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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Apollo listened and knew that Ara had developed a little crush for him. He laughed to himself and said, "Ladies ladies. There is enough of me to go around. As long as y'all are legal." He burst into laughter and got himself a mug of ale. He wondered what it was like at Black Raven. His plan was to keep his guild on guard but to stay on the defensive to mess with the dark guild's minds.
Sasha surprised herself with a giggle. Apollo clearly thought highly of himself. She surprised herself even more by walking over to the small group. What are you doing? She demanded of herself, but had no answer. Before she knew it, she was next to the group.

She found herself deliberately looking Apollo up and down, then shrugged, "You're okay. But not for everyone" She looked about, now suddenly nervous. She swallowed, "I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself to everyone. I'm Sasha"
Elizabeth chuckled at the thought of all the girls in White Phoenix fighting over Apollo,"Sorry Lo,but you are like a brother to me. And you could never handle the Northstar.I am to much for most people!"Elizabeth teased Apollo like she usually does and sat on the bar,placing herself between Ara and Apollo. When Sasha introduced herself Elizabeth hopped off the bar and approached her with a smile,"Nice to meet you Sasha. I am Elizabeth.What kind of magic do you use?"

Salena felt another presence approach them, Loren. Her eyes closed and opened once more when she turned around and faced Loren. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Then she turned back to Caina, "Sorry doesn't fix things." With all the guys surrounding her, it was irritating. Being one of the few females in the guild was stressful, being irritated and stressed, not a good combination. She was about to say something else to Caina when she heard the raven screech. The screech was a signal that the guild master was about to speak. This silenced the whole guild. All eyes turned up to the dark figure.



I better do something or else they will tear each other, limb for limb.

"Quaso, initiate the call," Heolstor ordered. The raven bowed its head getting ready to cry. Heolstor's eyes looked down at his members as the raven screeched. Immediately all stopped. Breaths were even held.

"You all may have heard by now that our wonderful guild ace has gone and patronize the guild master of the White Phoenix. In doing so it may have insinuated a war with the White Phoenix Guild. Now do not fret, they may be the last standing white guild, but that means they are vulnerable still. But that does not mean we attach irrationally. We will eventually attack them. Although the guild master may have threatened a fight with us, that does not mean we attack first. That is what they want from us. If they want to fight, then they must come here. And witness death in its rightful place!"

Roars erupted from the masses. Fists raised up and woops filled the air. Although they don't listen to each other, they all will listen to Hell. All fear Hell as well as admire him. Heolstor knew this and which is why he spoke from above, like a god.

@Rantos @Psylion @utdfan22 @Offspring
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Sasha was nervous, and didn't meet any of their eyes. A bad habit of hers. But when she was asked about her abilities, she became visable excited.

"I'm a ice molder" she said "but it's not the normal type. I combine inanimate and animate objects together to create attacks. I could show you, but I might damage the guild hall" she said, smiling, "it's difficult at times to create my abilities, but I think it's cool"
Ara looked towards the direction where a figure walked and sat next to her. She smiled where she believed she would be and then sat there drinking the water she received and listened to the new girls conversation with Lizzy.
Elizabeth's evil smirk crossed her face once more. She stalked over to Sasha and placed her hand on her shoulder,"Well...How about a sparing match outside. We have a place out back we use for sparring,training,and meditation!" Elizabeth inched closer to Sasha as if it was a life or death situation. Whispering,"What the others in the guild don't know is that I am the decider! When you fight me I decide what your rank is!" Elizabeth was lying through her teeth,but she spoke with such confidence you would have trouble not believing her. The truth was that she was just board and was inching for a fight,and Sasha was the cure for her current dilemma.
The blind girl sighed a bit and tightened her grip on her glass. Accidentally shattereing it and causing her hand to bleed she stood up and walked to the job wall. She grabbed a random sheet and was about to walk out the door.. but there was one thing.. she didnt know what the mission was about.. She reached for the front door and clenched her first digging some of the glass deeper into her hand. Ara barely winced in pain not wanting to show distress and awkwardly went back to Apollo. "C-could you tell me what I need to do..."
Sasha blinked. She hadn't been given a rank yet, having never been ranked before, but wasn't too sure how the ranks worked. She doubted that Elizabeth alone decided the rank of a fellow member, but why not fight? She needed the practice after all.

