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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Panty stepped back as the man shot the cords. After Ysellian blocked the cords, the man seemed to smirk. "Not bad, for a child." He flipped over Ysellian and shot the cords from behind. Panty frowned and made a house come to life a little whiles away. The house got closer, but the man didn't seem to notice.

His red eyes glanced back down at the struggling mage who soon calmed down as the shadows began seeping into him. A flash of fear passed inside of Hell's eyes as he saw the shadows soon moving without his control. Quickly he ceased the shadows once they were close to the guild hall. He gave a sigh as he observed his injured guildmate. His eyes wandered over to the wizard Salena. "Try to heal him as much as you can. I cannot stand this heat much. If you need me just send Quaso to me. I'll be in the guild hall," Hell instructed. His head then looked up at the sky for his raven friend. As if by instinct, the raven came diving down towards Hell and squawked telling him that he understood his instructions. Hell just gave a single nod and placed his hands into his pockets and teleported into the guild hall, leaving Salena to attend to Vulture.


Salena kept a distance from Hell as she watched the shadows that seemed to be feeding off of Vulture. She gulped and kept a close eye. When she saw the shadows disappear, her eyes moved up to Hell. She nodded feeling a slight fear against him. She even jumped when she heard Quaso screech but luckily Hell was turned away. Sal sighed and pulled out her notepad and began sketching out bandage wrap and some liquid medicine. Her eyes watched Hell as he teleported away then over to Quaso.

The dissipating shadows left Vulture feeling a little more drained than he was used to, the frenzy having caught him off guard. He barely noticed anything around him as he began thinking to himself. "The heat is gone. I'm tired now. But I can't be satisfied with these dry fists... this isn't how it ends for me..." His musing was interrupted as he pushed himself back to his feet, wobbling slightly before stepping hard to the ground to force his vision to focus.

He raised his hand to his mouth and began licking what blood he'd gathered off of it, like a preening tiger cleaning itself after a meal. He started to walk towards the guild afterwards, cracking his neck back and forth. His tongue lapped back into his mouth as his nose picked up the alcohol-filled scent of their guild hall. "I deserve something strong after they stole my prey from me. Such a waste of tenderised meat..."
Toru was sitting in a dark corner of the dark guild, bored out of his mind. He sigh taking out his screws, screw drivers, gears, and a rench as he started to building. The sound of him working was a bit loud, but Toru didn't care he just wanted something to do.
Domino sighed, and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. She then forced herself to sit up. She smiled at Loren, and watched as Vulture returned. He looked pissed, and she knew enough to avoid him. She glanced to one of the Hall's darker corners, as another member Toru, began making noise. Quite curious, she waved goodbye to Loren, and stood up. She stretched out her arms, and made her way towards Toru. When she came close enough to be heard, she stopped. "What're you making?"She asked curious.

(@AquaSly )
Toru suddenly stopped as few seconds later he continued,"Isn't it obvious? It's a rose."

It didn't look like a rose, more like a shiny ball with a metal stick attached to it. He didn't make eye contact with Domino, his eyes focus on object. Toru sigh again moving the object around making sure there weren't any mistakes.

"Hmm..." Domino moved so that she could see the object. "A rose huh." She said, and tried to picture what a real rose looked like. Toru creation didn't resemble a real rose, but it was close enough. "Do you enjoy building?" A rather stupid question on her part. Her eyes traveled over his tools and returned to Toru's creation.

(@AquaSly )
Toru's eyes looked at her his clear blue eyes stared at her a moment. Ignoring her question he looked back at his creation, adding what looked like leaves,"Do you not believe that it's a rose?"

He could by her tone and look on her face that his creation didn't remind her of one. Once Toru was done attaching the leaves he hand it to Domino using his index finger to tap on it twice. For a second it didn't seem to move, but the ball of metal suddenly twisted as it separated into thin layers over lapping the other layers. Toru stared at her to see her reaction. The screws on the rose was the only thing to keep the leaves, petals, and stem together.

