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Fandom Danganronpa

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


Her face went an even deeper shade of pink as he called her cut, reminding her of one of her books called "The Horror of High School the Highschool" a horror, ramantic comedy set in modern times. "M-my name as you all know is Lulu" she mumbled, not wanting to talk out of embarrassment

@Blue Fire

Nagisa Taketora


Time went by quickly, after watching the DVD he still wasn't very impressed. "This is a sham, it's impossible for the entire Taketora clan to be wiped out." He knew for certain Monokuma was trying to get someone to kill, someone who was vulnerable, someone who feared this happening. "So this is all a game to you eh Monokuma? Alright then, we'll see how long you can treat us like pawns in the dark." When the murder was announced, he was already in his room, apparently Monokuma put weapons in there to try to encourage him to kill. He came out of his room with a sheathed (Real) katana, investigating the body.

Nagisa raised his voice, "Now let's go over this while looking at all the possibilities. There were signs of struggle, and a broken leg. But is there anything to have caused the broken leg? I'm guessing that the killer is strong enough to break bones with their bare hands. That automatically disqualifies any athletically unfit people here as the murderer, and it's also quite hard to pierce through someone with scissors." He put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, then opened them once more. "With all the evidence so far, this would disqualify the Ultimate Lucky and Unlucky, they're only children and don't have the capability of breaking legs. If it's okay with all of you, I'd like every physically fit person to stand in a straight line."

@Blue Fire @Blue Fire
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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Sehema eyed the newcomer as he tried to get the others in a line. "I understand what you're trying to do, but just because someone doesn't have the physical strength doesn't mean they're out. They could have used her weight against her. It's a really easy combat feat to fend off people more powerful than you." She decided to stand in front of Nagisa and looked his way. "Also counting people out because of their age is a really easy way for them to place a target on your back. No offense, but the recent situation should be reason enough to not base your trust on looks." She spoke coldly to the boy.


Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"As much as I hate to admit it, she has a point" she said, enforcing what Sehema had said, while also thinking that she might just be diverting attention away from herself, given she is one of the more athletic ones. "everyone, If you would anything that is not white, so jumpers and the such, that would be great, we have to find out where the cloth came from and... Well... I-It obviously didn't come from me.." She mumbled, pointing to her white shirt

@Blue Fire

Nagisa Taketora


"If you really believe the Unlucky and Lucky know how to break legs, then you're obviously an idiot. That's like saying a grade schooler can break my legs." He replied back coldly. Then Nagisa diverted his attention to Lucy, "Through my recent thoughts, I have concluded that the murderer is Kinjin. Of course, that accusation is quite premature but I'd like for you all to consider it. Concerning the white cloth, we just need to check the people who wear white clothing, see if their clothes are ripped or anything. Of course, the cloth could come from the victim, so let's check his body as well. Only the weak and unstable fall for tricks like these, but let us all remember who the real enemy is... MONOKUMA!"

@Blue Fire @Trust
Kinjin was shocked at the accusation. He looked over to Ike with a nervous look and he didn't feel good having a target on his back. Alexis grabbed the Lure paper from her room and ran to the Cafe. "HEY GUYS look at what I found." She said as she showed the letter to saying to Mulier to meet at the Cafe to talk about the Motives. Piper backed away into the shadows and watched Nagisa.

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"I guess that would explain the scissors... Kinjin! Can you come here and sign this piece of paper?" She asked. "With both hands if you would" she added afterwards, holding out the small strip of paper and a pen. "Use this to write and we will see if you are the murderer" she said sternly, suddenly seeming quite dangerous

@Blue Fire

Trust said:

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"I guess that would explain the scissors... Kinjin! Can you come here and sign this piece of paper?" She asked. "With both hands if you would" she added afterwards, holding out the small strip of paper and a pen. "Use this to write and we will see if you are the murderer" she said sternly, suddenly seeming quite dangerous

@Blue Fire

"Of course." He wrote pretty neat not to neat but not to messy. But the note that Alexis found was different from the Fake Suicide. "You Happy."

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Sehema narrowed her eyes at Nagisa after his comment. "I'm sorry, but do you want to maybe reconsider your statement? I'd strongly suggest it." Sehema quickly turned to Alexis as she brought the paper. She stayed quiet at the thought of Kinjin being the culprit. She wanted to call out Nagisa for making a baseless accusation but bit her tongue once Lulu spoke up.


Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel

SHSL Writer


"now, do you have any white clothing such as a shirt like mine for example, or maybe a dress?" She asked, not quite letting her go just yet. "This is all just to make sure, just so you know, I personally don't believe you did it, but we need to be adamant"

@Blue Fire

Nagisa Taketora


"Eyewitnesses people, eyewitnesses." He smirked, watching all of them try to solve the murder was funny, at least to him. "What murderer writes a suicide note, then puts the murder weapon in a sink where it can be easily found? A dumb one. Now, it is possible that the suicide note was written by the victim himself, maybe they drank a poison contained within the coffee, and the murderer finished the job?" Nagisa's hearing told him someone moved, but he didn't know who. "Anyways, I don't know why you people are making each other write the suicide note when the lure letter is right in your damn face.." He held pencils in both his hands and simultaneously wrote the lure letter twice, one with his left and one with his right. "Oh, and one more piece of advice. The motive would be the DVD, so whoever did it must have had a past full of angst, probably having to do with being locked up and wanted to be free." The ninja looked around for opportunities to escape, as soon as he found one, he quickly left into the shadows with his katana drawn.

He arrived in the gym and climbed up to one of the steel beams and sat on it, the gym was too dark for anyone to see him so it was the perfect spot to think.

@Blue Fire @Trust

Keiji Sore

Keiji was oblivious to the fact that he embarassed Lulu.So he was a bit surprised that she turned pink.(weirdly the same colour of the blood)

He couldn't bear to look at the body.He shouldn't actually.But he has to.With dramatic tension,he turned his head to the body.Good thing he cleared the contents of his stomach on Lulu.He saw the slash marks around the neck.The angle looks impossible to do to yourself.Hey,maybe he could calculate that angle.Keiji takes out a notepad from his shirt pocket and a pen out of his jean pocket and starts to calculate that angle.( @Blue Fire please tell me if it's possible or not for the victim to stab herself.)

Then a theory popped out of his mind.

"Hey,Lulu.Who was the victim.Oh I mean I I know the victim but I don't actually know the victim.I mean who was she.Who were her friends.Who were her enemies.Everything that we need to know.If you have a problem,you need to know as much information as possible.Then you just have to insert everything and it would just be a matter of adding up.Paint me a description.And wait,that guy has a real katana?"Keiji pointed at the ninja fellow who went into the gym. @Trust @OnceDarkness

"We're ...uhh..just letting that slide? "​
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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Listening to Keiji speak, Sehema hit her open palm with a fist. "Or better yet, has anyone tried looking at her DVD? Or looking in the victim's room at all?"

@Blue Fire @Scrubnoppon
@NANANANANANANANANANA I mean it is always possible to stab you're self but from common sense there would be better places to stab your self then the back of you're neck and with scissor?
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"Um.. one minute I was in there and found the letter and her DVD looked like it wasn't open or she did anything in her room at all." She said as she looked over to the victim's body. Kinjin just slipped to the side and sat down to think.

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@NANANANANANANANANANA But the wound comes from the back of the neck and she was laying face first so the he or she had to be right on top of her
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Keiji Sore

Keiji concluded that the victim couldn't stab herself or she was extremely flexible and decided to show her flexibility before she died.(It was plain to see though)

" @Blue Fire ,did you really search everywhere?Under her bed,in her closet and,"Keiji blushed."In her bathroom?"

"If you haven't,blonde lady, @DaniBot do you feel like invading a girls privacy."Keiji couldn't help but laugh.​
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"I mean it looked untouched I mean the DVD was still on her bed never opened the Letter was still at her door and a just glanced around the bathroom, The closet, Under the bed just her DVD and The letter." She shrugged as she went to the body and kept looking. @NANANANANANANANANANA
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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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"It goes more than invading someone's privacy. I mean, she's dead. You want to tip toe around the room and miss crucial clues, go ahead." Sehema cursed under her breath. If it looked like she hadn't gone inside of her room, then the DVD would provide her with nothing. She wondered if there was a way Monokuma could let her into other's rooms. "Excuse me. I'm going to go to the gym to check on something," She said as she left instantly and began to twist the doorknob of everyone's room to check their bedsheets. Obviously she would get nowhere if she just asked.

@DaniBot There is nothing but you notice that Kinjin, Kiyo, Piper, Nagisa, Ike,Alexis and the Victim are the only people that were white which was a clue the White thread. (And by the way the thread was trapped on a table.) Nothing on the bed sheets also

Keiji Sore

Keiji agreed that looking into the dead girl's room.He nodded in agreement.But he is going to check just to be sure.What the girl said piqued his interest.But he was getting a bit ahead of himself.He hasn't really checked the Monokuma file and this would be the best time to.

"3.10?Dammit."Keiji smacked his forehead."If I stayed awake for 3/2 hours more I would've seen them"

Then Keiji remembered about the letters."What letters,by the way?" @Blue Fire​

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