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Fandom Danganronpa

Piper, Alexis, Kinjin

Piper who now was drooling over the hot guys showing up and she was going to pick out the guy she will stalk and make her senpai. She wasn't into Keiji he was to much a nerd, there was that clocked guy but no way, and then there was this cute and muscular guy that screamed her type. So She walked of and seemingly was gone but was still in the room as she watched him. Kinjin was scared at the guy who seemingly came out of now where. While Alexis was about to answer the girl who asked for help instead she passed out and fell off her desk which gave her a bigger headache.

Keiji Sore

Keiji was told to wait by the wonderfully haired woman for the other students to wake up before introducing.

"What stude-"

Then he noticed that there were other students were still lying down on their desks or at least were having massive head aches like after watching an Adam Sandler movie.He blushed that he didn't notice that.A small girl thudded her head on her desk after waking up.Then the desk broke and she tumbled.Then her chair set on fire.Luckily(?),the fire put itself out but it burned that girl's foot.The woman with long hair asked her to move to a corner

"That's a bit harsh don't you think?She definitely has the worst luck;the events that happened previously could only happen....(He mentally calculates) so unlikely it's practically a zero chance.I think she's the Ultimate Unlucky at this rate." @BennyAxC
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Kiyo Kano

Kiyo glanced at glasses guy that asked her the question she knew that would be asked, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but she is the Super High School Level Unlucky Student. It's better for everyone and herself if she isn't around anything or anyone that can cause harm.. At least for now, I don't mean for her to be there forever of course." Kiyo made sure her explanation was clear and understanding enough for the guy to understand. "And besides, she has some luck." Kiyo stared at the girl, she felt bad honestly. Being cursed with bad luck, so much that's it now considered your talent, must be the worst.​

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Charlotte "char" Livid


"Oh... Did i introduce myself..?" She asked, not really sure if she had or hadn't but going along with it anyway. "My name Is Charlotte Livid, but you all may call me Char, El here is my sister. I'm apparently the SHSL lucky person but I don't really see how. Everything that happens to me is just normal... And is being lucky really a thing i should get into the school for..?" She asked, losing track of where she was going.

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Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


She shuffled awake, her purple reading glasses having fallen onto the table. She grabbed them and put them on and looked at the monitor before looking around the class, wondering how she could have gotten in here without waking someone else or being woken. "The strange, foreign room was filled to the brim with numerous students, a strange sight given they had all been sleeping here, I hope noone did anything..." She sighed. "Good thing detective Lulu is on the case!" She laughed, standing up and noticing she still had her journal and pen. She picked them both up and began scribbling down possible reasons as to how they had gotten here and why they had been asleep.

@Blue Fire

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"Hey!" Kiyo yelled out after the blue haired girl. She caught up to her and dragged her back into the room full of students, "Don't just go running about darling, we may be in a very dangerous situation at the moment so running around is a very bad idea!" She semi-yelled, she didn't want to accidentally wake everyone else. She sighed as she walked over to the other sister and got out some bandages, she slowly started to wrap them around the girl's feet, "Here you go... Please just sit here, your sister can watch over you.." She finished and stood up.

@Trust @OnceDarkness

Ikemoto Marubeni

Ike slowly rose his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he was awoken by the girl with the purple glasses laughter. He yawned and looked around him, he wasn't completely fazed by his surroundings, considering he was still sleepy. He looked around the room and saw a guy with reddish-brown hair and in a very nice suit. He yawned once again and walked up to him, he tugged on his sleeve to get his attention, "Hello.. Um, what is happening here?" He stared up at him, this man was a giant compared to Ike who was just 5'1.

@Blue Fire
Kat had slept far longer than most should have. She had to admit walking into a school could take a lot out of a person, and after banging her head when she collapsed she had no desire, it seemed to wake up. Her body ever so slowly began to stir though, as the effects began to wear off. A finger twitched, her nose scrunched, and then all at once, she felt an awful self-awareness. She was awake, as she listened but only heard a rumble of wordless chatter, as her fingers ran against the desk she sat up. She slowly peeled her eyes open, taking her own sweet time with adjusting to the new pressures of being awake.

