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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Miya giggled and quickly scampered out of the room. Lori laughed and held Mizu tightly "Awww Mizu's embarrassed." Lori said as he pushed Mizu down on the bed. He leaned down and gave Mizu another kiss on the neck.

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"When did you suddenly become a seme?" Mizu questioned as he was pushed down then kissed again. Why did everyone go for his neck? Didn't they understand by now that spot was highly sensitive. After another moan he rolled them over, now on top. "Aren't your parents coming home soon?"
Lori laughed a bit "I'd day I'm more of a seke." He said as Mizu rolled on top of him "Well they are already here, probably down stairs helping." He said. "Why?"

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"Fine, we'll see what happens tonight." It'd be interesting to see how things turned out. "For now we obviously can't do anything. If anybody caught us, especially your parents, then I'd surely be dead." Mizu climbed off of Lori, only to lie down beside him.
Lori groaned loudly and rolled around childishly. "Fine." He groaned obviously not happy. He sat up and played with his ring "So should we get a boy or a girl?" Lori asked with a smile as the cat from this morning came from under the bed."

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Mizu scooped up the kitten, quickly glancing around to see if Luke was stalking them again. "We can get a girl if you want. Might be kind of cute."
Lori smiled and nodded. "Alright. A irl would be good." Lori was happy that Mizu was fine with the idea of starting a family with him. It almost made him giddy in a way. Just then Blondie had came into the room, peering his head through the door. "The foods ready. Time to eat." he said before disappearing. Lori stood up om his feel and s,iled. "Alright. Dont mess up Mizu." Lori said grabing Mizu's hand an tyaking him out of the room and downstairs. When they had made it into the dinning area Mizu was already hugged by Rae, Lori's mom. "Aww its been such a long time since I have seen you." she said. "Still tall as ever."
Mizu wondered if he was ready to handle a son or daughter, after all he was still having difficulty with his main relationship. When Lori had given him 'encouraging' words he found that they only made him more anxious, being anything but encouraging.

"Oh!" Mizu was surprised by the hug, but quickly smiled. "Nice to see you Mrs Chisato. It's been a few years."
She smiled and pulled away from Mizu. "It has been a while." she said before Lori started to pull Mizu along. "Alright alright, you can catch up later." Lori groaned. His mother still looked the same, just older. Lori maneuvered Mizu next to him and sat down. Right across them was Shiro who had his face down on a plate, Miya poking him with the end of her spoon. "This is what happens when you go out all night and come back late in the morning." she sighed, Shiro just groaned in response shooing Miya away. Meanwhile there was was a man with long blonde hair giving Mizu the death glare which could be assumed it was Lori's farther. "Please don't look at him.." Lori mumbled.
Mizu smiled as he glanced around at everyone, avoiding Papa Chisato's eyes just to be safe. This really did feel like a close, happy family -- made him feel quite jealous. Oh well, now wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself.

Waiting until everyone was seated at the table and quiet, Mizu stood up, clearly about to make an announcement to everyone. "I have some important news. You all already know me, I'm Mizu. I'm not rich and I don't own a mansion, but I've fallen head over heels for somebody who had both." He placed a hand on Lori's shoulder. "Lori and I are engaged. We plan to get married on a couple of months." Momentarily he gave the blonde a light squeeze, suddenly feeling a tad bit nervous. Turning his head he dared to look Papa Chisato in the eye, showing no fear. "It's not the money or the fame that I'm after, I truly adore Lori. I'd give my life for Lori. I love him dearly."
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((I'm sorry if you're bored of this, but I at least want to end this rp. Ending with an adorable wedding would be...well, adorable! :3 Sorry if I'm being impatient.))
I am not bored of this! I shall never be! I was on vacation and the stupid hotel had no wifi and when I finally find a wifi source a stoopid storm wants to roll in and cut it off but now I am finally home and I have now grown a strong hatred of the beach. Twas the worst vacation evar!>:V I even dropped my phone in a pool..TT^TT ))

Lori hadnt expected Mizu to make the announcement so soon but the sooner the better. As Mizu made his announcement Lori's cheeks flushed pinker and pinker by the second and his heart rate increased. When Mizu had finally mentioned the engagement Lori's dad AND Shiro choked on their drinks. "Awww thats so friggin adorable!" Miya and Momo fan girled over the too, everyone else seemed to be in awe but Lori's dad and Shiro. "Aww Mizu! Even sweeter that you came up with it on the spot~" Lori said with a bright smile. Just then Lori's dad had sat up from the chair "You're willing to give your life for my son hmm?" he said. "Then you better start running because I am going to kill you!" He growled before pointing at Shiro. "Go get one of my big guns!" Shiro didnt hesitate to jump out of his chsir. "Oh come on you always do stuff like this!" Lori groaned as he held Mizu's arm "I love Mizu and I wanna marry him!" He whined. "What ever happened to the girl Julia I set you up to marry!?" Lori just rolled his eyes and mumbled. "I sent her....away.." Finally Lori's mother cleared her throat and smiled. "Now now Jun there is no reason to overreact." she said. "This is a perfect reason to overreact! How dare he look at me dead in the eye without fear! He broke his heart on multiple occasions what make you think he wont do it again!?" Blondie raised his hand in the air. "I approve!" he giggled "This is grown folk talk.." Vladimir sighed. "Geez why are you all in my business?! Personal space Jun!" Lori said in irritation. "I'm your dad you dont call me by my first name! See you never used to act like this, you used to be all sweet and sugary!" he whined.
((Oh wow....that really sucks T^T stupid wifi and pools..!))

