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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Sasha kept up as Elizabeth pulled her along. It was either that, or be at threat of being dragged along. She quickly made sure she wasn't about to fall, and thus be dragged, "jeez, hold on! You'll make me fall head over heels if you keep trying to drag me along!" She said, but she was laughing.

She sobered quickly and said "do you even know what the job is about? What if we are walking into something that might be completely wrong for either one of us? Isn't ir better to be prepared?" She asked. Sasha was a soul that enjoyed reading, researching. Being prepared.
Ara felt the vibrations in the guild as two members began to rush out. She just believed it was two more members going on a mission. The girl smiled and her acute hearing began to go off. She was hearing whispers of the citizens around her making fun of her dress saying things like "Who would wear such an attire?!" Ara bit her lower lip and just walked on with Sawa.
Ambrose rises, and Idril follows suit, both of them approaching their leader. "Are there any S-Class missions available? Idris and I have been idle for far too long." Ambrose asks, his lips curling into a smirk. Idril nods, a bit more hesitant about the matter.
Apollo turned around to see Idril as Ambrose. "Ahh. There you two are. And yes. There are a few people going on an S-class mission right now. Go join them if you would like. It's white a difficult one too." He smiled and Mykonos to where the others went. "Be my guest. Although if you don't want to, I could probably find another one."
Alysha, curious, followed Apollo out to the others, and stood off against a wall as two of the guilds members left to join others on a mission. She watched as Idril and Ambrose addressed the guild leader, and she tuned into the conversation, to listen. She was intrigued by the idea of a mission, but she did not feel like bothering to chase after those that had already left. Besides, the offer had been made to the two Apollo was speaking to. She was simply the observer, in this case.
The pair nods, and moves to follow the guild members leaving on the mission. "This should be interesting, hmm?" Ambrose muses, looking to Idril. "Y..Yes!" Idris responds with a determined look. Their pace quickens.
Elizabeth slowed her pace to a walk,"Ugh..Sorry. I'm still a little excited from the fight. "She apologized as she fixed her hair into two low ponytails that draped over her shoulder.

"Calm down Sasha! We are going on a S-Class mission with the Guild Ace,Sawa,and a S-Class mage,Ara. I like to call Ara the Guild Queen. "Elizabeth explained as she looked back at the guild building,then turned back to the town that they had just entered.
"Alight, targets confirmed. Valture come with me. You and me are going to take down the first two. Loren you take Salena and take the other two. How you do it I will leave up to you." Caina then held out his hand twords where the road split and hid the path that led to the town from Sawa and Ara using his magic. He then hid Sawa and Ara from everyone else and sent copy's down the other path leading to the town. "There, that's two that are going to be isolated from the rest. Let out a flare or something if your almost dead and need help. Good luck, come on Valture, it's hunting time." Caina then gave one last salute to Loren and Salena before running off along the rooftops, keeping a pace that Valture could easily catch up with. He stopped running when he thought he was far enough ahead of them to take a small break. He looked back at Sawa, he couldn't stop looking at Sawa. He grabed the sides of his face and dug his fingers in as if trying to rip his face off. 'Damit Caina focus, focus, focus. What's wrong with me?' It took a minute but Caina was able to rip his gaze and continued running to find a place to lie in wait.


The ends of Salena's lips curved up slightly into a smirk when she felt the presence of the two others guys, and then the voice of Loren. She rolled her eyes. Sure you can provide us with the information. Just try to stay close to us. We are going to need all the help we can get. She said this last thought with a sigh as she observed a few more mages joining in on this party. 1, 2...3, 4...5, 6, and...7. Dang. Loren we have seven mages in total.

Her concentration was cut off when she heard Caina mutter a question, but Salena didn't know if she was meant to answer it so she stayed silent. Then she felt the menacing vibe from Vulture nearby. Her eyes turned towards his direction to see desire. She shivered slightly, but didn't express her disgust. She turned her attention back to the mages.

