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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

"Hi Momo! You look even prettier than earlier today~" Mizu was just trying to butter her up, hoping the young lady would keep this a secret. He scooped the twins up with one in each arm.
"Dont try to butter me up again Mizu! You need new tactics!" Momo said unhappily as she set the papers to the side on a glass table. The twins groaned and whined when Mizu picked them up. "No! We wanna stay here. Lori's job is fun!" they complained. Just then Miya was coming up the steps pinching Vladimirs ear and of course a few shopping bags in her arm. "Found him." she said happily. "How about you guys go to the play area with the rest of the kids while Mizu stays here and help me with things." Momo said as she picked up the twins and set them down. "Miya. Go take them for me please." Miya grabbed the twins hands and waited for Yuki to crawl down from Mizu. "Aww I wanna stay with Mizu.." he pouted holding onto Mizu's head. "I swear Mizu you're a blonde magnet.." Momo said.
"Well, I tried." Mizu awkwardly muttered to himself after his attempt. "Please don't tell anyone about this, especially Lori and his father. Mr Chisato would kill me...and this is my chance to prove to Lori that he doesn't have to worry about adopting." When Yuki clung to him he smiled then reached up to rustle the blonde boy's hair. "Luckily I love blondes~ Alright Yuki, I've already told you that you've got to be a good boy. Are you going to listen this time?"
"Well obviously he does have to worry since you lost the kids this quickly." she laughed. "But fine I wont tell Lori as long as you help me out today." she promised smiling. Yuki smiled as Mizu ruffled his blonde hair. "Alright Mizu." he climbed down from his shoulders and followed after Miya. "I dont know why I have to go.." Vladimir mumbled. when they were gone Momo picked up the heavy stacks of papers and handed them to Mizu." Follow me~" she said walking up the rest of the steps.
"It's not my fault they took off the second I turned away," Mizu complained. Luckily Momo agreed to keep quiet. "Thank you."

Mizu ignored the urge to groan, accepting the gigantic stack of papers to follow after Momo. "Where are we even taking these? And what are these papers anyways? Secret documents?"
"You would think since you're so tall you'd be able to see everything." Momo laughed as she stepped into a glass office which was her office. "Im taking them here and its paper work i've missed for the past months. If they were secret documents I wouldnt let you carry them." she laughed as she patted a place on her desk where he could put them. "Lori has more then me so I wouldnt expect that alone time to be coming soon.."
Mizu set the papers down without a word. He was deep in thought. Suddenly he lifted his gaze from the ground to look Momo dead in the eye. "Do you think it was right for me to get back together with Lori? I mean, I love him more than anything, but he pretended not to know me. That crushed me..." The worst part was probably when Lori actually revealed that he had been faking it.
Mono shuddered at the sudden seriousness in Mizu's eyes. She wasn't expecting that question. After actually thinking about it for a moment she shrugged. "I don't really know. I mean you guys have done worse to each other. You kidnapped him before." She laughed. "But I really don't know. Are you having second thoughts about your relationship or something? Did I miss some things?"
"I don't know..." Neither one of them seemed to know. "I mean when he confessed about lying...I felt my urge to just walk right out and never come back, but instead I accepted the ring. I-I didn't even want to and yet I accepted the ring. I'm not saying I don't love Lori, like I said a moment ago: I love Lori more than life itself." The dark-haired man gazed down at the ring on his finger. "We can't even trust each other anymore. How're supposed to get married?"

Mizu had an emotionless look on his face. It was dark and lacking of expression. How depressing. He shed a few tears before questioning, "Do you have a cigarette on you? Or some alcohol lying around?"
Momo sighed deeply when Mizu asked for a cigarette and alcohol "I don't exactly carry those things at work Mizu." She said as she stepped forward to him, wiping a few of his tears with a handkerchief. "I'm not exactly the person you should be talking to about this. This is more of a talk for you and Lori alone. "If you didn't want the ring then honestly you should have told him no instead of leading him on to believe that you were happy about it and not bothered." She said before she started to push him out of her office. "Now go find him. Your depression is going to make me sad."
"But that would have made him cry..." Seeing Lori cry was a sight that he almost couldn't bare with. He always felt so guilty and sad himself after seeing tears run down that blonde's face.

