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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Panty blinked, looking at Sawa. He then chuckled. "I wouldn't mess with anyone I like around me. Also, might want to check on that ferret. You know, the one crawling all over me earlier? You don't see him crawling on me anymore, do you?" He then cocked his head. "And I no what you're thinking. That it's just a ferret and that it can't hurt you in any way. Well, let me tell you, that ferret is actually the most wanted criminal in town. Well, in the ferret category, at least." He grinned and walked up to Sawa until he was only a few feet to her left side. "So, I'd like to repeat myself. Don't hurt any of my friends around me." He smirked.

@Bills352, @Rantos
Sawa eyes narrowed she didn't think even after his warning that the ferret was a problem since well how many ferrets were they really in a category just for them what one two either way they was a slim to no chance it would hurt her. "The same goes for me but it seems you friend has already injured my friend so as it is I don't care what you say i'm going to beat you up anyway." Sawa said smiling as he walked closer and closer to her. Sawa didn't move and instead just smiled placing her left arm up when he was only a few meters away from her. "Dust drip." A magic circle appeared and dust began falling to the ground out of it and slowly making its way towards Panty however to the unknown trained eye it would just be still. Once it was under him well some of it she quickly raised her arm up and another magic circle appeared. "Dust tower" A tower of dust quickly rose under his feet now the only downside with this attack is that her opponent could have moved at any point during the perpetration put Sawa begin Sawa she didn't look and just acted.

Loren had finally made his way to Salena's side. Sadly he arrived just slowly enough to find everyone in a fight, just his luck. With a heavy sigh he sat down next to Salena and continued archiving to the best of his abilities. He looked down occasionally to see how the fighting went and realized something very apparent. Caina and Vulture left to fight... by themselves... without any backup or knowledge... again. The thought strained Loren to the point he had to massage the bridge of his nose behind his glasses. "Why is it that we send the battle crazy ones to gather intelligence on enemy powers again? Whatever happened to disposable scouts or thralls?" He figured they would need some sort of back up eventually. Though with things as they were it would appear that they would need back up sooner rather than later. He wasted no time, he needed the information on their powers ASAP. Caina, Vulture, Panty, what are their powers from what you could, ugh, experience? Also I'll be sending you support shortly. They won't be much but my shadows should at least get you out of trouble Caina. As Loren continued to pick away at the magical keyboard and screens surrounding him he turned to look at Salena once more. "Salena, is it possible to get a better visual combining our magics? With my archive magic and your painting magic I'm sure we could create some kind of flying scout that would allows us to see their powers using my screens similar to a video lacrima. That way if either of our allies goes unconscious we can still use their experience as information to put into my archive for future use. Besides it would seem like they are enjoying themselves down there." With not wanting to truly fight at this time and with the prospect of creating a new combination of magic with Salena it seemed like a wonderful idea on paper. Promising the support of his shadows however did require both of his hands to play his flute. With another sigh escaping his lips he requipped into his flute ensemble. He wore black slacks with a white buttoned-up long sleeved shirt. His coat split down the middle at the tail creating a two-tail cut. On the back was emblazoned the Black Raven crest. The flute was as black as night as the mouthpiece reached his lips. In his mind he visualized the shadows dancing with his melody. Dance amidst the darkness, amidst the shadows... He thought as he began to play. The sound of the flute filled the air around him. The song filled with the sense of loneliness and dread. Two orbs appear from the sky above Caina and the rest and began to descend on their location. One orb lands next to Caina and shatters creating a shadowy copy of Loren next to him. The other orb made it's way down behind their enemy. It shattered and another shadowy copy of Loren appeared. The shadow next to Caina followed the will of the melody and began to lift Caina up off the ground and over its shoulder. The other waited patiently for the second verse of the melody to begin attacking Sawa. Whether or not she knew the shadow was there was of no concern to Loren. Simply gathering information was good enough.


(If this doesn't get me caught up I don't know what will lol. But yeah LifeNovel, that idea for the totally not a UAV. Do you think that would work? Also sorry for the post being so big. Catching up on 4 or so pages is taxing for everyone.)
(@maddie201 it is not too late. Just post your character and don't post OoC in IC.)

Apollo looked over his shoulder and saw Natsu and Nagu. "Hey you guys. What's up? Need something?" He smiled at them and wondered about all of the things they could want. He happened to like Natsu. But not because his father was legendary.
Panty stumbled slightly as the tower grew under his feet. He smirked when it was tall enough. He used his doll magic to make the tower into a worm-like being. The snake tower jumped in the air and lunged at Sawa. "Woo hoo!" Panty said, riding on the tower.