But then she heard Caina say something.
"Wait Caina-" she was cut off as he ran off, already cutting off two of the mages. "Dammit Caina!" she hissed under her breath. In her mind she sent a message to him, There are a lot more than just four now. Three more mages just joined the group. I see that you have already isolated two but that has left me with 5. Loren is not here at the moment so it is just me at the current moment. Just hurry up and gather the intel for Loren and make your way back here. I can already see that we might not stand a chance against these mages. Not unless we plan this out accordingly. Remember do not show off your true potential. Just throw off some attacks. But try to get them to use their strongest moves. If not then that is fine, just figure out what type of magic they use. As she continued telling him this, Salena decided to have Vulture in it as well. Soon she stopped her mental talking and focused back on the group that was following duplicates of the two mages that were supposedly leading.

@Rantos @utdfan22 @Psylion
Ara definitely heard something now. Due to her loss of vision her other senses were heightened, and someone was watching her and Sawa. The girl in the long dress tapped the ground with her bare feet and her dress seemed to shift. The sleeves slowly "disappeared" or "vanished" slowly from the edges to the shoulders. It stopped at the shoulders revealing Ara's arms, which were tattooed with arachnid like silhouettes. Strange white cords with about a six inch circumference slithered along the ground. Around a half hundred of these tentacle like objects all moved on their own in there own direction. When they reached their max length they slowly created small split roads that created a grid like sector in a circle around Ara and Sawa, though the grid went about a half mile away from them.
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Sasha smiled, and said with a soft laugh "I just didn't want to eat dirt without any other reason then I couldn't get my feet under me!" She said, glancing about them, and maintaining her pace with Elizabeth's.

"Alright. So I now know it's an S class job, and there's five of us. Not really much to go on" she said with another soft laugh, "but okay" she frowned suddenly, looking about. Something didn't see quite right.

A shudder racked through her, and she flinched. "Ever get the feeling someone is watching you?" She said softly, swallowing.

Vulture's focus shifted back to Caina with narrowed eyes, his sunglasses falling just enough to reveal the narrow points of his pupils. "Don't tell me what to do, you shitty Guild Ace." Without warning, he leaned back and kicked off the ground to chase after Caina, his fists clenching in rage as he did so. He had no intention of letting himself be bossed around though.

His lips twitched through his grimace as he did so. "Two little piggies wander to the slaughter, three little bodies fall to the floor... and the hunting vulture has his feast." A throaty chuckle followed as they landed atop the rooftop just before the Light Guild members before them.
Elizabeth stopped in her tracks and looked around at her surrounding,"..."taking in the area around her she observed every inch of the forest and road that she could see. Looking down the road she noticed it led deeper into the forest,but that wasn't right!

Why is the road leading deeper into the forest. This path leads directly into to town and there are not any splits in the road.Did we take a wrong turn? No, I may have been excited,but I do not remember turning down the second path.

Elizabeth continued further with a cautious eye,"All my time in being mage has taught me something,and that is if you feel it,then more than likely it is true."She whispered so only Sasha could hear. Pulling out a pair of black & white yo-yos,Elizabeth continued down the path normally,masking her caution,"Act normal.Don't give away that you have caught on to their trick,k?"Elizabeth announced cheerful and with a pep in her step,but once more low enough so that only Sasha could hear. Playing with yo-yos Elizabeth did a few tricks,with a smile plastered across her face.
Caina huffed at Vautrue's shitty Ace comment and thought about how to go about that. He decided to let it slide. The rooftops soon ended and Caina then jumped to the nearest tree, the beginning of the forest. 'Four in the trap.' Caina's usual wide smile grew on his face as the fighting was drawing near, the one thing he doesn't screw up. "Valture, I'm going after the first two that entered you get the other two, there should be enough space between the two groups so that our fights don't disturb eatch other, and as far as not using your full strength goes." Caina paused for a moment and bit his lip thinking about how he should say his next sentence, seeing as how Caina thinks he's on thin ice with Valture as it is. "Try not to kill them, if you let them live I might give you a prize when we get back." Caina said in a mocking tone of voice. He then took four candy canes out his pocket and used his corruption maigc on them. He then tossed two to Valture. "And try to make sure they eat these, it will decrease there magic power considerably for some amount of time, long enough to take them out. Good luck." And without another word Caina was jumping from tree to tree until he came across Ara and Sawa. He jumped down about four yards away from them and blocked there path. "Yo, the names Caina and the pleasure is mine. Would you mind introducing youselfs so I can know the names of the next two to bear my mark." Caina then sat down on the ground and unwrapped on of his safe candy canes and poped it into his mouth.