As she dragged her body into a sitting position she began to become aware of her own surroundings, and the first thing she noticed was she was sitting in a desk. A simple school desk in a classroom. Among a bunch of other people. She peered around, feeling the slightest bit of unease when she realized the windows were bolted shut. There also a bit of anger that sprung up when she noticed the security cameras. What was going on? Some sort of prank. She huffed and stood, just then hearing the announcement, or rather, remembering it. It rang in her ears but now out loud, like a memory being played back, although she didn't remember ever hearing such a thing. She shrugged her shoulders, smoothing out her dark hair and peering around at all the other kids, getting to her feet and trying to size up the situation.

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McMajestic said:
Kat had slept far longer than most should have. She had to admit walking into a school could take a lot out of a person, and after banging her head when she collapsed she had no desire, it seemed to wake up. Her body ever so slowly began to stir though, as the effects began to wear off. A finger twitched, her nose scrunched, and then all at once, she felt an awful self-awareness. She was awake, as she listened but only heard silence, as her fingers ran against the desk she sat up. She slowly peeled her eyes open, taking her own sweet time with adjusting to the new pressures of being awake.
As she dragged her body into a sitting position she began to become aware of her own surroundings, and the first thing she noticed was she was sitting in a desk. A simple school desk in a classroom. Alone. She peered around, feeling the slightest bit of unease when she realized the windows were bolted shut. There also a bit of anger that sprung up when she noticed the security cameras. What was going on? Some sort of prank. She huffed and stood, just then hearing the announcement, or rather, remembering it. It rang in her ears but now out loud, like a memory being played back, although she didn't remember ever hearing such a thing. She shrugged her shoulders, smoothing out her dark hair with her fingers and stepped out of the classroom, heading straight for the gym.

(We are all in one classroom, read the opening post >~>)
Warren was sitting in his desk, sleeping. He stayed up late last night for a farewell stream. Warren finally woke up. Still groggy he walked out of his desk. "BLEUGHHH..." Warren then snapped out of his tired stupor.

"OOHHHHH MY GOOOOOOD! WHERE THE HECK AM I?!" Warren took a few precautious steps back


Warren didn't know what to think.

"Uhh. Hello guys. I'm Warren.


Umm. I'll save a proper introduction for later... Just... Quick question.

what's going on?"

Kinjin Jioto and Alexis Free

Kinjin looked down to the dude who was very small I might add but if he was telling the truth he didn't know what was going on. "I'm sorry dude but I have no idea what is going on." While this was happening Alexis was still holding her head from the massive headache she had and all the people laughing and yelling was getting to her she needed a distraction so she turned to the person next to her which was a girl who awoke but didn't say anything. "Well I guess we better get intro's out of the way but I'm Alexis the Ultimate Painter." She gave the girl a smile while trying to fight her massive headache.

@McMajestic @BennyAxC
"they call me chris the ultimate cultist and this is my friend cauda the ultimate hunter" he said as he gestured toward the school girl next to him. "now if you would be so kind as to introduce your selfs" he said looking towards everyone who had not said their name yet or there talent.

[QUOTE="Murlock Chief]
"they call me chris the ultimate cultist and this is my friend cauda the ultimate hunter" he said as he gestured toward the school girl next to him. "now if you would be so kind as to introduce your selfs" he said looking towards everyone who had not said their name yet or there talent.
Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"My name is Lucy, but you all may called me Lulu, I'm the ultimate writer!" she laughed, holding her book and pen up, flicking through half the book which was already filled with different theories as to why the might be here. Her purple eyes kept flicking up and looking at people, then it would be followed by writing, her hair constantly swishing about
"Well screw introductions then I guess we will talk later cauda shall we" he held a firm intreast in the short man the guy looked dangerous. He didn't like the way that might play out expecially since they were trapped in a school. He follows them out.

