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Fandom Danganronpa

"Oh Here read it." Alexis gave the letter to Kenji and the letter reads:

Dear Mulier,

I know we are not so close but I need to talk to someone about the motives and maybe we could get to know each other . If you will won't to please go to the Cafe and you'll see me drinking coffee. I hope you shall come.



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Keiji Sore

(I couldn't get rid of the line so yeah)

Keiji's eyes widen.Close.That word.Close.He was laughing with joy.

"This,"he chuckled "is the lead we need." @Blue Fire ,quick.Who are her friends?"

Yeah the letter just said that they didn't know each other close so chris is in the clear

Keiji Sore

Keiji didn't know why but the letter magically changed wording.Either that or someone messed up their post.I mean,what?What was Keiji thinking?

"Oh well."he shrugged."but that doesn't make any sense!"Keiji boomed.

"@Blue Fire ,we were just shown...uhhh...h...hor...horrible,"Keiji's arms were shaking because he remembered his video.WHY HER?

"Horri...horribbb...horrible."Keiji couldn't bring himself to say it.Keiji fell to his knees and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Eleanor "El" Livid


"Meoowwww!" She awoke on the gym floor, it was sad to think that everyone forgot about her and let the poor thing sleep on the unsanitary floor. At least she didn't see the tape. Eleanor made a tiny yawn and walked outside, but she didn't notice that Nagisa was watching her the whole time. The midget walked into the cafe where everyone else was, "H-Hey! I was wondering where you all- Aaaaaahh!" She saw the body of a dead girl, and that made her run away back to her room. "No no no no no..." Not surprisingly, there were REAL WEAPONS in her room that Monokuma put there to encourage the students to kill. When she finally noticed, it was too late, a sword fell from a tall cabinet and it landed on her... TEDDY BEAR! "CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, HELP ME!" Eleanor screamed repeatedly.

@Blue Fire @Trust
Nagisa Taketora


As soon as Eleanor awoken, he would leave the gym still with his katana drawn. Back at the cafe he sheathed it and joined the rest of the crew in searching for evidence. "The white cloth would have to belong to someone who wears white, and I obviously know I'm not the killer, and neither is the Ultimate Archer." It's also obviously neither of the kids too since they don't have the strength or knowledge to break someone's leg and kill them, "Now, who was moving around at midnight?" Nagisa was already suspicious of Kinjin, but he'd do some more investigating before coming off to a conclusion. He examined the contents of the coffee cup to see if there were any poisons in there. (@Blue Fire)

@OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @McMajestic @Theflamre @Scrubnoppon @BennyAxC @Murlock Chief @Laughing Lunatic @Blue Fire @Trust

@OnceDarkness No Poisons's it also looked like it was already drank from but before any more topic's "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 I wpould like to say that we have 30 minutes left of investigation I repeat 30 minutes of investigation."

Keiji Sore

Monokuma's annoying voice snapped Keiji out of it.

"Oh..uhhh...forget about...uhh...just now. "Keiji said after he pulled himself up. @Blue Fire

"Like I said.There's no way that she would just follow what this letter is saying.After....that....you know that by common sense,everyone would be more likely to murder and just go along like nothing will happen.You would have to be an idiot to do that."

"Maybe the person was someone she could trust.Or was this lure letter related to the murder at all.Like was it forged after the murder."

"Or was she...."Keiji trembled "planning to kill the person in the letter?"

@OnceDarkness @DaniBot @Trust

Keiji Sore

Keiji checked his Monokuma file.
Maybe he missed something?That's odd...

"Huh,broken legs?".That was a bit weird to say the least.

" @Trust Lulu,what do you think of this?"Keiji pointed at the injuries section.

"Isn't it weird.Where could she possibly break her legs?Falling from a table of this height...would not generate enough momentum to break your legs.There's nothing here that you could possibly use to break legs."​
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Investigating the Dead Hunter. (If I'm late, im sorry)

Julian, after watching everyone, decided it was time to face the body. He walked to the body, and checked it thoughruly. "Broken leg? Could be a struggle. Death was the obvious stab in the neck." He got up and looked around.

"So the weapon was the scissors. I mean, you can see blood in the sink. Empty coffee cup? Must be morning. Especially with the monokuma file. so that makes is 3:10 AM? Thats fucking early, even for me" He looked around more to see the 'Lure letter' "Well.... they were lying. I hate it when people lie about shit like that. 'Not going to kill you' my ass" Markus Grumbled in annoyance. He then found the White cloth. Taking it, he ended up confused.