Sawa sighed she at least now knew his magic doll magic she had read about it once before but what bother her more was this shadow being behind her and the music she could hear. "I need to run" She thought to herself it wasn't worth fighting two or more people alone. The now snake like begin that was once dust was the first thing in her way so she simply inhaled it. "You forgot that it was dust." She said. "Dust grab." A magic circle appeared and a hand of dust went towards the unconscious Ara pulling her at Sawa at full speed. Sawa then placed Ara on her shoulder. She already knew how she was going to escape since dust made a good smokescreen. "Dustscreen." A magic circle formed in the air and a massive amount of dust which would act like a fog obscuring view appeared. Sawa began running back to the guild hall at a full sprint although she was slightly low due to her carrying Ara.
Seraphim had been watching the entire scene go down from a distance away and making himself comfortable in a bench with his feet crossed looking up at the sky. Simply, he gazed at the unfolding of events quietly unless something exciting happened then he may have given a small cheer. This was until Caina was kicked while he was down in the dirt, let alone offering a gift.

Seraphim stood from his bench and made his way over to Caina slowly. He knelt down beside him and looked at his face cocking his head slightly to the side. "Whatcha doing down here Ace?" He offered him a hand not taking notice of the dust dragon girl who had been there once before.
To be able to protect them both, Sasha moved quickly. "Ice make: butterfly cage!" She roared it, and the cage formed around them both, protecting them from all directions. She layered the butterflies, their wings interlocking tightly.

She shouted again, "Elizabeth! Please God, help!" She had used too much of her power in their battle. She couldn't fight this dark mage by herself. But she had to, if Elizabeth wasn't fighting. To protect her.

"Hell hell hell" the only option she saw was to use her dragon. And that would use up a lot of power. "Ice make! Dragon slide" If formed large, looming, formidable, opening its maw the rocks tumbling out to vulture
Panty fell to the ground after his mount was sucked up by the dust dragonslayer. "Yeah...that was a result of me not thinking..." He said, face in the dirt. He started coughing when the girl made the smokescreen. He sat up. He looked around. "Is everyone ok?!" He called out.
Caina managed to form a shadow wall to block Sawa's attack before having a semi mental break down. The word scum was still ringing in his ears and bouncing in his head. 'Scum, scum, scum, scum, scum.' Caina lost focus on everything else in the world. Even when Seraphim offered him his hand Caina simply kept looking blankly forward. It wasn't until Loren's shadow clone picked him up did Caina snap back to reality. He didn't try to resist but feather just let the clone take him away. When the clone brought him back to Loren and Salena he simply looked at the ground and spoke quietly. "Ara uses web magic, she has spider tattoos that can move across her body and on to you, not good. Sawa is a dust dragon slayer." After there there was noting but bitter silence from Caina.

@Psylion @LifeNovel

Vulture's fists rained down on the shield from every conceivable angle as his shouts grew louder and more frenzied. His body swayed with every blow, his entire weight thrown into each strike without a moment's hesitation. He could occasionally feel the cracks forming in the ice before it repaired itself to keep the interconnected net solid. "I'm so hungry, so warm... my ecstasy is just behind this wall!"

His blows slowed when the dragon formed, its jaws unhinging above to unleash the avalanche upon him suddenly snapping all of his animal instincts into overdrive. His hands reached up to grab as solid hold of the first falling slab that he could, flattening himself partially under its surface to try and withstand the blows. His knees shook harshly under the effort and his smirk started to twitch into an enraged frown. "Stop wasting my time and let me kill you! Know your place!"
Sasha snorted, "yeah cause I'm just going to stand here and let you kill me" she rolled her eyes, but she was struggling. Her butterfly cage was still holding, protecting them, her dragon still attacking, maw open, large ice boulders crashing down.

She swallowed. She bit her lip, wondering what she could do now "I'll let you go, since you seem to be in a bit of a mess, if you leave us be. You get to leave with your life, or die fighting me" she said shrugging "your choice"
Apollo laughed at them. They were a funny pair. "There isn't really anything you guys can help with but there should be some more fish but if there isn't I'd love to go and get some more with you guys. I really need to get out if here." He laughed and patted Nagu on the head.

Vulture's pupils shrunk to their smallest point in that moment and for a second he entirely forgot where he was, the ice shattering down around him becoming white noise. Something snapped. Vulture let out an enraged scream and flung his shield upwards with as much force as he could before running forwards with his strangely twisting body, fingers cracking through the sheet of ice on the ground so that he could fling himself around to the opposite side of the butterfly net.

