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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Sasha's bear sacrificed itself to protect her. She waved it away, and began to move, easily on the ice, moving fast in order to avoid attack. "Ice make: butterfly cage!" She shouted, and many small ice butterflies formed, creating a cage around Elizabeth, and Sasha knew she could probably get out of it. She wasn't givingg her the chance. "ICe make: tiger impact!" The tiger formed, large, and slammed towards Elizabeth, the butterflies parting and reforming, like a hammer on a nail.

And her last attack, having gone through them all. She gathered her strength and shouted "ice make: dragon slide!" The dragon, large as life, formed, and opened its jaws, large ice boulders falling towards Elizabeth, as Sasha darted back, between its front paws.
(( Its up to you guys but I can make this the reveal of my characters story, though only Sawa would actually know of it.))

Ara walked towards the door sensing the footsteps of Sawa. "W-wait Sawa!" The blind girl cried picking up her dress a bit. Hopefully this didnt reveal what was on her legs..
Ambrose and Idril watch the proceedings, Ambrose wearing an amused smile that presents a stark contrast to Idril's attentive, but meek, gaze. "They're rather good, hm?" Ambrose comments. Id nods in reply. "Yes. Each is proficient at their styles, yet they counter each other well." Ambrose nods. "Keep an eye on them. They are not your enemy, but one can learn a lot from simply analyzing a battle." Id nods, eager to learn, and squints at the battles, looking over every detail. "Now, think about this:" Ambrose continues. "How would you get rid of that dragon?" Id thinks for a moment, looking over the battle, and- "Ah!" He whispers something to Ambrose, who nods. "Indeed. Remember, all magics have weak points, things that can counter it." "Even runes?" Ambrose's eyes twinkle as he smiles. "Indeed. However, those magics are long gone. I am always on the lookout, though. Better safe than sorry."
Loren finally got his drink and sipped on it before responding to Salena's request. How interesting it as for Salena to ask for anything, yet alone help. It was a good idea though to keep an eye on Caina. Especially after hearing what he was up to. He stood up and fixed his glasses before taking the candy that as left on the table for him. "So long as you're willing to put up with me, I shall follow, my sweet scowling one." He gave her a smirk before pushing his chair in and made his way to the door. He held the door open for his newly formed team. He unwrapped the candy cane and began to nibble on it while he waited for Salena and Vulture. His opinion of Vulture was, well vulgar to say the least. Yet his penchant for destruction was just as commendable as his vulgarity. Still someone you could rely upon in a fight an if there was one thing he knew about Vulture, it was that he loved to fight. He turned to look out the door and saw Caina's back as he continue to walk down the path that lead away from the guild. The light of the sun was slightly blinding. The air was crisp and clean. Well cleaner than inside the guild for sure. The scent of debauchery and booze was overbearing. The thought of having to come back eventually caused him to have another coughing fit. Oh today will be just grand... He thought to himself.

@LifeNovel @utdfan22
Alysha snapped awake, her dreams fleeing from her mind. She threw the covers off of her body and went to her dresser. She pulled out a pair of legging socks, pink and black striped, which she put on. They went to just past her knees. After this, she went to her closet, where her regular outfit was hanging. She put the outfit on, pausing to add her red star clip into her hair. After this, she went to the door, put on her white high-tops, and left her small apartment, which she also locked up upon leaving.

The course she set was to her guilds' hall, White Phoenix. Upon reaching the front door, she pushed them open and entered. She threw a few smiles to others, should she see them, and took a seat at a table, looking around, with a bored sigh and expression.

(I got no notifications whatsoever for this rp, and I'm sure thats going to continue. So tag me if you are talking at me.)
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Caina stuffed his hand inside his pocket and grabbed another candy cane, he didn't bother unwrapping it though. He started to eat it wrapper and all. 'You know your being followed yes?' 'Yes I am awhere that they are coming, although I couldn't tell you why. I can kind of see why Valture would come, Salena down right hates me and Loren... Yeah I'm stuck there too.' 'Just so long as you don't get lost like you always do I think we will be fine' 'Don't worry, we will be fine.'


