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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Mizu finally looked up at Lori, for once in his lifetime he looked like the stereotypical uke, so innocent. "Lori...you don't know how much I love you." Once again he kissed the blonde male, this time the kiss lasted longer and it felt more passionate.
Lori blushes deeply at the site of Mizu. He looked so cute and so innocent. It was ADORABLE! He felt a bit bad for thinking that way but it was true. He was adorable. Lori kissed Mizu back with all the love. He pulled away and sighed with a smile "Mmnm your ooober adorable." He giggled.
"Huh? Where'd that come from?" Mizu blushed himself. Nobody had ever said something like that before do he definitely was confused, embarrassed too. "You're the adorable little angel," scooping Lori up he decided that he was ready to go, carrying him bridal style as he headed back in the direction of the mansion.
Happy 4th if July! )

Lori just shook his head with a smile, kissing Mizu's blushing cheeks "You're the adorable one Mizu." He chuckled before being picked up bridal style. "You know this reminds me of when we were heading back to school from my mothers house. I tried to kiss you but you were to light headed to realize." Lori laughed.
((Happy 4th of July!! Yay! :D *fireworks*))

Mizu didn't respond to the first comment, though the second one really did catch his attention so he had to say something. "Really? You remember that much about such a moment? That was a long time ago. A couple years even." He was amazed that Lori recalled something like that.

Bringing Lori inside he tried to avoid the others, mainly trying to sneak away from the sight of Mr Chisato or Shiro, two people who'd love to wring his neck. "Why don't you kiss me now? I'm sure I'll notice this time~" they were about to go upstairs, but Mizu decided to instead set Lori down then press him greedily against the wall. Hopefully nobody would walk past anytime soon. 
((Oh gosh xD I just realized how impatient I am))
"Well of course I remember. It was really the first time I tried to make a move on you." He chuckled. Before they could go upstairs he was set down and pushed against the wall. He smirked and wrapped his arms around his neck. He leaned up and kisses him deeply.
Mizu loved when Lori made the first move, his eyes slowly closing as he leaned into the kiss. After parting the other's lips he snuck his tongue inside, wanting to dominate the other male. Since he assumed nobody was around and he was getting impatient he traveled back hands up Lori's shirt. "This is nice~"
Lori moaned in pleasure as Mizu had slipped his tongue into his mouth. His own hands moved down and slipped into the front of Mizu's shirt. But soon enough he pulled away, feeling shivers run up his spine, and not the pleasure shivers he usually got when he was with Mizu but creepy scary chills that he got when his dad was around. "Lets hurry and GI back to my room.." He said rushing Mizu off to his room.
"Yeah, yes let's go to your room." Mizu led Lori upstairs. He could tell that his fiancé was a bit anxious about their situation. Once they were in the bedroom and the door as closed he spoke up, "Do you want to go home now...or stay here for a while?"
Lori sighed once they were in the safety of his bedroom. "Now. Before I have to punch my dad in the face.." Lori grumbled "I just hope the pilot is still there.." Lori sighed as he pulled out his phone and started to call.
Mizu began packing himself as Lori waited for the reply of the pilot. "I wish Mr Chisato accepted me. It just feels horrible knowing that one of my fiance's parents literally hate me...I mean he even threatened to shoot me. Well, whether of not I get his blessing I don't intend to lose Lori. We're not going to be seperated again." Looking back at the other he asked, "Any luck?"
Lori nodded and hung up his phone "Yeah. He isn't happy about flying this late but I'm sure he will get over it." Lori said with a small smile. He went over to Mizu and Hugged him "I just wanna spend alone time with my Mizu." Lori sighed "At least my mom likes you."
"He doesn't really have a choice," Mizu chuckled lightly. He grew silent when Lori approached then hugged him, a warm blush spreading across his cheeks along with a delighted smile. The thought of spending the rest of his life with this man seemed like a dream come true. Felt like he was a peasant girl marrying her dream prince.

"I can't wait stand at the alter and watch you walk down the aisle," Mizu kissed Lori's lips real quick. Adding in, "Speaking of which, you don't have to wear a dress unless you want to."
"True." Lori laughed as he only embraced Mizu tighter. "What!? How come I have to walk down the aisle!? And no way am I wearing a dress." Lori protested as he let go of Mizu "Obviously I'll be the one planning." Lori giggled as he walked over to the bed and attempted to grab the oversized teddy bear but it was way heavy. Heavier then before "Okay. You get that and I'll get the bags." Lori said as he grabbed their stuff and quietly walked out the door "I'll bring the car around. Try not to wake anyone." Lori warned before going down the steps and outside.
"It'd be so cute for you to walk down the aisle~" Mizu tried to convince him. "Are you suddenly trying to claim the role as the 'husband' of our relationship?" With a laugh he snatched the large bear from its place. Stepping out of the room he tried to be quiet, biting down on his bottom lip as the stairs squeaked under his feet.
"Aww is Mr.Mizu leaving already?" Blondie came down the steps and hugged one of Mizu's leg. "Can I come? I wanna come." he pouted as he looked up at Mizu with a puppy face. Meanwhile Lori was just now pulling up in front of the house.

(Short this post is )
Mizu scooped up Blondie without any question about. This was one of Lori's family members that he really seemed to like. "Are you going to be a good boy?"
Blondie smiled brightly and nodded "Yes! I sure will!" Blondie said. He quickly climbed off of Mizu and went to his room, soon returning with a teddy bear suitcase and holding Mizu's hand.
"How're you packed already?" Mizu looked slightly suspicious but mostly amused. This little boy must've planned to leave with them from the beginning. Stepping into the car he said, "How many more tiny blonde boys are going to follow me home?"
"I never unpack my things when I come here. The boogy man might try to get it." Blondie informed "So be careful where you put your stuff Mr. Mizu." He whispered as he slid into the back seat of the car. "So much for alone time." Lori grumbled as he started up the car and drove off. "That bear is huge! Its bigger then me!" Blondie gasped "I wanna hold it! I wanna hold it!"
"We can have alone time whenever," however Mizu did lean over to peck Lori's cheek. He ignored Blondie as he started his excited rant, questioning why exactly he had brought the kid along. "When do you think we should come back? I'm not so sure your father is going to be happy the next time he spots me."
"Mmmhmm." Lori grumbled rolling his eyes. He shrugged when he asked when they should comeback. "I was thinking in 2018 but since you have abducted one of the children I guess soon." Lori sighed.
Mizu had been hoping for some alone time too, of course, but it seemed that the child had made him momentarily forget about it. "2018?! If we waited that long then he'd think I kidnapped you and send the army after me."
Lori laughed "Like he doesn't think you kidnapped me already!" Meanwhile Blondie was in the backseat doing a coloring book. "I'm glad Blondie is coming actually. Now I can see if you're ready to be a daddy. I never seen you with kids." Lori chuckled.
Mizu laughed as well for he knew that those words were probably true. Glancing back over the shoulder of his car seat he watched Blondie color for a moment, turning back after. "How soon are you expecting us to start adopting? We're not even married yet." Lori seemed to have jumped a little too far ahead with his plans.

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