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Fandom Danganronpa


*fells on to the class trial room* What the f**k is this place?​

@Blue Fire
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Keiji Sore

"Whoap..Well,I guess we have to go now."Keiji was a bit surprised by Monokuma's anouncement.He jumped up a bit.He was about to go to the elevator but then he turned his head around towards Julian.

"Whatever you found in people's rooms just share it during the class trial."Keiji said as he wandered off.

Keiji,after a bit of searching,found the elevator.He went inside the elevator with a heavy heart.If they fail,they would all die.If they succeed,the murderer will be executed.Usually,he doesn't have much sympathy towards murderers.But because of the current situation,it's understandable.Not justified but understandable.

The ninja guy was standing in the elevator when Keiji went in.Keiji looked at the ninja's whole body.His eyes rested on the ninja's katana.It was clear he was very worried.

"Ummm...is t-t-that a real...uhmm...katana?"Keiji asked with a tinge of fear. @OnceDarkness @Laughing Lunatic


Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Turning her head to the monitor, Sehema sighed and started making her way to the foyer to meet with everyone. She trusted that everyone had gathered a good amount of evidence on their own, herself included. The hardest part however, would be putting the pieces together. Everyone had their theories, but at the end of the day there was only one truth. As she met with everyone, she stood to the side waiting for everyone else.

@Blue Fire

(I feel flattered that people ship Sehema, but why? xD She's so mean.)
(Their personalities hate each other and that's why I ship it)

Ike walked into the elevator followed by Kiyo. Surprisingly the two weren't talking to each other, in fact they stood on opposite sides of the elevator. Kiyo looked calm and pissed as ever, while Ike just stared at the ground avoiding eye contact with anybody.


"Just shut up and take your place Zachery."

My characters

Alexis made her way to the elevator slowly while Piper skipped fastly and Kinjin made his way next to Ike "You ready bud."
Ike looked up at Kinjin, "I-... I'm ready." He said in a voice that he hoped didn't sound too despairing. He smiled at him, though it was slightly forced, "Good luck okay?". Kiyo watched as Kinjin and Ike talk. She silently glared at him then returned her attention to the elevator doors.

@Blue Fire
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(Ah. I can see it.)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

As Sehema walked into the elevator, she kept her eyes down. She wanted to get all of her thoughts and clues together before the trial started. She placed her hands to her mouth entering a deep thought as she tried putting the pieces together,



He saw the elevator.

*in his mind* I'm guessing those are normal doors painted. and maybe they're locked. I think it's the bear's fault.

He waits while his arms are crossed and waiting for someone.​
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Keiji Sore

Keiji did not questioned why Zachary just appeared.The other students entered the elevator,the gate to hell.He was still worried about Nagisa's katana but he realised he will die.He just thought about the possibility of dying.He's not a pessimist.He's a realist.There's a 14/15 chance of dying.The odds are stacked against them.

"Can everyone please quickly introduce themselves?"Keiji said with a face that betrayed no fear nor anger.He was a 100% ready to do or die.The prospect of death usually does things to people.

"I have no idea who most of you are and I would like to know the people I will die with...".Keiji continued,"and the bastard that will kill us all."

"I'll start.Keiji Sore.SHSL Mathematician." @Blue Fire @BennyAxC
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The gates opened, And saw them.

He saw them and think they are threats.

He tries to greet them.

"Who are you guys?" "I'm Zachary Alfonzo, Ultimate Thief."​
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Nagisa Taketora


"Huh? Yeah, it's a real katana. Why do you ask?" He could tell Keijisaurus was in fear, after all Nagisa was a T-rex, top dinosaur in the land. "So... Keiji. You're afraid of dying? Well, it can't be as bad as staying here forever till you die of old age." Despite the fact that they would probably all die, he looked at the good side of it, seeing both ends of the rainbow. "Oh yeah, introductions. Right. I'm Nagisa Taketora, SHSL Ninja." From there on he'd stop speaking, he'd save his words for the trial instead.

@Blue Fire


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"Nice katana." Zach replied.

"But I'm more of a dagger person." Zach added.

"Also tell me what happened up there." Zach added more.

He saw more people coming out of that elevator.

Some boys, tons of girls. He saw 12 more people.

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

"Sehema. Ultimate Archer." The blonde archer would break her silence to introduce herself, not even looking up. Hearing the question made the girl scoff, but she kept her silence. Focus Sehema. Focus. Don't let them distract you She thought while rubbing her temples



"I was looking at this Waste of Money High School but a Trapdoor opened and I came to this weird-ass room." Zachary stated.
"I'm Kiyo Kano. SHSL Hair Dresser." She said simply as she crossed her arms. "My name is Ikemoto Marubeni! Ike for short. SHSL Trap Singer." He smiled at all of them.

(I'm going to be absent for a little bc of babysitting but I'll come back at random times)
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Keiji Sore

"Mind you,I'm not afraid of dying,ninja.".He said ninja like it was a dirty word."Why would I deny a possibility?If I deny the possibility of dying it will still happen anyway whether I like it or not.Dying of old age is bad but not as bad as sending other people to their deaths.I'm ready to die but I would like to know,at least.This might be our last few minutes on this earth."

"And ninja,you might need to dispose your katana."Keiji said with a dark expression."It makes you a more likely suspect."

Keiji then turned towards Zachary."I'll tell you the truth as simply and quickly as possible.All 16 of us-now 15-are trapped in this school.The only way out is to murder.To emcourage this,Monokuma gave us DVD's filled with....something horrible...The first victim,Mulier cum cauda,SHSL Hunter,was found dead in the morning.She died because of a stab wound on her neck.She also had broken legs.We found two notes.A possible lure note and a suicide note.We know she hasn't touched her DVD.Also,a white cloth has been found..If we found the murderer

.they will be executed...If we don't,we'll all die...Is that it?"

@Blue Fire​
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"I'm Alexis SHSL Painter." "I'm Kinjin SHSL Designer." "I'm Piper SHSL Um.. Stalker." All three of them introduce them self



Zachary is in shock. He thought he was lying.

"Y-You're kidding me, right?"

He grabs Kenji.

"Tell me. TELL ME!" Shouted Zachary.

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Kiyo huffed, "Listen darling we-!" She felt a tugg on her dress and looked over to see Ike. "Please calm down Kiyo..." She stared at him with wide eyes then did as told and calmed herself. "I wish we were Zachary... but we are not." He told the man politely.

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Nagisa Taketora


"I will inform you that pirates are worse than ninjas." He told Keiji. "Your attitude towards your own allies would mean death if this were a battlefield, but then again, this is no different. If you refuse to work as a team, then we will all die." Nagisa went over all the evidence in his head once more and knew he pieced together everything, but he wasn't so sure of the killer anymore.

@Blue Fire



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