@Blue Fire
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"Ok" says cauda following Chris cauda wonders why Chris is so interesting in that one guy. He is so short he was barely a threat in any way but it wasent his business Why he just follows
Nagisa Taketora


He put his crossed arms down and followed the rest of the classmates outside, perhaps their questions would be answered there? While walking, something in his pant leg squirmed wildly. Nagisa stopped and smirked, "Alright Mori, you can get out now." The squirming stopped and a fox appeared from out of his pants. It climbed up to his face and snuggled on the accessories he wore. "Now what could this all be?" He checked his body for weapons, but his signature katana and shurikens just disappeared. Instead, there was a plush katana that said "Mono bear" on the handle, and candy shurikens which he decided to eat. His hand reached for the shuriken pouch as he pulled out the tiny candies, he didn't eat them as he knew they might be poisoned, "Now what could these be?"

@Blue Fire
Eleanor "El" Livid


All of a sudden everyone was being mean to her! Out of the blue, her ears popped and her hearing ability greatly diminished, temporarily (I hope). A tear came out of her eyes, a normal reaction to fear, but then this strange lady came up to her and bandaged her foot. "T-Thank you!" Her hearing returned, then all the words came out her at once, like someone decided to (FUS RO DAH!) yell in her ear. A weirdo told her to stand in the corner, Eleanor stuck out her tongue and shouted, "Meani- Aaaah!" Nobody knew how, but a bee stung her hand. Then her sister told her about a camera, but she was in too much pain to understand any words, "Char... I think I see the light..."

@Blue Fire
Kiyo sighed, with a slight irritation in her face. She watched as everyone filed out and noticed a really short blond hair boy still standing around. She walked up to him and said, "Excuse me, you must be the Super High School Level Trap Singer. I am Kiyo Kano, the Super High School Level Hair Dresser. If you would like, I can explain what's happening on our way to the gym." Ikemoto smiled brightly, "Thank you! I would like that, thank you.. My name is Ikemoto Marubeni. Oh! But you probably already knew that.. I'm sorry." Kiyo blushed, then quickly walked out the door with Ikemoto following close behind. "It's alright," Then she started explaining everything that's happened so far and to the other students around her just in case they didn't know either.

@Blue Fire
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Charlotte "char" Livid


"The red one? Yeah, I can see it too. I wonder if they have any bears here..." She mumbled to her sister. She softly put her hand on her forehead, not really sure why, but she knew doctors did it all the time, then they would say whether it was too warm or cold, but her sister's head seemed fine. "You are too warm!" She yelled, because that's what doctors did "I need a blablabla STAT!" She giggled, enjoying herself, despite having know clue where she was. This was normal for Charlotte, she frequently got lost and had no idea where she was, the difference this time being that El was here with her​


Keiji Sore

Keiji wanted to bring that not-ugly girl back into the classroom but his actions brought out everyone out from the class.Oh well,Keiji thought.He might as well follow the not-ugly girl to the gym.Lot's of other students start to file out of the classroom.That annoying voice did tell them to go to the gym.He really didn't want to go to the gym.He wanted to get angry at that voice for telling him what to do.But he was hoping that the Ultimate Prankster would just stop already.But he was not really convinced by his words.

They followed the not-ugly woman to the gym.The long haired woman started explaining what was happening while that ninja guy brought out...sweets?Keiji remembered that crazy-eyed girl that was staring at that ninja-guy earlier

" @OnceDarkness Ninja guy,I have to warn you,it seems that a girl has already taken an interest in you in exactly 5 minutes 25 seconds.Firstly,congrats.Secondly,she looks a bit crazy though."


Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"W-wait up!" She called after the group as they were leaving the class, running after them, book and pen in hand. Her footsteps resounded through the corridor as she met up with the two slower ones. "H-hello" she said, panting. She wasn't exactly the fittest person around. "Nice to meet you both, I don't think i caught your names, and if you haven't caught mine... Great! Just call me Lulu, I shall be the investigator for this investigation!" She said dramatically

Ikemoto nodded, with a smile on his face listening to Kiyo. "And now we are walking to the gym because that voice said to." She finished. "Thank you!" Ike said to her. He looked around him and a ninja-like guy taking out sweets. Ike gasped and walked next to him, "Excuse me.. Um, can I have a candy?" Ike asked him politely, then a girl joined them introducing herself, "Hello! My name is Ikemoto, nice to meet you! Thank you for being our investigator." He introduced himself, his hands behind his back.


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