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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Lori starred at Mizu with a blank face, just sitting there for a moment before he reached over to a table and grabbed a magazine. Lori was on the cover, shirtless and surrounded by candy. "I'm a model Mizu! Do we need to google the meaning? People are gonna look at me and I gotta look at people so its a bit too late for ONLY your eyes to claim my body." Lori laughed at the jelly boyfriend. "But dont worry. Only you get to see ALL of me." he giggled. "Is this a private moment for you two....?" Blondie finally spoke as he peered at the two. "I'm just gonna go to bed now.." and with that Blondie unbuckled his seat belt and went to the back, opening the door to where the large bed was and crawling in it. "Well at the time being you dont get to since you brung Yuki." Lori laughed as he stepped off of Mizu with a yawn.
"I get the fact that everyone wants to see your tiny figure, but why did you have to be a model?" Yep, Mizu was nothing but jealous. Typical Mizu. He was about to say more when Blondie spoke up, making Mizu blush for realizing that the little boy had heard them. "Hopefully he didn't understand half that conversation..." that was what he was praying for. "We can get to that later. I just couldn't resist bringing that boy. He's too cute~"
Lori laughed. "You're such a sucker." he said as he went a cabinet and opened it, pulling out a large blanket. "Well I didnt choose to exactly become a model. I wanted to be a pianist but like I said during the time I was depressed and when people saw the photos Momo put out they loved it so I just did it. I just wanted to be loved.." Lori's words were quite depressing actually but then he gave a smile and laid down on the couch, patting the place next to him. "Come sleep with me. If I share the bed with Blondie I'll get kicked off."
Mizu didn't smile even when Lori did. He wasn't go to pretend that what he had done was okay. It never would be okay, that was why it was so horrible. One decision had caused a huge cloud of darkness.

When Lori invited him over he didn't move an inch, just stood there, like his feet were glued to the floor. Gazing down at his shoes he apologized, "I'm so sorry. There's a lot of mistakes I've made in my life, but that's the one thing that I always will want to change. Leaving you was the biggest mistake ever." He began to sniffle, though he refused to cry.
Lori looked a bit surprised when Mizu had apologized to him. Lori sat up and went over to the tall man, standing on his tiptoes to lean up and give Mizu a soft warm kiss on the lips. "Y-You dont need to apologize anymore Mizu. You're here now, with me and we're engaged. That is all the matters right now so lets try not to think about the past okay?" Lori smiled more and took Mizu's hands in his. "To make it up hurry up and cuddle with me like you were suppose to that day." he said giving his hands a loving squeeze.
Mizu always would be older and taller than Lori, but didn't mean that he was the strongest. He generally was a very sensitive man, which typically wasn't a very good thing. "I'm sorry," Lori had just told him to stop apologizing and yet he was just apologizing for that. "Okay, yeah let's cuddle now." They lied down on the couch. Immediately Mizu's arms were around the blonde, holding him close as if he were afraid he'd disappear if he let go. "I love you my dear, don't let me ever go again. You're all I live for." Mizu buried his face into Lori's neck.
Lori just sighed with a smile when Mizu had only apologized again, they could work on it. "You're so difficult." Lori chuckled. When the laid down on the couch instantly Mizu was wrapped around him like his life depended on it. Lori smiled warmly and blushed at Mizu's kind and loving words. His arms wrapped around Mizu and held him tightly. "I love you too. More then anything in the world Mizu.." Lori said running his hands through his fiance's hair soothingly.
When he was held tight Mizu felt so much better and began to relax. Then Lori returned those three words plus more, how sweet. He wanted to cry now. The stroking of his hair topped that all off. If he died at that moment then he'd be happy. "I love you," Mizu repeated before he fell asleep. 
((Dunno why...but that made me shed a couple tears. I really do love this couple <3))
Lol dont cry my friend. )

~Next Day~

Lori was currently on the floor sleeping while Yuki was laying across Mizu snoring. Lori sat up with a groan, his back killing him and he looked as if he hasn't slept in years. "Angel my ass..." he grumbled. He stepped to the window and saw that they had landed, a car already waiting for them. Lori sighed and went back over to the two, taking a pillow from under Yuki and hitting both of them in the head with it. "Wake up." he grumbled.
((I get unnecessarily emotional Lol))

When Mizu had been hit with the pillow he kind of jumped, sitting up as he was almost immediately awoken. He found that tiny Yuki had sprawled across him. Was this what it would be like if they had a child? "Okay. I'm up, I'm up!" Mizu lifted up Yuki as he climbed out of bed. Leaning down he kissed Lori's forehead. "What happened to you? Not enough sleep?" 
((Mizu always seems to wake up to boy's laying across him xD ))
Lol. Mizu has an effect x3 )

Lori groaned as he was kissed in the forehead, to cranky and tired to even want to be touched at the moment. "Of course I didn't get any sleep! Yuki kicked me off the bed!" Lori complained pointing to the little demon who was sleeping like an angel.
((Lol xD apparently.))