As Mizu was pushed out of the office he mumbled to himself, "I've got to find Lori. I've got to find Lori." He just kept repeating that as he began searching for him. "Lori," Mizu hoped he wasn't cracking. No, he had to be strong. He wouldn't become like his failer of a father...he was going to live a good life.

"I'm not going to call off the wedding. That'd make everything worse. M-Maybe I just need to see Lori and I'll know that everything is going to be okay. It'll be alright." Mizu didn't to find Lori. 

[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]

((Lol xD that's how I feel after having sugar))
Lol. It made me laugh because Run is just planking on the table xD )

Lori was in his own office with the curtains drawn just starring at the huge stack of papers. He had done half of it and it only looked as if it was getting bigger and bigger! This sucks..." Lori grumbled as he adjusted his reading glasses, half if the buttons on his shirt undone. His office was quite comfty had a two leather couches and a book shelf that was filled with bowls of candy and pictures of friends and family.
Mizu stepped into the office to let out a sigh of relief. He figured that the blonde model would be off taking pictures, so finding him here was a surprise, but he was glad to find him so soon. Stepping forward he wasted no time to wrap his arms around Lori from behind. "Lori..."
Lori looked at Mizu and smiled when he wrapped his arms around him. "Hi Mizu." Lori said, happily kissing his lovers arm warmly. "I didn't know you were here. Guess the kids are here too." He patted the seat next to him on the couch, beckoning for Mizu to cone sit next to him.
Mizu sat down beside Lori. Without a word he pushed Lori down onto his back to kiss deeply. When he pulled away he realized that he had almost forgotten to breathe, panting slightly. "I was so aftaid when I heard you had gotten hit, but I grew more afraid when you said you had lost the memory of my very existence." Mizu clung to Lori as of he were scared he'd run off if he let go. "I had done something pretty awful to you, but that's all in the past. Neither one of us can change that."

His emerald eyes were wide and teary. "There's so many times that I've almost lost you. I-I don't want that to happen..." Mizu wasn't sure exactly where he was going with his words, just knew that he had to get them out. "I'm probably just being a big baby right now, I'm sorry for that, I want us to be together. I want to get married. I don't want to lose you and be hurt again."
Lori had gotten wide eyed when he was suddenly kissed deeply and pushed onto the couch. She Mizu pulled away Lori's blue eyes starred up at him as his heart filled words spilled out of his mouth, he didn't know where all this was coming from but he could see the tears starting to form in his eyes. Lori smiled gently and reached a hand up to stroke Mizu's cheek. "I'm so sorry Mizu. I didn't know you felt this way but I'm glad you told me this." Lori said pulling Mizu down and resting his head on his chest. "I won't ever leave you Mizu so don't worry. I love you." Lori gave a kiss to the top of Mizu's head, running his hands through the man's black hair.
"I must be a woman trapped inside a man's body," Mizu thought as he was referring to how emotional he always was. Wondered just how Lori handled him. "I wasn't going to let you leave," the dark-haired man muttered seriously. He couldn't believe that he was crying again, it had only been a day since he had last buried his face into Lori's chest to shed a few tears.

"Just don't ever lie to me like that again," Mizu moved his head away from Lori's chest, allowing the hand to remain in his hair of course. "And I'll never hurt you as badly as I had," Mizu met with Lori's lips, this time not being so forceful, yet still very passionate.
Lori sighed but smiled "I won't ever lie to you like that again Mizu. I love you." Lori promised still stroking Mizu's hair sweetly. "For your own good you better not hurt me." Lori teased before passionately being kissed by his fiance. Lori happily kissed back, his hand pushing Mizu more into the kiss.