@Bills352 @utdfan22 @Verrici
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Alistair walked up to the building where his Guildmates stood perched on the roof. Without a warning, he used his Teleportation magic to disappear from his spot down on the street only to reappear within a split second on the roof standing some distance behind the group consisting of Salena, Vulture and Caina. They'd disappeared on their way here and Alistair had been roaming around town trying to find them.

Before he could make another move, Caina dashed off to the right followed closely by Vulture leaving Salena to stand on the rooftop alone.

Alistair quietly walked up behind Salena before stepping aside and standing next to her looking down at the two Light Guilders moving out of sight followed by three more.

"What's the plan then...?" Alistair whispered to Salena turning his head ever so slightly to regard their Guildmaster. "Do we just go for it...?"

Sasha took in their surrounds as well. a critical eye, roaming over the area, she thought that something was wrong, but not knowing the area too well, she couldn't conclusively prove that something was wrong. She looked to Elizabeth, seeing that she was doing the same. She watched to see if Elizabeth saw something. She swallowed, and looked about, ready to defend them and to attack. Because something wasn't right.

She nodded when Elizabeth whispered to her, and tried to adopted a relaxed pose, she managed a smile, and muttered a few words, watching as a minature version of her hawk arrow formed, flicked her hands, up and down, watching the hawk angle down, then up, and have it chase after a butterfly, straight as an arrow. Just something she did when thinking or bored. Today, it helped her to seem relaxed.

"So. What else do I need to know about the job?"
"Excuse me? I believe you are stepped on something of mine that is precious to me." Ara smirked. She was itching for a fight, at least a real one. Caina was standing directly on one of the "chords". It was secretly wrapping small amounts of webbing to the stranger's body. Thread by thread her dress slowly dropped to the ground. Her breasts and hips were covered with wrapping so nothing could be seen, but everywhere else was covered in arachnid like tattoos. The dress slowly "melted" into a strange white material and it would cloak the ground. Creating a new layer to the ground for around a half mile away from Ara.
Caina jumped a little at Ara's telling and frantically waved both of his hands in front of him as if trying to calm her down. He then put one hand behind him in the shadow of a tree for back support. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa! Calm down, I don't even know your names and your already striping down, do things always escalate this quickly at White Phionx? Or are you doing this just for me?" Caina then started having a laughing fit, so far he was enjoying the show. "Look I know that we got off on the wrong foot here, ya know, me stepping on something precious of yours but we can still get along right, right? Anywho I see your itchen for a fight so ill get through introductions fast, k?" Caina then coughed into his fist and took a deep breath. In a joking tone he spoke. "My names Caina, as in the frozen lake located at the bottom of hell. My guild is black raven and I'm a B rank, now it's your turn. Nice tattoos by the way, there nice."

@Bills352 @Verrici
Ara kept stepping forward with each word she spoke feeling the pulse of Caina's body due to him having his foot on her webbing. "Nervous I see." Ara crackled her knuckles and chuckled, " Look Caina I have no intentions of having another delay." The tattoos strangely ticked and moved on her body, they started crawling around her body freely shifting around. She reached Caina and got inches away from his face. The girl put her palm on his cheek feeling him awkwardly try to move away. She connected her lips with the boy and added a little tongue. Ara wasn't a whore, but she has a "special" way of doing things. One of her tattoos laid on her tongue when she kissed Caina and crawled onto his tongue, which couldn't be felt. "Name's Ara hotstuff." She backed up and all the webbing twirled around her and recreated her outfit.