Without a word Mizu threw Lori over his shoulder then cradled the sleeping Yuki in his other arm. "You can rest on the way home." He was trying not to chuckle, stifling a laugh as he was amused by Lori's cranky behavior. Carrying the two blondes to the limo he buckled them both up before sitting down himself.
Lori hissed as he was picked up and thrown over Mizu's shoulder. Yuki wasnt phased at all by the movements and was still snoring. He was like Sleepy, one of the seven dwarves. He he Mizu was snow white which made Lori the prince. Shiro could be the evil queen. He fit. This thought made Lori smile a bit as he was taken to the car. When he was in his seat he decided to give sleeping a go and soon enough he was out like lightbulb. The tinted window that separated the passengers from the driver soon rolled down, revealing Luke driving. "So you ran away from the mansion. Bummer." He pouted.
Mizu watched Lori fall asleep with a wide smile. "That faces never fails to amaze me," he thought as the smile grew. He was literally inches away from kissing the sleeping "prince" when the window had rolled down, spotting the driver. "You!?" This was a definite surprise. "What're you doing here? And who are you anyway? You've been avoiding that question ever since we met."
"Well that's a kind greeting." Luke said sarcastically. "Don't worry about who I am. Just consider me as your fairy godmother you little perv. Trying to kiss the cutie while he is sleeping." He said brightly. "But anyway back to the important stuff. What happened back at the place?" Just then the black kitten had hopped into the backseat, finding its way onto Lori's lap and laying there.
"I don't need a fairy godmother, you stalker." Mizu only planned to keep up with that question. As he began to fix Lori's hair he answered, "The mother approves of our engagement, however the father is still bitter about the past so he won't give me his blessing. I don't want to get married with one of the parents hate me."
"I'm not a stalker you little brat! Your gonna accept me and like it!" He hissed, the kitten meowing in agreement. As Mizu explained the story Luke nodded. "Hmm have you tried talking things out with him? You know, taking him out or something?" Luke questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Mizu just ignored Luke when got all upset, not even reacting when he had been called a brat. "Talk to him? Yeah, so he can secretly chop my head off!" The dark-haired man paused to think about it. "That...might actually work. Not sure if he'd be willing to peacefully talk to me."
Luke shrugged. "Sometimes you just gotta suck it up and go with it." he cheered with a bright smile. "And plus if you love the little cutie then it should be worth it." The kitten travelled up Lori's body and began to lick his face. Lori groaned "Mizu you smell likd tuna." he mumbled as he turned his head away. Soon enough they arrived at the hotel. "Alright. Good luck." Luke sighed. The cat jumped back into the front seat and Luke rolled the window up.
Mizu watched the kitten crawl all over Lori as he listened to Luke, smiling softly. "Okay, I guess you're right." He hated to admit that. When the kitten disappeared and the window rolled up, Mizu leaned down to finally kiss Lori, needing that kiss of encouragement. "Get up Darling. We're here." The tall man once again picked up Lori and Yuki to carry inside.
Lori sighed and yawned as he was picked up carried into the hotel. "Hehe." you called me darling he chuckled in a bit amusement. "I cant believe Yuki is stoll asleep though...he's weird." Lori sighed as they got into the elevator. When they were out Lori crawled down from Mizu and opened his door only to find Vladimir roller-skating through his house and Shiro raiding through his fridge. "What the hell! Why are you guys here!? How'd you even get here." Lori yelled. "You think you can just sneak out and I wouldn't notice at all!" Lori's dad yelled who was sitting on the couch. "Hi Lori~" Momo said as she stepped out of the bedroom and into the living room.
Mizu ignored Lori's sleepy mumbles as they rode up the elevator. Stepping inside Lori's apartment suite they found that almost everyone was here, almost dropped Yuki at the shocking sight. "What?! H-How?" Setting the sleeping blondie down in a chair he ran a hand back through his hair. "Oh gosh..."

Spotting the father Mizu wasted no time to say, "We need to talk."
When Yuki was sat down he finally decided he should wake up. He yawned and sat up only to sit back down and curl himself into a ball before dozing off again. "Why were you in my room?" Lori questioned Momo. She held up a plastic bag and smiled. "Just some Lori merchandise. Fans are getting hungry." Lori snatched the back away from her and looked through it. "What the heck! This is my toothbrush and my hair brush-your trying to sell my stuff!" Lori yelled which made Momo pout and sulk in a corner. "You dont even use that stuff..." she mumbled. "I use this stuff everyday!" Lori groaned. His farther looked at Mizu with a a scowl when Mizu said he wanted to talk. "About?"

( I'd say this is what Lori's dad looks like, just with outh the cat ears lol. )

((Ooh! Handsome daddy~ lol x3))

Ignoring the chaos in the background, Mixu confidently declared, "About me and Lori." The young man was wearing a long-sleeve button up white shirt, black tailored pants that flattered his long slim legs, and a pair of black loafers on his feet. Looked a little more dressed up than usual, but not as fancy as if he were wearing a suit. "Can't we just have a man-to-man talk about this? I'll do anything, this means the world to me." 
((Here's how Mizu looks now --- all trim and still as tall as ever. Plus his hair is grown out as usual, his natural brown hair color showing through.))

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