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Fandom Danganronpa

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Charlotte "char" Livid


"Bear!" Charlotte laughed as she arrived at the gym with her small group. She ran up to it and stopped a short distance away. "So you are oue head master? That's so cool!" She giggled. "May i hug you Mr. Monokuma? I love bears soo much and you look so cuddly! Hey El, wake up! Our Head Master is a bear!"

@Blue Fire

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"What a strange sight..." She mumbled, noting something down before taking a few steps closer, just behind the blue-haired girl. "Headmaster Monokuma, may I ask how it is you... Work..?" She said formally, getting a strange sense of danger coming from him. "Not to be rude of course, I was just wondering like any good write would"

@Blue Fire

Trust said:

Charlotte "char" Livid


"Bear!" Charlotte laughed as she arrived at the gym with her small group. She ran up to it and stopped a short distance away. "So you are oue head master? That's so cool!" She giggled. "May i hug you Mr. Monokuma? I love bears soo much and you look so cuddly! Hey El, wake up! Our Head Master is a bear!"

@Blue Fire


A shot rang out as it grazed her arm
"Do you really want to hug me now." He also said as he pulled out his razor sharp claws. He looked over to the trap singer and glared at him and looked over to Lucy "Well I'm a bear so i work as a bear but of course I Can talk and do stuff as that," as her pointed to a minigun above him.
"Lucky Student! Lulu! Get away from that thing! I'll buy you a bear later!" Kiyo yelled at them, hoping they'll listen. Seeing the Lucky student's personality she probably will listen to her. "And that thing can not be our Headmaster! Didn't you listen? This is all just a stupid prank." Kiyo slowly layed El to the ground then crossed her arms, tapping her foot. She truly did act somewhat like a mom.

@Trust @OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @McMajestic @Scrubnoppon @Murlock Chief @Laughing Lunatic @DaniBot

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"Come on..." She trailed off before flicking through her book. "Charlotte, I get the feeling it may be detrimental to our health to ask for anything or even being rude to Mr. Monokuma" she said, keeping her level of formality despite her heart pounding in her chest. She gently took the blue-haired girl's hand and brought her back to the group

@Blue Fire


Charlotte "char" Livid


Charlotte was a little terrified by the sudden appearance of the weaponry and could barely move on her own for fear of being killed, she was glad that the others were looking out for her and allowed herself to be dragged by the brown-haired girl, who seemed strangely mature and calm, making her feel safe by being around her

@Blue Fire
Kiyo took deep breathes as she watched the two girls step back. She glared at Monokuma once more but finally talked to him, "Listen here... Just end this already okay? A minigun? Really? You're going that far for this prank of yours? Just how desperate are you to mess with the new students?" She held her head up high. She will not allow herself to be intimidated by the stupidness of this.
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"Thats a lot of talk Miss Kiyo Kano and I know that your grandma also died of Alzheimer's Now on to bussiness we are going to play a game and in this game we will kill a fellow student." He said as he started to laugh.

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema walked into the gym rubbing her head. She had just awakened in an empty classroom with instructions to head to the gym. The instructions were...childish to put it nicely. The sight of a stuffed bear walking and talking was enough to put her on edge. What was worst however, was that no one seemed to be taking it seriously. She sighed and rubbed her temples as her eye started twitching. "This is a prank right?" She spoke as she stood a couple of steps forward and glared at the monochrome bear. "A simple vulgar prank made by people who want to make fools out of us. Sad to say it's already worked on a few," The blonde archer said looking in Charlotte's direction.

Kiyo gasped. H-How the hell... Did this thing know? "S-SHUT UP! Do you really believe we'll play this "game" of yours?-" Kiyo was going to continue until a hot blonde started to talk. Glad that not everyone here was so naive. She watched her talk until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked over to see Ikemoto, "Yes? What is it darling?" Ikemoto smiled at her, "It's going to be alright. You shouldn't let meanies get you so angry. They don't deserve that kind of reaction." Kiyo blushed as she stared at him. She almost, almost smiled back and responded, "Thank you darling." Ikemoto nodded, and copied her glare at Monokuma.

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"No school comes equipped with a minigun, and I don't want to see if the thing is loaded, do any of you really want to test it?" She hissed at them all. "My recommendations is to shut up and listen to the bear, I doubt causing trouble will be any good for any of us, so just sit tight!" She said, wondering if she could be killed right at that moment, she hoped not, she hadn't even written her fifth best seller yet, it was only partially finished

@Blue Fire


"Now some of you don't want to kill but I have something for you in your room it is your motive. It is a dvd and you'll know why you want to get out of this school and now let's discuss the killing. Well first you have to kill someone and not get caught then we will investigate the killing and then have a class trial you got it? Good." Monokuma said smiling all the way.

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema rolled her eyes and replied bitterly. "Yes, because murdering someone for the slight possibility for escape is so appealing. This better not be a waste of my time... The girl turned on her heels and walked past everyone. Once she found the room she figured belonged to her, she entered and picked up the little DVD Monokuma had placed.

As much as Kiyo wanted to respond, Ikemoto held onto her and pouted. Kiyo backed down and crossed her arms, sighing. She grabbed Ikemoto by the wrist and walked out the door, She looked around for her room. "I guess this is my room... Bye darling." "Bye Kiyo!" Ikemoto said and walked off to find his room. They both entered their rooms and found the disk.