The rain of ice was less thick there, just about and he proceeded to start throwing his body against the shield again, entirely ignoring the damage he was suffering from the dragon's attack. All he could see was the woman who'd just dared to offer him a chance to live. "Who the hell do you think you are?! I'm gonna tear you limb from limb! Bloody piece by bloody piece! Don't look down on me you spineless worm!" His scream echoed around as his efforts became more and more frantic, his sense of surroundings totally lost to the target right in front of him.
Sasha followed Vultures Movements. Saw the rage and the emotion there. It almost seemed like his was an animal. She didn't expect anyone who was apart of a dark guild to be stable. But this was just ridiculous. She knew he could read through the cage sooner or later. She was breathing hard, as she tried to think of a way out of this mess.

She smiled sweetly when he yelled at her. "My name is Sasha Shin, a member of White Phoenix, and I will make my guild proud!" She gathered her strength, standing to her fall height and shouted "ice make: Bird Bombers! Ice make: tiger impact! Ice make: hawk arrow!" The three attacks formed, and shot directly towards Vulture, the birds crashing around, the tiger coming down with force like a hammer on a nail and the hawk, beak deadly, shooting directly towards him.

Sasha stumbled to the ground, but kept her eyes on their attacker

Vulture was struck by the bombers in a sudden flurry, his angered growl resounding around the area. His body twisted into a flattened shape atop the floor, the arrow sailing just over his body. His eye glanced upwards as he crossed his arms over his flattened body, his guard forming like a net over him as the hammer struck down atop him with enough force to crack him through the ground, his body lying in the crater.

Inside of it, Vulture remained perfectly still for a moment as his body adjusted to the pain and shock. Blood dribbled down his chin... and his tongue lashed out to lap it up, the whites in his eyes turning an odd shade of red on the left side as burst blood vessels flowed into them. His body twisted and slipped into a crack in the ground near him as he started moving underground, his target's scent fresh in his nose.
Caina stood once he regained feeling in his legs. He started walking back to the guild hall and told the group he was with "I need to go get some stuff. Namely a pen, paper and a chair." he didn't say this I'm his normal happy go lucky tone however, his tone was noticeably more somber.

--At the guild hall--

Caina kicked open the doors to the guild hall, the smell of blood, booze and idots hit his nose almost instantly.
"Good to be back." He said sarcastly under his breath. He only managed to walk a few feet before getting attacked by someone. Caina ducked under there attack, grabbed the nearest chair and proceeded to hit them square in the back of the head with it. "This chair should work nicely." Caina then sat at the nearest table, gesterd to the bar keeper for a drink, and began to write down something on a piece of paper.

(@LifeNovel alright hopefully we can see some Helloster (don't know of thats how you spell his name) action soon, wink wink.) @Psylion
Apollo laughed at Nagu. He turned to Natsu. "Here. I'll go with you. I need to get some fresh air." He started towards the door and said, "You coming?" He smiled at them. They were definitely his favorite youngins.
There was definitely something not right about her opponent. And what the hell was wrong with Elizabeth, just standing there? Sasha was running out of energy, and she knew she needed a way out. Now. Five minutes ago would have been better. How was she meant to fight someone who was utterly crazy?

"Oh, Sasha, why do you get yourself drawn into things things?" She muttered. She needed a way out. What could she do?

Was she just going to stand her and let herself, and Elizabeth, get hurt, killed? Was she going to embarrass the guild, but not putting up the best possible fight she could?


She felt the surge of energy. And she shouted out "Ice make: decoy" she had never done it before. She had never tried. She hadn't thought that sort of thing was avaliable to her. But it worked, two ice figures, looking exactly like Elizabeth and herself, formed.

Sasha began to drag Elziaebth with her as she made a change to run. One final attack. "Ice make: snake stairs" the snake formed, and create a stair like form, climbing in the air. Sasha started to climb, still dragging Elizabeth..
Loren continued to play his flute. The melody causing the shadows he forged to dance to his tune. Once the shadow had returned with Caina and Caina was able to stand on his own the shadow simply melded back into place underneath Loren. The other shadow, now obscured by dust had no choice but to retreat to Panty's side. He melded into his shadow and Loren ceased playing. The music gone the shadows no longer played and Loren went right back to archiving the new data that was received from Caina. "Ara: Web magic user, spider tattoo magic. How unique. Perhaps she holds other secrets as well. To push Caina so hard to actually fight seriously is a feat to behold. What sort of song should I play for you?" His coughing fit came up again. This time however was different. Blood splattered upon his hand as he looked down. He was used to seeing that after so many years. It seemed as though he over exerted himself again. Maintaining archive, requipping, playing Grave for as short of a time as he did. It all must have built up internal stress. He wasted no time however. He had to input the data on Sawa as well. Based on his shadow's experience and Caina's words, she was a Dust Dragon Slayer. "Yet another unique one. Dragon Slayers are no easy foe to take down. But dust, what melody does your heart play? I shall create an even grander song for you my dear dragon slayer." His coughing continued, once more blood splattered to the ground. Luckily he was done inputting the data. Now he waited for Vulture to return with information of his own. If he even remembered to gather anything that was.
Sawa made it back to the guild hall mostly uninjured however Ara wasn't in that good of a state. "MASTER!" Sawa shouts since she had no skill in healing she hoped the master would. "Ara needs help we were attacked by dark guild members." Sawa said panicking since she didn't really know what to do at this moment in time.