( Stay With Me by Sam Smith! Totally Mizu!!! xD )
((Lol xD I totally agree!! Now we've just got to find Lori's song))

"I love you more," Mizu whispered into Lori's ear after he had pulled away to breathe. His heart was beating against his chest, the thumping like a drum. It seemed like a miracle that they ever gotten got back together or even ran into each other. He could have walked right on past with Kristi when Lori was getting photoshoot in the park --- probably never would have seen each other again.

"Oh, I'm definitely not ready to be a father." Mizu chuckled softly. "Think I need a little bit more practice."
Lori laugh a bit as Mizu claimed not to be ready for a child. "Yeah I can sorta tell, I saw the twins running up and down the halls before you even got here." He admitted "I guess I was sort of rushing into everything with you. We don't have to get married just yet nor do we have to have children. I'll take it slow." Lori gave Mizu's cheek a soft kiss. After a few moments of silence both of Lori's hands travelled to Mizu's cheek. "Well we are alone now so..." Lori smiled brightly "Please bemy personal stripper." Lori pointed to a random golden stripper pole in the middle of the room, looking more then pleased but then Mono came into the room yelling at Lori. "You still aren't done with all those papers!? You trying to get me fired!" She then saw the stripper pole. "This is no time for stripper time!" Lori just groaned and covered his face with a pillow, screaming in it with irritation.
Mizu chuckled awkwardly when Lori said that he had seen the kids racing around. Guess his attempt at sneaking them away had failed miserably --- oh well.

A dorky yet sweet smile appeared on Mizu's face after his cheek had been kissed. "We don't have to wait on getting married. I guess I've just been so overwhelmed with everything, but I know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." His eyes closed when Lori's hands moved to both of his cheeks, enjoying the gentleness of the situation.

The gentleness suddenly disappeared when the whole stripping had been brought, making Mizu's eyes pop back open. "Wh-What?" He blushed at the forward suggestion from his fiancé. "You're not serious, right?"

Wasn't sure if he had been pleased or disappointed when Momo walked in. "Yep, disappointment... I'll never get that alone time with him." Mizu wrapped his arms around the frustrated Lori. "Sorry, but I'm stealing him away. Work is going to have to be finished later." He leaped up to race out of the room then out of the building itself.
"Mizu!!" Momo yelled at the man as he raced out of the room and building with the precious model. "Your gonna get me in trouble." Lori laughed looking up at him. "And of course I was serious about the stripper thing. Do you know his many famous people have danced on that pole? I would love to see my hubby doing it." Lori giggled. "And plus I just love seeing you blush with embarrassment! Its do adorable!" He would nuzzle Mizu closely before finally asking "So where do you want to go?" He buttoned up the rest of his shirt and fixed his golden blonde hair, couldn't look so casual in public.
"Exactly, it'd be simply embarrassing to strip and dance on that thing!" Mizu liked being called "Hubby" though; thought that was a cute nickname. "Adorable? Me? Gosh, you're going to get me blushing just talking about it." He chuckled. It was true, he sure did get embarrassed easily.

"We could go get a drink. Maybe stop at a bar or club?" Mizu suggested. As Lori buttoned up his shirt it gave the taller man the perfect opportunity to kiss him once more, having tilted his head up. Didn't even spot the paparazzi that had snuck in some pictures of that kiss.
"Embarrassing!?" Lori almost sounded offended "People would kill to be on my grand stripper pole, such a sad sad man." Lori said shaking his head but of course he was only teasing him a bit. "A club at morning?" He questioned "People do that?" Lori asked before Mizu tilted his head up and gave him a wonderful kiss. Lori smiled and wrapped his arm around Mizu's. "Nope. Let's just go home and drink dome hot chocolate or something. Its getting colder and colder everyday." Lori sighed as he began to walk, closely snuggled against his arm.

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