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"a DVD..?" She muttered, a pit of worry spreading throughout her stomach. "I-I have to go..." She said suddenly, panic in her eyes, quickly realising the huge amount of wrong a Dvd could bring, she had written horror novels before, and dvds never ended well. Whenever she found her room she found a small disk and hurriedly shoved it in the provided dvd player

@Blue Fire

Kinjin, Piper, Alexis

Kinjin walked to his room as crossed his fingers hoping that it was nothing bad but when he got to his room and put it in his DVD player it was good? It was his father saying he was proud of him and he was glad he was going to hope's peak academy and then blackness and scream's and his dad was dead. He broke out into tear's? No he wasn't really crying he never really liked his dad much but its weird he couldn't cry. Alexis grabbed her DVD and threw it to the side and didn't want to watch it right now. While Piper watched her's she was careful and it was her Best friend Carrie. She was smiling and say that she would miss her and then blood and gore and her dead she turned it off and layed down and cried.

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema started to watch the DVD. On her's was her father smiling and wishing her the best of luck. She smiled as she heard him proudly state 'Your mother would be so proud of you Sehema...' Once he was finished with his statement, the screen went staticky and came back to her father missing and his office a mess with what seemed to be blood everywhere. The sight of it all made her stomach turn and she held her hand to her mouth. What sick joke was this? The overwhelming feeling of sickness was soon replaced by the overwhelming feeling of rage. She didn't know who had trapped them here, but they were going to pay. And they would pay dearly. Sehema soon yanked the dvd and thought about breaking it in half.

Kiyo sat down and watched the DVD... Her mother, father, and little sister stood in front of her Grandma's shop. They all looked really happy, they were congratulating her on attending Hope's Peak Academy. Kiyo smiled, she really missed them now. Her sister proudly stated that she'll work really hard and become an SHSL and join her in Hope's Peak... Then everything went black, Kiyo heard screams and the sound of glass breaking. The screen stopped being black, only to show that glass was everywhere, blood was everywhere, ash was everywhere, and her Grandma's store was destroyed. Tears cascaded down her face as she quickly took the DVD out and fell against her bed. Ikemoto barged open her door and hugged her, clinging onto her and crying. She patted his head. Ikemoto's showcased a bunch a people, who were cheering for him. It was his fans. And in the front was his number one fans, his coach and agent. They all sang him a small song about him making it into Hope's Peak. He smiled brightly and sang along with them. Until static appeared and there was blood everywhere.
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Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


the dvd began playing, showing her lone mother cheering her along with her little sister about her joining Hope's Peak academy, everything bright in their rather large house earned from all the money she had gained from her books. Then the screen started crackling and static covered the screen, followed by the agonising screams of her mother and the screaming wail of her sister, then it cut to a small photo. Five small, child-like finger lying there, surrounded by blood, then the screen turned to static once more and went black. Lucy couldn't help herself, she begain crying her eyes out, mumbling "this can't be real.. This is just a book" over and over again to herself with nobody there to comfort her. She slid over the her bed and curled up, sniffling her sadness onto the bed

@Blue Fire

Keiji Sore

Keiji was thinking over and over again after seeing his DVD.He was a bit dazed about what happened so he didn't spoke at all.(and also my internet was down.)

What happen was almost impossible.That

white-and-black bear started calling himself Monokuma.So...monitors...check.Being enclosed in a space...check.Crazy man....check.Yep,Keiji's theory was correct.They were kidnapped.

What was weird was that bear used....Kill?No,impossible.Usually kidnappers want ransom or some sort of leverage against the government.That is true for 99% of kidnapping cases.It would be pointless to kill of your captives let alone let them kill each other.But Monokuma did bring out a fully loaded machine gun.Keiji really didn't know guns but he was sure that gun was real.

Then the DVD.Oh the DVD.People filed out of the gymnasium.Actually no.It was chaotic.Keiji however stood there in disbelief.

" @Blue Fire This is definitely not a prank.But why are you doing this?It doesn't add up" Keiji pointed that question to Monokuma.​
Warren wanted to say words, but his mouth wouldn't open. He was hoping this was all a big joke, and the staff will come out of the doors yelling "surprise!" But it was evident is wasn't happening.

Warren ran to his room to see what DVD the bear was talking about. After the few minutes of the video, Warren was mortified. What a way to start off the school year.

Warren wasn't having this. He ran back to the gym and confronted Monokuma.

"Listen. Bear bro, this isn't funny anymore. I don't understand why you think it is, but just do us all a favor, and end the Prank here. Alright? But nice job on that video. It looked real. Almost life like. I mean, still messed up but you know.

Anyway, just stop kidding around and let's just go."
Scrubnoppon said:
Warren wanted to say words, but his mouth wouldn't open. He was hoping this was all a big joke, and the staff will come out of the doors yelling "surprise!" But it was evident is wasn't happening.
Warren ran to his room to see what DVD the bear was talking about. After the few minutes of the video, Warren was mortified. What a way to start off the school year.

Warren wasn't having this. He ran back to the gym and confronted Monokuma.

"Listen. Bear bro, this isn't funny anymore. I don't understand why you think it is, but just do us all a favor, and end the Prank here. Alright? But nice job on that video. It looked real. Almost life like. I mean, still messed up but you know.

Anyway, just stop kidding around and let's just go."


"Listen Warren this is not a prank and you need to get it though your brain and keep it there." He said while washing his Minigun. "Here take this and let the adults play there games." Behind Warren a game machine popped up. The game's name was Twilight Murder Syndrome. But as soon as that happened the moniter's went on and it was Monokuma saying it was 10 Pm get to your rooms. And Monokuma was gone.

(A Murder is About to happen I really need everyone to go to there rooms and 100 posts yay!)

@Blue Fire
After Kiyo comforted Ikemoto, they talked about many things. 'This boy is too innocent for this world... How the hell did he survive up till now? Well, with this "killing" game now installed... I can't really trust anyone, but Ike and the sisters..' Then came Monokuma's announcement, Ikemoto yawned and they both said there farewells to each other as he headed off into his room.

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