Salena waited there for quite some time, anticipating for Loren. She knew that man could be slow but not this slow. But finally when he came to her side, she gave a sigh of relief and then turned to him. "Glad you can join us," she said. Her head was momentarily aching for she was constantly hearing the thoughts of her guild mates as they fought. Alistair was next to her waiting. She then heard another voice in her head. Seraph. She then sent a message to Seraph's mind. Go find Vulture and help him out. I have not heard from him in a while. I'm afraid he maybe in a frenzy again. Try to calm him. Their three targets were still down away from the other four active wizards. She turned back to Loren who she saw was then retrieving Caina and Panty. Surprise covered her face when she saw how beat up Caina was. She wanted to help him out but she felt as though she needed to get a move onto the other three wizards. Her head turned towards Alistair, "You can go and attack the other three wizards now. Surprisingly they haven't moved far from their original spot." Salena turned back to Loren and saw him cough some blood out. She was aware of his condition but every time she saw him have a fit, it pained her to watch the incurable torture. She nodded her head off the Caina, "Good job. You did exactly what you were told. Hell would be proud of you." Her eyes continued to watch him as he left, heading towards the guild. She saw Panty lingering on the roof. "Panty, stay here with Loren. He is currently in use of his magic and will need protection. If any wizards try to ambush him, protect him," Salena said.

She stood up and looked at Alistair then down to the three other wizards that were wandering around,
"Are you ready?"

@Psylion @Rantos @Aldriem @Seraph @Sayomi @Naruyashan
Apollo smiled at Natsu and Nagu. But the happiness died when he heard a scream from Sawa. He looked at Ara and quickly took her from Sawa's arms. He carried her into the medical room and told the doctor ((let's just make him an NPC unless someone wants to play him or her.)) to heal Ara. He set her down on the bed and left while the doctor worked his magic. He remembered the others that went with Sawa. He just hoped they were together. He said to Natsu, "Stay here. We'll go when I get back." He sprinted down to where he saw some destruction and assumed it was them. He saw someone playing a flute and he used his dispelling magic on him because he looked suspicious. And as he knew it the flute disappeared. ((It is a kind of magic so the dispelling magic just makes it disappear for a short time.)) He yelled to his guild members, "Get out of here. I'll take care of it ok? Leave. I'll meet up with you." He turned to the dark guild members. "Who's first to disrupt MY children?"
Sawa took a deep breath and regained her composure and it wasn't like her to begin panicking over matters such as these. "It was members of a dark guild I remember two of their names one was called Panty and the other something like Caina who I managed to take out at the time I would have took them all out my by wondered teammate came first." Sawa said before standing up now was not the time to wait around but the time to act. "And they did it because they are dark guild members they have no reason." Sawa said heading to the guild door. "You coming or what?" Sawa asked she wasn't just going to let the master have all the fun not after what had happened to Ara and also since she found herself sightly responsible. Without waiting for an answer she began to sprint back to the location she first ran from.
Caina walked up behind Apollo and spoke. "It was me who did that to Ara. They on the roof didn't do anything." Caina the stretched his hand forward with his palm facing down" "I won't let you touch them, shadow zone." As Caina finished speaking those words all the shadows in a mile radius came twords Caina and all gathered at one point which was Caina. He then clenched his hand into a fist and the shadows started becoming a box that surrounded Caina and all of the white Phionx members that where outside and the guild hall. Submerging them in darkness (they can still see faintly), he knew that he would lose if he fought, but he just needed to buy enough time for them to run. 'Salena... if you can hear me, run back to the guild hall.'


Caina claped twice and lifted his hand into the air as he finished writing his letter to Sawa. He folded up the paper and in big letters he wrote Sawa's name on one of the sides. He looked at the letter with his happiness and his usually smile restored. He then took the letter and held it out behind him and a shadow clone grew out of his shadow, grabbed the letter and walked away to th white Phionx guild hall. On the they he passes by a rose bush.
"I wonder if she likes flowers." Then shadow Caina then took a flower from the bush and continued on his way to white Phionx.


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