She was so intent on the light guild members below her that she didn't sense another presence nearby. When a voice suddenly whispered beside her, Salena jumped in her spot and nearly cursed out loud, but grasping the reality, she knew she shouldn't yell. "Crap Alistair, next time warn me through your thoughts before you decide to pop out of no where," Salena hissed as she muttered a few extra words under her breath. She calmed down and then turned towards him, "Okay so Caina and Vulture have already enclosed four mages together, leaving us three more. We are not planning to go all out on these wizards just try to figure out what type of magic they wield and if possible their strongest abilities. But that may not happen so we are just gathering the type of magic they have for Loren. Now as you observe them, with my telepathy of course we can send information to Loren. He should be coming by soon though but for now we are sending him data through my telepathy. So at this moment Caina has already begun conversing with some of the light mages...should be interesting..." Her eyes moved back down to the other light mages that were out.

@Aldriem @Psylion @Naruyashan @Sayomi @Rantos @utdfan22
"Hm..." Alistair calmly listened to Salena's plan as he examined the situation, his eyes snapping from Caina back to where these 3 mages were walking.

"Alright." He remarked after listening to her whole plan. Obviously, there was nothing he could do at the moment and jumping in front of these three would be troublesome as he wasn't aware of their magic. They might be S or SS Ranked Mages and he sure as hell couldn't handle all of them together, even with his Noire Magic.

So the purpose is to gather intel, he thought, his eyes still fixed on the trio.

Alistair could always teleport right up to them, say hi and teleport back but that would be foolish, and that would give away their location and additionally it wouldn't help them gather what kind of magic they use. So they had to wait for Loren before he could make their move.


"Should I go up and say hi...?"

Alistair turned and calmly asked Salena.

Sawa was silent while they was walking something felt odd, so she decided not to talk an to and to prove her intuition a dark guild mage jumped down in front of them. He listened to what him now known as Caina and Ara said to each other and well Ara getting intimate with him, it slightly confused Sawa at first but she decided to ignore it maybe it was just Ara's way to fight. "O and since I haven't introduced myself i'm Sawa and according to the master NOT my own words the guild ace." Saw said sighing she didn't like the title guild ace since it makes her seem all strong which in her eyes she wasn't. Sawa just sat down and smiled. "I'll watch." She said joyfully.

Vulture gave a scoff of irritance at Caina's actions before jumping down to the side of their building. A moment later, he came barelling out of the area at top speed, glancing around with wide eyed rage and panic. Playing with his food was always a fun part of his day. "What the hell's going on?!"

He turned to the two Light Guild mages and gritted his teeth, the fake heat so easily drawn from the very real need for release that he was feeling. "Are you two doing this?! Why's the street so screwed up?!"

@Caits @Jailbird
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"Ambrose! Idril! Wait up!" Alysha called after the two who had already left. She ran to catch up with them, and slowed to walk beside them. "I'm coming too." She said, and smiled to the two. She said nothing more after that, simply concentrating on keeping pace with the other two.


((Sorry about shortness of my post.))
Caina watched in wonder as the tattoos danced across Ara's body. It was something he had never seen before and he was watching it in a trance like state. He hardly noticed that Ara had gotten so close. He was taken by suprize when she forcefully kissed him. But he took this as an opportunity. He corrupted his own saliva and when Ara went for some tongue he spread some of his saliva into her tongue. Once she retracted he spit all of the remaining saliva out so he wouldn't feel the effects. He then wiped his mouth and smiled a little. "So your name is Sawa eh? A vary pretty name. Befitting of such a beautiful woman." 'The hell just came out of your mouth?' 'I don't know! I don't even know what the word befitting means, or where that sentence came from.' Caina was confused at the words he just said, wondering where they came from. "No matter, fine no more delays. Let us begin." And with that Caina sunk into the shadow the the tree behind him, cutting the threads that were attached to him. He moved from shadow to shadow until he was right behind Ara. He then aimed a punch for Ara's head and begun to strike.

((Note for Verrici the saliva that Caina put into Ara will make her feel more fatigued faster.))


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