.

As he hit the lake's edge, his periphery vision caught sight of a crack in the earth below the surface. His body submerged as he crashed into the crack and forced his body to bend and push through it with wild abandon. He chased after her while hidden below the ground, preparing a sneak attack like a hawk flying in the shadow of an overhang. His mouth was practically watering and his whole body shook with excitement.
Elizabeth found her way back to Raikou and Yin & Yang. There was blood on the ground from herself and from Vulture. Sasha had did a great deal of damage on Vulture,but Elizabeth was not dealing with him so easily. Picking up her weapons she sent them back to her pocket dimension,but leaving singular yo-yo attached to her belt,"I can continue the plan from before....Distance and small damage,"She mumbled to herself,the usual playful air around her was replaced with a serious and cautious atmosphere,"But first traps.That way I will know if he is on my path...."Elizabeth continued to speak her mind aloud.

Turning on her heels she fired a couple of shots all around.A few ice arrows on the ground to make a slide,fire arrow here and there to make mines and explosions,and three to five earth arrows on the ground and trees for holes & exponential plant growth.Every shot was carefully placed on the path from the lake. Looking directly up she fired a couple arrows into the air,"There!"Elizabeth finally continued on her aimless trek,wondering whether Vulture had fallen for her misdirection or was he on her path.

The ground provided the perfect cover as his blonde hair became matted with filth and began to blend in with his surroundings, his entire body following suit. The only exception were his eyes which remained so filled with malice and hatred, bright red to all who witnessed them. The dark Mage noticed none of this though, simply powering through without hesitation.

He passed under a fire arrow and the scent of it struck his nose, diluting his senses slightly and making it more difficult to pursue his quarry. He was skating just below the flaming mines where he was but paid it little mind, even as more of them continued to block his path and force slight detours. His singular focus was all that kept him going despite the obvious advantage his opponent was building, thinking out his weaknesses and making counter-strategies while he pushed on like an enraged eagle. This ultimately worked to his disadvantage as he popped out of the ground too far left to take a proper swing, his arm arcing just wide of the light guild mage and leaving him perfectly exposed as he stared forwards with his killing intent.

He began to throw his right forwards (thinned to near invisibility of course) to try and finish her quickly, certain she was too weak to notice. Instinctively after the miss, a(n actually insubstantial) copy of Vulture seemed to erupt out of the ground nearer to the light Mage and take a swing. This was a trick he'd learned facing off with Caina and Heolster, an attack his body had honed to use their superior senses against them and force them to dodge or counter-attack in the wrong direction.

Running, running, running...worry began to clung onto her. But why? She should care less what happens to Vulture, yet was it the uncertainty of the sanity of Vulture that made Salena worried? It certainly was. Only once has she ever seen him become so inhumane. And really there was only one person on this world who could actually take a beast down like Vulture, Hell. And with him not being there, it was up to Salena to try and find this feral man and calm him down, quite a risky task for everyone in the guild knew that once Vulture smelt blood...there was no stopping him.

Her eyes flitted around in between the umbrage of trees as well as the roots below, she knew that Vulture has been working on his underground tactics. Then she heard the screes of arrows flying by along with the sound of ground exploding.

She sped up her pace to try and find Vulture. Her body continued to flow through the trees with ease, but she knew that she can only do this with solid objects, not magic. She then tried to send a mental message to Vultu
Vulture.re hopefully that some part of his mind will hear her, Vulture? Vulture? Can you hear me? Cease this fighting. It is time we retreat. We have already gathered enough information. It is time we retreat, I repeat.

Her eyes continued to look around and then found the two mages sparring. Salena stopped her phasing magic and climbed up the tree on which she could survey the fight, not wanting to intervene, not unless it was necessary. She bit the bottom of her lip as she saw the wild-eyed Vulture.
Elizabeth instinctively jumped upwards,with a small explosion launching her forward and over the clone.Doing a somersault,Vulture's clone came back into her sight. Using telekinesis Elizabeth brought back five arrows of fire and ice,that she had shot into the woods before.As soon as she had sent the arrows after the clone,she noticed the actual Vulture and his attack that she dodge accidently,"I guess I'll stay in the air."Elizabeth groaned as she used telekinesis once more to keep herself aloft.

Crossing her legs Elizabeth started making hand gestures with her hands.Each arrow that she fired into the air came flying back down.They circled around her and one by one they started surging towards Vulture. Once in a while the arrows would go in the completely wrong direction.The pain was still seeping into Elizabeth mind making her miss,but the task at hand was defeating the Dark Guild Mage.

His body twisted and turned, swaying and distorting with every passing motion as he evaded attack after attack by a hair or less. His opponent was tenacious and controlling but he was a slippery target, moving himself out of range of attacks without thought. All the while, his eyes remain crucially focused on Elizabeth's own, the narrow pupils and wide irises existing over a grin that was emerging on his features that displayed all of his whitened teeth. A normal man would have been impressed by the mage before him... Vulture was just made hungrier by the experience.

He was enjoying this, he could feel her desperation, he could feel her wounds matching his own. The voice in his head was being shut out, the woman in front of him his only target, all that he could see. When one of the flaming arrows struck him and covered him in flames, he reared back, swaying with the motion as his blazing jacket in front of him was engulfed in black smoke and bright orange. His brain was barely following his own motions at this point as his foot slammed through the ground below him while he was invisible, tracing beneath the Earth as his upper body evaded more arrows. Just behind Elizabeth, it exploded out of the ground, losing none of its force as it raced for the dirty tactic of kicking the back of her head.
"Her names Sawa, she was the pretty one you where fighting that wasn't in a caccon. Now if you would both excuse me, I think it's time for me two go pick her up." Caina got up out of his seat and bowed to the two before he made his way to the door. He pushed open th two doors with hi one hand and began walking to White Phionx. On hi way he walked by another rose bush and pick a few. 'Would she likes these? Ah well, worth a try. Although I still don't know how she could turn down a candy came.' Caina came to a sudden stop and thought for a moment, when was the last time he heard that voice in his head. "Old man, ya there? Last time you where this quiet I woke up in the middle of a destroyed village." 'Im just getting ready for something big. No need to worry your self.' That familiar voice inside Caina's head, it mad him fell insane, but there was something about it that made him feel whole. He shrugged off the comment about something big, Caina had something more important to focus on.


Caina found himself looking at the White Phoinx guild hall from afar and made a shadow clone walk up to it and over to Sawa.
"Yo Sawa, ya want to come over for lunch now or do you need a minute to get ready or something like that. Oh, also I got these for you." Caina the handed the flowers to Sawa with a slight smile on his face.

@Bills352 @UnwantedTruth @Offspring
Panty itched the back of his head. "Yeah I know the one. That girl's no fish in the sea. She's a shark." He said this terrible analogy with pride. "Damn, that was a poetic thing to say. Wish I had a shark." He took a large sip of his beer. When Caina left, he turned to Ysellian. "So, Ysellian, my man, you wouldn't mind setting me up with one of your young friends?" He asked in a hopeful tone. He took another sip of beer.

Sawa sighed as she made her way back to the guild hall and found a note and a rose addressed to her which only made her angry as she fully read it mostly the signed part. "That dark guild member again he really needs to learn to take no for an answer." Sawa muttered to herself only to notice that Caina or at least someone that looked like him was stood in the guild hall. Great now what. "I never said I would take your offer did I." Sawa said angrily but this was a good chance to get rid of a dark guild member and that's when her face turned to a smirk. "But sure lets go."

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