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Fandom Danganronpa

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel

SHSL Writer


"Not hands, feet. If I know what type of break it is then we can tell if a large heavy weapon was used or if the killer used their feet keijisaurous. It wouldn't really make sense as to why they would break their legs by stomping on it but it might just be to throw us off, either way, I need to know the break!"

@Blue Fire

"Oh, My name is Julian. Julian Kohlier. Julian is easie to say though. And sure. I suppose, anything can be used as a weapon, so everyone may be suspects at this point. and yeah, people could use their feet. You know, gravity and weight and stuff. For me, i have my own ellimination method. OH, if you see any white cloth ripped up? Take note of that as well! And Uh..." Julian, who started to feel like a little kid all of a sudden, paused. "Uhm.. How about we meet here when the the investigation thing end? and sure you two could help. Be better with more people." While Julian didn't smile, He tried not to bounce on his feet, but ended up tapping his feet. He was kind of impatient to do stuff.
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Keiji "Keijisaurous" Sore

Keiji was pretty enthusiastic that more people were joining in.More hands would make it more quicker.The only problem was that 16 can't be evenly divided by 5 but Keiji can overlook that.God,I'm a nerd,Keiji thought.Everything was fine but then Lulu called him by that stupid nickname.

"W-w-what d-did you..uhh... c-c-call me?"Keiji said pitifully with his pale face. @Trust

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel

SHSL Writer


"Keijisaurous..? It seems kind of appropriate considering your name is Keiji Sore, right? I mean, if you don't want me to call you it, that's fine, but now is not the time, we have a murderer to find." She knelt down to the body, considering throwing up due to the smell of all the blood but examined the leg (@Blue Fire what type of break is it?)

@OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @Theflamre @Scrubnoppon @BennyAxC @Murlock Chief @Laughing Lunatic @Blue Fire
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"Keiji, there's no time to worry about your name, okay? Let's go search the rooms already. Julian you can get 7, Keiji can have 5, and I'll get 4. Are you guys fine with that?" Ike said to the two, he thought that this was the best solution and Julian seemed to be pretty smart to him and hoped he be okay with 7 rooms to check.

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Keiji Sore

Keiji really wanted to escape from that name for years.So he took up the first offer to end it.

@Trust "Ye-yes.Yep.Don't ever c-c-call me that n-n-name ever again." his courage and determination faded.

@BennyAxC @Laughing Lunatic "Ummm...I g-guess?Are you...uhhmm...ok with that,Julian?"​
Julian grinned Although it looked more creepy than anything, though he wasn't meaning too. "Leave it to me. I'll probably get them all done pretty quickly if I'm honest." Julian said, before going to walk off. "Talk to you all in a bit." He said, before jogging to the rooms to get a head-start. He stopped quickly, before coming back.

"uhh.... hehe, stupid question, but who's room do we get? I know we don't get our own room so...? Should I just take the first seven? Ahh, but I'm number seven. uhm... I'll take 1-6 and 8? I don't know." Julian slightly whinned. His brain didn't comprehend on making decisions. 'I'd be terrible at trying to kill someone. I'm useless at making decisions.'
"I'll get the first four, Keiji is rooms five through nine, and lastly Julian get's the remaining rooms!" Ike smiled at them politely, trying to clear up Julian's obvious confusion. He was actually making decisions! This absolutely put him through the roof... Even though they were doing this so they can figure out who murdered their friend..


Keiji Sore

Keiji already sorted out everything in his mind.Although he hated his talent at least he can rely on his mind on anything about numbers.

"I'll decide.Ike,you get rooms 1-4.I'll get rooms 5- 9.And Julian...you get the most important block 10-16."

Julian Nodded. "Got it. from rooms 10-16! Why are they important though? AH, Tell me Later!" Julian ran off the search the rooms. This meant he was going through th rooms of:

@Blue Fire @Murlock Chief @Theflamre @Scrubnoppon

Eitherway, he searched for 5 minues in each room. He searched for things like Blood, or weapons, or anything suspicous.
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After hearing Keiji's statement. Ike disappointingly agreed, feeling like he was ignored since he already said it. He searched rooms one threw four but found nothing worth taking note of. He found more of Nagisa's candy in his room though but contemplated on taking them. He didn't take any. This took him a total of 12 minuets.
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"Hey, Ike, If you have nothing to do, you can help me out." Julian, who was lightly jogging around, stopped to talk to Ike. "Doing 7 Rooms is actually pretty difficult. And thanks for helping me, I'm useless when It comes to making decisions. exact reason why I wont kill. I wouldn't know what I'm doing and would have a mental breakdown!" Julian laughed slightly, making joke of the situation that wouldn't happen. "Anyway, you wanna come with me? If you want to, you don't have to. I don't have many rooms to do anyway" Julian was jogging on he spot. He felt like he had energy to spend. And he did so.

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[QUOTE="Laughing Lunatic]"Hey, Ike, If you have nothing to do, you can help me out." Julian, who was lightly jogging around, stopped to talk to Ike. "Doing 7 Rooms is actually pretty difficult. And thanks for helping me, I'm useless when It comes to making decisions. exact reason why I wont kill. I wouldn't know what I'm doing and would have a mental breakdown!" Julian laughed slightly, making joke of the situation that wouldn't happen. "Anyway, you wanna come with me? If you want to, you don't have to. I don't have many rooms to do anyway" Julian was jogging on he spot. He felt like he had energy to spend. And he did so.

