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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Caina pumped his fist into the air in triumph and jumped from behind the bushes he was hiding from. His shadow clone dissapered back into Caina's shadow. He ran over to Sawa with child like glee. "Come on, its a short carriage ride back to my village, I arranged one at the edge of the town to bring us there." With that Caina held Sawa's hand and guided her to where the carriage was, and at at the same time using his illusion magic to hide who he really was to the towns people. "I know how you said you wouldn't be caught dead with me, so until we get to my house ill take this form." 'Caina. Do you really trust her? She is a member of White Phoenix after all.' 'Of corse I can. Plus how many opportunities to I get like this? The answer is zero by the way.' "So Sawa while he are walking tell me a little more about your self?"
Sawa kept the want to pull her hand out of his grasp away even if he was trying to act nice a dark guild member is a dark guild member the end. She didn't speak until he wanted to know more about her. "How about we make it a game we each ask one question and get a answer that way we each learn about one another but i'll give you one thing for free my age is 24." Sawa said putting on her best fake smile which was a very hard thing to do in this situation.
Caina tilted his head at the suggestion of a game, but happily went along with it. "24 eh? Well thats swell, im guessing that I should give you my age too, i'm 21. Ok then, my turn. What would you like for lunch?" He let his thumb glide along Sawa's hand. Handholding, a gesture used for showing affection. He wondered if he was doing it right.

Sawa was getting slightly annoyed as if holding hands wasn't hard enough now he was doing that thing that people do with their thumbs which rather annoys her. "Anything I'm not a picky eater." Sawa said snatching her hand free she couldn't take that thing holding hands with her anymore. "So what type of magic do you use." Sawa asked getting information out of him was another use of him she hoped anyway.
Caina put his hands inside his pocket when Sawa pulled free of his grasp.

'Well, there's your answer, you where doing it wrong.' "Was it the thumb thing? It was the thumb thing wasn't it. Sorry, I'm new to the whole hand holding thing." Caina then jiggled his pokcet and money could be heard inside, he did a mental count of how much he had while looking up towards the sky. After a few seconds he looked back at Sawa and spoke. "Illusion and shadow magic, well technacly there's one more but I don't have a name for it and its a little hard to explain. There it is." Caina rushes ahead a little ways and stopped at the carriage, opening the door for Sawa. "Tell me your story, how did you join White Phionx for example." Caina said, blind to the fact that Sawa was using him.

Sawa shock her head. "Not the thumb thing just that I like to have my hands free just in case something happens you can never be to sure no matter who you are." Sawa said putting on a fake smile once again. "I joined White phoenix after my mother Dasuto-miko left O and if your wonder yes Dasuto-miko was a dragon and as it was my mother told me about guilds and well the first one I found just happened to be White phoenix and i'm still in it today." Sawa said still smiling it was time to get some more information out of him now. "So who'es the strongest member of your guild not including your guild master of cause." Sawa asked this was risky since it wasn't about him as a person but his guild life.
'Caina she's using you! Don't be dumb don't te-' 'Dont tell her anything? Is that what you where about to say? It's fine, im not that dumb, I just got lost in the moment of pretending that someone almost liked me.' "Dasuto-miko was it? Wow a dragon as a mom, cool." The carriage began moving and Caina seemed distant, as if he couldent focus on anything other then the road in front of them. "The strongest eh? Well that would have to be me, the self proclaimed Ace, don't tell anyone but really I'm just a B rank (lie) although no one has ever beat me in a fight. That girl I fought a while back must have been like one of your strongest members to back me up into a corner like that." Caina laughed and nudged Sawa jokingly with his shoulder. "So tell me... what was it like, having a mom?" Caina was trying hard to maintain his smile and slowly it was starting to slip away.


Domino let herself remain asleep, for a while, frankly enjoying the peace that comes with it. Eventually, she did wake up though, only to stay silent. She didn't really move though, only to scan the hall with her eyes. She noted Caina had left and that Loren had arrived, and was sitting nearby. She smiled lightly, still in a laying position. "Hello Loren." Was all she said, then let her mind drift back to her thoughts, though she remained awake.



Felix smiled to himself, as he walked through the streets of the city. He kept a lookout for dark build members all the while, but he still enjoyed his walk. He was on his way to the guild hall, to pick up on the happenings of the other members. He stopped, to pet a stray kitten, and he picked it up as well. Someone at the guild might want it, who knows. He arrived at the guild hall, and held the white and black kitten in one hand, while he opened the door with the other. He found himself a seat to the outside of the guild hall, and entertained himself by playing with the kitten.
Ysellian was aware of the Sawa as well he was no big name in the world of dark guilds nor did he look like the dark guild type, he has made his way into white phoenix twice once to see if the grass was greener on the other side and the other because he was thirsty. He thought about the girls appearance and how she staked up with Caina he honestly could not see this ending well for Caina but he's a big boy and can handle it. He received a drank and griped it with two hand and chugged it till it was nearly empty then turned to Panty "You gotta be kidding me?" he sighed "Well because your my friend I know just the wierd gal for you her names you should find a better match maker. I know a lot of older girls but sadly they'd run just by hearing your name" he smiled just a the thought of how a name like Panty is granted. "So you were fighting a kid of White Phoenix, what's his magic?" he was undoubtedly craving a fight with a equal someone like a rival the kid could be younger or older either way if he was in his age range he would accept the possibility.