'Your lost aren't you.' "SHUT UP!"

Caina then to have what seemed like a argument with himself, his arms where going to and fro in anger while he walked down the road.


Salena stopped as she saw Caina flailing his arms around. Her eyes rolled, He's probably lost. For guild ace, he's really showing off that title. Deciding that they weren't the best stalkers, Salena pushed forward and caught up to Caina. "So I heard you were wanting to rile up another guild? This time a dark guild? At least you have the right mind in at least the guild legion but for as trying to cause ruckus in another guild, not so much. How about instead of thwarting with a dark guild, we mess around with some light guilders and their mission?" Salena suggested as she began making points, "One, we would stand a better chance and two, we can slowly diminish the kindled spirits of the light guild." She stuck a hand inside his pocket and pulled out a candycane without permission and unwrapped it, placing it inside her mouth.

She took a few licks off it then pulled it off her mouth with a slight POP afterwards.
"Now the question is, how to find some light guilders out on a mission," she mumbled the question more to herself than to the other guys. The candycane twirled between her fingers as she thought out of a plan. "Mmmm. If you guys are willing to join in on this, I can include you," Salena offered as her eyes moved towards Loren and Vulture. Salena already knew that Caina would be participating since he was the reason they were out there. "But the main objective that we should consider is to try not to reveal out strongest abilities to these light guilders, should we encounter them. If we can try to trick them, we can learn there strongest abilities," Salena outlined. After finishing the sentence she stuck the candycane back into her mouth once more to enjoy the peppermint sweetness.

@Rantos @utdfan22 @Psylion
Caina sighed when Salena started talking. "Hey you got me all wrong, I was just going to see if anyone there wanted to train with me." To Caina train and rile where basically the same word. Caina then felt something move in his poket, it was just Salena getting a candy cane, he didn't know how to feel about that so he just let it slide. He then devoured the rest of his candy cane (wrapper and all) while nodding his head at Salena's plan. "Sounds good to me, but it will be hard to find light guilders on a mission without any leads... Ah well, I'm still going to head over to that town and see what I can find there, your welcome to join if thats what you want." He gave a quick glance to Salena before walking away.
Elizabeth slipped out of the cage using Stardust body and dishes the tiger at the sametime. Switching to earth Elizabeth fired an arrow into the ground before jumping straight up. Firing fire arrows at the dragon Elizabeth created a huge explosion of mist,even though a few of her shots missed,"Ooo,nice fight!"Elizabeth giggled,signaling the end of the spar session. Sitting down she looked at her leg where she was hit before,"You got! But! If this was real fight you would have been toast!"Elizabeth yelled with confidence and joy directed at Sasha. "We should do that again sometime!"
"If this was a real fight" sasha said in response, "my first attack would have hit harder then it did. I didn't want to hurt you too much" she said, shrugging, she dismissed the dragon, which was still standing, the large amount of ice simply allowing it to stay standing. Sasha sank down to the ground, and huffed out a breath. "It was a good battle" she agreed, leaning back, and looking to Elizabeth "are you okay?"

Vulture stalked after the group quietly enough, hands shoved into pockets. The sun's rays hit his sunglasses head on, the reflection helping to avoid worsening his burgeoning headache. Still, Vulture reached a hand up to run it through his hair while raising an eyebrow at Caina's self-arguement, finding it terribly amusing. Maybe he should just grab the position of Guild Ace while they were out, it wouldn't be hard. Not like a coughing drip like Loren would get in his way.