"A White cloth? What the hell is this supposed to be?" He sighed, but decided to keep it in mind anyway. It could be important, but It could be not. He wasn'te sure.
And now, watch people for their reactions! Wooo." He said to himself sarcastically and left the area before stopping. "I hope you rest in piece." He muttered before properly leaving. Best to pay your respects no?

(@Blue Fire Sorry, I was so FREAKING LATE. I was away the entire day because: School, then my mum decicded she wanted to fuss with laptops. then a Movie at the cinema, then tried the laptops again, and i was just really tired. I'm sorry. Ikd if I'm going to be there for the Trial (Mostly anyway) BUT I will be around in the future. My mum just wanted to choose a really awkward time *Grumble Grumble*)

Keiji Sore

"HEY.What are you doing?"Keiji asked Julian who practically appeared out of thin air and immediately investigated the corpse.

Keiji heard everything Julian said but he already heard it before except the scissors and the white cloth. He'll just file that thought later.Keiji checked to see if there was any tears in the victim's clothes. He was turning a vibrant shade of red but he had to see if the cloth came from the victim's clothes.

"It m-m-must be a struggle.....But question...is,where's the...uhhh.. weapon?Human h-h-hands can't ..uhh..break legs on....their own and...uhhh....if you realised...there's nothing to f-f-fall off from."

Keiji thought that Julian's attitude was so rude but his last comment struck Keiji hard.

Rest in pieces!Keiji's face whitened and his heart worked on overdrive.Rest in pieces!Rest in pieces?

Keiji just thought of something.He's not going to just search the victim's room but EVERYONE ELSE'S as well.

Keiji will have to ask Monokuma to open everyone's room.Problem is,there's not enough time to do it on his own.

"Can..uhhh...s-someone help me?"Keiji asked.

@Blue Fire @OnceDarkness @McMajestic @DaniBot @Trust

Julian Jumped and balled his hands into fists at the sudden shouting at him. Fuck he's left his guard down. I stared at the guy who seemed to be having a mental break down. 'This guy can't kill. He's a panicing mess!' He though and Sighed.

"Hey, I'm trying to aid in the investigation. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything else. The cloth has to be from something white. Table cloth? There ARE Scissors after all. And the broken leg... Well it is possible to do it without falling, or with your bear hands. Or even triping. The human leg is actually pretty fragile. It also could have been to imobilise them, so they didn't escape. It's possible, I've seen in movies. Plus an old friend of mine broke their leg by tripping over a cat. And people can be just that stong." Markus explained. when Keiji asked for someone to help him, Markus voulenteered.

"I could help if you need to. What is it that you need to do?" He asked. Markus knew he could handle a lot of stuff, and its not supprise that someone would need help, with the timer going down.

(@Blue Fire I may not acctually be here for the Trial. Fuck. Sorry. I'll try to, but I really don't know.)
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Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel

SHSL Writer


"so... A broken leg..." She mumbled to herself and began thinking, fiddling with her glasses. "The only explanation I can think of is that they were increibly strong, wait... What type of break is it? A clean break or is it shattered?" She asked

@Blue Fire

Charlotte "char" Livid


Charlotte was woken by the terrified screams of her sister and began running towards where they seemed to be coming from, while she ran she caught a glimpse of something red and surrounded by people. "Did we get a new carpet or something..?" She wondered as she ran before storming into her sister's room. "E-El! Are you alright?!"

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Keiji Sore

"Okay good. "Keiji was a bit relieved although he still thought Julian was rude.

"@Laughing Lunatic ,You know,I've never caught your name yet.And also,do you think it's really possible to break someone's legs with your bare hands.I still think a weapon was involved but...uhhh...I'm getting beside the point.You check half of the rooms to see if the people inside have actually seen the video and I'll check the other half.I'll check your room and you check my room to be fair.".Keiji thought at the very least,they could eliminate some suspects.

"Oh yeah.See in every room if anything that can be used as a club exist.If you are lucky."​
After Ike and Kiyo chatted for a bit, Ike walked back to his room, or was about to when he saw Keiji and Julian. He also overheard their plan, "Hello, excuse me, but could I help too? I don't want to be useless in this case and um..." He asked them. He wanted to do something for this case, he felt like he was the only one not helping. Kiyo tried to reassure him that guarding the body was help, but Ike declared that it wasn't enough compared to what the others are doing.


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