Mizu was surely surprised when both Lori's father and Shiro had jumped up then demanded some guns. Was he really that much unwanted here? "Am I really that hated? Hated enough that you'd actually want to take me down and kill me? Give me the gun. I'll do it myself if I can't be with Lori." That better have shut everybody up.

"Both me and Lori have changed and matured. Lori may not be that tiny innocent angel anymore, but he's still as loving and sweet. As for me, well, I hope I can say that I'm not asshole anymore." Did this man not hear what he had said in the announcement? "I love Lori. If I was just going to break his heart then I wouldn't be marrying and planning to start a family with him. Lori is mine!!"
His farther glared at Mizu. "Yes. I hate you with all my heart because of what you did to Lori and I will never forgive you for that so I will never approve of this marriage! End of discussion!" he said before walking out of the room. "Moom.." Lori complained. "Oh dont worry he is always Mr.Crankypants when he doesn't get sleep so i'm sure he will be fine in the morning." She said with a smile. Lori just sighed before throwing a breadstick at Shiro. "And why were you so easy to cooperate!?" he said with a scowl. Shiro just shrugged. "By this time im sure everyone knows I have feelings for Mizu so of course I don't want this either but its not like my opinion matters so do as you please.." he grumbled as he twirled the breadstick around.
Mizu's eyes widened larger than they've ever been before. That man's words hit been like a punch to the face, but they hurt far worse than that. It's not his fault that his own father had arranged him a marriage. True, he could've been a little more explanatory when he brought the need down on Lori, but he was trying to fix that now. What did he have to do to gain that man's approval?

It definitely didn't help to hear that Shiro still had feelings for him. He had thought that he'd surely have moved on by now, apparently he was quite wrong.

Scooting his chair back into place Mizu left the dining room as well, leaving without a word to head for the front door. Slamming the door behind him he went to sit in the garden, alone. He hoped that nobody found him, not even Lori, he wanted some time to think. "What do they want from me? This whole thing is f*cked up..." Sitting beside the bush of roses he pulled his long legs against his chest then buried his face into his knees. Mizu wasn't crying. He refused to cry. "I'm trying to be strong and like an adult, but I weaker than I was as a teenager."
"Mizu.." Lori whimpered when he had left the dinning room as well. "I knew I shouldnt have brung him here." he grumbled as he sat up as well and left. He knew that Mizu probably wanted some time to himself so he decided not to bother him right now. Instead he went upstairs in his room and started pack their stuff. He wanted to leave with Mizu. When Lori was finished he went downstairs and out of the house to find Mizu who he soon found in the garden. Lori sat next to Mizu and leaned against. "Lets go home tonight." he said "I wanna go home with you."
"No...I want your father's approval. If we just leave now then he'll always glare at me and point at my head." Mizu wrapped an arm around Lori, letting his curled up position loosen, allowing his body to simply be in a sitting position. "I'll talk to him again. Don't know what to do about him...or your brother, but I hope they hope just move on."

A rose fell onto his lap which Mizu plucked up to place behind Lori's ear. "What should I do? I don't know what they want from me."
"You dont need to prove anything to my dad Mizu. I love you and either way I am going to marry you with or without his approval. I love you." Lori said as he wrapped an arm around him. He laid his head against his chest as he placed a rose behind his ear. "He just needs some time to think about before he comes around so dont worry about it." Lori said. He leaned up and kissed Mizu on the cheek sweetly.
Mizu pulled Lori up onto his lap before he lovingly kissed him, "I'm sorry. It's just hard on me." He brushed some Lori's blonde hair back into place before leaning his forehead against his. "I don't want two fathers hating me," he was referring both of their fathers, neither one of cared for him.

"Do you really want to leave?" Mizu looked like he was about to start crying, tears already forming in those green eyes of his. "Sorry...I'm not trying to cry." He murmured as they began raining down. That man rarely ever cried so this clearly was a big deal to him.
Lori smiled as he was pulled onto Mizu's lap and given a lovely kiss. "Its ok Mizu. My farther has a habit of saying things he doesnt mean. He probably doesn't hate you. Just really doesnt like you." he knew that wasnt exactly helping. As he saw Mizu about to cry he pulled Mizu's head into his chest and ran his fingers through his hair gently. "Yes I want to leave. I dont want to stay in a place that is making you like this. We can always come back and try again." Lori said with a small smile.
Mizu didn't feel any better, at least not until he was pulled into Lori's chest and his hair was fiddled with. He loved when Lori ran his little fingers through his hair, it calmed him down and felt nice. "Alright...let's get going. You're right, we'll come back again later."
Lori smiled and nuzzled his chin against the top of Mizu's head. "Lets just stay like this for a bit more." he said soothingly. "If you want to cry then you can." his hands stroked his hair and down his neck, wanting to soothe Mizu.
Mizu began to shiver and not just because Lori had ran his fingers over his neck. He had started crying before Lori had even suggested it. "But I don't want to cry..." vulnerable, Mizu always looked so vulnerable whenever he cried. Tears fell from his cheeks to get his fiance's shirt all wet. His arms slipped around Lori's tiny waist to hold him close. "This is the only person I'll allow to see me cry."
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"But you need to cry." Lori said as he held Mizu tighter. He could feel his shirt getting wet from Mizu's tears. He kissed the top of his head "I love you so much Mizu. You can always cry around me."

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