Panty put his head on his chin. "What girl wouldn't want a guy named Panty? Besides, I'm sure there's a girl out there who's name is Boxershorts or something. Plus, I could just have them call me by my real name. Pantex Kelly isn't that bad, right?" He smirked as Ysellian asked the other question. "He used fire dragon magic. He was a total hothead and is probably still being beaten by a few trees I set up for him." He chuckled as he looked into his own beer cup. He took another drink.

Ysellian enjoyed the optomistic outlook that Pant provided maybe he was right there's someone for everyone. He was seemingly shocked by the magic ancient magic was no simple find he grasped the air between his fingers, he was not strong but then agian he fought Panty someone a tier above many mages. He smirked "Well thanks for the information" he finished his drink and wiped his mouth with his sleeve "Well now i'm bored, what to do now?"
Panty placed a finger on his own chin. "Hmmm.......you told me to find a better matchmaker, so let's do exactly that!" He drank the rest of his beer. "Where should we look first?" He said with a smirk. He stood up and looked at Ysellian with a smirk.
"This fight is not a match of cat and mouse.It's more like nature vs humanity. Nature is stronger,but humanity is smarter....."Elizabeth's own vanity blinded her mind as she launched each arrow. Soon her aiming got off and Elizabeth did not notice the shots Vulture was completely dodging.

"But this Vulture guy is way too ugly to be any part of nature,but all the ugly side of both humanity and nature,and I must the be the beauty that all humanity,heaven,and hell wish to gaze upo-."
Vulture's foot was inches away from Elizabeth's face,but her constant bobbing,allowed it land land in the very center of her spine.Knocking the wind and ego directly out of her.Falling to the ground Elizabeth was thankful that she didn't hit any trees,but she was quickly lossing consciousness.Everything was going black,except the sky.It was turning a deep shade of orange

"The star is going down....I'm going down....defeat....defeat....defeat."The word continued to echo in her head until she thought about it,her eyes snapped open and a smile spread cross her face once more

I am a star! I am the star! I am the North Star of White Pheonix! I have not been defeated before,only a fews draws,but never defeat.."Elizabeth sat up as fire sparks began to dance around her,until she was on her feet and her hair appeared like it's own flame. A yellow fire raged from her hair and her eyes had turned Red,"Ding ding! Round 2!"The young light mage yelled,kicking vertically and horizontally sending a Fire Cross.
Ysellian face went blank he wasn't sure if the guy was serious, were would one find a matchmaker and wouldn't you rather look for a girl for Panty. He sighed "Well that's up to you, I will make sure you don't anger anyone" he had a mildly uninterested face but it flipped once he thought about the possible outcome of this.

Panty grinned and placed a hand on his own cheek. "Who could possibly get mad at a man as handsome as myself." He grinned and started walking towards the exit. "Let's try the village first!" He grinned and clapped a little. He was excited.

Vulture's leg snapped back to him quite quickly once his opponent struck the ground. He was already sprinting towards his kneeling enemy, pulling back his arms in preparation for the finishing blow. "The meat is nice and tender now... I can feast..."

The flames were upon him before he truly realised it and for a brief moment he was consumed in the fire as the force rocketing backwards into a tree that was soon burning to cinders. His sitting form laying atop the crispy stump as the smoke filled the air was staring upwards momentarily before his features tightened and he pushed himself back to his feet. His blood-filled eyes perceived the standing Elizabeth for a beat... two beats... and he sprinted forwards with a furious scream.

As the fight continued, the more Salena gritted her teeth. She had no idea in how to intervene the battle and use as little magic as she could. Soon she came up with a halfway plan of sorts. Quickly she took our her notepad and began sketching huge chains that were to be used to restrain Vulture. But as she continued to draw them, the more she doubted their strength. She abandoned the idea and continued to spectate the fight. Already she could see both starting to tire out, but Vulture was getting angrier and angrier the more he fought. Salena decided that she will just have to risk letting the mage see a fraction of her magic.

Just as Salena was readying herself to jump down, a sudden shadow appeared and engulfed Vulture soon disappearing into the shadows of the trees taking Vulture with it. Salena's eyes widened as she observed this. Fear crept up her spine. From the intensity and feel of the shadows she knew that it was the work of Hell. Rarely has Salena seen his magic, now she wish she hadn't.