And it was always amusing seeing people's reactions to her abilities. She nodded "alright then" she said, smiled "I'll fight you"
"Follow me!"Elizabeth turned on her heels and started to lead Sasha past the bar. Walking down a hall and out of the back room,Elizabeth stepped outside to fresh. Breathing the air with a smile,the young woman walked toward a building somewhat hidden behind the trees and down a path. Once inside the building Sasha would be able to see at how big it actually is. Outside it looks small,but since it has been enchanted by magic. Inside there was 5 huge rings for sparring,and a few other places for small training and meditation,"Welcome to the White Phoenix training building!"Elizabeth yelled with excitement and cheer.
Sasha followed Elizabeth out, looking about them as they travelled. She looked around, amazed at the inside. She should be use to the wonders of magic. But she wasn't. "I love magic" she said happily, looking to Elizabeth.

"Can I kick your butt now, or is there some sort of protocol?" She asked sweetly. Unleashed, Sasha's attitude could now be seen.
Apollo noticed that Ara's hand was bleeding. He first said, "Well. First lets get you some gauze for your hand. Then you can go on a mission." He quickly went to their first aid cabinet and pulled out some gauze. He asked, "May I?" And then wrapped her hand after picking out the pieces. "Sorry for the pain. Just take care of yourself. Ok? No guild members of mine are going to get hurt from such a small thing like glass." He smiled at her and read the mission to her. "Umm. This is a pretty had mission. Would you like to take someone else with you? I believe Sawa isn't doing much. She never is really." He laughed and gave the mission back. Evacuating an entire village from a dark guild's grasp? That was not something for just one person. He called Sawa over.

"Protocol?Nope. I never listen to the rules anyway,so....I guess there isn-- did you just say you were going to kick my butt?"Elizabeth chuckled which turned to a full on laugh. She walked to the center of a ring,"Bring it on cupcake! I can't wait to see your magic in action!" Elizabeth didn't reveal her magic as a tactic. One thing she did remember Apollo saying is that knowledge is power,and the more you know on your opponent the better you are at handling them.
Sasha just smiled as Elizabeth laughed. "Now I want a cupcake. I'll reward myself with one when I win" She said, in an almost shy mannor. "My magic is awesome. But then ,so is yours" She chuckled softly, and was in motion. "Ice Make: bear shield, Ice make:Bird Bombers!"

A large ice bear formed, rising on its hind legs, protectively around Sasha. Large, fat ice birds formed, and began to rain down like a gigantic hail storm. "Ice make: Hawk Arrow!" A large hawk formed, and angled down at high speeds towards Elizabeth.
Sawa was cleaning the bar counter she never minded cleaning the guild and actually found it quick enjoyable especially when she was bored. She was doing that barely even noticing what was going on around her until she heard the guild master call her. She put down the rag she was using the clean with and jumped over the counter walking towards the guild master. She hoped he had a mission planned She means cleaning if fun but gets boring after a while and some missions where fun. She smiled and slightly tilted her head. "Yes Master?"

After Heolstor's speech Caina stood up and started walking towards the main entrance of the guild. Once he got to the doors he hesitated for a second before opening them. Hes done some bad stuff before trying to prove himself to the master but this had to be the worst, and he knew that. He started down the road the guild doors closing behind him 'Where are you going? Shouldnt you be in there clapping for your master like everyone else?' "No... I need to get stronger for the upcoming battles, and since you're not going to give me access to the other half of my magic power then I need to train the half I do have." 'And how do you plan to do that?' Caina's smiled returned to him as he walked off down the road. "Im just going to see if a dark guild in a nearby town wants to spar a little."

The lazy man lifted his gaze slightly at the sound of the craw, his lips snarling at the sight of the guildmaster overhead. However, once the talk of a bloodbath started flowing, he cheered alongside the rest, caught up in the ecstasy of expected violence. He could practically taste the coppery tang already as his hands reached for another bottle that someone had left at their table. He popped off the lid and started downing the liquid inside, the burning feeling inside of his throat only fueling the heat inside of him.