Ike watched him talk, then chuckled and smiled at him, "You're welcome! A-And.. I would love to come with you!" He blushed a little, it wasn't very noticeable unless you had amazing eyesight or was really close up to his face for some reason. "If you do end up having a mental breakdown, I'll be there to help and do what I can!"
(My internet lagged so I didn't realise that Ike said that.Sorry)

Keiji Sore

Keiji said the same thing that Ike said.Keiji was feeling guilty.He didn't know why though but he thought that Ike sounded a bit disappointed.That would have to wait though.

Keiji checked his assigned rooms.He didn't see anything because the GM was not awake yet. stuff,junk and stuff. ( @Blue Fire ,who were the ones who watched he video?)

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"Really? Thank you! Your the Best! Well then, Lets go!" Julian smiled, with the excitement of a child. He couldn't help it, his childish side was getting the better of him. He didn't noticed the blush on Ike's face, but he did notice him being a bit bashful. Julian didn't understand why though. Julian was just being friendly. Julian also noticed the height difference. Julian was at least 10 inches taller, and it made markus feel slightly weird to be almost a foot taller than someone that wasn't a girl. It Made Julian feel slightly protective. But then again, who wasn't he protective of someone who's smaller than him? 'My brain isn't working today. I'm going to be so boned in the trial'
Ike and Julian both checked the remaining rooms Julian had left, Ike noticed that Julian was a bit more energetic and childish then before which helped Ike be himself a little more. During that time Ike made a few jokes and playfully teased him a little, he also made a mistake and called him 'Juli" at one point. His mind then lingered on the murder, 'With all the clues we have so far... Who could've killed her?..' Ike's mind then came to the DVD's, they were the motive for this. He did say to Sehema and Kiyo that he would help find the killer so... "Hey, Julian if you don't mind... What was on your DVD? I'll tell you mine too if it would help you feel more comfortable..."

@Laughing Lunatic
Julian didn't mind the nicknames. He enjoyed them. Being asked the question, he remembered the horrible scenes. His mood changed drastically, and the previous smile, was now just a frown. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

(As I wan't here personally for the Motives, I'm going to make it up? If thats not allowed, I'm sorry, I had no clue. xD )

"It... Was my my parents and my childhood-bestfriend. My mother was hug, my father was mutulated, and my friend.... he had the same smile he alwasy had on him. bright and Cheerful. But he was hung with the meat hooks... I will kill the person who did that, however I wont kill to get out. I wont look for them, it's an 'if I happen to come across them' Senario. I won't hurt innocent people. They havent done anything wrong." He sighed, before patting his face sharply to brighten up. smiling he turned to Ike "You don't have to tell me yours if you don't want to. It may be hand to try and remember it." Julian smiled, but it seemed slightly forced. @BennyAxC
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"It was my caretakers and my fans. They were cheering and singing about my accomplishment to making into Hope's Peak. It was really cute, and it kinda made me tear up seeing them all there... Then the screen became static-y.. When the screen cleared up again there was blood everywhere, I've never seen so much in one place. The buildings and stuff around where destroyed, all ruined." Ike smiled back at Julian, it wasn't forced at all, but slightly had a sad state to it, "Kiyo told me that the video's were forged, they just had to be. That Monokuma just wanted to see us turn against each other and that it gets off on it, or something. So with that being said Julian.. I can be 100% sure that your loved ones are alright... And about you killing.. You'll just be as bad as them if you get revenge..." Ike walked up to Julian and hugged him. He sighed and let go, wiping away the tears coming down his face, slightly chuckling.

@Laughing Lunatic
Julian Looked at Ike before hugging him again tightly. "Thank you, Ike. You don't know how much that means to me." Julian didn't cry. He didn't want to cry at this point in time. Besides, he knew that if he cried, he would be more emotional in the up-coming trial than needed. So he stuck to hugging. "I hope I'm not hugging you too tightly" Julian laughed lightly before letting him go. Markus breathed in properly and put a determined smile on. "Okay, I think I'm good. and, hey, don't cry. I'm sure we'll be fine. And If the case is that its forged, then I definatly wont be killing anything in the future." Julian said, wiping the tears off of Ike. "You look way better when you smile. Okay?" @BennyAxC
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Ike smiled, "Okay! And you do too.." Ike looked around the room they were in, "I think we're finished with this one.... We should have Warren's room left now. After Warren it should be just time for the Class Trial. Also, Keiji should be done now with his rooms." Ike said as he began to walk out of the victim's room. From that, Ike was certain that Julian wasn't the killer, some of them also suspected Kinjin but Ike completely disagreed with that... He just couldn't think that any of them did it! His mind drew a blank. Though there was the white cloth, that brings them closer to killer.

@Laughing Lunatic
(I have five ships already: Ike and Kiyo(this one's more like mother and son), Ike and Kinjin, Ike and Julian, Keiji and Lulu, and lastly Mulier and Chris.)
Julian Nodded. He followed Ike out and shut the door. Julian could tell that Ike wasn't a killer type, but he couldn't be certain. He will alwasy have doubts, but Julian trusts him. Julian streches and bends backwards before going back up straight. That felt good. He started to think about the clues. If someone killed then they would have to show hints of being either insane, nervous, or just insanely nice. thats usually the sighns of someone beingguilty. The cloth could mean torn clothing. but from whom? They also have to be quite tired, considering that if they were going to up up early in the morning... "Gah, my brain isn't working. Trying to figure out 'Who Dunnit' and There are so many variables to consider. why did someone have to kill? It wasn't self defence, so there isn't any reason to. Like... What the hell? trying to wrap my brain around peoples morals is impossible." Markus was grumbling, he was getting angry, and starting to talk to himself. He sighed and decided to shut up, feeling like he was making himself look stupid. @BennyAxC

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