Some time had passed as he waited for two more of his dark guild members to return. After Quaso came back and reported that Vulture was in a rage stage, Hell decided to go and tame him himself. With a slight concentration of the area, Hell was able to teleport close to where the two mages were sparring. There he saw a great fire scorching Vulture and angering him even more. Hell saw his opportunity to capture Vulture once he saw him preparing for another move.

By reflex, Hell instantly changed into a black raven shadow and slithered forward over to Vulture and engulfed him in shadowy wings soon pulling him away from the battle site.

The shadow descended upon Vulture too quickly for him to react, his vision being engulfed in blackness. He felt himself being dragged away, glancing about desperately for his opponent before the familiar intensity of his prison crushed down upon him. It soothed him as he was dragged away, feeling his body being pulled at.

His eyes blinked a few times, once rather tightly before the red started to fade slightly from the irises. Given a bit of rest, they'd clean themselves up and his hands soon entered his pockets. The urge to murder was fading as his usual sadistic smirk overcame his features. Playtime was over it seemed... unless the Guild Master was looking to "play" for a little bit. Still, a hint of frustration bubbled in his heart. "I was going to kill them, to bathe in their blood and now I can't. The heat's getting to be too much, I can't sleep with this arousal I'm feeling... I need," he licked his lips hungrily, "...release..."
Ysellian felt no reason to disagree he wasn't a girl maybe Panty was right he cringed at the thought of Panty being adored by girls. He slid out from off the bar stool and followed Panty into the village "Well then we start there" he pointed towards a crowd of women, destiny or a coincidence Ysellian didn't know but either way it was convenient.

@UnwantedTruth (It's up to you to pick why there's a crowd of girls)
Panty grinned looking at the women. "I forgot! There's a festival today! Let's go!" He started walking towards the group. He approached a redhead. "Hey there, my name's Pantex, I'm a professional wizard!" He said, with a small smile.

Ysellian followed behind Panty into the crowd of festival goers he to had forgotten that there was a festival today, as they merged into the crowd of women Panty found a gal. Ysellian decided that Panty should talk on his own but just in case keep and ear out, he picked up the fur ball and left him to watch over Panty. He took a quick check before he left the girl seemed not to turned away even with a name as Pantex but she could be being nice. He walked into a thick horde of girls and met a man all eye's on him, he was average in Ysellian eye's so how could this man be so popular at first thought Ysellian believed he was perfect, approaching the man he spoke "Hey blondie, do you think you could-" he was cut off by the man reply "Child find your parents and use your manners next time you bump a lady." Ysellian was mildly offended but he was right about manners "Sorry ladies, pardon my behavior please" he was replied with "It's okay sweetie." "Isn't he a little gentlemen." he turned back to the man "I admit I was wrong but don't call me a kid, atleast give me that res-" Once again cut off "Spect" he finished Ysellians word "I dont respect you what's a kid to a prince?" he chuckled. Ysellian moved faster than the blink of an eye and punched him square in his mouth and he fell back onto the floor, he and the ladies were in shock at the boys action.
Panty, who seemed to be putting the moves on the redhead. Right as he was about to succeed, he heard gasps and a crowd. He held up a finger to the woman. "Stay here." He ran towards the crowd. He saw Ysellian fighting with the man. He rushed up and held Ysellian's arm. "Ysellian, this is not a reasonable fight." He said.
Elizabeth was about to charge after Vulture when Selena started to chain him up. She looked around for the person interfering with her fight,but she couldn't find the mage,but her attention was caught by the dark guild's master, Heolstor.The man wrapped Vulture up quickly,"Hey! Our fight isn-"Elizabeth fell to the ground,her injured leg stopping her.Then fear started to creep over just from looking at Heolstor. While he was scooping Vulture up,Elizabeth escaped.

Leaning against a tree Elizabeth slid down the tree holding her abdomen,"Uh....The next attack would have been the end of the fight....,"The adrenaline in her body that was keeping the pain at bay was now disappearing and all of the damage from the fight was washing over her body,"Whoever's attack landed first would have won,but we were interrupted.At least the Star didn't....burn....out."The young mage passed out against the tree.
Ysellian was astonished by his utter lack of control he had no sure reason to punch the man, he raised his hand above his face as if asking it why did it hit the man. He felt a grip on his arm it was Panty he jerked his arm away and looked at the the man "My apologize" the man seemed to be impressed more than angry, He stood and brushed off his clothes. His hand grew black cords Ysellian knew this to be 'Urumi' the cords shot tords Ysellian like a whip lucky for Ysellian his palm magic was capable of deflecting the attack. H e felt no need to fight back they were even now, the man reracted his cords until a loud yell rang out from the crowd.

@UnwantedTruth (I want you to write what happens next it's boring controlling all the events in my opinion)
Akira had finally got back from a mission which he set out to conplete yesterday, he was walking through the streets of the city and towards his guild, White Pheonix. He started to hum silently to himself as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Its good to be back..." He said as he stood outside his guild. He had a tendency to be late so being 6 hours late wasnt that bad, in his eyes anyway.

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