He needed to hit something or screw something, do something to blow off this steam! He finished the bottle, staggering slightly on his feet before slamming it down on the table and shouting over the din of the raucous crowd, "More liquor you lazy bitch! I'm trying to get smashed here!"

Pride and admiration shown through her piercing blue eyes as she looked up at the guild master. She was among those who were clapping, and a smile was on her face. The guild master always makes sense. Thank goodness for that. Her attention was drawn away when she saw Caina walking out. A frown replaced her smile. She overheard slightly what Caina was going to do. Imbecile.

She shot up from her seat and was about to go after Caina, but she thought it over and decided with more people with her, the more they can watch over Caina. Her head turned over to Loren, a tolerable person.
"Hey Loren, want to come and watch over Mr. Guild Ace over there?" Salena asked as her thumb pointed over in the direction to the exiting Caina. Her head then turned a bit more over to the shouting Vulture, "Hey Vulture why don't you come to? Seems you could use a walk." Knowing Caina Salena wanted to make sure he didn't screw up anymore.

@Psylion @utdfan22

Vulture turned his gaze from the bar, the bartender letting out a sigh of relief as he refocused on Salena. He tilted his head, rolling his neck about somewhat as he felt a huge heat building up in his body. His teeth flashed as his hands were thrown in his suit pocket and his chin tilted backwards as his tongue lapped out to lick at his cheek. "I'll come along but I probably won't stop at watching. The heat's flaring up in me again and I feel the need to let off some steam."

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"No. You will get the cupcake as a consolation prize after I kick your butt. "Elizabeth chuckled as she requipped to Finalé Calcio & Finalé Battuta,"Ooo...Ice. Perfect!"

Hitting a back hand spring,and a few tumbling techniques,Elizabeth dodged the falling birds,but got an idea after seeing the Hawk form.

Use your opponents strength against them!

Jumping toward the hawk Elizabeth kicked it back at Sasha,"Eat it popsicle chick!"After landing she noticed that she had been hit by one of the birds when she wasn't paying attention

Sasha was amused when Elizabeth icked her hawk towards her. Sasha merely raised a hand, and flicked it, ice smashing into ice knocking the hawk back into formation, back to wards Elizabeth.

"That" She said, "Was foolish" She smiled once more, and then "ice Make: Floor!" Ice spread out, and Sasha barely shifted her weight to stay balanced, not even thinking about it.

Other then that, she just watched Elizabeth, her bear shield protecting her.
Apollo smiled back at Sawa. "Why of course it's a mission. You and Ara get to go on it. It's evacuating a town from the grasps if a dark guild. And since you're the ace of my guild, well you know. But come back quick because there may be a fight in the guild." He pointed to Ara and shoved the paper into Sawa's hands.
Ara bit her tongue a bit and followed what Apollo said. She felt a bit like a puppy in this guild and she needed to show what she could do. But.. she didnt like showing off.. She didnt have much nor can she do much she just wants to be important. Ara nodded and looked to the girl named Sawa. Apparently she was the ace of this guild so if she could impress her..
Sawa smiled and took the paper which was being shoved into her hand. "I don't think i'm the guild ace since most of out other mages around here are most likely stronger than me." Sawa said since she never thinks of herself as strong so she was just saying what she believed. "Never the less I sorry we will finish this mission as soon as possible." Sawa said before looking at the girl she would be going on the mission with they never really talked but who knows it could be the start of a great friendship. Sawa simply smiled and began to walk out of the guild hall. "We'll be back soon." She said hoping that Ara is following her.
"Upsy-daisy!"The young Mage yelled as she kicked the hawk back into the air. Following it Elizabeth kicked it back towards Sasha once more,but this time she ignite her dust around her foot so the hawk would melt,then quickly requipped to Elemental's Dance and shot six fire arrows directly behind the hawk so Sasha would barely have time to react. When Elizabeth kicked the hawk back she tried not to let Sasha see her use Stardust Magic,but if she did see Elizabeth Sasha should think it was a type of fire magic.

Elizabeth landed on the ground and instantly fell to her butt,"Ow!"she cried as she struggled to get to her feet,but continued to fall back to the ground.

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