Ysellian was prepared to fight but found no reason to do such a thing, after hearing the man give a somewhat compliment Yseillian he felt even less obligated to fight back. He watched as the man attacked from behind the only way to end this was to allow the attack to connect which it did causing him to be pushed back off his feet and onto the ground nearly face first. Gladly with the help of his magic he pushed his feet over and pass his head they touch the ground causing him to pause for a moment then to stand up right. "Now were even" the man sighs "Okay" "OKAY?" the voice from before yelled again and now revealing her face "Your pathetic I will finish him if you want" Ysellian turned his attention to the house he chuckled "Miss you may have bigger problems than me" he said while pointing. She looked and say the house her face became scared then angry "I want be intimidated."
Domino held the creation and said nothing. She watched as it did indeed take the shape of a rose, and looked like one. She blinked once or twice, then smiled. "Well then. It is a rose, a good one at that." She commented, then handed the object back to him. She half turned away, to look around at the guild hall. she wondered where Pantex and Ysellian had gotten to, but shrugged it off. She turned back to Toru and scanned over the other's face, curiously. She said nothing more and set her eyes to stare into space, though she was still listening in case of speech again.

(@AquaSly )
Toru sigh clearly bored, he said holding the rose out to her again,"You can have it, I don't need my creations taking up the space in my pockets."

He started putting away his gears, screw, and other things back to his pocket and bag. Relaxing once again he closed his eyes as suddenly two light blue katanas were criss cross against Toru's neck. Toru opened his clear blue eyes again looking a bit irritated,"Ena."

The ninja looking girl back flipped down as she smiled a little putting her two katanas in their cases. Ena was new to the guild, she said in a loving voice as she hugged him,"Toru!"

Toru made a slightly disgust and irritated face at the same time as he said,"Ew, don't touch me. You reek of sweat, you're sticky, and your body temperature is too hot."

Ena just laughed releasing him, Toru instantly pressing himself to the corner glaring at her as she just blankly stared back. The both were forgetting Domino was still there.

Ena finally noticed that Domino was there her usual light blue eyes stared at her curiously. Toru crossed his arms pushing away Ena a bit before trying to get comfortable. Ena took out a notebook and wrote something on it, it said: Who's that?

Toru said blankly,"That's Domino, D-o-m-i-n-o."

For some strange reason Toru was spelling out her name as Ena quickly wrote it down. They stared at each other like they were having their own silent conversation before Ena got up and smiled before extending her hand to shake Domino's.

Erp. I saw it, sorry just got delayed in posting due to irl stuff..))

Domino took the rose back and watched the two curiously, and kind of jumped when the girl turned to her. She shook her hand and smiled back. "Nice to meet you..." She stated, trailing off at the end. She glanced to Toru, then back to the girl. Ena, that's her name. She scanned over the other, and mentally shrugged. She didnt get the point of Ena having writing her name down, but she didn't care either. ((Shoooort sorry))
//It's fine

Toru said blankly as Ena wrote something down,"This is Ena, she's kinda mute.........I don't really know how to explain it, but her highest word limit is three."

Ena showed Domino what she wrote down: I'm sorry that I can't speak that many words, so please work with me.
Domino watched Ena write, and listened as Toru explained her situation. "I see." She sad, then read what Ena had written. "That's okay Ena. I hope we can become friends. I gotta head out, I'll see you two around." She replied, to Ena. Then waved, and moved off. She moved to the door, and pushed it open, letting it shut itself behind her. She made her way to her apartment, and unlocked the door. "Good to be home, I guess." She commented to herself. She set Toru's rose creation on her desk and sat down in the chair. She opened the small book on the desk and began to read the adventure story it contained.
Ena nodded waving Domino goodbye as Toru got up. She smiled brightly at him as he said slightly confused,"What?"

Ena wrote on her notebook: I don't have a place to stay, though my mom said that it would be probably more money saving staying with you.

Toru sigh looking slightly irritated as he couldn't refused. Signaling Ena to follow him they went out of the guild, Ena staying close by him.

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