Hearing Salena's change of plans and everyone else just going along with it, he snorted angrily. This was ridiculous. The bloodbath was slipping away, fighting wasn't a thing done half-heartedly. Messing with light guilders was meant to have only one ending and their powers showing wouldn't matter at that point. Vulture stalked up beside Salena and tilted his head away from her with a blindingly cruel smirk, "Why hide our powers? The most fun's to be had in rushing them and ripping their heads off... unless they're women who know what's best in life..." Vulture trailed off at that, lowering his eyebrows without shifting his lips in the slightest at the fun he could have.
Apollo appreciated that Sawa and Ara were going on a mission together. He walked outside of the guild with them, nodding at Alysha. He decided to look for Elizabeth and Sasha. When he found them, he saw a giant dragon ice statue and wa impressed. He loved sculpture. He walked over to them and said a quick, "Hello. How was the sparring session?" He smiled at them and remembered, "Oh by the way! If you ladies want to go on a mission then go with Sawa and Ara, they are leaving right now, you could probably catch up to them if you hurry."
Sawa slowed down slightly when she heard Ara ask. "Sorry I've just been stuck inside for too long." Sawa said before turning to face Ara seeing something on her legs but she decided to not mention it for now since she wasn't one to intrude on others life so she would let it go for now anyway. "So if you don't mind could you tell me your magic I just want to see if we could fight together well or not?"

Salena could see that the guys didn't want to do a petty fight. "Fine. I'll go by myself then. And I had a plan to find light guilders, just you guys don't want to hear me out. You guys can go on towards the other dark guild. I'm going to gather some intel," Salena muttered fed up with the disunion the group held. She broke away from the group and began running down another alleyway. Her head turned back once more and she stopped. "Last chance for you guys to join me. I'm not going to mess with another dark guild when we could be picking on some light guilders. At least with them we have a purpose. And the last thing we need is another guild on our backs, a dark guild at it. They won't know mercy. If you wish to join me then let me know. Just think it out loud in your mind. I will hear it," Salena said as she turned around once more and ran off.

After breaking away from the group she jumped on a fence and boosted herself up onto the rooftops. From there she jumped from building to building looking ahead at the towering building of the light guild, White Phoenix. She narrowed her eyes and continued running and jumping reviewing her plan in her head once more.
Being that they are light-guilders, soon some must be coming out of the guild to go out on a mission. I will just follow them until they are far enough from their guild, then attack. But I shall try to isolate one first then see how it goes from there.
Ara purposely grazed her hand across Sawa's and led it off as an accident. From the tiny second their hand touched small webbing went all around her arm. The threads were too thin to be able to be felt but strong enough to stay attached. She smiled in the direction of Sawa and then heard her question and curled back into her shell. " I-I ... I dont like what my magic can do.." Ara paused and looked at her feet poking through the dress when she took a step. She was barefoot. "J-just know I can do anything you need me to do."
Sawa shuck her head. "You should always like your magic no matter what it can do you either learned it or was taught it either way it should be special to you not just something you don't like." Sawa said she was speaking from her heart thought since she was a dragon slayer taught by a dragon she always respected magic and anyone or even thing that can use magic. "I mean I'm a dragon slayer I didn't get to choose my magic I was taught it well more like forced to learn it." Sawa said before shacking her head once again. "Your free to do whatever you want its a women's right."
Ara smiled. She already liked this girl. "But there is something I want to ask. . " The girl paused a bit and tried a way to put this. So she decided to put this in a blunt way. "Are you afraid of spiders?" Ara put her head down and sighed. She herself hated spiders due to her life revolving around them. But they were a part of her childhood. And a part of her now... literally.
"Ah jezz Salena... Fine I'm coming too." Caina had to follow her, other than Loren she was the only one who thought about stuff. He ran after her and wall jumped between two building to reach the rooftops. "Come on you two, its not an option for you Vulture, don't trust you unless someones watching you. Ironic I know." Caina then looked around for Salena and once he spotted her he ran in towards her. Once he caught up to her he didn't bother asking any questions he was just going to observe. He looked down at the road and noticed the candy shop he stole the candy canes from. 'Where close to there guild hall, now I see what Salena was doing' Caina surveyed the road and saw two light guilders walking down it. He tryed to look as closely as he could at them and when he got a good look at Sawa's face Caina's checks turned a noticeable shade of red. 'Caina your body temp is rising what's harping to you?' "I don't know!". Caina then turned his head at Salena, the look of fear was plastered all over his face (along with the blush) "Salena what's wrong with me?"

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Elizabeth laughed as she sat next to Sasha,"Whatever you say popsicle chick. I barely even attacked you,but I have to say you use your magic very elegantly. "She let her hair fall over her shoulder as she probed her leg for any extensive damage. A small bit of pain,but a little time for healing would help,"Yea. I'm okay."The young mage smiled at her new friend and guild mate.

"It was good,even though Sasha thinks she can beat me! I won't let anybody mess up this pretty face of mine,but other than that Sasha is actually a pretty strong mage. I'm just going off of the sparring match though. She did hit me at least once!"Elizabeth explained without turning,just leaning back and throwing her head back.

"Wait! What! I wanna go! Sasha let's go on your first mission!" Elizabeth jumped and started running towards the exit without waiting for Sasha to speak. Waving to Ambrose, Idril, and Apollo,"Cya later!"
Sawa tilted her head looking at Ara she wanted to ask something. "Nope their webs help trap dust easier which gives me my source of magic." Sawa said with a smiled she actually didn't mind spiders in any case. "Why do you ask?" Sawa asked she was just interested since it was a question out of no where and she generally interested.
Sasha winced. She knew her attacks could punch a whallop, and knew the pain of an injury. But Elizabeth seemed fine, and clearly still energetic and ready to go. "Mission? Really? I was just getting settled into the guild before a mission but...okay" she rose, smiled and said "one moment" she leaned down, and laid a hand over the injury she ha caused, sending a wrap of ice around it "that should keep the swelling down and numb any pain a bit" she said "I'll remove it in about twenty minutes"

Vulture watched Salena leave, disinterest clear on his features. He'd find Light Guild members first. And he'd make sure they learned their place. Showing up his colleagues would just be a bonus to the blood.

Once Caina commented that he had to follow along, his head snapped to the side and his fangs bared. He threw an arm forwards to grab a window ledge as the limb stretched out unnaturally. He pulled himself up in one big launch, spinning his weight around to get atop the ledge before leaping up to the roof with one more burst. His eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets as he stalked up to Caina, intent on knocking his teeth in but he paused at the sight of red on the young man's cheeks. "Easy women..." was Vulture's only thought as he trailed after the younger man's gaze to spot two women walking unaccompanied below. "... easy prey!".

He licked his lips at the sight before him. Violence and ecstasy rolled into one... such perfect harmony.
" No reason.." Ara smiled and clenched her fist a bit and tried laughing. She got a weird chill for being watched and just decided to continue on. Ara walked on a bit more before making conversation. " So Sawa... How long have you been with White Phoenix?"
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Elizabeth shivered as it wrapped around her leg,"Hhhh..."she groaned out loud. Elizabeth smiled at Sasha and grabbed her,"Thank you!Now let's go before they get to far away!"The adventures girl yelled as she pulled Sasha out the training room and through the guild hall. "Wooh,your first mission!"
Loren rewrapped the candy cane and tucked it away in his pocket. He sighed at how quickly things transpired. Salena was very good at handling people, men in particular. It honestly scared him sometimes. How often did she manipulate him in the past? How more often will she continue to do it? It sent a shiver own his spine just thinking about it. She was pretty though. Cold, calculating, but pretty. He chuckled as he walke a little aways before looking up to see everyone making their way over the tops of buildings. Now that's not fair you know I'm useless if I over exert myself. He thought knowing that Salena was listening. Instead of jumping from place to place he did the one thing he knew wouldn't exert himself. He pulled up his Archive magic screens and place them in such a way that they formed stairs for him to reach the others. He looked over their shoulders and saw the two White Phoenix girls they were eyeing. He pulled up three more archive screens and began doing research. He preferred not to speak as it would probably cause him to go into another coughing fit. If you wish my sweet Salena, I can do some research on the targets below. Though limited as the information may be, we may learn a little something about their powers. You're decision, otherwise I'll follow your lead.

Not really wanting to waste too much time, he began pulling up files regardless of her answer. He was right though, as usual. The archive didn't have much on their targets other than what type of magic they used and very brief background knowledge. As the last standing light guild, whoever is handling their information is doing a fine job of it. Being able to give as little information as possible is a feat in it's own right. Especially against archive magic. "Damn I hate when I'm right."

@Rantos @utdfan22 @LifeNovel
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